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Python SavedSearch.row方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中crits.dashboards.dashboard.SavedSearch.row方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SavedSearch.row方法的具体用法?Python SavedSearch.row怎么用?Python SavedSearch.row使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在crits.dashboards.dashboard.SavedSearch的用法示例。


示例1: create_dashboard

# 需要导入模块: from crits.dashboards.dashboard import SavedSearch [as 别名]
# 或者: from crits.dashboards.dashboard.SavedSearch import row [as 别名]
def create_dashboard(drop=False):
    from crits.dashboards.dashboard import SavedSearch, Dashboard
    if drop:
    defaultDashboard = Dashboard.objects(name="Default", analystId__not__exists=1 , isPublic=True).first()
    if not defaultDashboard:
        defaultDashboard = Dashboard()
        defaultDashboard.name = "Default"
        defaultDashboard.isPublic = True
        for title in ["Counts", "Top Campaigns","Recent Indicators",
                  "Recent Emails", "Recent Samples"]:
            savedSearch = SavedSearch()
            savedSearch.name = title
            savedSearch.dashboard = defaultDashboard.id
            savedSearch.isDefaultOnDashboard = True
            savedSearch.tableColumns = getColumnsForTable(title)
            if title == "Counts":
                savedSearch.sizex = 10
            elif title == "Top Campaigns":
                savedSearch.sizex = 25
            elif title == "Counts":
                savedSearch.sizey = 13
            elif title == "Recent Indicators":
                savedSearch.row = 15
            elif title == "Recent Emails":
                savedSearch.row = 23
            elif title == "Recent Samples":
                savedSearch.row = 31
        print "Default Dashboard Created."
        print "Default Dashboard already exists."

示例2: save_data

# 需要导入模块: from crits.dashboards.dashboard import SavedSearch [as 别名]
# 或者: from crits.dashboards.dashboard.SavedSearch import row [as 别名]
def save_data(userId, columns, tableName, searchTerm="", objType="", sortBy=None, 
              tableId=None, isDefaultOnDashboard=False, maxRows=0,
              dashboard=None, clone=False, row=0, grid_col=0, sizex=0,
    Saves the customized table in the dashboard. Called by save_search and
    save_new_dashboard via ajax in views.py.
        if searchTerm:
            searchTerm = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(searchTerm)
        #if user is editing a table
        if tableId :
            newSavedSearch = SavedSearch.objects(id=tableId).first()
            if not newSavedSearch:
                raise Exception("Cannot find Table")
            elif clone:
                clonedSavedSearch = cloneSavedSearch(newSavedSearch, dashboard.id)
            newSavedSearch = SavedSearch()
        cols = []
        for col in columns:
            if "field" not in col or "caption" not in col:
        if not cols:
            raise("There are no columns to save")
        newSavedSearch.tableColumns = cols
        newSavedSearch.name = tableName
        oldDashId = None
        if dashboard and newSavedSearch.dashboard != dashboard.id:
            newSavedSearch.dashboard= dashboard.id
        #if it is not a deault dashboard table, it must have a searchterm and objtype
        if searchTerm:
            newSavedSearch.searchTerm = searchTerm
        if objType:
            newSavedSearch.objType = objType
        #this is to identify the default tables on every user dashboard
        newSavedSearch.isDefaultOnDashboard = isDefaultOnDashboard
        if sortBy:
            newSavedSearch.sortBy = sortBy
        if sizex:
            newSavedSearch.sizex = sizex
        elif not newSavedSearch.sizex:
            newSavedSearch.sizex = 50
        if sizey:
            newSavedSearch.sizey = sizey
        elif maxRows and maxRows != newSavedSearch.maxRows:
            newSavedSearch.sizey = int(maxRows)+1
        elif not newSavedSearch.sizey:
            newSavedSearch.sizey = 7
        if row:
            newSavedSearch.row = row
        elif not newSavedSearch.row:
            newSavedSearch.row = 1
        if grid_col:
            newSavedSearch.col = grid_col
        elif not newSavedSearch.col:
            newSavedSearch.col = 1
        if maxRows:
            newSavedSearch.maxRows = maxRows;
        #if the old dashboard is empty, delete it
        if oldDashId:
    except Exception as e:
        print "ERROR: "
        print e
        return {'success': False,
                'message': "An unexpected error occurred while saving table. Please refresh and try again"}
    return {'success': True,'message': tableName+" Saved Successfully!"}
