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Python Clip.data方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中classes.query.Clip.data方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Clip.data方法的具体用法?Python Clip.data怎么用?Python Clip.data使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在classes.query.Clip的用法示例。


示例1: test_add_clip

# 需要导入模块: from classes.query import Clip [as 别名]
# 或者: from classes.query.Clip import data [as 别名]
    def test_add_clip(self):
        """ Test the Clip.save method by adding multiple clips """

        # Import additional classes that need the app defined first
        from classes.query import Clip

        # Find number of clips in project
        num_clips = len(Clip.filter())

        # Create clip
        c = openshot.Clip(os.path.join(info.IMAGES_PATH, "AboutLogo.png"))

        # Parse JSON
        clip_data = json.loads(c.Json())

        # Insert into project data
        query_clip = Clip()
        query_clip.data = clip_data

        self.assertEqual(len(Clip.filter()), num_clips + 1)

        # Save the clip again (which should not change the total # of clips)

        self.assertEqual(len(Clip.filter()), num_clips + 1)

示例2: setUpClass

# 需要导入模块: from classes.query import Clip [as 别名]
# 或者: from classes.query.Clip import data [as 别名]
    def setUpClass(TestQueryClass):
        """ Init unit test data """
        # Create Qt application
        TestQueryClass.app = OpenShotApp(sys.argv, mode="unittest")
        TestQueryClass.clip_ids = []
        TestQueryClass.file_ids = []
        TestQueryClass.transition_ids = []

        # Import additional classes that need the app defined first
        from classes.query import Clip, File, Transition

        # Insert some clips into the project data
        for num in range(5):
            # Create clip
            c = openshot.Clip(os.path.join(info.IMAGES_PATH, "AboutLogo.png"))

            # Parse JSON
            clip_data = json.loads(c.Json())

            # Insert into project data
            query_clip = Clip()
            query_clip.data = clip_data

            # Keep track of the ids

        # Insert some files into the project data
        for num in range(5):
            # Create file
            r = openshot.DummyReader(openshot.Fraction(24, 1), 640, 480, 44100, 2, 30.0)

            # Parse JSON
            file_data = json.loads(r.Json())

            # Insert into project data
            query_file = File()
            query_file.data = file_data
            query_file.data["path"] = os.path.join(info.IMAGES_PATH, "AboutLogo.png")
            query_file.data["media_type"] = "image"

            # Keep track of the ids

        # Insert some transitions into the project data
        for num in range(5):
            # Create mask object
            transition_object = openshot.Mask()
            transitions_data = json.loads(transition_object.Json())

            # Insert into project data
            query_transition = Transition()
            query_transition.data = transitions_data

            # Keep track of the ids

示例3: read_legacy_project_file

# 需要导入模块: from classes.query import Clip [as 别名]
# 或者: from classes.query.Clip import data [as 别名]
    def read_legacy_project_file(self, file_path):
        """Attempt to read a legacy version 1.x openshot project file"""
        import sys, pickle
        from classes.query import File, Track, Clip, Transition
        from classes.app import get_app
        import openshot

            import json
        except ImportError:
            import simplejson as json

        # Get translation method
        _ = get_app()._tr

        # Append version info
        v = openshot.GetVersion()
        project_data = {}
        project_data["version"] = {"openshot-qt" : info.VERSION,
                                   "libopenshot" : v.ToString()}

        # Get FPS from project
        from classes.app import get_app
        fps = get_app().project.get(["fps"])
        fps_float = float(fps["num"]) / float(fps["den"])

        # Import legacy openshot classes (from version 1.X)
        from classes.legacy.openshot import classes as legacy_classes
        from classes.legacy.openshot.classes import project as legacy_project
        from classes.legacy.openshot.classes import sequences as legacy_sequences
        from classes.legacy.openshot.classes import track as legacy_track
        from classes.legacy.openshot.classes import clip as legacy_clip
        from classes.legacy.openshot.classes import keyframe as legacy_keyframe
        from classes.legacy.openshot.classes import files as legacy_files
        from classes.legacy.openshot.classes import transition as legacy_transition
        from classes.legacy.openshot.classes import effect as legacy_effect
        from classes.legacy.openshot.classes import marker as legacy_marker
        sys.modules['openshot.classes'] = legacy_classes
        sys.modules['classes.project'] = legacy_project
        sys.modules['classes.sequences'] = legacy_sequences
        sys.modules['classes.track'] = legacy_track
        sys.modules['classes.clip'] = legacy_clip
        sys.modules['classes.keyframe'] = legacy_keyframe
        sys.modules['classes.files'] = legacy_files
        sys.modules['classes.transition'] = legacy_transition
        sys.modules['classes.effect'] = legacy_effect
        sys.modules['classes.marker'] = legacy_marker

        # Keep track of files that failed to load
        failed_files = []

        with open(file_path.encode('UTF-8'), 'rb') as f:
                # Unpickle legacy openshot project file
                v1_data = pickle.load(f, fix_imports=True, encoding="UTF-8")
                file_lookup = {}

                # Loop through files
                for item in v1_data.project_folder.items:
                    # Is this item a File (i.e. ignore folders)
                    if isinstance(item, legacy_files.OpenShotFile):
                        # Create file
                            clip = openshot.Clip(item.name)
                            reader = clip.Reader()
                            file_data = json.loads(reader.Json(), strict=False)

                            # Determine media type
                            if file_data["has_video"] and not self.is_image(file_data):
                                file_data["media_type"] = "video"
                            elif file_data["has_video"] and self.is_image(file_data):
                                file_data["media_type"] = "image"
                            elif file_data["has_audio"] and not file_data["has_video"]:
                                file_data["media_type"] = "audio"

                            # Save new file to the project data
                            file = File()
                            file.data = file_data

                            # Keep track of new ids and old ids
                            file_lookup[item.unique_id] = file

                            # Handle exception quietly
                            msg = ("%s is not a valid video, audio, or image file." % item.name)

                # Delete all tracks
                track_list = copy.deepcopy(Track.filter())
                for track in track_list:

                # Create new tracks
                track_counter = 0
                for legacy_t in reversed(v1_data.sequences[0].tracks):
                    t = Track()
                    t.data = {"number": track_counter, "y": 0, "label": legacy_t.name}

示例4: accept

# 需要导入模块: from classes.query import Clip [as 别名]
# 或者: from classes.query.Clip import data [as 别名]
    def accept(self):
        """ Ok button clicked """

        # Get settings from form
        start_position = self.txtStartTime.value()
        track_num = self.cmbTrack.currentData()
        fade_value = self.cmbFade.currentData()
        fade_length = self.txtFadeLength.value()
        transition_path = self.cmbTransition.currentData()
        transition_length = self.txtTransitionLength.value()
        image_length = self.txtImageLength.value()
        zoom_value = self.cmbZoom.currentData()

        # Init position
        position = start_position

        random_transition = False
        if transition_path == "random":
            random_transition = True

        # Get frames per second
        fps = get_app().project.get(["fps"])
        fps_float = float(fps["num"]) / float(fps["den"])

        # Loop through each file (in the current order)
        for file in self.treeFiles.timeline_model.files:
            # Create a clip
            clip = Clip()
            clip.data = {}

            if (file.data["media_type"] == "video" or file.data["media_type"] == "image"):
                # Determine thumb path
                thumb_path = os.path.join(info.THUMBNAIL_PATH, "%s.png" % file.data["id"])
                # Audio file
                thumb_path = os.path.join(info.PATH, "images", "AudioThumbnail.png")

            # Get file name
            path, filename = os.path.split(file.data["path"])

            # Convert path to the correct relative path (based on this folder)
            file_path = file.absolute_path()

            # Create clip object for this file
            c = openshot.Clip(file_path)

            # Append missing attributes to Clip JSON
            new_clip = json.loads(c.Json())
            new_clip["position"] = position
            new_clip["layer"] = track_num
            new_clip["file_id"] = file.id
            new_clip["title"] = filename
            new_clip["image"] = thumb_path

            # Overwrite frame rate (incase the user changed it in the File Properties)
            file_properties_fps = float(file.data["fps"]["num"]) / float(file.data["fps"]["den"])
            file_fps = float(new_clip["reader"]["fps"]["num"]) / float(new_clip["reader"]["fps"]["den"])
            fps_diff = file_fps / file_properties_fps
            new_clip["reader"]["fps"]["num"] = file.data["fps"]["num"]
            new_clip["reader"]["fps"]["den"] = file.data["fps"]["den"]
            # Scale duration / length / and end properties
            new_clip["reader"]["duration"] *= fps_diff
            new_clip["end"] *= fps_diff
            new_clip["duration"] *= fps_diff

            # Check for optional start and end attributes
            start_time = 0
            end_time = new_clip["reader"]["duration"]

            if 'start' in file.data.keys():
                start_time = file.data['start']
                new_clip["start"] = start_time
            if 'end' in file.data.keys():
                end_time = file.data['end']
                new_clip["end"] = end_time

            # Adjust clip duration, start, and end
            new_clip["duration"] = new_clip["reader"]["duration"]
            if file.data["media_type"] == "image":
                end_time = image_length
                new_clip["end"] = end_time

            # Adjust Fade of Clips (if no transition is chosen)
            if not transition_path:
                if fade_value != None:
                    # Overlap this clip with the previous one (if any)
                    position = max(start_position, new_clip["position"] - fade_length)
                    new_clip["position"] = position

                if fade_value == 'Fade In' or fade_value == 'Fade In & Out':
                    start = openshot.Point((start_time * fps_float) + 1, 0.0, openshot.BEZIER)
                    start_object = json.loads(start.Json())
                    end = openshot.Point(min((start_time + fade_length) * fps_float, end_time * fps_float), 1.0, openshot.BEZIER)
                    end_object = json.loads(end.Json())

                if fade_value == 'Fade Out' or fade_value == 'Fade In & Out':
                    start = openshot.Point(max((end_time * fps_float) - (fade_length * fps_float), start_time * fps_float), 1.0, openshot.BEZIER)
