本文整理汇总了Python中cssutils.CSSParser类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python CSSParser类的具体用法?Python CSSParser怎么用?Python CSSParser使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_finish
def test_finish(self):
L{StylesheetRewritingRequestWrapper.finish} causes all written bytes to
be translated with C{_replace} written to the wrapped request.
stylesheetFormat = """
.foo {
background-image: url(%s)
originalStylesheet = stylesheetFormat % ("/Foo/bar",)
expectedStylesheet = stylesheetFormat % ("/bar/Foo/bar",)
request = FakeRequest()
roots = {request: URL.fromString('/bar/')}
wrapper = website.StylesheetRewritingRequestWrapper(
request, [], roots.get)
# Parse and serialize both versions to normalize whitespace so we can
# make a comparison.
parser = CSSParser()
示例2: beautify_text
def beautify_text(raw, syntax):
from lxml import etree
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.parsing import parse
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.pretty import pretty_xml_tree, pretty_html_tree
from calibre.ebooks.chardet import strip_encoding_declarations
if syntax == 'xml':
root = etree.fromstring(strip_encoding_declarations(raw))
elif syntax == 'css':
import logging
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import serialize, _css_logger
from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.utils import setup_cssutils_serialization
from cssutils import CSSParser, log
log.raiseExceptions = False
parser = CSSParser(loglevel=logging.WARNING,
# We dont care about @import rules
fetcher=lambda x: (None, None), log=_css_logger)
data = parser.parseString(raw, href='<string>', validate=False)
return serialize(data, 'text/css')
root = parse(raw, line_numbers=False)
pretty_html_tree(None, root)
return etree.tostring(root, encoding=unicode)
示例3: run
def run(self):
# Step 0: ensure that the document_root and base_path variables are
# set. If the file that's being processed was inside a source that has
# either one or both not set, then this processor can't run.
if self.document_root is None or self.base_path is None:
raise DocumentRootAndBasePathRequiredException
# We don't rename the file, so we can use the default output file.
parser = CSSParser(log=None, loglevel=logging.CRITICAL)
sheet = parser.parseFile(self.input_file)
# Step 1: ensure the file has URLs. If it doesn't, we can stop the
# processing.
url_count = 0
for url in getUrls(sheet):
url_count += 1
if url_count == 0:
return self.input_file
# Step 2: resolve the relative URLs to absolute paths.
replaceUrls(sheet, self.resolveToAbsolutePath)
# Step 3: verify that each of these files has been synced.
synced_files_db = urljoin(sys.path[0] + os.sep, SYNCED_FILES_DB)
self.dbcon = sqlite3.connect(synced_files_db)
self.dbcon.text_factory = unicode # This is the default, but we set it explicitly, just to be sure.
self.dbcur = self.dbcon.cursor()
all_synced = True
for urlstring in getUrls(sheet):
# Skip absolute URLs.
if urlstring.startswith("http://") or urlstring.startswith("https://"):
# Skip broken references in the CSS file. This would otherwise
# prevent this CSS file from ever passing through this processor.
if not os.path.exists(urlstring):
# Get the CDN URL for the given absolute path.
self.dbcur.execute("SELECT url FROM synced_files WHERE input_file=?", (urlstring,))
result = self.dbcur.fetchone()
if result == None:
raise RequestToRequeueException(
"The file '%s' has not yet been synced to the server '%s'" % (urlstring, self.process_for_server)
cdn_url = result[0]
# Step 4: resolve the absolute paths to CDN URLs.
replaceUrls(sheet, self.resolveToCDNURL)
# Step 5: write the updated CSS to the output file.
f = open(self.output_file, "w")
return self.output_file
示例4: validate_css
def validate_css(string, generate_https_urls):
p = CSSParser(raiseExceptions=True)
if not string or only_whitespace.match(string):
return ("", ValidationReport())
report = ValidationReport(string)
# avoid a very expensive parse
max_size_kb = 100
if len(string) > max_size_kb * 1024:
report.append(ValidationError((msgs["too_big"] % dict(max_size=max_size_kb))))
return ("", report)
if "\\" in string:
report.append(ValidationError(_("if you need backslashes, you're doing it wrong")))
parsed = p.parseString(string)
except DOMException, e:
# yuck; xml.dom.DOMException can't give us line-information
# directly, so we have to parse its error message string to
# get it
line = None
line_match = error_message_extract_re.match(e.message)
if line_match:
line = line_match.group(1)
if line:
line = int(line)
error_message = msgs["syntax_error"] % dict(syntaxerror=e.message)
report.append(ValidationError(error_message, e, line))
return (None, report)
示例5: create_importer
def create_importer(page):
importer = Importer(page=page, style='')
resp = urlfetch.fetch(page.url, deadline=10)
if resp.status_code == 200:
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content)
parser = CSSParser()
for tag in soup.findAll(re.compile(r'^(link|style)$')):
if tag.name == 'link':
if tag.get('href', None) and tag.get('rel', 'stylesheet').lower() == 'stylesheet':
url = urljoin(page.url, tag['href'])
if urlparse(url).netloc != urlparse(request.url).netloc:
elif tag.name == 'style':
media = tag.get('media', None)
sheet = parser.parseString(''.join(tag.contents).strip('\n'), href=url)
style = sheet.cssText
if media:
style = '@media %s {\n%s\n}' % (media, style)
style = '/* Imported directly from %s */\n%s\n' % (page.url, style)
importer.style += style
# Patch around AppEngine's frame inspection
del parser
示例6: do_import
def do_import():
page = Page.get(request.form.get('page_key', ''))
if not page or page.import_state != IMPORTING:
return 'NO_IMPORTER' # We're done
importer = Importer.gql('WHERE page=:1', page.key()).get()
if not importer:
# This requires a request to fetch the page and parse the URLs.
# It also enqueues the next run.
return 'CREATED'
if importer.urls:
url = importer.urls.pop(0)
parser = None
resp = urlfetch.fetch(url, deadline=10)
if resp.status_code == 200:
parser = CSSParser()
sheet = parser.parseString(resp.content, href=url)
style = sheet.cssText
importer.style += '\n\n/* Imported from %s */\n%s' % (url, style)
raise Exception('Error fetching %s' % url)
except Exception, e:
import traceback
importer.errors.append('Error importing %s' % url)
logging.error('Error importing for Page %s from %s:\n%s\n%s', page.key().id(), url, e, traceback.format_exc())
示例7: validate_css
def validate_css(string):
p = CSSParser(raiseExceptions = True)
if not string or only_whitespace.match(string):
return ('',ValidationReport())
report = ValidationReport(string)
# avoid a very expensive parse
max_size_kb = 100;
if len(string) > max_size_kb * 1024:
% dict (max_size = max_size_kb))))
return (string, report)
parsed = p.parseString(string)
except DOMException,e:
# yuck; xml.dom.DOMException can't give us line-information
# directly, so we have to parse its error message string to
# get it
line = None
line_match = error_message_extract_re.match(e.message)
if line_match:
line = line_match.group(1)
if line:
line = int(line)
error_message= (msgs['syntax_error']
% dict(syntaxerror = e.message))
return (None,report)
示例8: main
def main():
css = u'''
/* some umlauts äöü and EURO sign € */
a:before {
content: "ä";
p = CSSParser()
sheet = p.parseString(css)
print """cssText in different encodings, depending on the console some
chars may look broken but are actually not"""
sheet.encoding = 'ascii'
print sheet.cssText
sheet.encoding = 'iso-8859-1'
print sheet.cssText
sheet.encoding = 'iso-8859-15'
print sheet.cssText
sheet.encoding = 'utf-8'
print sheet.cssText
# results in default UTF-8 encoding without @charset rule
sheet.encoding = None
print sheet.cssText
示例9: parse_css
def parse_css(self, data, fname):
from cssutils import CSSParser, log
log.raiseExceptions = False
data = self.decode(data)
data = self.css_preprocessor(data)
parser = CSSParser(loglevel=logging.WARNING,
# We dont care about @import rules
fetcher=lambda x: (None, None), log=_css_logger)
data = parser.parseString(data, href=fname, validate=False)
return data
示例10: finish
def finish(self):
Parse the buffered response body, rewrite its URLs, write the result to
the wrapped request, and finish the wrapped request.
stylesheet = ''.join(self._buffer)
parser = CSSParser()
css = parser.parseString(stylesheet)
return self.request.finish()
示例11: normalize_filter_css
def normalize_filter_css(props):
import logging
ans = set()
p = CSSParser(loglevel=logging.CRITICAL, validate=False)
for prop in props:
n = normalizers.get(prop, None)
if n is not None and prop in SHORTHAND_DEFAULTS:
dec = p.parseStyle('%s: %s' % (prop, SHORTHAND_DEFAULTS[prop]))
cssvalue = dec.getPropertyCSSValue(dec.item(0))
ans |= set(n(prop, cssvalue))
return ans
示例12: _apply_to_style_uri
def _apply_to_style_uri(style_text, func):
dirty = False
parser = CSSParser().parseStyle(style_text)
for prop in parser.getProperties(all=True):
for value in prop.propertyValue:
if value.type == 'URI':
old_uri = value.uri
new_uri = func(old_uri, element=value)
if new_uri != old_uri:
dirty = True
value.uri = new_uri
if dirty:
return to_unicode(parser.cssText, 'utf-8')
return style_text
示例13: __init__
def __init__(self, container, do_embed=False):
self.container = container
self.log = self.logger = container.log
self.do_embed = do_embed
self.parser = CSSParser(loglevel=logging.CRITICAL, log=logging.getLogger('calibre.css'))
self.first_letter_pat = regex.compile(r'^[\p{Ps}\p{Ps}\p{Pe}\p{Pi}\p{Pf}\p{Po}]+', regex.VERSION1 | regex.UNICODE)
self.loop = QEventLoop()
self.view = QWebView()
self.page = Page(self.log)
self.page.setViewportSize(QSize(1200, 1600))
self.render_queue = list(container.spine_items)
self.font_stats = {}
self.font_usage_map = {}
self.font_spec_map = {}
self.font_rule_map = {}
self.all_font_rules = {}
QTimer.singleShot(0, self.render_book)
if self.loop.exec_() == 1:
raise Exception('Failed to gather statistics from book, see log for details')
示例14: parse_css
def parse_css(self, data, fname='<string>', is_declaration=False):
from cssutils import CSSParser, log
log.raiseExceptions = False
if isinstance(data, bytes):
data = self.decode(data)
if not self.tweak_mode:
data = self.css_preprocessor(data)
parser = CSSParser(loglevel=logging.WARNING,
# We dont care about @import rules
fetcher=lambda x: (None, None), log=_css_logger)
if is_declaration:
data = parser.parseStyle(data, validate=False)
data = parser.parseString(data, href=fname, validate=False)
return data
示例15: __init__
class Parser:
def __init__(self):
self.css_parser = CSSParser()
def get_colors_from_file(self, f):
sheet = self.css_parser.parseFile(f, 'utf-8')
my_dict = {}
for rule in sheet:
if rule.type == rule.STYLE_RULE:
for property in rule.style:
if property.name == 'color':
key = property.value
if key in my_dict:
my_dict[key] += 1
my_dict[key] = 1
return my_dict
def read_all_css_files_in_dir(self):
l = []
for filename in glob.glob('*.css'):
d = self.get_colors_from_file(filename)
return l