本文整理汇总了Python中dolfin.Function类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Function类的具体用法?Python Function怎么用?Python Function使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: readV
def readV(self, functionspaces_V):
# Solutions:
self.V = functionspaces_V['V']
self.test = TestFunction(self.V)
self.trial = TrialFunction(self.V)
self.u0 = Function(self.V) # u(t-Dt)
self.u1 = Function(self.V) # u(t)
self.u2 = Function(self.V) # u(t+Dt)
self.rhs = Function(self.V)
self.sol = Function(self.V)
# Parameters:
self.Vl = functionspaces_V['Vl']
self.lam = Function(self.Vl)
self.Vr = functionspaces_V['Vr']
self.rho = Function(self.Vr)
if functionspaces_V.has_key('Vm'):
self.Vm = functionspaces_V['Vm']
self.mu = Function(self.Vm)
self.elastic = True
self.elastic = False
self.weak_k = inner(self.lam*nabla_grad(self.trial), \
self.weak_m = inner(self.rho*self.trial,self.test)*dx
示例2: before_first_compute
def before_first_compute(self, get):
u = get("Velocity")
V = u.function_space()
spaces = SpacePool(V.mesh())
degree = V.ufl_element().degree()
if degree <= 1:
Q = spaces.get_grad_space(V, shape=(spaces.d,))
if degree > 2:
cbc_warning("Unable to handle higher order WSS space. Using CG1.")
Q = spaces.get_space(1,1)
Q_boundary = spaces.get_space(Q.ufl_element().degree(), 1, boundary=True)
self.v = TestFunction(Q)
self.tau = Function(Q, name="WSS_full")
self.tau_boundary = Function(Q_boundary, name="WSS")
local_dofmapping = mesh_to_boundarymesh_dofmap(spaces.BoundaryMesh, Q, Q_boundary)
self._keys = np.array(local_dofmapping.keys(), dtype=np.intc)
self._values = np.array(local_dofmapping.values(), dtype=np.intc)
self._temp_array = np.zeros(len(self._keys), dtype=np.float_)
Mb = assemble(inner(TestFunction(Q_boundary), TrialFunction(Q_boundary))*dx)
self.solver = create_solver("gmres", "jacobi")
self.b = Function(Q_boundary).vector()
self._n = FacetNormal(V.mesh())
示例3: step
def step(self, u1, u0, t, dt,
v = TestFunction(self.problem.V)
L, b = self.problem.get_system(t)
Lu0 = Function(self.problem.V)
L.mult(u0.vector(), Lu0.vector())
rhs = assemble(u0 * v * self.problem.dx_multiplier * self.problem.dx)
rhs.axpy(dt, -Lu0.vector() + b)
A = self.M
# Apply boundary conditions.
for bc in self.problem.get_bcs(t + dt):
bc.apply(A, rhs)
# Both Jacobi-and AMG-preconditioners are order-optimal for the mass
# matrix, Jacobi is a little more lightweight.
solver = KrylovSolver('cg', 'jacobi')
solver.parameters['relative_tolerance'] = tol
solver.parameters['absolute_tolerance'] = 0.0
solver.parameters['maximum_iterations'] = maxiter
solver.parameters['monitor_convergence'] = verbose
solver.solve(u1.vector(), rhs)
示例4: solve_alpha_M_beta_F
def solve_alpha_M_beta_F(self, alpha, beta, b, t):
"""Solve :code:`alpha * M * u + beta * F(u, t) = b` with Dirichlet
matrix = alpha * self.M + beta * self.A
# See above for float conversion
right_hand_side = -float(beta) * self.b.copy()
if b:
right_hand_side += b
for bc in self.dirichlet_bcs:
bc.apply(matrix, right_hand_side)
# TODO proper preconditioner for convection
if self.convection:
# Use HYPRE-Euclid instead of ILU for parallel computation.
# However, this PC sometimes fails.
# solver = KrylovSolver('gmres', 'hypre_euclid')
# Fallback:
solver = LUSolver()
solver = KrylovSolver("gmres", "hypre_amg")
solver.parameters["relative_tolerance"] = 1.0e-13
solver.parameters["absolute_tolerance"] = 0.0
solver.parameters["maximum_iterations"] = 100
solver.parameters["monitor_convergence"] = True
u = Function(self.Q)
solver.solve(u.vector(), right_hand_side)
return u
示例5: visualize
def visualize(self, it=0):
var = "cell_powers"
should_vis = divmod(it, self.parameters["visualization"][var])[1] == 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
should_vis = False
if should_vis:
if not self.up_to_date[var]:
qfun = Function(self.DD.V0)
qfun.vector()[:] = self.E
qfun.rename("q", "Power")
self.vis_files["cell_powers"] << (qfun, float(it))
var = "flux"
should_vis = divmod(it, self.parameters["visualization"][var])[1] == 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
should_vis = False
if should_vis:
if not self.up_to_date[var]:
for g in xrange(self.DD.G):
self.vis_files["flux"][g] << (self.phi_mg[g], float(it))
示例6: get_coarse_level_extensions
def get_coarse_level_extensions(self, M_fine):
if self.verbosity >= 3:
print0(pid+" calculating coarse matrices extensions")
timer = Timer("Coarse matrices extensions")
Mx_fun = Function(self.problem.V_fine)
Mx_vec = Mx_fun.vector()
M_fine.mult(self.vec_fine, Mx_vec)
# M11
xtMx = MPI_sum0( numpy.dot(self.vec_fine.get_local(), Mx_vec.get_local()) )
# Mi1
PtMx_fun = interpolate(Mx_fun, self.problem.V_coarse)
PtMx = PtMx_fun.vector().get_local()
# M1j
if self.problem.sym:
PtMtx = PtMx
self.A_fine.transpmult(self.vec_fine, Mx_vec)
PtMx_fun = interpolate(Mx_fun, self.problem.V_coarse)
PtMtx = PtMx_fun.vector().get_local()
return xtMx, PtMtx, PtMx
示例7: montecarlo
def montecarlo(self, V, interface, **kwargs):
import _hybridmc as core
dims = kwargs.get("Omega")
bc = DirichletBC(V, 1.0, interface)
coords, keys = tools.get_boundary_coords(bc)
dim = len(dims)
nof_nodes = len(coords) / dim
D = np.array(dims, dtype=np.float_)
node_coord = np.array(coords, dtype=np.float_)
f = kwargs.get("f")
q = kwargs.get("q")
walks = kwargs.get("walks", 5000)
btol = kwargs.get("btol", 1e-13)
threads = kwargs.get("threads", 6)
mpi_workers = kwargs.get("mpi_workers", 0)
OpenCL = kwargs.get("OpenCL", False)
if OpenCL and not core.opencl:
print "**** WARNING **** : Module %s compiled without OpenCL supprt. Recompile with -DOPENCL_SUPPORT" % (
print "**** WARNING **** : Running multithread CPU version"
OpenCL = False
if not OpenCL:
f = Expression(f)
q = Expression(q)
value = core.montecarlo(D, dim, node_coord, nof_nodes, f, q, walks, btol, threads, mpi_workers)
est = Function(V)
est.vector()[keys] = value
mcbc = DirichletBC(V, est, interface)
return mcbc, est
示例8: les_setup
def les_setup(u_, mesh, KineticEnergySGS, assemble_matrix, CG1Function, nut_krylov_solver, bcs, **NS_namespace):
Set up for solving the Kinetic Energy SGS-model.
DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
CG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
dim = mesh.geometry().dim()
delta = Function(DG)
delta.vector().axpy(1.0, assemble(TestFunction(DG)*dx))
Ck = KineticEnergySGS["Ck"]
ksgs = interpolate(Constant(1E-7), CG1)
bc_ksgs = DirichletBC(CG1, 0, "on_boundary")
A_mass = assemble_matrix(TrialFunction(CG1)*TestFunction(CG1)*dx)
nut_form = Ck * delta * sqrt(ksgs)
bcs_nut = derived_bcs(CG1, bcs['u0'], u_)
nut_ = CG1Function(nut_form, mesh, method=nut_krylov_solver, bcs=bcs_nut, bounded=True, name="nut")
At = Matrix()
bt = Vector(nut_.vector())
ksgs_sol = KrylovSolver("bicgstab", "additive_schwarz")
ksgs_sol.parameters["preconditioner"]["structure"] = "same_nonzero_pattern"
ksgs_sol.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = False
ksgs_sol.parameters["monitor_convergence"] = False
ksgs_sol.parameters["report"] = False
del NS_namespace
return locals()
示例9: test_pointsource_matrix_second_constructor
def test_pointsource_matrix_second_constructor(mesh, point):
"""Tests point source when given different constructor PointSource(V1,
V2, point, mag) with a matrix and when placed at a node for 1D, 2D
and 3D. Global points given to constructor from rank 0
processor. Currently only implemented if V1=V2.
V1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
rank = MPI.rank(mesh.mpi_comm())
u, v = TrialFunction(V1), TestFunction(V2)
w = Function(V1)
A = assemble(Constant(0.0)*u*v*dx)
if rank == 0:
ps = PointSource(V1, V2, point, 10.0)
ps = PointSource(V1, V2, [])
# Checks array sums to correct value
a_sum = MPI.sum(mesh.mpi_comm(), np.sum(A.array()))
assert round(a_sum - 10.0) == 0
# Checks point source is added to correct part of the array
v2d = vertex_to_dof_map(V1)
for v in vertices(mesh):
if near(v.midpoint().distance(point), 0.0):
ind = v2d[v.index()]
if ind < len(A.array()):
assert np.round(w.vector()[ind] - 10.0) == 0
示例10: __init__
def __init__(self, V):
u = Function(V)
self.one = u.vector()
self.Mdiag = self.one.copy()
self.Mdiag2 = self.one.copy()
self.invMdiag = self.one.copy()
示例11: __setstate__
def __setstate__(self, d):
"""pickling restore"""
# mesh
verts = d['coordinates']
elems = d['cells']
dim = verts.shape[1]
mesh = Mesh()
ME = MeshEditor()
ME.open(mesh, dim, dim)
for i, v in enumerate(verts):
ME.add_vertex(i, v[0], v[1])
for i, c in enumerate(elems):
ME.add_cell(i, c[0], c[1], c[2])
# function space
if d['num_subspaces'] > 1:
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, d['family'], d['degree'])
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, d['family'], d['degree'])
# vector
v = Function(V)
v.vector()[:] = d['array']
self._fefunc = v
示例12: cyclic3D
def cyclic3D(u):
""" Symmetrize with respect to (xyz) cycle. """
nrm = np.linalg.norm(u.vector())
V = u.function_space()
assert V.mesh().topology().dim() == 3
mesh1 = Mesh(V.mesh())
mesh1.coordinates()[:, :] = mesh1.coordinates()[:, [1, 2, 0]]
W1 = FunctionSpace(mesh1, 'CG', 1)
# testing if symmetric
bc = DirichletBC(V, 1, DomainBoundary())
test = Function(V)
test = interpolate(Function(W1, test.vector()), V)
assert max(test.vector()) - min(test.vector()) < 1.1
v1 = interpolate(Function(W1, u.vector()), V)
mesh2 = Mesh(mesh1)
mesh2.coordinates()[:, :] = mesh2.coordinates()[:, [1, 2, 0]]
W2 = FunctionSpace(mesh2, 'CG', 1)
v2 = interpolate(Function(W2, u.vector()), V)
pr = project(u+v1+v2)
assert np.linalg.norm(pr.vector())/nrm > 0.01
return pr
print "Cyclic symmetrization failed!"
return u
示例13: __init__
def __init__(self, nut, u, Space, bcs=[], name=""):
Function.__init__(self, Space, name=name)
dim = Space.mesh().geometry().dim()
test = TestFunction(Space)
self.bf = [inner(inner(grad(nut), u.dx(i)), test)*dx for i in range(dim)]
示例14: WSS
class WSS(Field):
def add_fields(self):
return [DynamicViscosity()]
def before_first_compute(self, get):
u = get("Velocity")
V = u.function_space()
spaces = SpacePool(V.mesh())
degree = V.ufl_element().degree()
if degree <= 1:
Q = spaces.get_grad_space(V, shape=(spaces.d,))
if degree > 2:
cbc_warning("Unable to handle higher order WSS space. Using CG1.")
Q = spaces.get_space(1,1)
Q_boundary = spaces.get_space(Q.ufl_element().degree(), 1, boundary=True)
self.v = TestFunction(Q)
self.tau = Function(Q, name="WSS_full")
self.tau_boundary = Function(Q_boundary, name="WSS")
local_dofmapping = mesh_to_boundarymesh_dofmap(spaces.BoundaryMesh, Q, Q_boundary)
self._keys = np.array(local_dofmapping.keys(), dtype=np.intc)
self._values = np.array(local_dofmapping.values(), dtype=np.intc)
self._temp_array = np.zeros(len(self._keys), dtype=np.float_)
Mb = assemble(inner(TestFunction(Q_boundary), TrialFunction(Q_boundary))*dx)
self.solver = create_solver("gmres", "jacobi")
self.b = Function(Q_boundary).vector()
self._n = FacetNormal(V.mesh())
def compute(self, get):
u = get("Velocity")
mu = get("DynamicViscosity")
if isinstance(mu, (float, int)):
mu = Constant(mu)
n = self._n
T = -mu*dot((grad(u) + grad(u).T), n)
Tn = dot(T, n)
Tt = T - Tn*n
tau_form = dot(self.v, Tt)*ds()
assemble(tau_form, tensor=self.tau.vector())
#self.b[self._keys] = self.tau.vector()[self._values] # FIXME: This is not safe!!!
get_set_vector(self.b, self._keys, self.tau.vector(), self._values, self._temp_array)
# Ensure proper scaling
self.solver.solve(self.tau_boundary.vector(), self.b)
return self.tau_boundary
示例15: apply_sqrtM
def apply_sqrtM(self, vect):
"""Compute M^{1/2}.vect from Vector() vect"""
sqrtMv = Function(self.Vm)
for ii in range(self.Vm.dim()):
r, c, rx, cx = self.eigsolM.get_eigenpair(ii)
RX = Vector(rx)
sqrtMv.vector().axpy(np.sqrt(r)*np.dot(rx.array(), vect.array()), RX)
return sqrtMv.vector()