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Python Mesh.num_facets方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中dolfin.Mesh.num_facets方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Mesh.num_facets方法的具体用法?Python Mesh.num_facets怎么用?Python Mesh.num_facets使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在dolfin.Mesh的用法示例。


示例1: convert_and_create_facet_mesh_function

# 需要导入模块: from dolfin import Mesh [as 别名]
# 或者: from dolfin.Mesh import num_facets [as 别名]
def convert_and_create_facet_mesh_function ( ifilename, ofilename ):
    # First convert the gmsh mesh
    meshconvert.convert2xml ( ifilename, ofilename )
    # Now load the created mesh and initialise the required connectivity information
    mesh = Mesh ( ofilename )
    File ( ofilename ) << mesh
    D = mesh.topology().dim()
    mesh.init(D-1, 0)
    # read the data from the gmsh file once again
    dim_count, vertices_used, tags = process_gmsh_elements( ifilename, D-1 )
    # Get the facet-node connectivity information (reshape as a row of node indices per facet)
    facets_as_nodes = mesh.topology()(D-1,0)().reshape ( mesh.num_facets(), D )
    # Create and initialise the mesh function
    facet_mark_function = MeshFunction ( 'uint', mesh, D-1 )
    facet_mark_function.set_all( 0 )
    # set the relevant values of the mesh function
    facets_to_check = range( mesh.num_facets() )
    for i in range(len(tags)):
        nodes = np.sort(np.array(vertices_used[2*i:(2*i+D)]))
        value  = tags[i][0]
        if value != 0:
            found = False
            for j in range(len(facets_to_check)):
                index = facets_to_check[j]
                if np.array_equal(facets_as_nodes[index,:], nodes):
                    found = True;
                    # set the value of the mesh function
                    facet_mark_function[index] = value
            if not found:
                raise Exception ( "The facet (%d) was not found to mark: %s" % (i, nodes) )
    # save the mesh function to file
    fname = os.path.splitext(ofilename)[0]
    mesh_function_file = File("%s_%s.xml" % (fname, "facet_regions"))
    mesh_function_file << facet_mark_function

示例2: convert

# 需要导入模块: from dolfin import Mesh [as 别名]
# 或者: from dolfin.Mesh import num_facets [as 别名]

        for idx, (c_index, c_data) in enumerate(elems.items()):
            for v_id in c_data:
                if not (0 <= v_id < len(nodes)):
                    handler.error("Element %s references non-existent node %s" % (c_index, v_id))
            handler.add_cell(idx, c_data)

            if process_facets:
                c_data_tmp = np.array(c_data)
                mesh_editor.add_cell(idx, np.array(c_data_tmp, dtype=np.uintp))


        for idx, (c_id, c_data) in enumerate(elems.items()):
            c_nodes = []
            for v_id in c_data:
                try: c_nodes.append(node_ids_order[v_id])  
                except ValueError:
                    handler.error("Element %s references non-existent node %s" % (c_id, v_id))
            handler.add_cell(idx, c_nodes)

            if process_facets:
                mesh_editor.add_cell(idx, np.array(c_nodes, dtype=np.uintp))


    # Write MeshValueCollections to XML file

    # Build a abaqus node ID -> dolfin cell ID map (which is not unique but that is irrelevant here)
    #                           and its local entity.
    if len(node_sets.items()) > 0:
        node_cell_map = {}
        for c_dolfin_index, (c_index, c_data) in enumerate(elems.items()):
            c_data_tmp = np.array(c_data)
            for local_entity, n_index in enumerate(c_data_tmp):
                node_cell_map[n_index] = (c_dolfin_index, local_entity)

    # Write vertex/node sets
    dim = 0
    for value, (name, node_set) in enumerate(node_sets.items()):
        handler.start_mesh_value_collection(name, dim, len(node_set), "uint")

        for node in node_set:
                cell, local_entity = node_cell_map[node]
                handler.add_entity_mesh_value_collection(dim, cell, value, local_entity=local_entity)
            except KeyError:
                print "Warning: Boundary references non-existent node %s" % node

    # Write cell/element sets
    dim = 3
    for name, s in cell_sets.items():
        handler.start_mesh_value_collection(name, dim, len(s), "uint")
        for cell in s:
            handler.add_entity_mesh_value_collection(dim, cell, 0)

    # Write surface sets
    if process_facets:
        dim = 2
        nodes_facet_map = _nodes_facet_map(mesh)

        data = [int(0)] * mesh.num_facets()
        S1 = [0, 1, 2]
        S2 = [0, 3, 1]
        S3 = [1, 3, 2]
        S4 = [2, 3, 0]
        node_selector = {'S1': S1,
                         'S2': S2,
                         'S3': S3,
                         'S4': S4,

        for index, (name, s) in enumerate(surface_sets.items()):
            cell_face_list = []
            for cell_set_name, face_index in s:
                cell_face_list += [(cell, face_index) for cell in cell_sets[cell_set_name]]

            for cell, face in cell_face_list:
                cell_nodes = elems[cell]
                # Extract the face nodes
                face_nodes = [cell_nodes[i] for i in node_selector[face]]
                dolfin_face_nodes = [node_ids_order[n] for n in face_nodes]
                # Convert the face_nodes to dolfin IDs
                face_id = nodes_facet_map[tuple(dolfin_face_nodes)]
                data[face_id] = index + 1

        # Create and initialise the mesh function
        handler.start_meshfunction("facet_region", dim, mesh.num_facets() )
        for index, physical_region in enumerate (data):
            handler.add_entity_meshfunction(index, physical_region)


示例3: gmsh2xml

# 需要导入模块: from dolfin import Mesh [as 别名]
# 或者: from dolfin.Mesh import num_facets [as 别名]

        elif state == 7:
            if line == "$Elements":
                state = 8
        elif state == 8:
            if process_facets:
                mesh_editor.init_cells( num_cells_counted )

            state = 9
        elif state == 9:
            element = line.split()
            elem_type = int(element[1])
            num_tags  = int(element[2])
            if elem_type in supported_gmsh_element_types:
                dim = gmsh_dim[elem_type]
                dim = 0
            if dim == highest_dim:
                node_num_list = [vertex_dict[int(node)] for node in element[3 + num_tags:]]
                for node in node_num_list:
                    if not node in nodelist:
                        _error("Vertex %d of %s %d not previously defined." %
                              (node, cell_type_for_dim[dim], num_cells_read))
                cell_nodes = [nodelist[n] for n in node_num_list]
                handler.add_cell(num_cells_read, cell_nodes)

                if process_facets:
                    cell_nodes = numpy.array([nodelist[n] for n in node_num_list], dtype=numpy.uintp)
                    mesh_editor.add_cell(num_cells_read, cell_nodes)

                num_cells_read +=1

            if num_cells_counted == num_cells_read:
                if process_facets:
                state = 10
        elif state == 10:

    # Write mesh function based on the Physical Regions defined by
    # gmsh, but only if they are not all zero. All zero physical
    # regions indicate that no physical regions were defined.
    if highest_dim not in [1,2,3]:
        _error("Gmsh tags not supported for dimension %i. Probably a bug" % dim)

    tags = tags_for_dim[highest_dim]
    physical_regions = tuple(tag[0] for tag in tags)
    if not all(tag == 0 for tag in physical_regions):
        handler.start_meshfunction("physical_region", dim, num_cells_counted)
        for i, physical_region in enumerate(physical_regions):
            handler.add_entity_meshfunction(i, physical_region)

    # Now process the facet markers
    tags = tags_for_dim[highest_dim-1]
    if (len(tags) > 0) and (mesh is not None):
        physical_regions = tuple(tag[0] for tag in tags)
        if not all(tag == 0 for tag in physical_regions):

            # Get the facet-node connectivity information (reshape as a row of node indices per facet)
            if highest_dim==1:
              # for 1d meshes the mesh topology returns the vertex to vertex map, which isn't what we want
              # as facets are vertices
              facets_as_nodes = numpy.array([[i] for i in range(mesh.num_facets())])
              facets_as_nodes = mesh.topology()(highest_dim-1,0)().reshape ( mesh.num_facets(), highest_dim )

            # Build the reverse map
            nodes_as_facets = {}
            for facet in range(mesh.num_facets()):
              nodes_as_facets[tuple(facets_as_nodes[facet,:])] = facet

            data = [int(0*k) for k in range(mesh.num_facets()) ]
            for i, physical_region in enumerate(physical_regions):
                nodes = [n-1 for n in vertices_used_for_dim[highest_dim-1][highest_dim*i:(highest_dim*i+highest_dim)]]

                if physical_region != 0:
                        index = nodes_as_facets[tuple(nodes)]
                        data[index] = physical_region
                    except IndexError:
                        raise Exception ( "The facet (%d) was not found to mark: %s" % (i, nodes) )

#            # Create and initialise the mesh function
            handler.start_meshfunction("facet_region", highest_dim-1, mesh.num_facets() )
            for index, physical_region in enumerate ( data ):
                handler.add_entity_meshfunction(index, physical_region)

    # Check that we got all data
    if state == 10:
        print "Conversion done"
       _error("Missing data, unable to convert \n\ Did you use version 2.0 of the gmsh file format?")

    # Close files
