本文整理汇总了Python中docutils.writers.html5_polyglot.HTMLTranslator类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python HTMLTranslator类的具体用法?Python HTMLTranslator怎么用?Python HTMLTranslator使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: visit_title
def visit_title(self, node):
# type: (nodes.Node) -> None
BaseTranslator.visit_title(self, node)
if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.table):
self.body.append('<span class="caption-text">')
示例2: visit_caption
def visit_caption(self, node):
# type: (nodes.Node) -> None
if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.container) and node.parent.get('literal_block'):
self.body.append('<div class="code-block-caption">')
BaseTranslator.visit_caption(self, node)
self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'span', '', CLASS='caption-text'))
示例3: visit_literal_block
def visit_literal_block(self, node):
# type: (nodes.Node) -> None
if node.rawsource != node.astext():
# most probably a parsed-literal block -- don't highlight
return BaseTranslator.visit_literal_block(self, node)
lang = self.highlightlang
linenos = node.rawsource.count('\n') >= \
self.highlightlinenothreshold - 1
highlight_args = node.get('highlight_args', {})
if 'language' in node:
# code-block directives
lang = node['language']
highlight_args['force'] = True
if 'linenos' in node:
linenos = node['linenos']
if lang is self.highlightlang_base:
# only pass highlighter options for original language
opts = self.highlightopts
opts = {}
highlighted = self.highlighter.highlight_block(
node.rawsource, lang, opts=opts, linenos=linenos,
location=(self.builder.current_docname, node.line), **highlight_args
starttag = self.starttag(node, 'div', suffix='',
CLASS='highlight-%s' % lang)
self.body.append(starttag + highlighted + '</div>\n')
raise nodes.SkipNode
示例4: depart_caption
def depart_caption(self, node):
# type: (nodes.Node) -> None
# append permalink if available
if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.container) and node.parent.get('literal_block'):
self.add_permalink_ref(node.parent, _('Permalink to this code'))
elif isinstance(node.parent, nodes.figure):
image_nodes = node.parent.traverse(nodes.image)
target_node = image_nodes and image_nodes[0] or node.parent
self.add_permalink_ref(target_node, _('Permalink to this image'))
elif node.parent.get('toctree'):
self.add_permalink_ref(node.parent.parent, _('Permalink to this toctree'))
if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.container) and node.parent.get('literal_block'):
BaseTranslator.depart_caption(self, node)
示例5: __init__
def __init__(self, builder, *args, **kwds):
# type: (StandaloneHTMLBuilder, Any, Any) -> None
BaseTranslator.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
self.highlighter = builder.highlighter
self.builder = builder
self.docnames = [builder.current_docname] # for singlehtml builder
self.manpages_url = builder.config.manpages_url
self.protect_literal_text = 0
self.permalink_text = builder.config.html_add_permalinks
# support backwards-compatible setting to a bool
if not isinstance(self.permalink_text, string_types):
self.permalink_text = self.permalink_text and u'\u00B6' or ''
self.permalink_text = self.encode(self.permalink_text)
self.secnumber_suffix = builder.config.html_secnumber_suffix
self.param_separator = ''
self.optional_param_level = 0
self._table_row_index = 0
self.required_params_left = 0
示例6: should_be_compact_paragraph
def should_be_compact_paragraph(self, node):
# type: (nodes.Node) -> bool
"""Determine if the <p> tags around paragraph can be omitted."""
if isinstance(node.parent, addnodes.desc_content):
# Never compact desc_content items.
return False
if isinstance(node.parent, addnodes.versionmodified):
# Never compact versionmodified nodes.
return False
return BaseTranslator.should_be_compact_paragraph(self, node)
示例7: depart_title
def depart_title(self, node):
# type: (nodes.Node) -> None
close_tag = self.context[-1]
if (self.permalink_text and self.builder.add_permalinks and
node.parent.hasattr('ids') and node.parent['ids']):
# add permalink anchor
if close_tag.startswith('</h'):
self.add_permalink_ref(node.parent, _('Permalink to this headline'))
elif close_tag.startswith('</a></h'):
self.body.append(u'</a><a class="headerlink" href="#%s" ' %
node.parent['ids'][0] +
u'title="%s">%s' % (
_('Permalink to this headline'),
elif isinstance(node.parent, nodes.table):
self.add_permalink_ref(node.parent, _('Permalink to this table'))
elif isinstance(node.parent, nodes.table):
BaseTranslator.depart_title(self, node)
示例8: visit_image
def visit_image(self, node):
# type: (nodes.Node) -> None
olduri = node['uri']
# rewrite the URI if the environment knows about it
if olduri in self.builder.images:
node['uri'] = posixpath.join(self.builder.imgpath,
uri = node['uri']
if uri.lower().endswith(('svg', 'svgz')):
atts = {'src': uri}
if 'width' in node:
atts['width'] = node['width']
if 'height' in node:
atts['height'] = node['height']
atts['alt'] = node.get('alt', uri)
if 'align' in node:
self.body.append('<div align="%s" class="align-%s">' %
(node['align'], node['align']))
self.body.append(self.emptytag(node, 'img', '', **atts))
if 'scale' in node:
# Try to figure out image height and width. Docutils does that too,
# but it tries the final file name, which does not necessarily exist
# yet at the time the HTML file is written.
if not ('width' in node and 'height' in node):
size = get_image_size(os.path.join(self.builder.srcdir, olduri))
if size is None:
logger.warning('Could not obtain image size. :scale: option is ignored.',
if 'width' not in node:
node['width'] = str(size[0])
if 'height' not in node:
node['height'] = str(size[1])
BaseTranslator.visit_image(self, node)
示例9: visit_literal_block
def visit_literal_block(self, node):
# type: (nodes.Node) -> None
if node.rawsource != node.astext():
# most probably a parsed-literal block -- don't highlight
return BaseTranslator.visit_literal_block(self, node)
lang = node.get('language', 'default')
linenos = node.get('linenos', False)
highlight_args = node.get('highlight_args', {})
highlight_args['force'] = node.get('force_highlighting', False)
if lang is self.builder.config.highlight_language:
# only pass highlighter options for original language
opts = self.builder.config.highlight_options
opts = {}
highlighted = self.highlighter.highlight_block(
node.rawsource, lang, opts=opts, linenos=linenos,
location=(self.builder.current_docname, node.line), **highlight_args
starttag = self.starttag(node, 'div', suffix='',
CLASS='highlight-%s notranslate' % lang)
self.body.append(starttag + highlighted + '</div>\n')
raise nodes.SkipNode
示例10: visit_field_list
def visit_field_list(self, node):
# type: (nodes.Node) -> None
self._fieldlist_row_index = 0
return BaseTranslator.visit_field_list(self, node)
示例11: depart_image
def depart_image(self, node):
# type: (nodes.Node) -> None
if node['uri'].lower().endswith(('svg', 'svgz')):
BaseTranslator.depart_image(self, node)
示例12: visit_bullet_list
def visit_bullet_list(self, node):
# type: (nodes.Node) -> None
if len(node) == 1 and node[0].tagname == 'toctree':
# avoid emitting empty <ul></ul>
raise nodes.SkipNode
BaseTranslator.visit_bullet_list(self, node)
示例13: __init__
def __init__(self, doc):
BaseTranslator.__init__(self, doc)