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Python EmailMessage.attachments方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中cybox.objects.email_message_object.EmailMessage.attachments方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python EmailMessage.attachments方法的具体用法?Python EmailMessage.attachments怎么用?Python EmailMessage.attachments使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在cybox.objects.email_message_object.EmailMessage的用法示例。


示例1: main

# 需要导入模块: from cybox.objects.email_message_object import EmailMessage [as 别名]
# 或者: from cybox.objects.email_message_object.EmailMessage import attachments [as 别名]
def main():
    stix_package = STIXPackage()
    ttp = TTP(title="Phishing")

    # Create the indicator for just the subject
    email_subject_object = EmailMessage()
    email_subject_object.header = EmailHeader()
    email_subject_object.header.subject = "[IMPORTANT] Please Review Before"
    email_subject_object.header.subject.condition = "StartsWith"
    email_subject_indicator = Indicator()
    email_subject_indicator.title = "Malicious E-mail Subject Line"
    email_subject_indicator.add_indicator_type("Malicious E-mail")
    email_subject_indicator.observable = email_subject_object
    email_subject_indicator.confidence = "Low"

    # Create the indicator for just the attachment

    file_attachment_object = EmailMessage()
    file_attachment_object.attachments = Attachments()

    attached_file_object = File()
    attached_file_object.file_name = "Final Report"
    attached_file_object.file_name.condition = "StartsWith"
    attached_file_object.file_extension = "doc.exe"
    attached_file_object.file_extension.condition = "Equals"

    file_attachment_object.add_related(attached_file_object, "Contains", inline=True)
    indicator_attachment = Indicator()
    indicator_attachment.title = "Malicious E-mail Attachment"
    indicator_attachment.add_indicator_type("Malicious E-mail")
    indicator_attachment.observable = file_attachment_object
    indicator_attachment.confidence = "Low"

    # Create the combined indicator w/ both subject an attachment
    full_email_object = EmailMessage()
    full_email_object.attachments = Attachments()

    # Add the previously referenced file as another reference rather than define it again:

    full_email_object.header = EmailHeader()
    full_email_object.header.subject = "[IMPORTANT] Please Review Before"
    full_email_object.header.subject.condition = "StartsWith"

    combined_indicator = Indicator(title="Malicious E-mail")
    combined_indicator.add_indicator_type("Malicious E-mail")
    combined_indicator.confidence = Confidence(value="High")
    combined_indicator.observable = full_email_object
    stix_package.indicators = [combined_indicator, email_subject_indicator, indicator_attachment]
    print stix_package.to_xml()

示例2: generateEmailAttachmentObject

# 需要导入模块: from cybox.objects.email_message_object import EmailMessage [as 别名]
# 或者: from cybox.objects.email_message_object.EmailMessage import attachments [as 别名]
def generateEmailAttachmentObject(indicator, filename):
    file_object = File()
    file_object.file_name = filename
    email = EmailMessage()
    email.attachments = Attachments()
    email.add_related(file_object, "Contains", inline=True)
    indicator.observable = email

示例3: generateEmailAttachmentObject

# 需要导入模块: from cybox.objects.email_message_object import EmailMessage [as 别名]
# 或者: from cybox.objects.email_message_object.EmailMessage import attachments [as 别名]
def generateEmailAttachmentObject(indicator, attribute):
    file_object = File()
    file_object.file_name = attribute["value"]
    email = EmailMessage()
    email.attachments = Attachments()
    email.add_related(file_object, "Contains", inline=True)
    file_object.parent.id_ = cybox.utils.idgen.__generator.namespace.prefix + ":file-" + attribute["uuid"]
    email.parent.id_ = cybox.utils.idgen.__generator.namespace.prefix + ":EmailMessage-" + attribute["uuid"]
    observable = Observable(email)
    observable.id_ = cybox.utils.idgen.__generator.namespace.prefix + ":observable-" + attribute["uuid"]
    indicator.observable = observable

示例4: __parse_email_message

# 需要导入模块: from cybox.objects.email_message_object import EmailMessage [as 别名]
# 或者: from cybox.objects.email_message_object.EmailMessage import attachments [as 别名]
    def __parse_email_message(self, msg):
        """ Parses the supplied message
        Returns a map of message parts expressed as cybox objects.

        Keys: 'message', 'files', 'urls'
        files       = []
        url_list    = []
        domain_list = []
        message     = EmailMessage()

        # Headers are required (for now)
        message.header = self.__create_cybox_headers(msg)

        if self.include_attachments:
            files = self.__create_cybox_files(msg)
            message.attachments = Attachments()
            for f in files:
                f.add_related(message, "Contained_Within", inline=False)

        if self.include_raw_headers:
            raw_headers_str = self.__get_raw_headers(msg).strip()
            if raw_headers_str:
                message.raw_header = String(raw_headers_str)

        # need this for parsing urls AND raw body text
        raw_body = "\n".join(self.__get_raw_body_text(msg)).strip()

        if self.include_raw_body and raw_body:
            message.raw_body = String(raw_body)

        if self.include_urls:
            (url_list, domain_list) = self.__parse_urls(raw_body)
            if url_list:
                links = Links()
                for u in url_list:
                if links:
                    message.links = links

        # Return a list of all objects we've built
        return [message] + files + url_list + domain_list

示例5: to_cybox_observable

# 需要导入模块: from cybox.objects.email_message_object import EmailMessage [as 别名]
# 或者: from cybox.objects.email_message_object.EmailMessage import attachments [as 别名]
    def to_cybox_observable(self, exclude=None):
        Convert an email to a CybOX Observables.

        Pass parameter exclude to specify fields that should not be
        included in the returned object.

        Returns a tuple of (CybOX object, releasability list).

        To get the cybox object as xml or json, call to_xml() or
        to_json(), respectively, on the resulting CybOX object.

        if exclude == None:
            exclude = []

        observables = []

        obj = EmailMessage()
        # Assume there is going to be at least one header
        obj.header = EmailHeader()

        if 'message_id' not in exclude:
            obj.header.message_id = String(self.message_id)

        if 'subject' not in exclude:
            obj.header.subject = String(self.subject)

        if 'sender' not in exclude:
            obj.header.sender = Address(self.sender, Address.CAT_EMAIL)

        if 'reply_to' not in exclude:
            obj.header.reply_to = Address(self.reply_to, Address.CAT_EMAIL)

        if 'x_originating_ip' not in exclude:
            obj.header.x_originating_ip = Address(self.x_originating_ip,

        if 'x_mailer' not in exclude:
            obj.header.x_mailer = String(self.x_mailer)

        if 'boundary' not in exclude:
            obj.header.boundary = String(self.boundary)

        if 'raw_body' not in exclude:
            obj.raw_body = self.raw_body

        if 'raw_header' not in exclude:
            obj.raw_header = self.raw_header

        #copy fields where the names differ between objects
        if 'helo' not in exclude and 'email_server' not in exclude:
            obj.email_server = String(self.helo)
        if ('from_' not in exclude and 'from' not in exclude and
            'from_address' not in exclude):
            obj.header.from_ = EmailAddress(self.from_address)
        if 'date' not in exclude and 'isodate' not in exclude:
            obj.header.date = DateTime(self.isodate)

	obj.attachments = Attachments()

        return (observables, self.releasability)

示例6: cybox_object_email

# 需要导入模块: from cybox.objects.email_message_object import EmailMessage [as 别名]
# 或者: from cybox.objects.email_message_object.EmailMessage import attachments [as 别名]
def cybox_object_email(obj):
    e = EmailMessage()
    e.raw_body = obj.raw_body
    e.raw_header = obj.raw_header
    # Links
    e.links = Links()
    for link in obj.links.all():
    # Attachments
    e.attachments = Attachments()
    attachment_objects = []
    for att in obj.attachments.all():
        for meta in att.file_meta.all():
            fobj = cybox_object_file(att, meta)
            fobj.add_related(e, "Contained_Within", inline=False)
    # construct header information
    h = EmailHeader()
    h.subject = obj.subject
    h.date = obj.email_date
    h.message_id = obj.message_id
    h.content_type = obj.content_type
    h.mime_version = obj.mime_version
    h.user_agent = obj.user_agent
    h.x_mailer = obj.x_mailer
    # From
    for from_ in obj.from_string.all():
        from_address = EmailAddress(from_.sender)
        from_address.is_spoofed = from_.is_spoofed
        from_address.condition = from_.condition
        h.from_ = from_address
    # Sender
    for sender in obj.sender.all():
        sender_address = EmailAddress(sender.sender)
        sender_address.is_spoofed = sender.is_spoofed
        sender_address.condition = sender.condition
    # To
    recipients = EmailRecipients()
    for recipient in obj.recipients.all():
        rec_address = EmailAddress(recipient.recipient)
        rec_address.is_spoofed = recipient.is_spoofed
        rec_address.condition = recipient.condition
    h.to = recipients
    # CC
    recipients = EmailRecipients()
    for recipient in obj.recipients_cc.all():
        rec_address = EmailAddress(recipient.recipient)
        rec_address.is_spoofed = recipient.is_spoofed
        rec_address.condition = recipient.condition
    h.cc = recipients
    # BCC
    recipients = EmailRecipients()
    for recipient in obj.recipients_bcc.all():
        rec_address = EmailAddress(recipient.recipient)
        rec_address.is_spoofed = recipient.is_spoofed
        rec_address.condition = recipient.condition
    h.bcc = recipients
    e.header = h
    return e, attachment_objects
