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Python Icedoll.decrypt方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中crypto.cipher.icedoll.Icedoll.decrypt方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Icedoll.decrypt方法的具体用法?Python Icedoll.decrypt怎么用?Python Icedoll.decrypt使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在crypto.cipher.icedoll.Icedoll的用法示例。


示例1: IcedollTestVec

# 需要导入模块: from crypto.cipher.icedoll import Icedoll [as 别名]
# 或者: from crypto.cipher.icedoll.Icedoll import decrypt [as 别名]
 def IcedollTestVec(i, key, pt, ct):
     """ Run single AES test vector with any legal blockSize
         and any legal key size. """
     bkey, plainText, cipherText = a2b_hex(key), a2b_hex(pt), a2b_hex(ct)
     kSize = len(bkey)
     bSize = len(cipherText) # set block size to length of block
     alg = Icedoll(bkey, keySize=kSize, blockSize=bSize, padding=noPadding())
     cct = alg.encrypt(plainText)
     print 'pt    =',b2a_p(plainText)
     print 'ct    =',b2a_p(cct)
     dcct = alg.decrypt(cct)
     #print '_dcct',b2a_p(dcct)
     self.assertEqual( dcct, plainText )
     self.assertEqual( alg.encrypt(plainText),  cipherText )
     self.assertEqual( alg.decrypt(cipherText), plainText )

示例2: testDctEqPt

# 需要导入模块: from crypto.cipher.icedoll import Icedoll [as 别名]
# 或者: from crypto.cipher.icedoll.Icedoll import decrypt [as 别名]
    def testDctEqPt(self):
        """ test of plaintext = decrypt(encrypt(plaintext)) """
        alg = Icedoll( 16*chr(0), padding=noPadding())
        pt  = 16*4*'a'             # block aligned
        ct  = alg.encrypt(pt)
        print 'ct  = ',b2a_p(ct)
        dct = alg.decrypt(ct)
        print 'dct = ',b2a_p(dct)
        assert(pt == dct), 'pt != dct'

        alg = Icedoll( 16*chr(0))  # autoPad
        pt  = 17*4*'a'             # non-block aligned
        ct  = alg.encrypt(pt)
        print 'ct  = ',b2a_p(ct)
        dct = alg.decrypt(ct)
        print 'dct = ',b2a_p(dct)
        assert(pt == dct), 'pt != dct'

示例3: testEncrcptDecryptMultiSizesPt

# 需要导入模块: from crypto.cipher.icedoll import Icedoll [as 别名]
# 或者: from crypto.cipher.icedoll.Icedoll import decrypt [as 别名]
 def testEncrcptDecryptMultiSizesPt(self):
     """ Encrypt decrypt multiple sizes """
     alg = Icedoll( 16*chr(0))
     for size in range(100):
         pt = size*'a'
         ct = alg.encrypt(pt)
         #print 'ct  = ',b2a_p(ct)
         dct = alg.decrypt(ct)
         #print 'dct = ',b2a_p(dct)
         assert(pt == dct), 'pt != dct'

示例4: decrypt

# 需要导入模块: from crypto.cipher.icedoll import Icedoll [as 别名]
# 或者: from crypto.cipher.icedoll.Icedoll import decrypt [as 别名]
 def decrypt(self, cipherText, more=None):
     """ Decrypt cipher text, Icedoll automatically removes
         prepended random bits used as IV.
         Note - typically IV is directly used as the first
         cipher text.  Here the IV is prepended to the plaintext
         prior to encryption and removed on decryption.
     plainText = Icedoll.decrypt(self, cipherText, more=more)
     if not(self.hasIV):  # on first call to decrypt remove IV
         plainText = plainText[self.ivSize:] # remove the IV
         self.hasIV = 1
     if more == None:    # on last call to encrypt append integrity check
         if not(self._verifyIC(plainText[-self.micSize:])) :
             raise IntegrityCheckError, 'Trolldoll MIC Failure, bad key or modified data'
         plainText = plainText[:-self.micSize]  # trim off the integrity check
     return plainText
