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Python Variable.to_gpu方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中chainer.Variable.to_gpu方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Variable.to_gpu方法的具体用法?Python Variable.to_gpu怎么用?Python Variable.to_gpu使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在chainer.Variable的用法示例。


示例1: transform

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
    def transform(self, data, test=False):
        #make sure that data has the right shape.
        if not type(data) == Variable:
            if len(data.shape) < 4:
                data = data[np.newaxis]
            if len(data.shape) != 4:
                raise TypeError("Invalid dimensions for image data. Dim = %s.                     Must be 4d array." % str(data.shape))
            if data.shape[1] != self.color_channels:
                if data.shape[-1] == self.color_channels:
                    data = data.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
                    raise TypeError("Invalid dimensions for image data. Dim = %s"
                                    % str(data.shape))
            data = Variable(data)
            if len(data.data.shape) < 4:
                data.data = data.data[np.newaxis]
            if len(data.data.shape) != 4:
                raise TypeError("Invalid dimensions for image data. Dim = %s.                     Must be 4d array." % str(data.data.shape))
            if data.data.shape[1] != self.color_channels:
                if data.data.shape[-1] == self.color_channels:
                    data.data = data.data.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
                    raise TypeError("Invalid dimensions for image data. Dim = %s"
                                    % str(data.shape))

        # Actual transformation.
        if self.flag_gpu:
        z = self._encode(data, test=test)[0]


        return z.data

示例2: AdamLearner

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
class AdamLearner(Link):
    def __init__(self, dim):
        super(AdamLearner, self).__init__(
            beta1=(dim, ),
            beta2=(dim, )

        self.m = Variable(np.zeros_like(self.beta1.data))
        self.v = Variable(np.zeros_like(self.beta2.data))

    def to_gpu(self, device=None):
        super(AdamLearner, self).to_gpu()


    def __call__(self, x):
        f1 = F.sigmoid(self.beta1)
        f2 = F.sigmoid(self.beta2)
        #self.m = f1 * self.m + (1 - f1) * x
        #self.v = f2 * self.v + (1 - f2) * x**2
        self.m = self.beta1 * self.m + (1 - self.beta1) * x
        self.v = self.beta2 * self.v + (1 - self.beta2) * x**2
        g = 1e-3 * self.m / F.sqrt(self.v + 1e-8)
        return g

示例3: sample_z_from_n_2d_gaussian_mixture

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
def sample_z_from_n_2d_gaussian_mixture(batchsize, z_dim, label_indices, n_labels, gpu=False):
	if z_dim % 2 != 0:
		raise Exception("z_dim must be a multiple of 2.")

	def sample(x, y, label, n_labels):
		shift = 1.4
		r = 2.0 * np.pi / float(n_labels) * float(label)
		new_x = x * cos(r) - y * sin(r)
		new_y = x * sin(r) + y * cos(r)
		new_x += shift * cos(r)
		new_y += shift * sin(r)
		return np.array([new_x, new_y]).reshape((2,))

	x_var = 0.5
	y_var = 0.05
	x = np.random.normal(0, x_var, (batchsize, z_dim / 2))
	y = np.random.normal(0, y_var, (batchsize, z_dim / 2))
	z = np.empty((batchsize, z_dim), dtype=np.float32)
	for batch in xrange(batchsize):
		for zi in xrange(z_dim / 2):
			z[batch, zi*2:zi*2+2] = sample(x[batch, zi], y[batch, zi], label_indices[batch], n_labels)

	z = Variable(z)
	if gpu:
	return z

示例4: visualize_walkthrough

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
def visualize_walkthrough():
	x_batch = sample_x_from_data_distribution(20)
	z_batch = gen(x_batch, test=True)
	if use_gpu:

	fig = pylab.gcf()
	fig.set_size_inches(16.0, 16.0)
	if config.img_channel == 1:
	z_a = z_batch.data[:10,:]
	z_b = z_batch.data[10:,:]
	for col in range(10):
		_z_batch = z_a * (1 - col / 9.0) + z_b * col / 9.0
		_z_batch = Variable(_z_batch)
		if use_gpu:
		_x_batch = dec(_z_batch, test=True)
		if use_gpu:
		for row in range(10):
			pylab.subplot(10, 10, row * 10 + col + 1)
			if config.img_channel == 1:
				pylab.imshow(np.clip((_x_batch.data[row] + 1.0) / 2.0, 0.0, 1.0).reshape((config.img_width, config.img_width)), interpolation="none")
			elif config.img_channel == 3:
				pylab.imshow(np.clip((_x_batch.data[row] + 1.0) / 2.0, 0.0, 1.0).reshape((config.img_channel, config.img_width, config.img_width)), interpolation="none")
	pylab.savefig("%s/walk_through.png" % args.visualization_dir)

示例5: forward_one_step

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
	def forward_one_step(self, state, action, reward, next_state, test=False):
		xp = cuda.cupy if config.use_gpu else np
		n_batch = state.shape[0]
		state = Variable(state.reshape((n_batch, config.rl_history_length * 34)))
		next_state = Variable(next_state.reshape((n_batch, config.rl_history_length * 34)))
		if config.use_gpu:
		q = self.compute_q_variable(state, test=test)
		q_ = self.compute_q_variable(next_state, test=test)
		max_action_indices = xp.argmax(q_.data, axis=1)
		if config.use_gpu:
			max_action_indices = cuda.to_cpu(max_action_indices)

		target_q = self.compute_target_q_variable(next_state, test=test)

		target = q.data.copy()

		for i in xrange(n_batch):
			max_action_index = max_action_indices[i]
			target_value = reward[i] + config.rl_discount_factor * target_q.data[i][max_action_indices[i]]
			action_index = self.get_index_for_action(action[i])
			old_value = target[i, action_index]
			diff = target_value - old_value
			if diff > 1.0:
				target_value = 1.0 + old_value	
			elif diff < -1.0:
				target_value = -1.0 + old_value	
			target[i, action_index] = target_value

		target = Variable(target)
		loss = F.mean_squared_error(target, q)
		return loss, q

示例6: inverse_transform

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
    def inverse_transform(self, data, test=False):
        if not type(data) == Variable:
            if len(data.shape) < 2:
                data = data[np.newaxis]
            if len(data.shape) != 2:
                raise TypeError("Invalid dimensions for latent data. Dim = %s.                     Must be a 2d array." % str(data.shape))
            data = Variable(data)

            if len(data.data.shape) < 2:
                data.data = data.data[np.newaxis]
            if len(data.data.shape) != 2:
                raise TypeError("Invalid dimensions for latent data. Dim = %s.                     Must be a 2d array." % str(data.data.shape))
        assert data.data.shape[-1] == self.latent_width,            "Latent shape %d != %d" % (data.data.shape[-1], self.latent_width)

        if self.flag_gpu:
        out = self._decode(data, test=test)


        if self.mode == 'linear':
            final = out.data
            final = out.data.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)

        return final

示例7: sample_z_from_n_2d_gaussian_mixture

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
def sample_z_from_n_2d_gaussian_mixture(batchsize, z_dim, label_indices, n_labels, gpu=False):
	z = np.zeros((batchsize, z_dim), dtype=np.float32)
	for i in range(batchsize):
		z1 = np.random.normal(0.5, 0.2, 1) 
		z2 = np.random.normal(0.5, 0.2, 1) 
		z[i] = np.array([z1, z2]).reshape((2,))
	z = Variable(z)
	if gpu:
	return z

示例8: encode

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
    def encode(self, data, test=False):
        x = self.enc(data, test=test)
        mean, ln_var = F.split_axis(x, 2, 1)
        samp = np.random.standard_normal(mean.data.shape).astype('float32')
        samp = Variable(samp)
        if self.flag_gpu:
        z = samp * F.exp(0.5*ln_var) + mean

        return z, mean, ln_var

示例9: multi_box_intersection

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
def multi_box_intersection(a, b):
    w = multi_overlap(a.x, a.w, b.x, b.w)
    h = multi_overlap(a.y, a.h, b.y, b.h)
    zeros = Variable(np.zeros(w.shape, dtype=w.data.dtype))

    w = F.maximum(w, zeros)
    h = F.maximum(h, zeros)

    area = w * h
    return area

示例10: sample_x_from_data_distribution

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
def sample_x_from_data_distribution(batchsize):
	shape = config.img_channel * config.img_width * config.img_width
	x_batch = np.zeros((batchsize, shape), dtype=np.float32)
	for j in range(batchsize):
		data_index = np.random.randint(len(dataset))
		img = dataset[data_index]
		x_batch[j] = img.reshape((shape,))
	x_batch = Variable(x_batch)
	if config.use_gpu:
	return x_batch

示例11: forward_one_step

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
	def forward_one_step(self, state, action, reward, next_state, episode_ends, test=False):
		xp = cuda.cupy if config.use_gpu else np
		n_batch = state.shape[0]
		state = Variable(state)
		next_state = Variable(next_state)
		if config.use_gpu:
		q = self.compute_q_variable(state, test=test)
		q_ = self.compute_q_variable(next_state, test=test)
		max_action_indices = xp.argmax(q_.data, axis=1)
		if config.use_gpu:
			max_action_indices = cuda.to_cpu(max_action_indices)

		# Generate target
		target_q = self.compute_target_q_variable(next_state, test=test)

		# Initialize target signal
		# 教師信号を現在のQ値で初期化
		target = q.data.copy()

		for i in xrange(n_batch):
			# Clip all positive rewards at 1 and all negative rewards at -1
			# プラスの報酬はすべて1にし、マイナスの報酬はすべて-1にする
			if episode_ends[i] is True:
				target_value = np.sign(reward[i])
				max_action_index = max_action_indices[i]
				target_value = np.sign(reward[i]) + config.rl_discount_factor * target_q.data[i][max_action_indices[i]]
			action_index = self.get_index_with_action(action[i])

			# 現在選択した行動に対してのみ誤差を伝播する。
			# それ以外の行動を表すユニットの2乗誤差は0となる。(target=qとなるため)
			old_value = target[i, action_index]
			diff = target_value - old_value

			# target is a one-hot vector in which the non-zero element(= target signal) corresponds to the taken action.
			# targetは実際にとった行動に対してのみ誤差を考え、それ以外の行動に対しては誤差が0となるone-hotなベクトルです。
			# Clip the error to be between -1 and 1.
			# 1を超えるものはすべて1にする。(-1も同様)
			if diff > 1.0:
				target_value = 1.0 + old_value	
			elif diff < -1.0:
				target_value = -1.0 + old_value	
			target[i, action_index] = target_value

		target = Variable(target)

		# Compute error
		loss = F.mean_squared_error(target, q)
		return loss, q

示例12: train_word_embedding_batch

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
	def train_word_embedding_batch(self, char_ids_batch):
		xp = self.xp
		word_vec = self.encode_word_batch(char_ids_batch)
		batchsize = char_ids_batch.shape[0]
		char_ids_batch = char_ids_batch.T

		# reconstruction loss
		loss_reconstruction = 0
		prev_y = None
		for i in xrange(char_ids_batch.shape[0]):
			if prev_y is None:
				prev_y = Variable(xp.zeros((batchsize, self.char_embed_size), dtype=xp.float32))
			dec_in = F.concat((word_vec, prev_y))
			y = self.word_decoder_lstm(dec_in, test=False)
			target = Variable(char_ids_batch[i])
			if self.gpu_enabled:
			loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, target)
			prev_y = self.embed_id(target)
			loss_reconstruction += loss


		# adversarial loss
		## 0: from encoder
		## 1: from noise
		real_z = self.sample_z(batchsize, self.word_embed_size)
		fake_z = word_vec
		y_fake = self.discriminator(fake_z, test=False)

		## train generator
		loss_generator = F.softmax_cross_entropy(y_fake, Variable(xp.ones((batchsize,), dtype=xp.int32)))


		# train discriminator
		y_real = self.discriminator(real_z, test=False)
		loss_discriminator = F.softmax_cross_entropy(y_fake, Variable(xp.zeros((batchsize,), dtype=xp.int32)))
		loss_discriminator += F.softmax_cross_entropy(y_real, Variable(xp.ones((batchsize,), dtype=xp.int32)))


		return float(loss_reconstruction.data), float(loss_generator.data), float(loss_discriminator.data)

示例13: sample_x_and_label_from_data_distribution

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
def sample_x_and_label_from_data_distribution(batchsize, sequential=False):
	shape = config.img_channel * config.img_width * config.img_width
	x_batch = np.zeros((batchsize, shape), dtype=np.float32)
	label_batch = np.zeros((batchsize, 1), dtype=np.int32)
	for j in range(batchsize):
		data_index = np.random.randint(len(dataset))
		if sequential:
			data_index = j
		img = dataset[data_index]
		x_batch[j] = img.reshape((shape,))
		label_batch[j] = labels[data_index]
	x_batch = Variable(x_batch)
	if use_gpu:
	return x_batch, label_batch

示例14: sample_x_and_label_from_data_distribution

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
def sample_x_and_label_from_data_distribution(batchsize):
	shape = config.img_channel * config.img_width * config.img_width
	x_batch = np.zeros((batchsize, shape), dtype=np.float32)
	label_index_batch = np.zeros((batchsize, 1), dtype=np.int32)
	label_one_hot = np.zeros((batchsize, 10), dtype=np.float32)
	for j in range(batchsize):
		data_index = np.random.randint(len(dataset))
		img = dataset[data_index]
		x_batch[j] = img.reshape((shape,))
		label_index_batch[j] = labels[data_index]
		label_one_hot[j, labels[data_index]] = 1.0
	x_batch = Variable(x_batch)
	label_one_hot = Variable(label_one_hot)
	if config.use_gpu:
	return x_batch, label_index_batch, label_one_hot

示例15: sample_z_from_swiss_roll_distribution

# 需要导入模块: from chainer import Variable [as 别名]
# 或者: from chainer.Variable import to_gpu [as 别名]
def sample_z_from_swiss_roll_distribution(batchsize, z_dim, label_indices, n_labels, gpu=False):
	def sample(label, n_labels):
		uni = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) / float(n_labels) + float(label) / float(n_labels)
		r = math.sqrt(uni) * 3.0
		rad = np.pi * 4.0 * math.sqrt(uni)
		x = r * cos(rad)
		y = r * sin(rad)
		return np.array([x, y]).reshape((2,))

	z = np.zeros((batchsize, z_dim), dtype=np.float32)
	for batch in xrange(batchsize):
		for zi in xrange(z_dim / 2):
			z[batch, zi*2:zi*2+2] = sample(label_indices[batch], n_labels)
	z = Variable(z)
	if gpu:
	return z
