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Python GEOSCoordSeq.clone方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中django.contrib.gis.geos.coordseq.GEOSCoordSeq.clone方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python GEOSCoordSeq.clone方法的具体用法?Python GEOSCoordSeq.clone怎么用?Python GEOSCoordSeq.clone使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在django.contrib.gis.geos.coordseq.GEOSCoordSeq的用法示例。


示例1: GEOSGeometryBase

# 需要导入模块: from django.contrib.gis.geos.coordseq import GEOSCoordSeq [as 别名]
# 或者: from django.contrib.gis.geos.coordseq.GEOSCoordSeq import clone [as 别名]
class GEOSGeometryBase(GEOSBase):

    _GEOS_CLASSES = None

    ptr_type = GEOM_PTR
    destructor = capi.destroy_geom
    has_cs = False  # Only Point, LineString, LinearRing have coordinate sequences

    def __init__(self, ptr, cls):
        self._ptr = ptr

        # Setting the class type (e.g., Point, Polygon, etc.)
        if type(self) in (GEOSGeometryBase, GEOSGeometry):
            if cls is None:
                if GEOSGeometryBase._GEOS_CLASSES is None:
                    # Inner imports avoid import conflicts with GEOSGeometry.
                    from .linestring import LineString, LinearRing
                    from .point import Point
                    from .polygon import Polygon
                    from .collections import (
                        GeometryCollection, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon,
                    GEOSGeometryBase._GEOS_CLASSES = {
                        0: Point,
                        1: LineString,
                        2: LinearRing,
                        3: Polygon,
                        4: MultiPoint,
                        5: MultiLineString,
                        6: MultiPolygon,
                        7: GeometryCollection,
                cls = GEOSGeometryBase._GEOS_CLASSES[self.geom_typeid]
            self.__class__ = cls

    def _post_init(self):
        "Perform post-initialization setup."
        # Setting the coordinate sequence for the geometry (will be None on
        # geometries that do not have coordinate sequences)
        self._cs = GEOSCoordSeq(capi.get_cs(self.ptr), self.hasz) if self.has_cs else None

    def __copy__(self):
        Return a clone because the copy of a GEOSGeometry may contain an
        invalid pointer location if the original is garbage collected.
        return self.clone()

    def __deepcopy__(self, memodict):
        The `deepcopy` routine is used by the `Node` class of django.utils.tree;
        thus, the protocol routine needs to be implemented to return correct
        copies (clones) of these GEOS objects, which use C pointers.
        return self.clone()

    def __str__(self):
        "EWKT is used for the string representation."
        return self.ewkt

    def __repr__(self):
        "Short-hand representation because WKT may be very large."
        return '<%s object at %s>' % (self.geom_type, hex(addressof(self.ptr)))

    # Pickling support
    def __getstate__(self):
        # The pickled state is simply a tuple of the WKB (in string form)
        # and the SRID.
        return bytes(self.wkb), self.srid

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        # Instantiating from the tuple state that was pickled.
        wkb, srid = state
        ptr = wkb_r().read(memoryview(wkb))
        if not ptr:
            raise GEOSException('Invalid Geometry loaded from pickled state.')
        self.ptr = ptr
        self.srid = srid

    def _from_wkb(cls, wkb):
        return wkb_r().read(wkb)

    def from_ewkt(ewkt):
        ewkt = force_bytes(ewkt)
        srid = None
        parts = ewkt.split(b';', 1)
        if len(parts) == 2:
            srid_part, wkt = parts
            match = re.match(br'SRID=(?P<srid>\-?\d+)', srid_part)
            if not match:
                raise ValueError('EWKT has invalid SRID part.')
            srid = int(match.group('srid'))
            wkt = ewkt
        if not wkt:
            raise ValueError('Expected WKT but got an empty string.')

示例2: GEOSGeometry

# 需要导入模块: from django.contrib.gis.geos.coordseq import GEOSCoordSeq [as 别名]
# 或者: from django.contrib.gis.geos.coordseq.GEOSCoordSeq import clone [as 别名]
class GEOSGeometry(GEOSBase, ListMixin):
    "A class that, generally, encapsulates a GEOS geometry."

    # Raise GEOSIndexError instead of plain IndexError
    # (see ticket #4740 and GEOSIndexError docstring)
    _IndexError = GEOSIndexError

    ptr_type = GEOM_PTR

    #### Python 'magic' routines ####
    def __init__(self, geo_input, srid=None):
        The base constructor for GEOS geometry objects, and may take the
        following inputs:

         * strings:
            - WKT
            - HEXEWKB (a PostGIS-specific canonical form)
            - GeoJSON (requires GDAL)
         * buffer:
            - WKB

        The `srid` keyword is used to specify the Source Reference Identifier
        (SRID) number for this Geometry.  If not set, the SRID will be None.
        if isinstance(geo_input, basestring):
            if isinstance(geo_input, unicode):
                # Encoding to ASCII, WKT or HEXEWKB doesn't need any more.
                geo_input = geo_input.encode('ascii')

            wkt_m = wkt_regex.match(geo_input)
            if wkt_m:
                # Handling WKT input.
                if wkt_m.group('srid'): srid = int(wkt_m.group('srid'))
                g = wkt_r().read(wkt_m.group('wkt'))
            elif hex_regex.match(geo_input):
                # Handling HEXEWKB input.
                g = wkb_r().read(geo_input)
            elif gdal.HAS_GDAL and json_regex.match(geo_input):
                # Handling GeoJSON input.
                g = wkb_r().read(gdal.OGRGeometry(geo_input).wkb)
                raise ValueError('String or unicode input unrecognized as WKT EWKT, and HEXEWKB.')
        elif isinstance(geo_input, GEOM_PTR):
            # When the input is a pointer to a geomtry (GEOM_PTR).
            g = geo_input
        elif isinstance(geo_input, buffer):
            # When the input is a buffer (WKB).
            g = wkb_r().read(geo_input)
        elif isinstance(geo_input, GEOSGeometry):
            g = capi.geom_clone(geo_input.ptr)
            # Invalid geometry type.
            raise TypeError('Improper geometry input type: %s' % str(type(geo_input)))

        if bool(g):
            # Setting the pointer object with a valid pointer.
            self.ptr = g
            raise GEOSException('Could not initialize GEOS Geometry with given input.')

        # Post-initialization setup.

    def _post_init(self, srid):
        "Helper routine for performing post-initialization setup."
        # Setting the SRID, if given.
        if srid and isinstance(srid, int): self.srid = srid

        # Setting the class type (e.g., Point, Polygon, etc.)
        self.__class__ = GEOS_CLASSES[self.geom_typeid]

        # Setting the coordinate sequence for the geometry (will be None on
        # geometries that do not have coordinate sequences)

    def __del__(self):
        Destroys this Geometry; in other words, frees the memory used by the
        GEOS C++ object.
        if self._ptr: capi.destroy_geom(self._ptr)

    def __copy__(self):
        Returns a clone because the copy of a GEOSGeometry may contain an
        invalid pointer location if the original is garbage collected.
        return self.clone()

    def __deepcopy__(self, memodict):
        The `deepcopy` routine is used by the `Node` class of django.utils.tree;
        thus, the protocol routine needs to be implemented to return correct
        copies (clones) of these GEOS objects, which use C pointers.
        return self.clone()

    def __str__(self):
        "WKT is used for the string representation."

示例3: GEOSGeometry

# 需要导入模块: from django.contrib.gis.geos.coordseq import GEOSCoordSeq [as 别名]
# 或者: from django.contrib.gis.geos.coordseq.GEOSCoordSeq import clone [as 别名]
class GEOSGeometry(GEOSBase, ListMixin):
    "A class that, generally, encapsulates a GEOS geometry."

    # Raise GEOSIndexError instead of plain IndexError
    # (see ticket #4740 and GEOSIndexError docstring)
    _IndexError = GEOSIndexError
    _GEOS_CLASSES = None

    ptr_type = GEOM_PTR
    has_cs = False  # Only Point, LineString, LinearRing have coordinate sequences

    def __init__(self, geo_input, srid=None):
        The base constructor for GEOS geometry objects, and may take the
        following inputs:

         * strings:
            - WKT
            - HEXEWKB (a PostGIS-specific canonical form)
            - GeoJSON (requires GDAL)
         * buffer:
            - WKB

        The `srid` keyword is used to specify the Source Reference Identifier
        (SRID) number for this Geometry.  If not set, the SRID will be None.
        if isinstance(geo_input, bytes):
            geo_input = force_text(geo_input)
        if isinstance(geo_input, six.string_types):
            wkt_m = wkt_regex.match(geo_input)
            if wkt_m:
                # Handling WKT input.
                if wkt_m.group('srid'):
                    srid = int(wkt_m.group('srid'))
                g = wkt_r().read(force_bytes(wkt_m.group('wkt')))
            elif hex_regex.match(geo_input):
                # Handling HEXEWKB input.
                g = wkb_r().read(force_bytes(geo_input))
            elif json_regex.match(geo_input):
                # Handling GeoJSON input.
                if not gdal.HAS_GDAL:
                    raise ValueError('Initializing geometry from JSON input requires GDAL.')
                g = wkb_r().read(gdal.OGRGeometry(geo_input).wkb)
                raise ValueError('String or unicode input unrecognized as WKT EWKT, and HEXEWKB.')
        elif isinstance(geo_input, GEOM_PTR):
            # When the input is a pointer to a geometry (GEOM_PTR).
            g = geo_input
        elif isinstance(geo_input, six.memoryview):
            # When the input is a buffer (WKB).
            g = wkb_r().read(geo_input)
        elif isinstance(geo_input, GEOSGeometry):
            g = capi.geom_clone(geo_input.ptr)
            # Invalid geometry type.
            raise TypeError('Improper geometry input type: %s' % str(type(geo_input)))

        if g:
            # Setting the pointer object with a valid pointer.
            self.ptr = g
            raise GEOSException('Could not initialize GEOS Geometry with given input.')

        # Post-initialization setup.

    def _post_init(self, srid):
        "Helper routine for performing post-initialization setup."
        # Setting the SRID, if given.
        if srid and isinstance(srid, int):
            self.srid = srid

        # Setting the class type (e.g., Point, Polygon, etc.)
        if GEOSGeometry._GEOS_CLASSES is None:
            # Lazy-loaded variable to avoid import conflicts with GEOSGeometry.
            from .linestring import LineString, LinearRing
            from .point import Point
            from .polygon import Polygon
            from .collections import (
                GeometryCollection, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon)
            GEOSGeometry._GEOS_CLASSES = {
                0: Point,
                1: LineString,
                2: LinearRing,
                3: Polygon,
                4: MultiPoint,
                5: MultiLineString,
                6: MultiPolygon,
                7: GeometryCollection,
        self.__class__ = GEOSGeometry._GEOS_CLASSES[self.geom_typeid]

        # Setting the coordinate sequence for the geometry (will be None on
        # geometries that do not have coordinate sequences)

    def __del__(self):
        Destroys this Geometry; in other words, frees the memory used by the
        GEOS C++ object.
