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Python models.SuperSearchFields类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中crashstats.supersearch.models.SuperSearchFields的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SuperSearchFields类的具体用法?Python SuperSearchFields怎么用?Python SuperSearchFields使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: get_from_es

    def get_from_es(namespace, baseline=None):
        # @namespace is something like 'raw_crash' or 'processed_crash'

        cache_key = 'api_supersearch_fields_%s' % namespace
        fields = cache.get(cache_key)

        if fields is None:
            # This needs to be imported in runtime because otherwise you'll
            # get a circular import.
            from crashstats.supersearch.models import SuperSearchFields
            all = SuperSearchFields().get()
            fields = []
            if baseline:
                if isinstance(baseline, tuple):
                    baseline = list(baseline)
            for meta in all.itervalues():
                if (
                    meta['namespace'] == namespace and
                    not meta['permissions_needed'] and
                    if meta['in_database_name'] not in fields:
            fields = tuple(fields)

            # Cache for 1 hour.
            cache.set(cache_key, fields, 60 * 60)
        return fields

示例2: supersearch_field

def supersearch_field(request):
    context = {}

    field_name = request.GET.get("name")

    if field_name:
        all_fields = SuperSearchFields().get()
        field_data = all_fields.get(field_name)

        if not field_data:
            return http.HttpResponseBadRequest('The field "%s" does not exist' % field_name)
        full_name = request.GET.get("full_name")

        if full_name:
            if "." not in full_name:
                name = full_name
                namespace = None
                namespace, name = full_name.rsplit(".", 1)
            field_data = {"in_database_name": name, "namespace": namespace}
            field_data = {}

    context["field"] = field_data
    perms = Permission.objects.filter(content_type__model="").order_by("name")
    context["all_permissions"] = ["crashstats." + x.codename for x in perms]

    return render(request, "manage/supersearch_field.html", context)

示例3: get_from_es

    def get_from_es(namespace, baseline=None):
        # @namespace is something like 'raw_crash' or 'processed_crash'
        fields = cache.get("api_supersearch_fields_%s" % namespace)
        if fields is None:
            # This needs to be imported in runtime because otherwise you'll
            # get a circular import.
            from crashstats.supersearch.models import SuperSearchFields

            all = SuperSearchFields().get()
            fields = []
            if baseline:
                if isinstance(baseline, tuple):
                    baseline = list(baseline)
            for meta in all.itervalues():
                if meta["namespace"] == namespace and not meta["permissions_needed"] and meta["is_returned"]:
                    if meta["in_database_name"] not in fields:
            fields = tuple(fields)
        return fields

示例4: supersearch_field

def supersearch_field(request):
    context = {}

    field_name = request.GET.get('name')

    if field_name:
        all_fields = SuperSearchFields().get()
        field_data = all_fields.get(field_name)

        if not field_data:
            return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(
                'The field "%s" does not exist' % field_name
        field_data = {}

    context['field'] = field_data
    perms = Permission.objects.filter(content_type__model='').order_by('name')
    context['all_permissions'] = [
        'crashstats.' + x.codename for x in perms

    return render(request, 'manage/supersearch_field.html', context)

示例5: report_index

    if context['report']['signature'].startswith('shutdownhang'):
        # For shutdownhang signatures, we want to use thread 0 as the
        # crashing thread, because that's the thread that actually contains
        # the useful data about what happened.
        context['crashing_thread'] = 0

    context['parsed_dump'] = parsed_dump
    context['bug_product_map'] = settings.BUG_PRODUCT_MAP

    context['bug_associations'] = list(
        .values('bug_id', 'signature')

    context['raw_keys'] = []
    if request.user.has_perm('crashstats.view_pii'):
        # hold nothing back
        context['raw_keys'] = context['raw'].keys()
        context['raw_keys'] = [
            x for x in context['raw']
            if x in models.RawCrash.API_ALLOWLIST()
    # Sort keys case-insensitively
    context['raw_keys'] = sorted(context['raw_keys'], key=lambda s: s.lower())

    if request.user.has_perm('crashstats.view_rawdump'):
        context['raw_dump_urls'] = [
            reverse('crashstats:raw_data', args=(crash_id, 'dmp')),
            reverse('crashstats:raw_data', args=(crash_id, 'json'))
        if context['raw'].get('additional_minidumps'):
            suffixes = [
                for x in context['raw']['additional_minidumps'].split(',')
                if x.strip()
            for suffix in suffixes:
                name = 'upload_file_minidump_%s' % (suffix,)
                    reverse('crashstats:raw_data_named', args=(crash_id, name, 'dmp'))
        if (
            context['raw'].get('ContainsMemoryReport') and
            context['report'].get('memory_report') and
            not context['report'].get('memory_report_error')
                reverse('crashstats:raw_data_named', args=(crash_id, 'memory_report', 'json.gz'))

    # Add descriptions to all fields.
    all_fields = SuperSearchFields().get()
    descriptions = {}
    for field in all_fields.values():
        key = '{}.{}'.format(field['namespace'], field['in_database_name'])
        descriptions[key] = '{} Search: {}'.format(
            field.get('description', '').strip() or 'No description for this field.',
            field['is_exposed'] and field['name'] or 'N/A',

    def make_raw_crash_key(key):
        """In the report_index.html template we need to create a key
        that we can use to look up against the 'fields_desc' dict.
        Because you can't do something like this in jinja::

            {{ fields_desc.get(u'raw_crash.{}'.format(key), empty_desc) }}

        we do it here in the function instead.
        The trick is that the lookup key has to be a unicode object or
        else you get UnicodeEncodeErrors in the template rendering.
        return u'raw_crash.{}'.format(key)

    context['make_raw_crash_key'] = make_raw_crash_key
    context['fields_desc'] = descriptions
    context['empty_desc'] = 'No description for this field. Search: unknown'

    context['BUG_PRODUCT_MAP'] = settings.BUG_PRODUCT_MAP

    # report.addons used to be a list of lists.
    # In https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1250132
    # we changed it from a list of lists to a list of strings, using
    # a ':' to split the name and version.
    # See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1250132#c7
    # Considering legacy, let's tackle both.
    # In late 2017, this code is going to be useless and can be removed.
    if (
        context['report'].get('addons') and
        isinstance(context['report']['addons'][0], (list, tuple))
        # This is the old legacy format. This crash hasn't been processed
        # the new way.
        context['report']['addons'] = [
            ':'.join(x) for x in context['report']['addons']

    return render(request, 'crashstats/report_index.html', context)

示例6: report_index

    # If the parsed_dump lacks a `parsed_dump.crash_info.crashing_thread`
    # we can't loop over the frames :(
    crashing_thread = parsed_dump.get('crash_info', {}).get('crashing_thread')
    if crashing_thread is None:
        # the template does a big `{% if parsed_dump.threads %}`
        parsed_dump['threads'] = None
        context['crashing_thread'] = crashing_thread

    if context['report']['signature'].startswith('shutdownhang'):
        # For shutdownhang signatures, we want to use thread 0 as the
        # crashing thread, because that's the thread that actually contains
        # the usefull data about the what happened.
        context['crashing_thread'] = 0

    context['parsed_dump'] = parsed_dump
    context['bug_product_map'] = settings.BUG_PRODUCT_MAP

    process_type = 'unknown'
    if context['report']['process_type'] is None:
        process_type = 'browser'
    elif context['report']['process_type'] == 'plugin':
        process_type = 'plugin'
    elif context['report']['process_type'] == 'content':
        process_type = 'content'
    context['process_type'] = process_type

    bugs_api = models.Bugs()
    hits = bugs_api.get(signatures=[context['report']['signature']])['hits']
    # bugs_api.get(signatures=...) will return all signatures associated
    # with the bugs found, but we only want those with matching signature
    context['bug_associations'] = [
        x for x in hits
        if x['signature'] == context['report']['signature']
        key=lambda x: x['id'],

    context['raw_keys'] = []
    if request.user.has_perm('crashstats.view_pii'):
        # hold nothing back
        context['raw_keys'] = context['raw'].keys()
        context['raw_keys'] = [
            x for x in context['raw']
            if x in models.RawCrash.API_WHITELIST
    # Sort keys case-insensitively
    context['raw_keys'].sort(key=lambda s: s.lower())

    if request.user.has_perm('crashstats.view_rawdump'):
        context['raw_dump_urls'] = [
            reverse('crashstats:raw_data', args=(crash_id, 'dmp')),
            reverse('crashstats:raw_data', args=(crash_id, 'json'))
        if context['raw'].get('additional_minidumps'):
            suffixes = [
                for x in context['raw']['additional_minidumps'].split(',')
                if x.strip()
            for suffix in suffixes:
                name = 'upload_file_minidump_%s' % (suffix,)
                        args=(crash_id, name, 'dmp')
        if (
            context['raw'].get('ContainsMemoryReport') and
            context['report'].get('memory_report') and
            not context['report'].get('memory_report_error')
                    args=(crash_id, 'memory_report', 'json.gz')

    # Add descriptions to all fields.
    all_fields = SuperSearchFields().get()
    descriptions = {}
    for field in all_fields.values():
        key = '{}.{}'.format(field['namespace'], field['in_database_name'])
        descriptions[key] = '{} Search: {}'.format(
            field.get('description', '').strip() or
            'No description for this field.',
            field['is_exposed'] and field['name'] or 'N/A',

    context['fields_desc'] = descriptions
    context['empty_desc'] = 'No description for this field. Search: unknown'

    context['BUG_PRODUCT_MAP'] = settings.BUG_PRODUCT_MAP

    return render(request, 'crashstats/report_index.html', context)
