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Python selection.Selection类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中common.selection.Selection的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Selection类的具体用法?Python Selection怎么用?Python Selection使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: get_context_data

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        """get context from parent class (really only relevant for child classes of this class, as TemplateView does
        not have any context variables)"""
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)

        # get selection from session and add to context
        # get simple selection from session
        simple_selection = self.request.session.get('selection', False)

        # create full selection and import simple selection (if it exists)
        selection = Selection()

        # on the first page of a workflow, clear the selection (or dont' import from the session)
        if self.step is not 1:
            if simple_selection:

        context['selection'] = {}
        context['selection']['tree_settings'] = selection.tree_settings

        for selection_box, include in self.selection_boxes.items():
            if include:
                context['selection'][selection_box] = selection.dict(selection_box)['selection'][selection_box]

        # get attributes of this class and add them to the context
        attributes = inspect.getmembers(self, lambda a:not(inspect.isroutine(a)))
        for a in attributes:
            if not(a[0].startswith('__') and a[0].endswith('__')):
                context[a[0]] = a[1]
        return context

示例2: post

    def post (self, request, *args, **kwargs):

        # create full selection and import simple selection (if it exists)
        simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False)
        selection = Selection()
        if simple_selection:

        if 'ref_file' in request.FILES:
            request.session['ref_file'] = request.FILES['ref_file']
        if 'alt_files' in request.FILES:
            request.session['alt_files'] = request.FILES.getlist('alt_files')
        context = super(SuperpositionWorkflowSelection, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['selection'] = {}
        for selection_box, include in self.selection_boxes.items():
            if include:
                context['selection'][selection_box] = selection.dict(selection_box)['selection'][selection_box]

        attributes = inspect.getmembers(self, lambda a:not(inspect.isroutine(a)))
        for a in attributes:
            if not(a[0].startswith('__') and a[0].endswith('__')):
                context[a[0]] = a[1]

        return render(request, self.template_name, context)

示例3: get_context_data

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

        self.buttons = {
            'continue': {
                'label': 'Download substructures',
                'url': '/structure/superposition_workflow_results/custom',
                'color': 'success',
        context = super(SuperpositionWorkflowSelection, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        simple_selection = self.request.session.get('selection', False)
        selection = Selection()
        if simple_selection:

        context['selection'] = {}
        context['selection']['site_residue_groups'] = selection.site_residue_groups
        context['selection']['active_site_residue_group'] = selection.active_site_residue_group
        for selection_box, include in self.selection_boxes.items():
            if include:
                context['selection'][selection_box] = selection.dict(selection_box)['selection'][selection_box]

        # get attributes of this class and add them to the context
        attributes = inspect.getmembers(self, lambda a:not(inspect.isroutine(a)))
        for a in attributes:
            if not(a[0].startswith('__') and a[0].endswith('__')):
                context[a[0]] = a[1]
        return context

示例4: get

    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

        if self.kwargs['substructure'] == 'custom':
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/structure/generic_numbering_selection')

        simple_selection = self.request.session.get('selection', False)
        selection = Selection()
        if simple_selection:
        out_stream = StringIO()
        io = PDBIO()
        gn_struct = PDBParser(PERMISSIVE=True, QUIET=True).get_structure(request.session['gn_outfname'], request.session['gn_outfile'])[0]

        if self.kwargs['substructure'] == 'full':

        if self.kwargs['substructure'] == 'substr':
            io.save(out_stream, GenericNumbersSelector(parsed_selection=SelectionParser(selection)))

        root, ext = os.path.splitext(request.session['gn_outfname'])
        response = HttpResponse(content_type="chemical/x-pdb")
        response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{}_GPCRDB.pdb"'.format(root)

        return response

示例5: TargetDetails

def TargetDetails(request, **kwargs):

    if 'slug' in kwargs:
        slug = kwargs['slug']
        if slug.count('_') == 0 :
            ps = AssayExperiment.objects.filter(protein__family__parent__parent__parent__slug=slug, ligand__properities__web_links__web_resource__slug = 'chembl_ligand')
        elif slug.count('_') == 1 and len(slug) == 7:
            ps = AssayExperiment.objects.filter(protein__family__parent__parent__slug=slug, ligand__properities__web_links__web_resource__slug = 'chembl_ligand')
        elif slug.count('_') == 2:
            ps = AssayExperiment.objects.filter(protein__family__parent__slug=slug, ligand__properities__web_links__web_resource__slug = 'chembl_ligand')
        #elif slug.count('_') == 3:
        elif slug.count('_') == 1 and len(slug) != 7:
            ps = AssayExperiment.objects.filter(protein__entry_name = slug, ligand__properities__web_links__web_resource__slug = 'chembl_ligand')
        if slug.count('_') == 1 and len(slug) == 7:
            f = ProteinFamily.objects.get(slug=slug)      
            f = slug

        context = {
        simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False)
        selection = Selection()
        if simple_selection:
        if selection.targets != []:
            prot_ids = [x.item.id for x in selection.targets]
            ps = AssayExperiment.objects.filter(protein__in=prot_ids, ligand__properities__web_links__web_resource__slug = 'chembl_ligand')
            context = {
                'target': ', '.join([x.item.entry_name for x in selection.targets])
    ps = ps.values('standard_type',
                ).annotate(num_targets = Count('protein__id', distinct=True))
    for record in ps:
        record['purchasability'] = 'Yes' if len(LigandVendorLink.objects.filter(lp=record['ligand__properities_id']).exclude(vendor__name__in=['ZINC', 'ChEMBL', 'BindingDB', 'SureChEMBL', 'eMolecules', 'MolPort', 'PubChem'])) > 0 else 'No'

    context['proteins'] = ps

    return render(request, 'target_details.html', context)

示例6: SelectionAnnotation

def SelectionAnnotation(request):
    """Updates the selected level of annotation"""
    protein_source = request.GET['protein_source']
    if protein_source == 'All':
        pss = ProteinSource.objects.all()
        pss = ProteinSource.objects.filter(name=protein_source)

    # get simple selection from session
    simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False)
    # create full selection and import simple selection (if it exists)
    selection = Selection()
    if simple_selection:

    # reset the annotation selection

    # add the selected items to the selection
    for ps in pss:
        selection_object = SelectionItem('annotation', ps)
        selection.add('annotation', 'annotation', selection_object)

    # export simple selection that can be serialized
    simple_selection = selection.exporter()

    # add simple selection to session
    request.session['selection'] = simple_selection
    return render(request, 'common/selection_filters_annotation.html', selection.dict('annotation'))

示例7: ToggleFamilyTreeNode

def ToggleFamilyTreeNode(request):
    """Opens/closes a node in the family selection tree"""
    action = request.GET['action']
    type_of_selection = request.GET['type_of_selection']
    node_id = request.GET['node_id']
    parent_tree_indent_level = int(request.GET['tree_indent_level'])
    tree_indent_level = []
    for i in range(parent_tree_indent_level+1):
    parent_tree_indent_level = tree_indent_level[:]
    del parent_tree_indent_level[-1]

    # session
    simple_selection = request.session.get('selection')
    selection = Selection()
    if simple_selection:

    ppf = ProteinFamily.objects.get(pk=node_id)
    if action == 'expand':
        pfs = ProteinFamily.objects.filter(parent=node_id)

        # species filter
        species_list = []
        for species in selection.species:

        # annotation filter
        protein_source_list = []
        for protein_source in selection.annotation:

        if species_list:
            ps = Protein.objects.order_by('id').filter(family=ppf,
                source__in=(protein_source_list)).order_by('source_id', 'id')
            ps = Protein.objects.order_by('id').filter(family=ppf,
                source__in=(protein_source_list)).order_by('source_id', 'id')
        action = 'collapse'
        pfs = ps = {}
        action = 'expand'
    return render(request, 'common/selection_tree.html', {
        'action': action,
        'type_of_selection': type_of_selection,
        'ppf': ppf,
        'pfs': pfs,
        'ps': ps,
        'parent_tree_indent_level': parent_tree_indent_level,
        'tree_indent_level': tree_indent_level,

示例8: TargetPurchasabilityDetails

def TargetPurchasabilityDetails(request, **kwargs):

    simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False)
    selection = Selection()
    if simple_selection:
    if selection.targets != []:
        prot_ids = [x.item.id for x in selection.targets]
        ps = AssayExperiment.objects.filter(protein__in=prot_ids, ligand__properities__web_links__web_resource__slug = 'chembl_ligand')
        context = {
            'target': ', '.join([x.item.entry_name for x in selection.targets])

    ps = ps.values('standard_type',
                ).annotate(num_targets = Count('protein__id', distinct=True))
    purchasable = []
    for record in ps:
            if record['ligand__properities__vendors__vendor__name'] in ['ZINC', 'ChEMBL', 'BindingDB', 'SureChEMBL', 'eMolecules', 'MolPort', 'PubChem', 'IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY']:
            tmp = LigandVendorLink.objects.filter(vendor=record['ligand__properities__vendors__vendor__id'], lp=record['ligand__properities_id'])[0]
            record['vendor_id'] = tmp.vendor_external_id
            record['vendor_link'] = tmp.url

    context['proteins'] = purchasable

    return render(request, 'target_purchasability_details.html', context)

示例9: SelectionSpeciesToggle

def SelectionSpeciesToggle(request):
    """Updates the selected species arbitrary selections"""
    species_id = request.GET['species_id']

    all_sps = Species.objects.all()
    sps = Species.objects.filter(pk=species_id)

    # get simple selection from session
    simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False)
    # create full selection and import simple selection (if it exists)
    selection = Selection()
    if simple_selection:

    # add the selected items to the selection
    for sp in sps:
        exists = selection.remove('species', 'species', species_id)
        if not exists:
            selection_object = SelectionItem('species', sp)
            selection.add('species', 'species', selection_object)

    # export simple selection that can be serialized
    simple_selection = selection.exporter()

    # add simple selection to session
    request.session['selection'] = simple_selection

    # add all species objects to context (for comparison to selected species)
    context = selection.dict('species')
    context['sps'] = Species.objects.all()
    return render(request, 'common/selection_filters_species_selector.html', context)

示例10: SelectionSchemesToggle

def SelectionSchemesToggle(request):
    """Updates the selected numbering schemes arbitrary selections"""
    numbering_scheme_id = request.GET['numbering_scheme_id']
    gns = ResidueNumberingScheme.objects.filter(pk=numbering_scheme_id)

    # get simple selection from session
    simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False)
    # create full selection and import simple selection (if it exists)
    selection = Selection()
    if simple_selection:

    # add the selected items to the selection
    for gn in gns:
        exists = selection.remove('numbering_schemes', 'numbering_schemes', numbering_scheme_id)
        if not exists:
            selection_object = SelectionItem('numbering_schemes', gn)
            selection.add('numbering_schemes', 'numbering_schemes', selection_object)

    # export simple selection that can be serialized
    simple_selection = selection.exporter()

    # add simple selection to session
    request.session['selection'] = simple_selection

    # add all species objects to context (for comparison to selected species)
    context = selection.dict('numbering_schemes')
    context['gns'] = ResidueNumberingScheme.objects.exclude(slug=settings.DEFAULT_NUMBERING_SCHEME)
    return render(request, 'common/selection_filters_numbering_schemes.html', context)

示例11: ResiduesUpload

def ResiduesUpload(request):
    """Receives a file containing generic residue positions along with numbering scheme and adds those to the selection."""

    # get simple selection from session
    simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False)
    # create full selection and import simple selection (if it exists)
    selection = Selection()
    if simple_selection:

    selection_type = 'segments'
    if request.FILES == {}:
        return render(request, 'common/selection_lists.html', '')

    #Overwriting the existing selection

    #The excel file
    o = []
    workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=request.FILES['xml_file'].read())
    worksheets = workbook.sheet_names()
    for worksheet_name in worksheets:
        worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(worksheet_name)
        for row in worksheet.get_rows():
            if len(row) < 2:
                if row[0].value == 'residue':
                    position = ResidueGenericNumberEquivalent.objects.get(label=row[2].value, scheme__slug=row[1].value)
                elif row[0].value == 'helix':
            except Exception as msg:
    for obj in o:
        # add the selected item to the selection
        if obj.__class__.__name__ == 'ResidueGenericNumberEquivalent':
            selection_subtype = 'residue'
            selection_subtype = 'helix'
        selection_object = SelectionItem(selection_subtype, obj)
        selection.add(selection_type, selection_subtype, selection_object)

    # export simple selection that can be serialized
    simple_selection = selection.exporter()

    # add simple selection to session
    request.session['selection'] = simple_selection

    return render(request, 'common/selection_lists.html', selection.dict(selection_type))

示例12: SelectAlignableSegments

def SelectAlignableSegments(request):
    """Adds all alignable segments to the selection"""
    selection_type = request.GET['selection_type']

    # get simple selection from session
    simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False)
    # create full selection and import simple selection (if it exists)
    selection = Selection()
    if simple_selection:

    # get all segments
    segments = ProteinSegment.objects.filter(partial=False, slug__startswith='TM')
    for segment in segments:
        selection_object = SelectionItem(segment.category, segment)
        # add the selected item to the selection
        selection.add(selection_type, segment.category, selection_object)

    # export simple selection that can be serialized
    simple_selection = selection.exporter()

    # add simple selection to session
    request.session['selection'] = simple_selection
    return render(request, 'common/selection_lists.html', selection.dict(selection_type))

示例13: SelectAlignableSegments

def SelectAlignableSegments(request):
    """Adds all alignable segments to the selection"""
    selection_type = request.GET['selection_type']

    # get simple selection from session
    simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False)
    # create full selection and import simple selection (if it exists)
    selection = Selection()
    if simple_selection:

    # get all segments
        # get all segments
    if "protein_type" in request.GET:
        gsegments = definitions.G_PROTEIN_SEGMENTS

        preserved = Case(*[When(slug=pk, then=pos) for pos, pk in enumerate(gsegments['Structured'])])
        segments = ProteinSegment.objects.filter(slug__in = gsegments['Structured'], partial=False).order_by(preserved)
        segments = ProteinSegment.objects.filter(partial=False, slug__startswith='TM')

    for segment in segments:
        selection_object = SelectionItem(segment.category, segment)
        # add the selected item to the selection
        selection.add(selection_type, segment.category, selection_object)

    # export simple selection that can be serialized
    simple_selection = selection.exporter()

    # add simple selection to session
    request.session['selection'] = simple_selection
    return render(request, 'common/selection_lists.html', selection.dict(selection_type))

示例14: SelectResidueFeature

def SelectResidueFeature(request):
    """Receives a selection request, add a feature selection to an item, and returns the updated selection"""
    selection_type = request.GET['selection_type']
    selection_subtype = request.GET['selection_subtype']
    selection_id = int(request.GET['selection_id'])
    feature = request.GET['feature']
    # get simple selection from session
    simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False)
    # create full selection and import simple selection (if it exists)
    selection = Selection()
    if simple_selection:

    # process selected object
    if selection_type == 'segments' and selection_subtype == 'site_residue':
        for obj in selection.segments:
            if int(obj.item.id) == selection_id:
                obj.properties['feature'] = feature
                obj.properties['amino_acids'] = ','.join(definitions.AMINO_ACID_GROUPS[feature])

    # export simple selection that can be serialized
    simple_selection = selection.exporter()

    # add simple selection to session
    request.session['selection'] = simple_selection

    # context 
    context = selection.dict(selection_type)
    # amino acid groups
    amino_acid_groups = {
        'amino_acid_groups': definitions.AMINO_ACID_GROUPS,
        'amino_acid_group_names': definitions.AMINO_ACID_GROUP_NAMES }

    # template to load
    template = 'common/selection_lists_sitesearch.html'

    return render(request, template, context)

示例15: SelectResidueGroup

def SelectResidueGroup(request):
    """Receives a selection request, updates the active residue group, and returns the updated selection"""
    selection_type = request.GET['selection_type']
    group_id = int(request.GET['group_id'])
    # get simple selection from session
    simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False)
    # create full selection and import simple selection (if it exists)
    selection = Selection()
    if simple_selection:

    # update the selected group
    selection.active_site_residue_group = group_id

    # export simple selection that can be serialized
    simple_selection = selection.exporter()

    # add simple selection to session
    request.session['selection'] = simple_selection

    # context 
    context = selection.dict(selection_type)
    # amino acid groups
    amino_acid_groups = {
        'amino_acid_groups': definitions.AMINO_ACID_GROUPS,
        'amino_acid_group_names': definitions.AMINO_ACID_GROUP_NAMES }

    # template to load
    template = 'common/selection_lists_sitesearch.html'

    return render(request, template, context)
