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Python Log.debug方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中common.Log.debug方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Log.debug方法的具体用法?Python Log.debug怎么用?Python Log.debug使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在common.Log的用法示例。


示例1: process

# 需要导入模块: from common import Log [as 别名]
# 或者: from common.Log import debug [as 别名]
  def process(self, fileName, includeMacros = False):
    Process the macro declarations present in a file and return the resulting string.
    @param fileName:       Name of file to parse
    @param includeMacros:  Pass  True to include the preprocessor macros in the output
    cmd = [self.binary]

    if self.arguments:
    if includeMacros:
      # Don't include predefined macros
    for macro, value in self.config.get("macros", {}).items():
      cmd.append("-D%s=%s" % (macro, value))
    if self.platform.name in self.config:
      plat = self.config[self.platform.name]
      for lib in plat.get("includedirs", []):
      for macro, value in plat.get("macros", {}).items():
        cmd.append("-D%s=%s" % (macro, value))

    if self.options.verbose:
      Log.debug("Running preprocessor: " + " ".join(cmd))
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
    return p.stdout.read()

示例2: loadHooks

# 需要导入模块: from common import Log [as 别名]
# 或者: from common.Log import debug [as 别名]
 def loadHooks(self):
   target   = self.target
   config   = self.target.config
   lib      = self.target.library
   platform = self.target.project.platform
   # Collect hooks in various locations
   for fileName in config.get("hooks", []):
     Log.notice("Parsing hooks from '%s'." % fileName)
     source = self.readSource(fileName)
     functions = Parser.parseSource(source).functions.values()
     if not functions:
       Log.warn("No hooks found.")
     for f in functions:
       Log.debug("%s %s(%s)" % (f.type, f.name, ", ".join(["%s %s" % (t.type, p) for p, t in f.parameters.items()])))
     for function in functions:
       if not function.body:
         Log.warn("Hook function '%s' has no body." % function.name)
       if function.name.startswith("@"):
         lib.hooks[function.name] = function.body
           name, hookName = function.name.split(".", 1)
           if not name in lib.functions:
             target.fail("Function '%s' referred by hook function '%s' does not exist." % (name, function.name))
           if not hookName.startswith("@") and not hookName in lib.functions[name].parameters:
             target.fail("Parameter '%s' referred by hook function '%s' does not exist." % (hookName, function.name))
           lib.functions[name].hooks[hookName] = function.body
         except ValueError:
           target.fail("Hook function name '%s' is not valid." % function.name)

示例3: reportDebug

# 需要导入模块: from common import Log [as 别名]
# 或者: from common.Log import debug [as 别名]
 def reportDebug(self, msg):
   for line in str(msg).rstrip().split("\n"):

示例4: prepare

# 需要导入模块: from common import Log [as 别名]
# 或者: from common.Log import debug [as 别名]
  def prepare(self):
    # Shorthand for various objects
    config = self.config
    lib    = self.library
    # Parse the sources
    for fileName in config.get("apiheaders", []):
      Log.notice("Parsing functions from '%s'." % fileName)
      source = self.parserTool.readSource(fileName)
      newLib = Parser.parseSource(source)
      for f in newLib.functions.values():
        f.headerName = fileName
      for f in newLib.functions.values():
        Log.debug("%s %s(%s)" % (f.type, f.name, ", ".join(["%s %s" % (t.type, p) for p, t in f.parameters.items()])))
      if not newLib.functions:
        Log.warn("No new functions found.")
        Log.notice("%d functions found." % len(newLib.functions))

    # Load the hooks

    def parseBool(s):
      return bool(int(s))

    # Read the typemap
    for typeDecl, mapping in self.config.types.items():
      attrs = self.config.types[typeDecl].attrs
      name, type = Parser.parseVariableDeclaration(typeDecl + " dummy")
      assert name == "dummy"
      # If this is a class mapping, create the class if it doesn't already exist
      if mapping == "object":
        if not mapping in self.library.classes:
          cls = Library.Class(type)
          if "namespace" in attrs:
            cls.namespacePath = attrs["namespace"].split(".")
          self.library.classes[type] = cls
      # Patch the default decoration hint into all matching types
      if "decorationhint" in attrs:
          for function in self.library.functions.values():
              for t in [p.type for p in function.parameters.values()] + [function.type]:
                  if t == type:
                      t.decorationHint = attrs["decorationhint"]
      self.library.typeMap[type] = str(mapping)

    # Patch in some function-specific attributes
    for function in config.functions.keys():
      if not function in lib.functions:
        self.fail("Attributes specified for non-existent function '%s'." % function)
      attrs = config.functions[function].attrs
      if "terminator" in attrs:
        lib.functions[function].isTerminator         = parseBool(attrs["terminator"])
      if "generate" in attrs:
        lib.functions[function].generate             = parseBool(attrs["generate"])
      if "runtimestate" in attrs:
        lib.functions[function].runtimeStateTracking = parseBool(attrs["runtimestate"])
      if "framemarker" in attrs:
        lib.functions[function].isFrameMarker        = parseBool(attrs["framemarker"])
      if "staticlinkage" in attrs:
        lib.functions[function].staticLinkage        = parseBool(attrs["staticlinkage"])
      if "rendercall" in attrs:
        lib.functions[function].isRenderCall         = parseBool(attrs["rendercall"])
      if "passthrough" in attrs:
        lib.functions[function].passthrough          = parseBool(attrs["passthrough"])
      if not isinstance(config.functions[function], Config.Group):
        self.fail("Syntax error: State map definition for function '%s' is missing braces." % function)
      # Argument to state mapping
      reservedNames = ["@return", "@modify", "@set", "@get", "@copy"]
      funcAttrs = attrs
      for arg, parameter in config.functions[function].items():
        # Check that this is a valid parameter
        if not arg in reservedNames and not arg in lib.functions[function].parameters:
          self.fail("State mapping for nonexistent parameter '%s' of function '%s' specified." % (arg, function))

        if arg in ["@copy"] and parseBool(funcAttrs.get("runtimestate", "0")):
          Log.warn("Function %s state relation %s not implemented for runtime state tracking." % (function, arg))
        # Read the parameter-specific attributes
        attrs = config.functions[function][arg].attrs
        if "decoration" in attrs:
          lib.functions[function].parameters[arg].decoration     = attrs["decoration"]
        if "decorationhint" in attrs:
          lib.functions[function].parameters[arg].decorationHint = attrs["decorationhint"]
        if "out" in attrs:
          lib.functions[function].parameters[arg].isOut          = parseBool(attrs["out"])
        if "object_class" in attrs:
          # Create a function-local type so that this parameter type is an object only for this function
          if arg == "@return":
            type = lib.functions[function].type
            type = lib.functions[function].parameters[arg].type
          # Override the type's name so that it will refer to the new object class
          # while still using the original C type under the hood
          newType = copy.deepcopy(type)
          newType.isObject = True
          newType.name = attrs["object_class"]
          if arg == "@return":

示例5: loadSymbolMap

# 需要导入模块: from common import Log [as 别名]
# 或者: from common.Log import debug [as 别名]
  def loadSymbolMap(self):
    config = self.config
    lib    = self.library
    demangler = Tools.SymbolDecoder(config)

    # Set default library name
    if "library" in config:
      for function in lib.functions.values():
        function.libName = config.library

    # Read in the export ordinals
    if "deffiles" in config:
      for defFile in config.deffiles:
        for function, ordinal in Parser.parseDefFile(open(config.getRelativePath(defFile)).read()):
          if function in lib.functions:
            lib.functions[function].exportOrdinal = ordinal
            Log.debug("%s is exported at %d" % (function, ordinal))
          # The function was not found in the library, so let's check whether it is a C++ symbol
          elif demangler.isMangled(function):
            function = demangler.decode(function)
            if function in lib.functions:
              # Save the ordinal and mark the function as C++
              lib.functions[function].exportOrdinal  = ordinal
              lib.functions[function].language = "c++"
              Log.debug("%s is exported at %d" % (function, ordinal))

    # Read the link ordinals and DLL information
    if "symbol_map" in config:
      defaultLibName = None
      for fileName, libName in config.symbol_map.items():
        if fileName == "default":
          defaultLibName = libName

        # Is it a .DEF file
        if fileName.endswith(".def"):
          for function, ordinal in Parser.parseDefFile(open(config.getRelativePath(fileName)).read()):
            if function in lib.functions:
              lib.functions[function].ordinal = ordinal
              lib.functions[function].libName = libName
              Log.debug("%s is at %s:%d" % (function, libName, ordinal))
            # The function was not found in the library, so let's check whether it is a C++ symbol
            elif demangler.isMangled(function):
              function = demangler.decode(function)
              if function in lib.functions:
                # Save the ordinal and mark the function as C++
                lib.functions[function].ordinal  = ordinal
                lib.functions[function].libName  = libName
                lib.functions[function].language = "c++"
                Log.debug("%s is at %s:%d" % (function, libName, ordinal))
        else: # it's a header file
          assert fileName.endswith(".h")
          for function in lib.functions.values():
            if function.headerName == fileName:
              function.libName = libName
      # Generate passthrough functions for internal symbols
      if defaultLibName:
        assert self.project.platform.requireOrdinals, "Default symbol mapping can only be used in platforms that use symbol ordinals"
        assert "max_internal_ordinal" in config, "max_internal_ordinal must be defined when using a default symbol mapping"
        ordinals = range(1, int(config["max_internal_ordinal"]) + 1)
        for function in lib.functions.values():
          if function.exportOrdinal in ordinals:
        for ordinal in ordinals:
          name = "_trInternal%d" % ordinal
          f = Library.Function(name, Library.Type("void"))
          f.language = "c"
          f.ordinal = ordinal
          f.exportOrdinal = ordinal
          f.libName = defaultLibName
          lib.functions[name] = f
          Log.debug("%s is at %s:%d" % (name, defaultLibName, ordinal))

示例6: generate

# 需要导入模块: from common import Log [as 别名]
# 或者: from common.Log import debug [as 别名]
 def generate(templatePath, outputPath):
   Log.debug("Generating %s" % (outputPath[-1]))
   Generator.generate(templates = [Resource.getPath(*templatePath)],
                      namespace = namespace,
                      outputFile = open(os.path.join(*outputPath), "w"))
