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Python BrandingInfoConfig.get_config方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中branding.models.BrandingInfoConfig.get_config方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python BrandingInfoConfig.get_config方法的具体用法?Python BrandingInfoConfig.get_config怎么用?Python BrandingInfoConfig.get_config使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在branding.models.BrandingInfoConfig的用法示例。


示例1: BrandingInfoConfigTest

# 需要导入模块: from branding.models import BrandingInfoConfig [as 别名]
# 或者: from branding.models.BrandingInfoConfig import get_config [as 别名]
class BrandingInfoConfigTest(TestCase):
    Test the BrandingInfoConfig model.
    shard = 1

    def setUp(self):
        super(BrandingInfoConfigTest, self).setUp()
        self.configuration_string = """{
            "CN": {
                    "url": "http://www.xuetangx.com",
                    "logo_src": "http://www.xuetangx.com/static/images/logo.png",
                    "logo_tag": "Video hosted by XuetangX.com"
        self.config = BrandingInfoConfig(configuration=self.configuration_string)

    def test_create(self):
        Tests creation of configuration.
        self.assertEquals(self.config.configuration, self.configuration_string)

    def test_clean_bad_json(self):
        Tests if bad Json string was given.
        self.config = BrandingInfoConfig(configuration='{"bad":"test"')
        self.assertRaises(ValidationError, self.config.clean)

    def test_get(self):
        Tests get configuration from saved string.
        self.config.enabled = True
        expected_config = {
            "CN": {
                "url": "http://www.xuetangx.com",
                "logo_src": "http://www.xuetangx.com/static/images/logo.png",
                "logo_tag": "Video hosted by XuetangX.com"
        self.assertEquals(self.config.get_config(), expected_config)

    def test_get_not_enabled(self):
        Tests get configuration that is not enabled.
        self.config.enabled = False
        self.assertEquals(self.config.get_config(), {})

示例2: get_html

# 需要导入模块: from branding.models import BrandingInfoConfig [as 别名]
# 或者: from branding.models.BrandingInfoConfig import get_config [as 别名]
    def get_html(self):
        track_status = (self.download_track and self.track)
        transcript_download_format = self.transcript_download_format if not track_status else None
        sources = filter(None, self.html5_sources)

        download_video_link = None
        branding_info = None
        youtube_streams = ""

        # Determine if there is an alternative source for this video
        # based on user locale.  This exists to support cases where
        # we leverage a geography specific CDN, like China.
        cdn_url = getattr(settings, 'VIDEO_CDN_URL', {}).get(self.system.user_location)

        # If we have an edx_video_id, we prefer its values over what we store
        # internally for download links (source, html5_sources) and the youtube
        # stream.
        if self.edx_video_id and edxval_api:
                val_profiles = ["youtube", "desktop_webm", "desktop_mp4"]

                if HLSPlaybackEnabledFlag.feature_enabled(self.course_id):

                # strip edx_video_id to prevent ValVideoNotFoundError error if unwanted spaces are there. TNL-5769
                val_video_urls = edxval_api.get_urls_for_profiles(self.edx_video_id.strip(), val_profiles)

                # VAL will always give us the keys for the profiles we asked for, but
                # if it doesn't have an encoded video entry for that Video + Profile, the
                # value will map to `None`

                # add the non-youtube urls to the list of alternative sources
                # use the last non-None non-youtube non-hls url as the link to download the video
                for url in [val_video_urls[p] for p in val_profiles if p != "youtube"]:
                    if url:
                        if url not in sources:
                        # don't include hls urls for download
                        if self.download_video and not url.endswith('.m3u8'):
                            # function returns None when the url cannot be re-written
                            rewritten_link = rewrite_video_url(cdn_url, url)
                            if rewritten_link:
                                download_video_link = rewritten_link
                                download_video_link = url

                # set the youtube url
                if val_video_urls["youtube"]:
                    youtube_streams = "1.00:{}".format(val_video_urls["youtube"])

            except edxval_api.ValInternalError:
                # VAL raises this exception if it can't find data for the edx video ID. This can happen if the
                # course data is ported to a machine that does not have the VAL data. So for now, pass on this
                # exception and fallback to whatever we find in the VideoDescriptor.
                log.warning("Could not retrieve information from VAL for edx Video ID: %s.", self.edx_video_id)

        # If the user comes from China use China CDN for html5 videos.
        # 'CN' is China ISO 3166-1 country code.
        # Video caching is disabled for Studio. User_location is always None in Studio.
        # CountryMiddleware disabled for Studio.
        if getattr(self, 'video_speed_optimizations', True) and cdn_url:
            branding_info = BrandingInfoConfig.get_config().get(self.system.user_location)

            for index, source_url in enumerate(sources):
                new_url = rewrite_video_url(cdn_url, source_url)
                if new_url:
                    sources[index] = new_url

        # If there was no edx_video_id, or if there was no download specified
        # for it, we fall back on whatever we find in the VideoDescriptor
        if not download_video_link and self.download_video:
            if self.source:
                download_video_link = self.source
            elif self.html5_sources:
                download_video_link = self.html5_sources[0]

            # don't give the option to download HLS video urls
            if download_video_link and download_video_link.endswith('.m3u8'):
                download_video_link = None

        track_url, transcript_language, sorted_languages = self.get_transcripts_for_student(self.get_transcripts_info())

        # CDN_VIDEO_URLS is only to be used here and will be deleted
        # TODO([email protected]): Delete this after the CDN experiment has completed.
        html_id = self.location.html_id()
        if self.system.user_location == 'CN' and \
                settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_VIDEO_BEACON', False) and \
                html_id in getattr(settings, 'CDN_VIDEO_URLS', {}).keys():
            cdn_urls = getattr(settings, 'CDN_VIDEO_URLS', {})[html_id]
            cdn_exp_group, new_source = random.choice(zip(range(len(cdn_urls)), cdn_urls))
            if cdn_exp_group > 0:
                sources[0] = new_source
            cdn_eval = True
            cdn_eval = False
            cdn_exp_group = None

        self.youtube_streams = youtube_streams or create_youtube_string(self)  # pylint: disable=W0201

        settings_service = self.runtime.service(self, 'settings')

示例3: get_html

# 需要导入模块: from branding.models import BrandingInfoConfig [as 别名]
# 或者: from branding.models.BrandingInfoConfig import get_config [as 别名]
    def get_html(self):
        transcript_download_format = self.transcript_download_format if not (self.download_track and self.track) else None
        sources = filter(None, self.html5_sources)

        download_video_link = None
        branding_info = None
        youtube_streams = ""

        # If we have an edx_video_id, we prefer its values over what we store
        # internally for download links (source, html5_sources) and the youtube
        # stream.
        if self.edx_video_id and edxval_api:
                val_profiles = ["youtube", "desktop_webm", "desktop_mp4"]
                val_video_urls = edxval_api.get_urls_for_profiles(self.edx_video_id, val_profiles)

                # VAL will always give us the keys for the profiles we asked for, but
                # if it doesn't have an encoded video entry for that Video + Profile, the
                # value will map to `None`

                # add the non-youtube urls to the list of alternative sources
                # use the last non-None non-youtube url as the link to download the video
                for url in [val_video_urls[p] for p in val_profiles if p != "youtube"]:
                    if url:
                        if url not in sources:
                        if self.download_video:
                            download_video_link = url

                # set the youtube url
                if val_video_urls["youtube"]:
                    youtube_streams = "1.00:{}".format(val_video_urls["youtube"])

            except edxval_api.ValInternalError:
                # VAL raises this exception if it can't find data for the edx video ID. This can happen if the
                # course data is ported to a machine that does not have the VAL data. So for now, pass on this
                # exception and fallback to whatever we find in the VideoDescriptor.
                log.warning("Could not retrieve information from VAL for edx Video ID: %s.", self.edx_video_id)

        # If the user comes from China use China CDN for html5 videos.
        # 'CN' is China ISO 3166-1 country code.
        # Video caching is disabled for Studio. User_location is always None in Studio.
        # CountryMiddleware disabled for Studio.
        cdn_url = getattr(settings, 'VIDEO_CDN_URL', {}).get(self.system.user_location)
        if getattr(self, 'video_speed_optimizations', True) and cdn_url:
            branding_info = BrandingInfoConfig.get_config().get(self.system.user_location)

            for index, source_url in enumerate(sources):
                new_url = get_video_from_cdn(cdn_url, source_url)
                if new_url:
                    sources[index] = new_url

        # If there was no edx_video_id, or if there was no download specified
        # for it, we fall back on whatever we find in the VideoDescriptor
        if not download_video_link and self.download_video:
            if self.source:
                download_video_link = self.source
            elif self.html5_sources:
                download_video_link = self.html5_sources[0]

        track_url, transcript_language, sorted_languages = self.get_transcripts_for_student()

        # CDN_VIDEO_URLS is only to be used here and will be deleted
        # TODO([email protected]): Delete this after the CDN experiment has completed.
        html_id = self.location.html_id()
        if getattr(settings, 'PERFORMANCE_GRAPHITE_URL', '') != '' and \
                self.system.user_location == 'CN' and \
                getattr(settings.FEATURES, 'ENABLE_VIDEO_BEACON', False) and \
                html_id in getattr(settings, 'CDN_VIDEO_URLS', {}).keys():
            cdn_urls = getattr(settings, 'CDN_VIDEO_URLS', {})[html_id]
            cdn_exp_group, new_source = random.choice(zip(range(len(cdn_urls)), cdn_urls))
            if cdn_exp_group > 0:
                sources[0] = new_source
            cdn_eval = True
            cdn_eval = False
            cdn_exp_group = None

        return self.system.render_template('video.html', {
            'ajax_url': self.system.ajax_url + '/save_user_state',
            'autoplay': settings.FEATURES.get('AUTOPLAY_VIDEOS', False),
            'branding_info': branding_info,
            'cdn_eval': cdn_eval,
            'cdn_eval_endpoint': getattr(settings, 'PERFORMANCE_GRAPHITE_URL', ''),
            'cdn_exp_group': cdn_exp_group,
            # This won't work when we move to data that
            # isn't on the filesystem
            'data_dir': getattr(self, 'data_dir', None),
            'display_name': self.display_name_with_default,
            'end': self.end_time.total_seconds(),
            'handout': self.handout,
            'id': self.location.html_id(),
            'show_captions': json.dumps(self.show_captions),
            'download_video_link': download_video_link,
            'sources': json.dumps(sources),
            'speed': json.dumps(self.speed),
            'general_speed': self.global_speed,
            'saved_video_position': self.saved_video_position.total_seconds(),
            'start': self.start_time.total_seconds(),
            'sub': self.sub,

示例4: get_html

# 需要导入模块: from branding.models import BrandingInfoConfig [as 别名]
# 或者: from branding.models.BrandingInfoConfig import get_config [as 别名]
    def get_html(self):
        transcript_download_format = (
            self.transcript_download_format if not (self.download_track and self.track) else None
        sources = filter(None, self.html5_sources)

        download_video_link = None
        branding_info = None
        youtube_streams = ""

        # If we have an edx_video_id, we prefer its values over what we store
        # internally for download links (source, html5_sources) and the youtube
        # stream.
        if self.edx_video_id and edxval_api:
                val_profiles = ["youtube", "desktop_webm", "desktop_mp4"]
                val_video_urls = edxval_api.get_urls_for_profiles(self.edx_video_id, val_profiles)

                # VAL will always give us the keys for the profiles we asked for, but
                # if it doesn't have an encoded video entry for that Video + Profile, the
                # value will map to `None`

                # add the non-youtube urls to the list of alternative sources
                # use the last non-None non-youtube url as the link to download the video
                for url in [val_video_urls[p] for p in val_profiles if p != "youtube"]:
                    if url:
                        if url not in sources:
                        if self.download_video:
                            download_video_link = url

                # set the youtube url
                if val_video_urls["youtube"]:
                    youtube_streams = "1.00:{}".format(val_video_urls["youtube"])

            except edxval_api.ValInternalError:
                # VAL raises this exception if it can't find data for the edx video ID. This can happen if the
                # course data is ported to a machine that does not have the VAL data. So for now, pass on this
                # exception and fallback to whatever we find in the VideoDescriptor.
                log.warning("Could not retrieve information from VAL for edx Video ID: %s.", self.edx_video_id)

        # If the user comes from China use China CDN for html5 videos.
        # 'CN' is China ISO 3166-1 country code.
        # Video caching is disabled for Studio. User_location is always None in Studio.
        # CountryMiddleware disabled for Studio.
        cdn_url = getattr(settings, "VIDEO_CDN_URL", {}).get(self.system.user_location)
        if getattr(self, "video_speed_optimizations", True) and cdn_url:
            branding_info = BrandingInfoConfig.get_config().get(self.system.user_location)

            for index, source_url in enumerate(sources):
                new_url = get_video_from_cdn(cdn_url, source_url)
                if new_url:
                    sources[index] = new_url

        # If there was no edx_video_id, or if there was no download specified
        # for it, we fall back on whatever we find in the VideoDescriptor
        if not download_video_link and self.download_video:
            if self.source:
                download_video_link = self.source
            elif self.html5_sources:
                download_video_link = self.html5_sources[0]

        track_url, transcript_language, sorted_languages = self.get_transcripts_for_student(self.get_transcripts_info())

        # CDN_VIDEO_URLS is only to be used here and will be deleted
        # TODO([email protected]): Delete this after the CDN experiment has completed.
        html_id = self.location.html_id()
        if (
            self.system.user_location == "CN"
            and settings.FEATURES.get("ENABLE_VIDEO_BEACON", False)
            and html_id in getattr(settings, "CDN_VIDEO_URLS", {}).keys()
            cdn_urls = getattr(settings, "CDN_VIDEO_URLS", {})[html_id]
            cdn_exp_group, new_source = random.choice(zip(range(len(cdn_urls)), cdn_urls))
            if cdn_exp_group > 0:
                sources[0] = new_source
            cdn_eval = True
            cdn_eval = False
            cdn_exp_group = None

        self.youtube_streams = youtube_streams or create_youtube_string(self)  # pylint: disable=W0201
        metadata = {
            "saveStateUrl": self.system.ajax_url + "/save_user_state",
            "autoplay": settings.FEATURES.get("AUTOPLAY_VIDEOS", False),
            "streams": self.youtube_streams,
            "sub": self.sub,
            "sources": sources,
            # This won't work when we move to data that
            # isn't on the filesystem
            "captionDataDir": getattr(self, "data_dir", None),
            "showCaptions": json.dumps(self.show_captions),
            "generalSpeed": self.global_speed,
            "speed": self.speed,
            "savedVideoPosition": self.saved_video_position.total_seconds(),
            "start": self.start_time.total_seconds(),
            "end": self.end_time.total_seconds(),
            "transcriptLanguage": transcript_language,
            "transcriptLanguages": sorted_languages,
            # TODO: Later on the value 1500 should be taken from some global
