本文整理汇总了Python中collector.Collector.stop方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Collector.stop方法的具体用法?Python Collector.stop怎么用?Python Collector.stop使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类collector.Collector
示例1: PeriodicLog
# 需要导入模块: from collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from collector.Collector import stop [as 别名]
class PeriodicLog(Log):
__module__ = __name__
def __init__(self):
self._r_env = _create_shared_env()
self.collector = None
self.trigger = None
def get_environment(self):
return self._r_env
def configure(self, config):
if config.has_key("trigger"):
self.trigger = config["trigger"]
set_attribute(self, "period", REQUIRED, config, int)
Log.configure(self, config)
def configuration(self):
config = Log.configuration(self)
get_attribute(self, "period", config, str)
if self.trigger:
get_attribute(self, "trigger", config, str)
return config
def _add_child(self, node):
Log._add_child(self, node)
def _column_names(self):
name_list = []
for child in self.collector.columns:
return name_list
def get_range(self, column_name, start, end, extended=0):
if self.debug:
msg = "Package: /mpx/services/logger\n"
msg = msg + "Class: PeriodicLog\n"
msg = msg + "Method: get_range\n"
msg = ((msg + "column_name= ") + str(column_name)) + "\n"
msg = ((msg + "start= ") + str(start)) + "\n"
msg = ((msg + "end= ") + str(end)) + "\n"
mpx.lib.msglog.log("broadway", mpx.lib.msglog.types.DB, msg)
return self.log.get_range(column_name, start, end, extended)
def get_slice_on_interval(self, column, start, end, interval, extended=0):
stream = self.log.get_slice(column, start, end, extended)
return _IntervalStreamFilter(interval, stream)
def get_slice(self, column, start, stop, extended=0):
return self.log.get_slice(column, start, stop, extended)
def get_last_record(self):
return self.log.get_last_record()
def get_first_record(self):
return self.log.get_first_record()
def get_last_logged_value(self, column_name):
last_record = self.log.get_last_record()
if last_record:
if last_record.has_key(column_name):
rtValue = last_record[column_name]
rtValue = None
rtvalue = None
return rtValue
def get_first_logged_value(self, column):
first_record = self.log.get_first_record()
if first_record:
return first_record[column]
return None
def get_columns(self):
return self.log.get_columns()
def get_column_names(self):
return self._column_names()
def describe_columns(self):
return self.log.describe_columns()
def get_column_name(self, column_index):
return self.log.get_column_name(column_index)
def trim_ge(self, column_name, value):
if self.debug:
msg = (("calling trim_ge on LOG: COLUMN: " + str(column_name)) + " VALUE: ") + str(value)
mpx.lib.msglog.log("broadway", mpx.lib.msglog.types.DB, msg)
self.log.trim_ge(column_name, value)
def trim_gt(self, column_name, value):
if self.debug:
msg = (("calling trim_gt on LOG: COLUMN: " + str(column_name)) + " VALUE: ") + str(value)
mpx.lib.msglog.log("broadway", mpx.lib.msglog.types.DB, msg)
self.log.trim_gt(column_name, value)
示例2: coverage
# 需要导入模块: from collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from collector.Collector import stop [as 别名]
class coverage:
"""Programmatic access to Coverage.
To use::
from coverage import coverage
cov = coverage()
#.. blah blah (run your code) blah blah
def __init__(self, data_file=None, data_suffix=False, cover_pylib=False,
"""Create a new coverage measurement context.
`data_file` is the base name of the data file to use, defaulting to
".coverage". `data_suffix` is appended to `data_file` to create the
final file name. If `data_suffix` is simply True, then a suffix is
created with the machine and process identity included.
`cover_pylib` is a boolean determining whether Python code installed
with the Python interpreter is measured. This includes the Python
standard library and any packages installed with the interpreter.
If `auto_data` is true, then any existing data file will be read when
coverage measurement starts, and data will be saved automatically when
measurement stops.
self.cover_pylib = cover_pylib
self.auto_data = auto_data
self.exclude_re = ""
self.exclude_list = []
self.file_locator = FileLocator()
self.collector = Collector(self._should_trace)
# Create the data file.
if data_suffix:
if not isinstance(data_suffix, basestring):
# if data_suffix=True, use .machinename.pid
data_suffix = ".%s.%s" % (socket.gethostname(), os.getpid())
data_suffix = None
self.data = CoverageData(
basename=data_file, suffix=data_suffix,
collector="coverage v%s" % __version__
# The default exclude pattern.
self.exclude('# *pragma[: ]*[nN][oO] *[cC][oO][vV][eE][rR]')
# The prefix for files considered "installed with the interpreter".
if not self.cover_pylib:
os_file = self.file_locator.canonical_filename(os.__file__)
self.pylib_prefix = os.path.split(os_file)[0]
here = self.file_locator.canonical_filename(__file__)
self.cover_prefix = os.path.split(here)[0]
def _should_trace(self, filename, frame):
"""Decide whether to trace execution in `filename`
Returns a canonicalized filename if it should be traced, False if it
should not.
if filename == '<string>':
# There's no point in ever tracing string executions, we can't do
# anything with the data later anyway.
return False
# Compiled Python files have two filenames: frame.f_code.co_filename is
# the filename at the time the .pyc was compiled. The second name
# is __file__, which is where the .pyc was actually loaded from. Since
# .pyc files can be moved after compilation (for example, by being
# installed), we look for __file__ in the frame and prefer it to the
# co_filename value.
dunder_file = frame.f_globals.get('__file__')
if dunder_file:
if not dunder_file.endswith(".py"):
if dunder_file[-4:-1] == ".py":
dunder_file = dunder_file[:-1]
filename = dunder_file
canonical = self.file_locator.canonical_filename(filename)
# If we aren't supposed to trace installed code, then check if this is
# near the Python standard library and skip it if so.
if not self.cover_pylib:
if canonical.startswith(self.pylib_prefix):
return False
# We exclude the coverage code itself, since a little of it will be