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Python container.Container类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.container.Container的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Container类的具体用法?Python Container怎么用?Python Container使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: container_diff

def container_diff(left, right):
    left_names, right_names = set(left.name_path_map), set(right.name_path_map)
    if left.cloned or right.cloned:
        # Since containers are often clones of each other, as a performance
        # optimization, discard identical names that point to the same physical
        # file, without needing to read the file's contents.

        # First commit dirtied names
        for c in (left, right):
            Container.commit(c, keep_parsed=True)

        samefile_names = {name for name in left_names & right_names if samefile(
            left.name_path_map[name], right.name_path_map[name])}
        left_names -= samefile_names
        right_names -= samefile_names

    cache, changed_names, renamed_names, removed_names, added_names = changed_files(
        left_names, right_names, left.raw_data, right.raw_data)

    def syntax(container, name):
        mt = container.mime_map[name]
        return syntax_from_mime(name, mt)

    syntax_map = {name:syntax(left, name) for name in changed_names}
    syntax_map.update({name:syntax(left, name) for name in renamed_names})
    syntax_map.update({name:syntax(right, name) for name in added_names})
    syntax_map.update({name:syntax(left, name) for name in removed_names})
    return cache, syntax_map, changed_names, renamed_names, removed_names, added_names

示例2: __init__

 def __init__(self, path_to_ebook, tdir, log=None):
     log = log or default_log
     book_fmt, opfpath, input_fmt = extract_book(path_to_ebook, tdir, log=log)
     ContainerBase.__init__(self, tdir, opfpath, log)
     excluded_names = {
         name for name, mt in self.mime_map.iteritems() if
         name == self.opf_name or mt == guess_type('a.ncx') or name.startswith('META-INF/')
     self.book_render_data = data = {
         'version': self.RENDER_VERSION,
         'spine':[name for name, is_linear in self.spine_names],
         'link_uid': uuid4(),
         'is_comic': input_fmt.lower() in {'cbc', 'cbz', 'cbr', 'cb7'},
         'manifest': list(set(self.name_path_map) - excluded_names),
     # Mark the spine as dirty since we have to ensure it is normalized
     for name in data['spine']:
         self.parsed(name), self.dirty(name)
     for name in excluded_names:
     with lopen(os.path.join(self.root, 'calibre-book-manifest.json'), 'wb') as f:
         f.write(json.dumps(self.book_render_data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'))

示例3: __init__

    def __init__(self, path_to_ebook, tdir, log=None, book_hash=None):
        log = log or default_log
        book_fmt, opfpath, input_fmt = extract_book(path_to_ebook, tdir, log=log)
        ContainerBase.__init__(self, tdir, opfpath, log)
        excluded_names = {
            name for name, mt in self.mime_map.iteritems() if
            name == self.opf_name or mt == guess_type('a.ncx') or name.startswith('META-INF/') or
            name == 'mimetype'
        raster_cover_name, titlepage_name = self.create_cover_page(input_fmt.lower())

        self.book_render_data = data = {
            'version': RENDER_VERSION,
            'spine':[name for name, is_linear in self.spine_names],
            'link_uid': uuid4(),
            'book_hash': book_hash,
            'is_comic': input_fmt.lower() in {'cbc', 'cbz', 'cbr', 'cb7'},
            'raster_cover_name': raster_cover_name,
            'title_page_name': titlepage_name,
            'has_maths': False,
            'total_length': 0,
            'spine_length': 0,
        # Mark the spine as dirty since we have to ensure it is normalized
        for name in data['spine']:
            self.parsed(name), self.dirty(name)
        self.virtualized_names = set()

        def manifest_data(name):
            mt = (self.mime_map.get(name) or 'application/octet-stream').lower()
            ans = {
                'is_virtualized': name in self.virtualized_names,
                'is_html': mt in OEB_DOCS,
            if ans['is_html']:
                root = self.parsed(name)
                ans['length'] = l = get_length(root)
                self.book_render_data['total_length'] += l
                if name in data['spine']:
                    self.book_render_data['spine_length'] += l
                ans['has_maths'] = hm = check_for_maths(root)
                if hm:
                    self.book_render_data['has_maths'] = True
            return ans
        data['files'] = {name:manifest_data(name) for name in set(self.name_path_map) - excluded_names}
        for name in excluded_names:
        with lopen(os.path.join(self.root, 'calibre-book-manifest.json'), 'wb') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(self.book_render_data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'))

示例4: serialize_item

 def serialize_item(self, name):
     mt = self.mime_map[name]
     if mt not in OEB_DOCS:
         return ContainerBase.serialize_item(self, name)
     # Normalize markup
     root = self.parsed(name)
     for comment in tuple(root.iterdescendants(Comment)):
     return tostring(root, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True, with_tail=False, doctype='<!DOCTYPE html>')

示例5: serialize_item

 def serialize_item(self, name):
     mt = (self.mime_map[name] or '').lower()
     if mt not in OEB_DOCS:
         return ContainerBase.serialize_item(self, name)
     root = self.parsed(name)
     return json.dumps(html_as_dict(root), ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ':')).encode('utf-8')

示例6: __init__

    def __init__(self, path_to_ebook, tdir, log=None, book_hash=None):
        log = log or default_log
        book_fmt, opfpath, input_fmt = extract_book(path_to_ebook, tdir, log=log)
        ContainerBase.__init__(self, tdir, opfpath, log)
        # We do not add zero byte sized files as the IndexedDB API in the
        # browser has no good way to distinguish between zero byte files and
        # load failures.
        excluded_names = {
            name for name, mt in iteritems(self.mime_map) if
            name == self.opf_name or mt == guess_type('a.ncx') or name.startswith('META-INF/') or
            name == 'mimetype' or not self.has_name_and_is_not_empty(name)}
        raster_cover_name, titlepage_name = self.create_cover_page(input_fmt.lower())
        toc = get_toc(self).to_dict(count())
        spine = [name for name, is_linear in self.spine_names]
        spineq = frozenset(spine)
        landmarks = [l for l in get_landmarks(self) if l['dest'] in spineq]

        self.book_render_data = data = {
            'version': RENDER_VERSION,
            'link_uid': uuid4(),
            'book_hash': book_hash,
            'is_comic': input_fmt.lower() in {'cbc', 'cbz', 'cbr', 'cb7'},
            'raster_cover_name': raster_cover_name,
            'title_page_name': titlepage_name,
            'has_maths': False,
            'total_length': 0,
            'spine_length': 0,
            'toc_anchor_map': toc_anchor_map(toc),
            'landmarks': landmarks,
            'link_to_map': {},
        # Mark the spine as dirty since we have to ensure it is normalized
        for name in data['spine']:
            self.parsed(name), self.dirty(name)
        self.virtualized_names = set()

        def manifest_data(name):
            mt = (self.mime_map.get(name) or 'application/octet-stream').lower()
            ans = {
                'is_virtualized': name in self.virtualized_names,
                'is_html': mt in OEB_DOCS,
            if ans['is_html']:
                root = self.parsed(name)
                ans['length'] = l = get_length(root)
                self.book_render_data['total_length'] += l
                if name in data['spine']:
                    self.book_render_data['spine_length'] += l
                ans['has_maths'] = hm = check_for_maths(root)
                if hm:
                    self.book_render_data['has_maths'] = True
                ans['anchor_map'] = anchor_map(root)
            return ans
        data['files'] = {name:manifest_data(name) for name in set(self.name_path_map) - excluded_names}
        for name in excluded_names:
        data = json.dumps(self.book_render_data, ensure_ascii=False)
        if not isinstance(data, bytes):
            data = data.encode('utf-8')
        with lopen(os.path.join(self.root, 'calibre-book-manifest.json'), 'wb') as f:
