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Python App.add_api方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中connexion.app.App.add_api方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python App.add_api方法的具体用法?Python App.add_api怎么用?Python App.add_api使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在connexion.app.App的用法示例。


示例1: test_security_over_inexistent_endpoints

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def test_security_over_inexistent_endpoints(oauth_requests, secure_api_spec_dir):
    app1 = App(__name__, 5001, secure_api_spec_dir, swagger_ui=False,
               debug=True, auth_all_paths=True)
    assert app1.port == 5001

    app_client = app1.app.test_client()
    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer 300"}
    get_inexistent_endpoint = app_client.get('/v1.0/does-not-exist-invalid-token',
                                             headers=headers)  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_inexistent_endpoint.status_code == 401
    assert get_inexistent_endpoint.content_type == 'application/problem+json'

    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer 100"}
    get_inexistent_endpoint = app_client.get('/v1.0/does-not-exist-valid-token',
                                             headers=headers)  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_inexistent_endpoint.status_code == 404
    assert get_inexistent_endpoint.content_type == 'application/problem+json'

    get_inexistent_endpoint = app_client.get('/v1.0/does-not-exist-no-token')  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_inexistent_endpoint.status_code == 401

    swagger_ui = app_client.get('/v1.0/ui/')  # type: flask.Response
    assert swagger_ui.status_code == 401

    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer 100"}
    post_greeting = app_client.post('/v1.0/greeting/rcaricio', data={}, headers=headers)  # type: flask.Response
    assert post_greeting.status_code == 200

    post_greeting = app_client.post('/v1.0/greeting/rcaricio', data={})  # type: flask.Response
    assert post_greeting.status_code == 401

示例2: test_security

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def test_security(oauth_requests):
    app1 = App(__name__, 5001, SPEC_FOLDER, debug=True)
    assert app1.port == 5001

    app_client = app1.app.test_client()
    get_bye_no_auth = app_client.get('/v1.0/byesecure/jsantos')  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_bye_no_auth.status_code == 401
    assert get_bye_no_auth.content_type == 'application/problem+json'
    get_bye_no_auth_reponse = json.loads(get_bye_no_auth.data.decode())  # type: dict
    assert get_bye_no_auth_reponse['title'] == 'Unauthorized'
    assert get_bye_no_auth_reponse['detail'] == "No authorization token provided"

    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer 100"}
    get_bye_good_auth = app_client.get('/v1.0/byesecure/jsantos', headers=headers)  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_bye_good_auth.status_code == 200
    assert get_bye_good_auth.data == b'Goodbye jsantos (Secure)'

    app_client = app1.app.test_client()
    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer 200"}
    get_bye_wrong_scope = app_client.get('/v1.0/byesecure/jsantos', headers=headers)  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_bye_wrong_scope.status_code == 403
    assert get_bye_wrong_scope.content_type == 'application/problem+json'
    get_bye_wrong_scope_reponse = json.loads(get_bye_wrong_scope.data.decode())  # type: dict
    assert get_bye_wrong_scope_reponse['title'] == 'Forbidden'
    assert get_bye_wrong_scope_reponse['detail'] == "Provided token doesn't have the required scope"

    app_client = app1.app.test_client()
    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer 300"}
    get_bye_bad_token = app_client.get('/v1.0/byesecure/jsantos', headers=headers)  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_bye_bad_token.status_code == 401
    assert get_bye_bad_token.content_type == 'application/problem+json'
    get_bye_bad_token_reponse = json.loads(get_bye_bad_token.data.decode())  # type: dict
    assert get_bye_bad_token_reponse['title'] == 'Unauthorized'
    assert get_bye_bad_token_reponse['detail'] == "Provided oauth token is not valid"

示例3: test_no_swagger_json_api

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def test_no_swagger_json_api(simple_api_spec_dir):
    """ Verify the swagger.json file is not returned when set to False when adding api. """
    app = App(__name__, 5001, simple_api_spec_dir, debug=True)
    app.add_api('swagger.yaml', swagger_json=False)

    app_client = app.app.test_client()
    swagger_json = app_client.get('/v1.0/swagger.json')  # type: flask.Response
    assert swagger_json.status_code == 404

示例4: build_app_from_fixture

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def build_app_from_fixture(api_spec_folder, **kwargs):
    debug = True
    if 'debug' in kwargs:
        debug = kwargs['debug']
    app = App(__name__, 5001, FIXTURES_FOLDER / api_spec_folder, debug=debug)
    app.add_api('swagger.yaml', **kwargs)
    return app

示例5: test_swagger_json_api

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def test_swagger_json_api(simple_api_spec_dir):
    """ Verify the swagger.json file is returned for default setting passed to api. """
    app = App(__name__, 5001, simple_api_spec_dir, debug=True)

    app_client = app.app.test_client()
    swagger_json = app_client.get('/v1.0/swagger.json')  # type: flask.Response
    assert swagger_json.status_code == 200

示例6: test_app_with_relative_path

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def test_app_with_relative_path(simple_api_spec_dir):
    # Create the app with a realative path and run the test_app testcase below.
    app = App(__name__, 5001, '..' / simple_api_spec_dir.relative_to(TEST_FOLDER),

    app_client = app.app.test_client()
    get_bye = app_client.get('/v1.0/bye/jsantos')  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_bye.status_code == 200
    assert get_bye.data == b'Goodbye jsantos'

示例7: test_no_swagger

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def test_no_swagger():
    app = App(__name__, 5001, SPEC_FOLDER, swagger_ui=False, debug=True)
    app_client = app.app.test_client()
    swagger_ui = app_client.get('/v1.0/ui/')  # type: flask.Response
    assert swagger_ui.status_code == 404

    app2 = App(__name__, 5001, SPEC_FOLDER, debug=True)
    app2.add_api('api.yaml', swagger_ui=False)
    app2_client = app2.app.test_client()
    swagger_ui2 = app2_client.get('/v1.0/ui/')  # type: flask.Response
    assert swagger_ui2.status_code == 404

示例8: test_no_swagger

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def test_no_swagger(simple_api_spec_dir):
    app = App(__name__, 5001, simple_api_spec_dir, swagger_ui=False, debug=True)

    app_client = app.app.test_client()
    swagger_ui = app_client.get('/v1.0/ui/')  # type: flask.Response
    assert swagger_ui.status_code == 404

    app2 = App(__name__, 5001, simple_api_spec_dir, debug=True)
    app2.add_api('swagger.yaml', swagger_ui=False)
    app2_client = app2.app.test_client()
    swagger_ui2 = app2_client.get('/v1.0/ui/')  # type: flask.Response
    assert swagger_ui2.status_code == 404

示例9: test_dict_as_yaml_path

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def test_dict_as_yaml_path(simple_api_spec_dir):

    swagger_yaml_path = simple_api_spec_dir / 'swagger.yaml'

    with swagger_yaml_path.open(mode='rb') as swagger_yaml:
        contents = swagger_yaml.read()
            swagger_template = contents.decode()
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            swagger_template = contents.decode('utf-8', 'replace')

        swagger_string = jinja2.Template(swagger_template).render({})
        specification = yaml.safe_load(swagger_string)  # type: dict

    app = App(__name__, 5001, simple_api_spec_dir, debug=True)

    app_client = app.app.test_client()
    swagger_json = app_client.get('/v1.0/swagger.json')  # type: flask.Response
    assert swagger_json.status_code == 200

示例10: test_security

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def test_security(oauth_requests):
    app1 = App(__name__, 5001, SPEC_FOLDER, debug=True)
    assert app1.port == 5001

    app_client = app1.app.test_client()
    get_bye_no_auth = app_client.get('/v1.0/byesecure/jsantos')  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_bye_no_auth.status_code == 401

    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer 100"}
    get_bye_good_auth = app_client.get('/v1.0/byesecure/jsantos', headers=headers)  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_bye_good_auth.status_code == 200
    assert get_bye_good_auth.data == b'Goodbye jsantos (Secure)'

    app_client = app1.app.test_client()
    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer 200"}
    get_bye_wrong_scope = app_client.get('/v1.0/byesecure/jsantos', headers=headers)  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_bye_wrong_scope.status_code == 401

    app_client = app1.app.test_client()
    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer 300"}
    get_bye_bad_token = app_client.get('/v1.0/byesecure/jsantos', headers=headers)  # type: flask.Response
    assert get_bye_bad_token.status_code == 401

示例11: app

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def app():
    app = App(__name__, 5001, SPEC_FOLDER, debug=True)
    return app

示例12: simple_app

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def simple_app(simple_api_spec_dir):
    app = App(__name__, 5001, simple_api_spec_dir, debug=True)
    app.add_api('swagger.yaml', validate_responses=True)
    return app

示例13: test_add_api_with_function_resolver_function_is_wrapped

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def test_add_api_with_function_resolver_function_is_wrapped(simple_api_spec_dir):
    app = App(__name__, specification_dir=simple_api_spec_dir)
    api = app.add_api('swagger.yaml', resolver=lambda oid: (lambda foo: 'bar'))
    assert api.resolver.resolve_function_from_operation_id('faux')('bah') == 'bar'

示例14: app

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def app():
    app = App(__name__, 5001, SPEC_FOLDER, debug=True)
    app.add_api('api.yaml', validate_responses=True)
    return app

示例15: build_app_from_fixture

# 需要导入模块: from connexion.app import App [as 别名]
# 或者: from connexion.app.App import add_api [as 别名]
def build_app_from_fixture(api_spec_folder):
    app = App(__name__, 5001, FIXTURES_FOLDER / api_spec_folder, debug=True)
    app.add_api('swagger.yaml', validate_responses=True)
    return app
