本文整理汇总了Python中convert.Convert.to_decimal方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Convert.to_decimal方法的具体用法?Python Convert.to_decimal怎么用?Python Convert.to_decimal使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类convert.Convert
示例1: get_len_program
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def get_len_program(self):
c = Convert()
x = self.bloques[-1]
ini = self.bloques[0]
val = c.to_decimal(x.get_load_dir())
val_len = c.to_decimal(x.length)
val_ini = c.to_decimal(ini.get_load_dir())
val = val + val_len - val_ini
val = c.decimal_to_hexadecimal(val)
return val
示例2: is_type_c
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def is_type_c(self,desp):
c = Convert()
desp = c.to_decimal(desp)
del c
if desp < 4096:
return True
return False
示例3: relative_base
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def relative_base(self,arg):
hex = Hexadecimal()
c = Convert()
res = hex.subs(arg,self.base)
res_dec = c.to_decimal(res)
if res_dec >= 0 and res_dec <= 4095:
return res
return None
示例4: get_binary_code
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def get_binary_code(self,operator):
code = self.operations[operator]
c = Convert()
dec_code = c.to_decimal(code+"H")
binary = c.decimal_to_binary(int(dec_code),8)
binary = binary[0:-2]
del c
return binary
示例5: charge_text
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def charge_text(self):
c = Convert()
for r in self.registers:
string = r[9:]
index = 0
init = r[1:7]
col_start = init[-1] + "H"
col = int(c.to_decimal(col_start) + 1)
res = self.hex.subs(init[:-1], self.init[:-1])
dec_res = int(c.to_decimal(res))
while index < len(string):
byte = string[index : index + 2]
item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(byte)
self.window.tableWidget.setItem(dec_res, col, item)
index += 2
col = (col + 1) % 17
if col == 0:
col = 1
dec_res += 1
示例6: make_M_modificado
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def make_M_modificado(self,obj_code,cp_num):
c = Convert()
cp_num = c.to_decimal(cp_num)
cp_num = c.decimal_to_hexadecimal(cp_num)
dir= self.filter_number(cp_num)
dir = self.adjust_bytes(dir,6,False)
edit_bytes = obj_code
len_bytes = len(edit_bytes)
len_bytes = self.adjust_bytes(str(len_bytes),2,False)
register = "M" + str(dir) + str(len_bytes)+"+"+self.name
return register
示例7: operations_code
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def operations_code(self,operator,m,is_index):
r = Register("T")
c = Convert()
op = self.operations[operator]
op = op+"H"
op = c.to_decimal(op)
op = int(op)
binary = c.decimal_to_binary(op,24)
binary = c.shift_binary_left(binary,16)
if is_index:
binary = c.mask_or(binary,"000000001000000000000000")
m = c.to_decimal(m)
m = int(m)
m = c.decimal_to_binary(m,24)
binary = c.mask_or(binary,m)
val = int(binary,2)
val = c.decimal_to_hexadecimal(val)
val = r.filter_number(val)
val = r.adjust_bytes(val,6,False)
del r
del c
return val
示例8: get_address_tarjet
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def get_address_tarjet(self, value):
c = Convert()
addressing = value[0] + "H"
addressing = int(c.to_decimal(addressing))
val = value
bina = c.decimal_to_binary(addressing, 4)
bina = c.mask_and(bina, "1000")
if bina == "1000":
val = self.hex.subs(value, "8000H")
x = self.get_x_value()
val = self.hex.plus(val, x)
val = self.reg.filter_number(val)
return val
示例9: is_relative_cp
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def is_relative_cp(self,cp,arg):
hex = Hexadecimal()
c = Convert()
res_hex = hex.subs_minus(arg,cp)
sign = res_hex[1]
res_hex = res_hex[0]
res = int(c.to_decimal(res_hex))
if sign == "-":
res = (res ^ 4095)+1
res = res * -1
if res <= 2047 and res >= -2048:
return c.exp_to_hexadecimal(res)
return None
示例10: charge_header
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def charge_header(self):
init = self.header[7:13]
self.init = init
length = self.header[13:]
self.end_program = self.hex.plus(init, length)
star_rows = length[:-1]
index = init[:-1]
num_rows = star_rows + "H"
c = Convert()
num_rows = int(c.to_decimal(num_rows))
self.window.tableWidget.setRowCount(num_rows + 1)
it = 0
while it <= num_rows:
dir = index + "0H"
r = Register("T")
dir = r.adjust_bytes(dir, 6, False)
item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(dir)
self.window.tableWidget.setItem(it, 0, item)
it += 1
index = self.hex.plus(index, "1H")[:-1]
示例11: Cargadorx
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
class Cargadorx():
def __init__(self,window):
self.window = window
self.tabse = Tabse()
self.lonsc = "0H"
self.dirsc = "0H"
self.dirprog = "0H"
self.direj = "0H"
self.hexa = Hexadecimal()
self.convert = Convert()
self.register = Register("A")
self.error_indefinido = False
self.error_duplicado = False
def show_error(self,msg):
def load_file_name(self,list_obj,dirprog):
val_int = self.convert.to_decimal(dirprog)
self.dirprog = self.convert.decimal_to_hexadecimal(val_int)
self.dirprog = self.register.adjust_bytes(self.dirprog,6,False)+"H"
self.dirsc = self.dirprog
if not self.error_duplicado:
self.dirsc = self.dirprog
self.direj = self.dirprog
if self.error_indefinido:
self.show_error("Error en simbolo indefinido")
self.show_error("Error simbolo duplicado")
def step_1(self,list_obj):
for list_n in list_obj:
for n in list_n:
if len(n) > 0:
if n[0] == "H":
elif n[0] == "D":
self.dirsc = self.hexa.plus(self.dirsc,self.lonsc)
def step_h(self,n,step):
name = n[1:7]
name = name.strip()
self.lonsc = n[13:]+"H"
if step == 1:
if not self.tabse.exist_node(name):
##print name
self.error_duplicado = True
def step_1_d(self,n):
num = (len(n)-1)/12
it = 0
# print "num",num,len(n)
while it < num:
index1 = (it * 12)+1
index2 = index1 + 6
index3 = index2 + 6
name = n[index1:index2].strip()
#print "name",name
if index3 >= len(n):
len_r = n[index2:]+"H"
len_r = n[index2:index3]+"H"
if not self.tabse.exist_node(name):
val = self.hexa.plus(len_r,self.dirsc)
print "error",name
self.error_duplicado = True
it += 1
def step_2(self,list_obj):
for list_n in list_obj:
for n in list_n:
if len(n) > 0:
if n[0] == "H":
elif n[0] == "T":
elif n[0] == "M":
elif n[0] == "E":
self.dirsc = self.hexa.plus(self.dirsc,self.lonsc)
def reg_e(self,r):
if len(r) > 1:
val = r[1:] + "H"
self.direj = self.hexa.plus(self.dirsc,val)
示例12: Simuladorx
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def get_register(self,reg_num):
item = self.window.tableWidget_2.item(reg_num,0)
return str(item.text())
def carga(self,list_obj,dirprog):
self.cargador = Cargadorx(self.window)
cp = self.cargador.direj
self.end_program = self.cargador.dirsc
if self.cargador.error_duplicado:
QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self,"Error","Error simbolo duplicado")
elif self.cargador.error_indefinido:
QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self,"Error","Error simbolo indefinido")
def increment_cp(self,num):
num_hexa = self.convert.decimal_to_hexadecimal(num)
cp = self.get_register(self.REG_CP)
res = self.hexa.plus(num_hexa,cp)
def show_next_instr(self):
op = self.get_operation()
def get_operation(self):
cp = self.get_register(self.REG_CP)
value = self.get_data_form_mem(cp,1)
val = value[0]
val2 = value[1]
val_d = int(self.convert.to_decimal(val2+"H"))
val_d = val_d & 12
value = val + self.convert.decimal_to_hexadecimal(str(val_d))[:-1]
tip = "Error"
op = self.operations_1.get(value,"Error")
if not op == "Error":
tip = "1"
op = self.operations_2.get(value,"Error")
if not op == "Error":
tip = "2"
op = self.operations_3.get(value,"Error")
if not op == "Error":
tip = "3"
return [value,op,tip]
##regresa los datos de una localidad y las licalidades
# @param localidad donde se obtendra el dato
# @param num_loc cuantas localidades siguientes accedera
def get_data_form_mem(self,location,num_loc):
loc = self.register.filter_number(location)
row = self.get_row_index(loc)
col = self.get_column_index(loc)
data = ""
it = col
count = 0
while count < num_loc:
item = self.window.tableWidget.item(row,it)
data += str(item.text())
it = (it+1)%17
if it == 0:
示例13: get_column_index
# 需要导入模块: from convert import Convert [as 别名]
# 或者: from convert.Convert import to_decimal [as 别名]
def get_column_index(self, value):
c = Convert()
index = str(value[-1]) + "H"
index = c.to_decimal(index)
del c
return index + 1