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Python fernet.MultiFernet类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中cryptography.fernet.MultiFernet的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python MultiFernet类的具体用法?Python MultiFernet怎么用?Python MultiFernet使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_rotate_decrypt_no_shared_keys

    def test_rotate_decrypt_no_shared_keys(self, backend):
        f1 = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b"\x00" * 32), backend=backend)
        f2 = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b"\x01" * 32), backend=backend)

        mf1 = MultiFernet([f1])
        mf2 = MultiFernet([f2])

        with pytest.raises(InvalidToken):

示例2: test_decrypt

    def test_decrypt(self, backend):
        f1 = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b"\x00" * 32), backend=backend)
        f2 = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b"\x01" * 32), backend=backend)
        f = MultiFernet([f1, f2])

        assert f.decrypt(f1.encrypt(b"abc")) == b"abc"
        assert f.decrypt(f2.encrypt(b"abc")) == b"abc"

        with pytest.raises(InvalidToken):
            f.decrypt(b"\x00" * 16)

示例3: __init__

 def __init__(self, *master_keys, encrypted_store: dict = None):
     if not len(master_keys):
         raise ValueError('at least one master key must be passed')
     self.crypt = MultiFernet([Fernet(key) for key in master_keys])
     if not encrypted_store:
         self.encrypted_store = dict()
         self.encrypted_store = encrypted_store

示例4: test_rotate_preserves_timestamp

    def test_rotate_preserves_timestamp(self, backend, monkeypatch):
        f1 = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b"\x00" * 32), backend=backend)
        f2 = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b"\x01" * 32), backend=backend)

        mf1 = MultiFernet([f1])
        mf2 = MultiFernet([f2, f1])

        plaintext = b"abc"
        mf1_ciphertext = mf1.encrypt(plaintext)

        later = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
        later_time = time.mktime(later.timetuple())
        monkeypatch.setattr(time, "time", lambda: later_time)

        original_time, _ = Fernet._get_unverified_token_data(mf1_ciphertext)
        rotated_time, _ = Fernet._get_unverified_token_data(

        assert later_time != rotated_time
        assert original_time == rotated_time

示例5: EncryptingPacker

class EncryptingPacker(object):
    """Implement conversion of Python objects to/from encrypted bytestrings.

    :param str key: a `Fernet`_ key to use for encryption and decryption
    :param list old_keys: additional `Fernet`_ keys to use for decryption

    .. note::

        Encrypted messages contain the timestamp at which they were generated
        *in plaintext*. See `our audit`_ for discussion of this and other
        considerations with `Fernet`_.

    .. _Fernet: https://cryptography.io/en/latest/fernet/
    .. _our audit: https://github.com/gratipay/gratipay.com/pull/3998#issuecomment-216227070


    def __init__(self, key, *old_keys):
        keys = [key] + list(old_keys)
        self.fernet = MultiFernet([Fernet(k) for k in keys])

    def pack(self, obj):
        """Given a JSON-serializable object, return a `Fernet`_ token.
        obj = json.dumps(obj)           # serialize to unicode
        obj = obj.encode('utf8')        # convert to bytes
        obj = self.fernet.encrypt(obj)  # encrypt
        return obj

    def unpack(self, token):
        """Given a `Fernet`_ token with JSON in the ciphertext, return a Python object.
        obj = token
        if not type(obj) is bytes:
            raise TypeError("need bytes, got {}".format(type(obj)))
        obj = self.fernet.decrypt(obj)  # decrypt
        obj = obj.decode('utf8')        # convert to unicode
        obj = json.loads(obj)           # deserialize from unicode
        return obj

示例6: update

 def update(self, **kwargs):
     """Update the arguments, if a ``crypto_key`` is in kwargs then the
     ``self.fernet`` attribute will be initialized"""
     for key, val in kwargs.items():
         if key == "crypto_key":
             fkeys = []
             if not isinstance(val, list):
                 val = [val]
             for v in val:
             self.fernet = MultiFernet(fkeys)
             setattr(self, key, val)

示例7: __init__

 def __init__(self):
     if website.env.aws_secret_access_key:
         sm = self.secrets_manager = boto3.client('secretsmanager', region_name='eu-west-1')
         secret = sm.get_secret_value(SecretId='Fernet')
         rotation_start = secret['CreatedDate'].date()
         keys = secret['SecretString'].split()
         self.secrets_manager = None
         parts = os.environ['SECRET_FERNET_KEYS'].split()
         rotation_start = date(*map(int, parts[0].split('-')))
         keys = parts[1:]
     self.fernet_rotation_start = rotation_start
     self.fernet_keys = [k.encode('ascii') for k in keys]
     self.fernet = MultiFernet([Fernet(k) for k in self.fernet_keys])

示例8: __init__

 def __init__(self, expiry=60, hosts=None, prefix="asgi:", group_expiry=86400, capacity=100, channel_capacity=None,
     super(RedisChannelLayer, self).__init__(
     # Make sure they provided some hosts, or provide a default
     if not hosts:
         hosts = [("localhost", 6379)]
     self.hosts = []
     if isinstance(hosts, six.string_types):
         # user accidentally used one host string instead of providing a list of hosts
         raise ValueError('ASGI Redis hosts must be specified as an iterable list of hosts.')
     for entry in hosts:
         if isinstance(entry, six.string_types):
             self.hosts.append("redis://%s:%d/0" % (entry[0], entry[1]))
     self.prefix = prefix
     assert isinstance(self.prefix, six.text_type), "Prefix must be unicode"
     # Precalculate some values for ring selection
     self.ring_size = len(self.hosts)
     self.ring_divisor = int(math.ceil(4096 / float(self.ring_size)))
     # Create connections ahead of time (they won't call out just yet, but
     # we want to connection-pool them later)
     self._connection_list = self._generate_connections()
     # Decide on a unique client prefix to use in ! sections
     # TODO: ensure uniqueness better, e.g. Redis keys with SETNX
     self.client_prefix = "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(8))
     # Register scripts
     connection = self.connection(None)
     self.chansend = connection.register_script(self.lua_chansend)
     self.lpopmany = connection.register_script(self.lua_lpopmany)
     self.delprefix = connection.register_script(self.lua_delprefix)
     # See if we can do encryption if they asked
     if symmetric_encryption_keys:
         if isinstance(symmetric_encryption_keys, six.string_types):
             raise ValueError("symmetric_encryption_keys must be a list of possible keys")
             from cryptography.fernet import MultiFernet
         except ImportError:
             raise ValueError("Cannot run with encryption without 'cryptography' installed.")
         sub_fernets = [self.make_fernet(key) for key in symmetric_encryption_keys]
         self.crypter = MultiFernet(sub_fernets)
         self.crypter = None

示例9: test_rotate

    def test_rotate(self, backend):
        f1 = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b"\x00" * 32), backend=backend)
        f2 = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b"\x01" * 32), backend=backend)

        mf1 = MultiFernet([f1])
        mf2 = MultiFernet([f2, f1])

        plaintext = b"abc"
        mf1_ciphertext = mf1.encrypt(plaintext)

        assert mf2.decrypt(mf1_ciphertext) == plaintext

        rotated = mf2.rotate(mf1_ciphertext)

        assert rotated != mf1_ciphertext
        assert mf2.decrypt(rotated) == plaintext

        with pytest.raises(InvalidToken):

示例10: AutopushSettings

            self.metrics = TwistedMetrics(statsd_host, statsd_port)
            self.metrics = SinkMetrics()
        if not crypto_key:
            crypto_key = [Fernet.generate_key()]
        if not isinstance(crypto_key, list):
            crypto_key = [crypto_key]
        self.crypto_key = crypto_key

        if auth_key is None:
            auth_key = []
        if not isinstance(auth_key, list):
            auth_key = [auth_key]
        self.auth_key = auth_key

        self.max_data = max_data
        self.clients = {}

        # Setup hosts/ports/urls
        default_hostname = socket.gethostname()
        self.hostname = hostname or default_hostname
        if resolve_hostname:
            self.hostname = resolve_ip(self.hostname)

        self.port = port
        self.endpoint_hostname = endpoint_hostname or self.hostname
        self.router_hostname = router_hostname or self.hostname

        self.router_conf = router_conf
        self.router_url = canonical_url(
            router_scheme or 'http',

        self.endpoint_url = canonical_url(
            endpoint_scheme or 'http',

        # Database objects
        self.router_table = get_router_table(router_tablename,
        self.storage_table = get_storage_table(storage_tablename,
        self.message_table = get_message_table(message_tablename,
        self.storage = Storage(self.storage_table, self.metrics)
        self.router = Router(self.router_table, self.metrics)
        self.message = Message(self.message_table, self.metrics)

        # Run preflight check
        preflight_check(self.storage, self.router)

        # CORS
        self.cors = enable_cors

        # Force timeout in idle seconds
        self.wake_timeout = wake_timeout

        # Setup the routers
        self.routers = {}
        self.routers["simplepush"] = SimpleRouter(
        self.routers["webpush"] = WebPushRouter(self, None)
        if 'apns' in router_conf:
            self.routers["apns"] = APNSRouter(self, router_conf["apns"])
        if 'gcm' in router_conf:
            self.routers["gcm"] = GCMRouter(self, router_conf["gcm"])

        # Env
        self.env = env

        self.hello_timeout = hello_timeout

    def update(self, **kwargs):
        """Update the arguments, if a ``crypto_key`` is in kwargs then the
        ``self.fernet`` attribute will be initialized"""
        for key, val in kwargs.items():
            if key == "crypto_key":
                fkeys = []
                if not isinstance(val, list):
                    val = [val]
                for v in val:
                self.fernet = MultiFernet(fkeys)
                setattr(self, key, val)

    def make_endpoint(self, uaid, chid):
        """ Create an endpoint from the identifiers"""
        return self.endpoint_url + '/push/' + \
            self.fernet.encrypt((uaid + ':' + chid).encode('utf8'))

示例11: test_encrypt

    def test_encrypt(self, backend):
        f1 = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b"\x00" * 32), backend=backend)
        f2 = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b"\x01" * 32), backend=backend)
        f = MultiFernet([f1, f2])

        assert f1.decrypt(f.encrypt(b"abc")) == b"abc"

示例12: Cryptograph

class Cryptograph(object):
    """Symmetric encryption and decryption for the storage of sensitive data.

    We currently rely on Fernet, which was the algorithm adopted by Gratipay:

    For encryption Fernet uses the AES cipher in CBC mode with PKCS7 padding and
    a 128 bits key. For authentication it uses HMAC-SHA256 with another 128 bits

    Fernet messages contain the timestamp at which they were generated *in plain
    text*. This isn't a problem for us since we want to store the time at which
    the data was encrypted in order to facilitate key rotation.

    We use CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) to serialize objects
    before encryption. Compared to JSON, CBOR is faster to parse and serialize,
    more compact, and extensible (it can represent any data type using "tags").
    More info on CBOR: http://cbor.io/ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049

    KEY_ROTATION_DELAY = timedelta(weeks=1)

    def __init__(self):
        if website.env.aws_secret_access_key:
            sm = self.secrets_manager = boto3.client('secretsmanager', region_name='eu-west-1')
            secret = sm.get_secret_value(SecretId='Fernet')
            rotation_start = secret['CreatedDate'].date()
            keys = secret['SecretString'].split()
            self.secrets_manager = None
            parts = os.environ['SECRET_FERNET_KEYS'].split()
            rotation_start = date(*map(int, parts[0].split('-')))
            keys = parts[1:]
        self.fernet_rotation_start = rotation_start
        self.fernet_keys = [k.encode('ascii') for k in keys]
        self.fernet = MultiFernet([Fernet(k) for k in self.fernet_keys])

    def encrypt_dict(self, dic, allow_single_key=False):
        """Serialize and encrypt a dictionary for storage in the database.

        Encrypting partially predictable data may help an attacker break the
        encryption key, so to make our data less predictable we randomize the
        order of the dict's items before serializing it.

        For this to be effective the CBOR serializer must not sort the items
        again in an attempt to produce Canonical CBOR, so we explicitly pass
        `canonical=False` to the `cbor.dumps` function.

        In addition, the dict must not contain only one key if that key is
        predictable, so a `CryptoWarning` is emitted when `dic` only contains
        one key, unless `allow_single_key` is set to `True`.
        dic = self.randomize_dict(dic, allow_single_key=allow_single_key)
        serialized = cbor.dumps(dic, canonical=False)
        encrypted = self.fernet.encrypt(serialized)
        return Encrypted(dict(scheme='fernet', payload=encrypted, ts=utcnow()))

    def decrypt(self, scheme, payload):
        """Decrypt and reconstruct an object stored in the database.
        if scheme == 'fernet':
            decrypted = self.fernet.decrypt(payload)
            raise ValueError('unknown encryption scheme %r' % scheme)
        return cbor.loads(decrypted)

    def randomize_dict(dic, allow_single_key=False):
        """Randomize the order of a dictionary's items.

        Emits a `CryptoWarning` if `dic` only contains one key, unless
        `allow_single_key` is set to `True`.
        if not isinstance(dic, dict):
            raise TypeError("expected a dict, got %s" % type(dic))
        # Compute the number of random bytes needed based on the size of the dict
        n = len(dic)
        if n < 2:
            # Can't randomize the order if the dict contains less than 2 items
            if n == 1 and not allow_single_key:
                warnings.warn("dict only contains one key", CryptoWarning)
            return dic
        n = int(log(n, 2) // 8) + 2
        # Return a new ordered dict sorted randomly
        return OrderedDict(
            t[1] for t in sorted((urandom(n), item) for item in dic.items())

    def rotate_key(self):
        """Generate a new key and send it to the secrets manager.
        keys = b' '.join([Fernet.generate_key()] + self.fernet_keys).decode()
        if self.secrets_manager:
            self.secrets_manager.update_secret(SecretId='Fernet', SecretString=keys)
            keys = utcnow().date().isoformat() + ' ' + keys
            print("No secrets manager, updating the key storage is up to you.")
        return keys

    def rotate_message(self, msg, force=False):

示例13: AutopushSettings


        # Used to determine whether a connection is out of date with current
        # db objects
        self.current_msg_month = make_rotating_tablename(self._message_prefix)
        self.current_month = datetime.date.today().month

        # Run preflight check
        preflight_check(self.storage, self.router)

        # CORS
        self.cors = enable_cors

        # Force timeout in idle seconds
        self.wake_timeout = wake_timeout

        # Setup the routers
        self.routers = {}
        self.routers["simplepush"] = SimpleRouter(
        self.routers["webpush"] = WebPushRouter(self, None)
        if 'apns' in router_conf:
            self.routers["apns"] = APNSRouter(self, router_conf["apns"])
        if 'gcm' in router_conf:
            self.routers["gcm"] = GCMRouter(self, router_conf["gcm"])

        # Env
        self.env = env

        self.hello_timeout = hello_timeout

    def message(self):
        """Property that access the current message table"""
        return self.message_tables[self.current_msg_month]

    def message(self, value):
        """Setter to set the current message table"""
        self.message_tables[self.current_msg_month] = value

    def create_initial_message_tables(self):
        """Initializes a dict of the initial rotating messages tables.

        An entry for last months table, and an entry for this months table.

        last_month = get_rotating_message_table(self._message_prefix, -1)
        this_month = get_rotating_message_table(self._message_prefix)
        self.message_tables = {
            last_month.table_name: Message(last_month, self.metrics),
            this_month.table_name: Message(this_month, self.metrics),

    def update_rotating_tables(self):
        """This method is intended to be tasked to run periodically off the
        twisted event hub to rotate tables.

        When today is a new month from yesterday, then we swap out all the
        table objects on the settings object.

        today = datetime.date.today()
        if today.month == self.current_month:
            # No change in month, we're fine.

        # Get tables for the new month, and verify they exist before we try to
        # switch over
        message_table = yield deferToThread(get_rotating_message_table,

        # Both tables found, safe to switch-over
        self.current_month = today.month
        self.current_msg_month = message_table.table_name
        self.message_tables[self.current_msg_month] = \
            Message(message_table, self.metrics)

    def update(self, **kwargs):
        """Update the arguments, if a ``crypto_key`` is in kwargs then the
        ``self.fernet`` attribute will be initialized"""
        for key, val in kwargs.items():
            if key == "crypto_key":
                fkeys = []
                if not isinstance(val, list):
                    val = [val]
                for v in val:
                self.fernet = MultiFernet(fkeys)
                setattr(self, key, val)

    def make_endpoint(self, uaid, chid):
        """ Create an endpoint from the identifiers"""
        return self.endpoint_url + '/push/' + \
            self.fernet.encrypt((uaid + ':' + chid).encode('utf8'))

示例14: __init__

 def __init__(self, key, *old_keys):
     keys = [key] + list(old_keys)
     self.fernet = MultiFernet([Fernet(k) for k in keys])

示例15: AutopushSettings

                sorted(self.message_tables.keys())[-1] !=
            next_month = get_rotating_message_table(
                self._message_prefix, 0, tomorrow)
            self.message_tables[next_month.table_name] = Message(
                next_month, self.metrics)

        if today.month == self.current_month:
            # No change in month, we're fine.

        # Get tables for the new month, and verify they exist before we try to
        # switch over
        message_table = yield deferToThread(get_rotating_message_table,

        # Both tables found, safe to switch-over
        self.current_month = today.month
        self.current_msg_month = message_table.table_name
        self.message_tables[self.current_msg_month] = \
            Message(message_table, self.metrics)

    def update(self, **kwargs):
        """Update the arguments, if a ``crypto_key`` is in kwargs then the
        ``self.fernet`` attribute will be initialized"""
        for key, val in kwargs.items():
            if key == "crypto_key":
                fkeys = []
                if not isinstance(val, list):
                    val = [val]
                for v in val:
                self.fernet = MultiFernet(fkeys)
                setattr(self, key, val)

    def make_simplepush_endpoint(self, uaid, chid):
        """Create a simplepush endpoint"""
        root = self.endpoint_url + "/spush/"
        base = (uaid.replace('-', '').decode("hex") +
                chid.replace('-', '').decode("hex"))
        return root + 'v1/' + self.fernet.encrypt(base).strip('=')

    def make_endpoint(self, uaid, chid, key=None):
        """Create an v1 or v2 WebPush endpoint from the identifiers.

        Both endpoints use bytes instead of hex to reduce ID length.
        v0 is uaid.hex + ':' + chid.hex and is deprecated.
        v1 is the uaid + chid
        v2 is the uaid + chid + sha256(key).bytes

        :param uaid: User Agent Identifier
        :param chid: Channel or Subscription ID
        :param key: Optional Base64 URL-encoded application server key
        :returns: Push endpoint

        root = self.endpoint_url + '/push/'
        base = (uaid.replace('-', '').decode("hex") +
                chid.replace('-', '').decode("hex"))

        if key is None:
            return root + 'v1/' + self.fernet.encrypt(base).strip('=')

        raw_key = base64url_decode(key.encode('utf8'))
