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Python DotDict.minimal_version_for_understanding_refusal方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中collector.lib.util.DotDict.minimal_version_for_understanding_refusal方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python DotDict.minimal_version_for_understanding_refusal方法的具体用法?Python DotDict.minimal_version_for_understanding_refusal怎么用?Python DotDict.minimal_version_for_understanding_refusal使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在collector.lib.util.DotDict的用法示例。


示例1: testLegacyThrottler

# 需要导入模块: from collector.lib.util import DotDict [as 别名]
# 或者: from collector.lib.util.DotDict import minimal_version_for_understanding_refusal [as 别名]
def testLegacyThrottler():

    # phase 1 tests

    config = DotDict()
    config.throttle_conditions = [ ('alpha', re.compile('ALPHA'), 100),
                                   ('beta',  'BETA', 100),
                                   ('gamma', lambda x: x == 'GAMMA', 100),
                                   ('delta', True, 100),
                                   (None, True, 0)
    config.minimal_version_for_understanding_refusal = {
      'product1': '3.5',
      'product2': '4.0'
    config.never_discard = False
    config.logger = mock.Mock()
    thr = LegacyThrottler(config)
    expected = 5
    actual = len(thr.processed_throttle_conditions)
    assert expected == actual, \
      "expected thr.preprocessThrottleConditions to have length %d, but got " \
      "%d instead" % (expected, actual)

    raw_crash = DotDict({ 'ProductName':'product1',
    expected = False
    actual = thr.understands_refusal(raw_crash)
    assert expected == actual, \
      "understand refusal expected %d, but got %d instead" % (expected, actual)

    raw_crash = DotDict({ 'ProductName':'product1',
    expected = True
    actual = thr.understands_refusal(raw_crash)
    assert expected == actual, \
      "understand refusal expected %d, but got %d instead" % (expected, actual)

    expected = (ACCEPT, 100)
    actual = thr.throttle(raw_crash)
    assert expected == actual, \
      "regexp throttle expected %d, but got %d instead" % (expected, actual)

    raw_crash = DotDict({ 'ProductName':'product1',
                          'alpha':'not correct',
    expected = (DEFER, 0)
    actual = thr.throttle(raw_crash)
    assert expected == actual, \
      "regexp throttle expected %d, but got %d instead" % (expected, actual)

    raw_crash = DotDict({ 'ProductName':'product1',
                          'alpha':'not correct',
    expected = (DISCARD, 0)
    actual = thr.throttle(raw_crash)
    assert expected == actual, \
      "regexp throttle expected %d, but got %d instead" % (expected, actual)

    raw_crash = DotDict({ 'ProductName':'product1',
    expected = (ACCEPT, 100)
    actual = thr.throttle(raw_crash)
    assert expected == actual, \
      "string equality throttle expected %d, but got %d instead" % \
      (expected, actual)

    raw_crash = DotDict({ 'ProductName':'product1',
                          'beta':'not BETA',
    expected = (DISCARD, 0)
    actual = thr.throttle(raw_crash)
    assert expected == actual, \
      "string equality throttle expected %d, but got %d instead" % \
      (expected, actual)

    raw_crash = DotDict({ 'ProductName':'product1',
    expected = (ACCEPT, 100)
    actual = thr.throttle(raw_crash)
    assert expected == actual, \
      "string equality throttle expected %d, but got %d instead" % \
      (expected, actual)

    raw_crash = DotDict({ 'ProductName':'product1',
                          'gamma':'not GAMMA',
    expected = (DISCARD, 0)
