本文整理汇总了Python中choco.template.Template类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Template类的具体用法?Python Template怎么用?Python Template使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_def
def test_def(self):
t = Template("""
callcount = [0]
<%def name="foo()" cached="True">
this is foo
callcount[0] += 1
callcount: ${callcount}
m = self._install_mock_cache(t)
assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
'this is foo',
'this is foo',
'this is foo',
'callcount: [1]',
assert m.kwargs == {}
示例2: test_nested_call
def test_nested_call(self):
"""test %calls that are nested inside each other"""
t = Template("""
<%def name="foo()">
x is ${x}
<%def name="bar()">
bar: ${caller.body()}
<%call expr="foo()" args="x">
this is foo body: ${x}
<%call expr="bar()">
this is bar body: ${x}
assert result_lines(t.render(x=5)) == [
"x is 5",
"this is foo body: 10",
"this is bar body: 10"
示例3: test_toplevel
def test_toplevel(self):
"""test calling a def from the top level"""
template = Template("""
this is the body
<%def name="a()">
this is a
<%def name="b(x, y)">
this is b, ${x} ${y}
"this is a",
"this is b, 10 15",
template_args={'x': 10, 'y': 15},
"this is the body",
# test that args outside of the dict can be used
self._do_test(template.get_def("a"), "this is a",
template_args={'q': 5, 'zq': 'test'})
示例4: test_nested_call_2
def test_nested_call_2(self):
t = Template("""
x is ${x}
<%def name="foo()">
<%def name="bar()">
bar: ${caller.barsub()}
<%call expr="foo()">
<%def name="foosub(x)">
this is foo body: ${x}
<%call expr="bar()">
<%def name="barsub()">
this is bar body: ${x}
assert result_lines(t.render(x=5)) == [
"x is 5",
"this is foo body: 10",
"this is bar body: 10"
示例5: test_html_error_template
def test_html_error_template(self):
"""test the html_error_template"""
code = """
% i = 0
template = Template(code)
assert False
except errors.CompileException:
html_error = errors.html_error_template().render_unicode()
assert ("CompileException: Fragment 'i = 0' is not "
"a partial control statement at line: 2 char: 1") in html_error
assert '<style>' in html_error
html_error_stripped = html_error.strip()
assert html_error_stripped.startswith('<html>')
assert html_error_stripped.endswith('</html>')
not_full = errors.html_error_template().\
assert '<html>' not in not_full
assert '<style>' in not_full
no_css = errors.html_error_template().\
assert '<style>' not in no_css
assert False, ("This function should trigger a CompileException, "
"but didn't")
示例6: test_module_roundtrip
def test_module_roundtrip(self):
lookup = TemplateLookup()
template = Template("""
<%inherit file="base.html"/>
% for x in range(5):
% endfor
""", lookup=lookup)
base = Template("""
This is base.
""", lookup=lookup)
lookup.put_template("base.html", base)
lookup.put_template("template.html", template)
assert result_lines(template.render()) == [
"This is base.", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"
lookup = TemplateLookup()
template = ModuleTemplate(template.module, lookup=lookup)
base = ModuleTemplate(base.module, lookup=lookup)
lookup.put_template("base.html", base)
lookup.put_template("template.html", template)
assert result_lines(template.render()) == [
"This is base.", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"
示例7: test_inter_def
def test_inter_def(self):
"""test defs calling each other"""
template = Template("""
<%def name="a()">\
im a
<%def name="b()">
im b
and heres a: ${a()}
<%def name="c()">
im c
# check that "a" is declared in "b", but not in "c"
if compat.py3k:
assert "a" not in template.module.render_c.__code__.co_varnames
assert "a" in template.module.render_b.__code__.co_varnames
assert "a" not in template.module.render_c.func_code.co_varnames
assert "a" in template.module.render_b.func_code.co_varnames
# then test output
"im b and heres a: im a"
示例8: test_chained_call_in_nested
def test_chained_call_in_nested(self):
t = Template("""
<%def name="embedded()">
<%def name="a()">
this is a.
<%call expr="b()">
this is a's ccall. heres my body: ${caller.body()}
<%def name="b()">
this is b. heres my body: ${caller.body()}
whats in the body's caller's body ? ${context.caller_stack[-2].body()}
<%call expr="a()">
heres the main templ call
#print t.code
#print result_lines(t.render())
assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
'this is a.',
'this is b. heres my body:',
"this is a's ccall. heres my body:",
'heres the main templ call',
"whats in the body's caller's body ?",
'heres the main templ call'
示例9: test_strict
def test_strict(self):
t = Template("""
% if x is UNDEFINED:
% else:
x: ${x}
% endif
""", strict_undefined=True)
assert result_lines(t.render(x=12)) == ['x: 12']
t.render, y=12
l = TemplateLookup(strict_undefined=True)
l.put_string("a", "some template")
l.put_string("b", """
<%namespace name='a' file='a' import='*'/>
% if x is UNDEFINED:
% else:
x: ${x}
% endif
assert result_lines(t.render(x=12)) == ['x: 12']
t.render, y=12
示例10: _do_test_traceback
def _do_test_traceback(self, utf8, memory, syntax):
if memory:
if syntax:
source = u('## coding: utf-8\n<% print "m’a réveillé. '\
'Elle disait: « S’il vous plaît… dessine-moi un mouton! » %>')
source = u('## coding: utf-8\n<% print u"m’a réveillé. '\
'Elle disait: « S’il vous plaît… dessine-moi un mouton! »" + str(5/0) %>')
if utf8:
source = source.encode('utf-8')
source = source
templateargs = {'text': source}
if syntax:
filename = 'unicode_syntax_error.html'
filename = 'unicode_runtime_error.html'
source = util.read_file(self._file_path(filename), 'rb')
if not utf8:
source = source.decode('utf-8')
templateargs = {'filename': self._file_path(filename)}
template = Template(**templateargs)
if not syntax:
assert False
except Exception:
tback = errors.RichTraceback()
if utf8:
assert tback.source == source.decode('utf-8')
assert tback.source == source
示例11: test_scope_ten
def test_scope_ten(self):
t = Template("""
<%def name="a()">
<%def name="b()">
y = 19
b/c: ${c()}
b/y: ${y}
<%def name="c()">
c/y: ${y}
# we assign to "y". but the 'enclosing
# scope' of "b" and "c" is from
# the "y" on the outside
y = 10
a/y: ${y}
a/b: ${b()}
y = 7
main/a: ${a()}
main/y: ${y}
"main/a: a/y: 10 a/b: b/c: c/y: 10 b/y: 19 main/y: 7"
示例12: test_scope_eight
def test_scope_eight(self):
"""test that the initial context counts
as 'enclosing' scope, for nested defs"""
t = Template("""
<%def name="enclosing()">
<%def name="a()">
a: x is ${x}
<%def name="b()">
x = 10
b. x is ${x}. ${a()}
"b. x is 10. a: x is 5"
示例13: test_call_in_nested_2
def test_call_in_nested_2(self):
t = Template("""
<%def name="a()">
<%def name="d()">
not this d
this is a ${b()}
<%def name="b()">
<%def name="d()">
not this d either
this is b
<%call expr="c()">
<%def name="d()">
this is d
this is the body in b's call
<%def name="c()">
this is c: ${caller.body()}
the embedded "d" is: ${caller.d()}
assert result_lines(t.render()) == ['this is a', 'this is b', 'this is c:', "this is the body in b's call", 'the embedded "d" is:', 'this is d']
示例14: test_def_operations
def test_def_operations(self):
"""test get/list/has def"""
template = Template("""
this is the body
<%def name="a()">
this is a
<%def name="b(x, y)">
this is b, ${x} ${y}
assert template.get_def("a")
assert template.get_def("b")
assert template.has_def("a")
assert template.has_def("b")
assert not template.has_def("c")
defs = template.list_defs()
assert "a" in defs
assert "b" in defs
assert "body" in defs
assert "c" not in defs
示例15: test_scope_five
def test_scope_five(self):
"""test that variables are pulled from
'enclosing' scope before context."""
# same as test four, but adds a scope around it.
t = Template("""
<%def name="enclosing()">
x = 5
<%def name="a()">
this is a. x is ${x}.
<%def name="b()">
x = 9
this is b. x is ${x}.
calling a. ${a()}
"this is b. x is 9. calling a. this is a. x is 5."