本文整理汇总了Python中cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell.execute方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Shell.execute方法的具体用法?Python Shell.execute怎么用?Python Shell.execute使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell
示例1: list_quotas
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def list_quotas(cls, cloud, format):
result = Shell.execute("nova", "quota-show")
d = Quota.convert_to_dict(result)
return dict_printer(d, order=['Quota',
示例2: list
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def list(cls, cloud, start=None, end=None, tenant=None, format="table"):
# set the environment variables
# execute the command
args = ["usage"]
if start is not None:
args.extend(["--start", start])
if end is not None:
args.extend(["--end", end])
if tenant is not None:
args.extend(["--tenant", tenant])
result = Shell.execute("nova", args)
result = Nova.remove_subjectAltName_warning(result)
lines = result.splitlines()
dates = lines[0]
# TODO: as stated below, nova returns additional lines,
# on my pc, SecurityWarning is returned, so filtering..
for l in lines[1:]:
if l.__contains__("SecurityWarning"):
table = '\n'.join(lines[1:])
dates = dates.replace("Usage from ", "").replace("to", "").replace(" +", " ")[:-1].split()
# TODO: for some reason the nova command has returned not the
# first + char, so we could not ignore the line we may set - as
# additional comment char, but that did not work
d = TableParser.convert(table, comment_chars="+#")
# d["0"]["start"] = "start"
# d["0"]["end"] = "end"
d["0"]["start"] = dates[0]
d["0"]["end"] = dates[1]
# del d['0']
return dict_printer(d,
"cpu hours",
"ram mb-hours",
"disk gb-hours"],
except Exception, e:
return e
示例3: find_tunnel
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def find_tunnel():
r = Shell.execute("ps", ["-ax"]).split("\n")
pid = None
info = None
for line in r:
if ("localhost" in line and "nucleus" in line) or ("comet" in line and "tunnel" in line) and not 'status' in line:
info = line.strip()
if info:
pid = int(info.split(" ", 1)[0])
return pid
示例4: list_limits
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def list_limits(cls, cloud, format, tenant=" "):
# set the environment variables
# execute the command
args = ["limits", "--tenant", tenant]
result = Shell.execute("nova", args)
# print results in a format
if "ERROR" in result:
return result
d = Limits.convert_to_dict(result)
return dict_printer(d, order=["Name", "Used", "Max"], output=format)
示例5: delete
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def delete(cls, name=None, cloud="juno"):
Method to delete a group from
the cloudmesh database
:param name:
:param cloud:
# group = cls.get(name=name, cloud=cloud)
args = {}
if name is not None:
args["name"] = name
if cloud is not None:
args["cloud"] = cloud
group = cls.cm.find("group", output="object", **args).first()
if group:
# Delete VM from cloud before deleting group
vm_ids = group.value.split(",")
for vm_id in vm_ids:
# Submit request to delete VM
args = ["delete", vm_id]
# TODO: this is a bug as we should use VM class
result = Shell.execute("nova", args)
except Exception as e:
Console.error("Failed to delete VM {}, error: {}"
.format(vm_id, e))
# Delete group record in local db
return "Delete Success"
return None
except Exception as ex:
Console.error(ex.message, ex)
示例6: do_nova
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def do_nova(self, args, arguments):
nova set CLOUD
nova info [CLOUD] [--password]
nova help
nova [--group=GROUP] ARGUMENTS...
A simple wrapper for the openstack nova command
GROUP The group to add vms to
ARGUMENTS The arguments passed to nova
help Prints the nova manual
set reads the information from the current cloud
and updates the environment variables if
the cloud is an openstack cloud
info the environment values for OS
--group=GROUP Add VM to GROUP group
--password Prints the password
-v verbose mode
# pprint(arguments)
cloud = arguments['CLOUD'] or Default.get_cloud()
if not cloud:
Console.error("Default cloud not set!")
return ""
group = arguments["--group"] or Default.get("group", cloud=cloud)
if not group:
Console.error("Default group not set!")
return ""
if arguments["help"]:
os.system("nova help")
return ""
elif arguments["info"]:
d = {}
# TODO: this naturally does not work as clouds will have
# different parameters. ALos it does not unset previous
# parameters from other clouds. See register
for attribute in ['OS_USERNAME',
d[attribute] = os.environ[attribute]
Console.warning("OS environment variable {:} not found"
d[attribute] = None
if not arguments["--password"]:
d['OS_PASSWORD'] = "********"
print(row_table(d, order=None, labels=["Variable", "Value"]))
msg = "info. OK."
return ""
elif arguments["set"]:
if cloud:
msg = "{0} is set".format(cloud)
Console.error("CLOUD is required")
else: # nova ARGUMENTS...
print("Cloud = {0}".format(cloud))
args = arguments["ARGUMENTS"]
# arguments may contain multiple optional arguments
if len(args) == 1:
args = args[0].split()
result = Shell.execute("nova", args)
If request for nova boot,
add the vm to group specified,
or else add to default group
if "boot" in args:
# Logic to find ID of VM in the result
fields = []
示例7: vbox_startcm
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def vbox_startcm(*args):
a = ["startvm"] + args
return Shell.execute('VBoxManage', a)
示例8: run
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def run(cls, cluster, group, cmd, **kwargs):
# determine the script name..
# TODO: script count is variable in data base, we test if fil exists and if it
# does increase counter till we find one that does not, that will be new counter.
# new counter will than be placed in db.
# define get_script_name(directory, prefix, counter)
# there maybe s a similar thing already in the old cloudmesh
# if not kwargs['-name']:
# old_count = Shell.ssh(cluster,
# "ls {}*.sh | wc -l | sed 's/$/ count/'".
# format(username))
# c = [f for f in old_count.splitlines() if 'count' in f]
# script_count = c[0].split()[0]
# else:
# script_count = kwargs['-name']
config = cls.read_config(cluster)
if config["credentials"]["username"] == 'TBD':
return "Please enter username in cloudmesh.yaml for cluster {}".format(cluster)
data = {
"cluster": cluster,
"count": cls.counter(),
"username": config["credentials"]["username"],
"remote_experiment_dir": config["default"]["experiment_dir"],
"queue": config["default"]["queue"],
"id": None,
"nodes": 1,
"tasks_per_node": 1,
data["script_base_name"] = "{username}-{count}".format(**data)
data["script_name"] = "{username}-{count}.sh".format(**data)
data["script_output"] = "{username}-{count}.out".format(**data)
data["script_error"] = "{username}-{count}.err".format(**data)
data["remote_experiment_dir"] = \
data["group"] = group
# overwrite defaults
option_mapping = {'-t': '{tasks_per_node}'.format(**data),
'-N': '{nodes}'.format(**data),
'-p': '{queue}'.format(**data),
'-o': '{script_output}'.format(**data),
'-D': '{remote_experiment_dir}'.format(**data),
'-e': '{script_error}'.format(**data)}
map(lambda (k, v):
option_mapping.__setitem__(k, kwargs.get(k) or v),
config = cls.read_config(cluster)
project = None
project = config["credentials"]["project"]
if project.lower() not in ["tbd", "none"]:
option_mapping["-A"] = project
for key in option_mapping:
data[key] = option_mapping[key]
# create the options for the script
options = ""
for key, value in option_mapping.iteritems():
options += '#SBATCH {} {}\n'.format(key, value)
cls.create_remote_dir(cluster, data["remote_experiment_dir"])
# if the command is a script, copy the script
if os.path.isfile(Config.path_expand(cmd)):
_from = Config.path_expand(cmd)
_to = '{cluster}:{remote_experiment_dir}'.format(**data)
local_file_name = cmd.split('/')[-1]
Shell.execute("rsync", [_from, _to])
data["command"] = '{remote_experiment_dir}/{local_file_name}'.format(local_file_name=local_file_name,
data["command"] = cmd
data["options"] = options
script = textwrap.dedent(
#! /bin/sh
示例9: vbox_list
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def vbox_list(*args):
a = ["list", "vms", "-l"] + args
return Shell.execute('VBoxManage', a)
示例10: vm_up
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def vm_up(*args):
a = ['up', "--provider", provider] + args
return Shell.execute('vagrant', a)
示例11: vm_destroy
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def vm_destroy(*args):
a = ['destroy'] + args
return Shell.execute('vagrant', a)
示例12: vm_halt
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def vm_halt(*args):
a = ['halt'] + args
return Shell.execute('vagrant', a)
示例13: vm_suspend
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def vm_suspend(*args):
a = ['suspend'] + args
return Shell.execute('vagrant', a)
示例14: vm_init
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def vm_init(*args):
a = ['init'] + args
return Shell.execute('vagrant', a)
示例15: vm_ssh
# 需要导入模块: from cloudmesh_base.Shell import Shell [as 别名]
# 或者: from cloudmesh_base.Shell.Shell import execute [as 别名]
def vm_ssh(*args):
a = ['ssh'] + args
return Shell.execute('vagrant', a)