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Python CoverageConfig.from_environment方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中coverage.config.CoverageConfig.from_environment方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python CoverageConfig.from_environment方法的具体用法?Python CoverageConfig.from_environment怎么用?Python CoverageConfig.from_environment使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在coverage.config.CoverageConfig的用法示例。


示例1: coverage

# 需要导入模块: from coverage.config import CoverageConfig [as 别名]
# 或者: from coverage.config.CoverageConfig import from_environment [as 别名]
class coverage(object):
    """Programmatic access to Coverage.

    To use::

        from coverage import coverage

        cov = coverage()
        #.. blah blah (run your code) blah blah ..

    def __init__(self, data_file=None, data_suffix=None, cover_pylib=None,
                auto_data=False, timid=None, branch=None, config_file=True,
                source=None, omit=None, include=None):
        `data_file` is the base name of the data file to use, defaulting to
        ".coverage".  `data_suffix` is appended (with a dot) to `data_file` to
        create the final file name.  If `data_suffix` is simply True, then a
        suffix is created with the machine and process identity included.

        `cover_pylib` is a boolean determining whether Python code installed
        with the Python interpreter is measured.  This includes the Python
        standard library and any packages installed with the interpreter.

        If `auto_data` is true, then any existing data file will be read when
        coverage measurement starts, and data will be saved automatically when
        measurement stops.

        If `timid` is true, then a slower and simpler trace function will be
        used.  This is important for some environments where manipulation of
        tracing functions breaks the faster trace function.

        If `branch` is true, then branch coverage will be measured in addition
        to the usual statement coverage.

        `config_file` determines what config file to read.  If it is a string,
        it is the name of the config file to read.  If it is True, then a
        standard file is read (".coveragerc").  If it is False, then no file is

        `source` is a list of file paths or package names.  Only code located
        in the trees indicated by the file paths or package names will be

        `include` and `omit` are lists of filename patterns. Files that match
        `include` will be measured, files that match `omit` will not.  Each
        will also accept a single string argument.

        from coverage import __version__

        # A record of all the warnings that have been issued.
        self._warnings = []

        # Build our configuration from a number of sources:
        # 1: defaults:
        self.config = CoverageConfig()

        # 2: from the coveragerc file:
        if config_file:
            if config_file is True:
                config_file = ".coveragerc"
            except ValueError:
                _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
                raise CoverageException(
                    "Couldn't read config file %s: %s" % (config_file, err)

        # 3: from environment variables:
        env_data_file = os.environ.get('COVERAGE_FILE')
        if env_data_file:
            self.config.data_file = env_data_file

        # 4: from constructor arguments:
        if isinstance(omit, string_class):
            omit = [omit]
        if isinstance(include, string_class):
            include = [include]
            data_file=data_file, cover_pylib=cover_pylib, timid=timid,
            branch=branch, parallel=bool_or_none(data_suffix),
            source=source, omit=omit, include=include

        self.auto_data = auto_data
        self.atexit_registered = False

        # _exclude_re is a dict mapping exclusion list names to compiled
        # regexes.
        self._exclude_re = {}

        self.file_locator = FileLocator()


示例2: Coverage

# 需要导入模块: from coverage.config import CoverageConfig [as 别名]
# 或者: from coverage.config.CoverageConfig import from_environment [as 别名]
class Coverage(object):
    """Programmatic access to coverage.py.

    To use::

        from coverage import coverage

        cov = Coverage()
        #.. call your code ..

    def __init__(self, data_file=None, data_suffix=None, cover_pylib=None,
                auto_data=False, timid=None, branch=None, config_file=True,
                source=None, omit=None, include=None, debug=None,
                debug_file=None, concurrency=None, plugins=None):
        `data_file` is the base name of the data file to use, defaulting to
        ".coverage".  `data_suffix` is appended (with a dot) to `data_file` to
        create the final file name.  If `data_suffix` is simply True, then a
        suffix is created with the machine and process identity included.

        `cover_pylib` is a boolean determining whether Python code installed
        with the Python interpreter is measured.  This includes the Python
        standard library and any packages installed with the interpreter.

        If `auto_data` is true, then any existing data file will be read when
        coverage measurement starts, and data will be saved automatically when
        measurement stops.

        If `timid` is true, then a slower and simpler trace function will be
        used.  This is important for some environments where manipulation of
        tracing functions breaks the faster trace function.

        If `branch` is true, then branch coverage will be measured in addition
        to the usual statement coverage.

        `config_file` determines what config file to read.  If it is a string,
        it is the name of the config file to read.  If it is True, then a
        standard file is read (".coveragerc").  If it is False, then no file is

        `source` is a list of file paths or package names.  Only code located
        in the trees indicated by the file paths or package names will be

        `include` and `omit` are lists of filename patterns. Files that match
        `include` will be measured, files that match `omit` will not.  Each
        will also accept a single string argument.

        `debug` is a list of strings indicating what debugging information is
        desired. `debug_file` is the file to write debug messages to,
        defaulting to stderr.

        `concurrency` is a string indicating the concurrency library being used
        in the measured code.  Without this, coverage.py will get incorrect
        results.  Valid strings are "greenlet", "eventlet", "gevent", or
        "thread" (the default).

        `plugins` TODO.

        from coverage import __version__

        # A record of all the warnings that have been issued.
        self._warnings = []

        # Build our configuration from a number of sources:
        # 1: defaults:
        self.config = CoverageConfig()

        # 2: from the .coveragerc or setup.cfg file:
        if config_file:
            did_read_rc = should_read_setupcfg = False
            if config_file is True:
                config_file = ".coveragerc"
                should_read_setupcfg = True
                did_read_rc = self.config.from_file(config_file)
            except ValueError as err:
                raise CoverageException(
                    "Couldn't read config file %s: %s" % (config_file, err)

            if not did_read_rc and should_read_setupcfg:
                self.config.from_file("setup.cfg", section_prefix="coverage:")

        # 3: from environment variables:
        env_data_file = os.environ.get('COVERAGE_FILE')
        if env_data_file:
            self.config.data_file = env_data_file

        # 4: from constructor arguments:
            data_file=data_file, cover_pylib=cover_pylib, timid=timid,
            branch=branch, parallel=bool_or_none(data_suffix),
            source=source, omit=omit, include=include, debug=debug,

示例3: coverage

# 需要导入模块: from coverage.config import CoverageConfig [as 别名]
# 或者: from coverage.config.CoverageConfig import from_environment [as 别名]
class coverage(object):

    def __init__(self, data_file = None, data_suffix = None, cover_pylib = None, auto_data = False, timid = None, branch = None, config_file = True, source = None, omit = None, include = None, debug = None, debug_file = None):
        from coverage import __version__
        self._warnings = []
        self.config = CoverageConfig()
        if config_file:
            if config_file is True:
                config_file = '.coveragerc'
            except ValueError:
                _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
                raise CoverageException("Couldn't read config file %s: %s" % (config_file, err))

        env_data_file = os.environ.get('COVERAGE_FILE')
        if env_data_file:
            self.config.data_file = env_data_file
        self.config.from_args(data_file=data_file, cover_pylib=cover_pylib, timid=timid, branch=branch, parallel=bool_or_none(data_suffix), source=source, omit=omit, include=include, debug=debug)
        self.debug = DebugControl(self.config.debug, debug_file or sys.stderr)
        self.auto_data = auto_data
        self._exclude_re = {}
        self.file_locator = FileLocator()
        self.source = []
        self.source_pkgs = []
        for src in self.config.source or []:
            if os.path.exists(src):

        self.omit = prep_patterns(self.config.omit)
        self.include = prep_patterns(self.config.include)
        self.collector = Collector(self._should_trace, timid=self.config.timid, branch=self.config.branch, warn=self._warn)
        if data_suffix or self.config.parallel:
            if not isinstance(data_suffix, string_class):
                data_suffix = True
            data_suffix = None
        self.data_suffix = None
        self.run_suffix = data_suffix
        self.data = CoverageData(basename=self.config.data_file, collector='coverage v%s' % __version__, debug=self.debug)
        self.pylib_dirs = []
        if not self.config.cover_pylib:
            for m in (atexit,
                if m is not None and hasattr(m, '__file__'):
                    m_dir = self._canonical_dir(m)
                    if m_dir not in self.pylib_dirs:

        self.cover_dir = self._canonical_dir(__file__)
        self.source_match = None
        self.pylib_match = self.cover_match = None
        self.include_match = self.omit_match = None
        self._warn_no_data = True
        self._warn_unimported_source = True
        self._started = False
        self._measured = False

    def _canonical_dir(self, morf):
        return os.path.split(CodeUnit(morf, self.file_locator).filename)[0]

    def _source_for_file(self, filename):
        if not filename.endswith('.py'):
            if filename[-4:-1] == '.py':
                filename = filename[:-1]
            elif filename.endswith('$py.class'):
                filename = filename[:-9] + '.py'
        return filename

    def _should_trace_with_reason(self, filename, frame):
        if not filename:
            return (None, "empty string isn't a filename")
        if filename.startswith('<'):
            return (None, 'not a real filename')
        dunder_file = frame.f_globals.get('__file__')
        if dunder_file:
            filename = self._source_for_file(dunder_file)
        if filename.endswith('$py.class'):
            filename = filename[:-9] + '.py'
        canonical = self.file_locator.canonical_filename(filename)
        if self.source_match:
            if not self.source_match.match(canonical):
                return (None, 'falls outside the --source trees')
        elif self.include_match:
            if not self.include_match.match(canonical):
                return (None, 'falls outside the --include trees')
            if self.pylib_match and self.pylib_match.match(canonical):
                return (None, 'is in the stdlib')
            if self.cover_match and self.cover_match.match(canonical):
