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Python Config.write方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中boto.pyami.config.Config.write方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Config.write方法的具体用法?Python Config.write怎么用?Python Config.write使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在boto.pyami.config.Config的用法示例。


示例1: create

# 需要导入模块: from boto.pyami.config import Config [as 别名]
# 或者: from boto.pyami.config.Config import write [as 别名]
 def create(cls, config_file=None, logical_volume = None, cfg = None, **params):
     if config_file:
         cfg = Config(path=config_file)
     if cfg.has_section('EC2'):
         # include any EC2 configuration values that aren't specified in params:
         for option in cfg.options('EC2'):
             if option not in params:
                 params[option] = cfg.get('EC2', option)
     getter = CommandLineGetter()
     getter.get(cls, params)
     region = params.get('region')
     ec2 = region.connect()
     cls.add_credentials(cfg, ec2.aws_access_key_id, ec2.aws_secret_access_key)
     ami = params.get('ami')
     kp = params.get('keypair')
     group = params.get('group')
     zone = params.get('zone')
     # deal with possibly passed in logical volume:
     if logical_volume != None:
        cfg.set('EBS', 'logical_volume_name', logical_volume.name) 
     cfg_fp = StringIO.StringIO()
     # deal with the possibility that zone and/or keypair are strings read from the config file:
     if isinstance(zone, Zone):
         zone = zone.name
     if isinstance(kp, KeyPair):
         kp = kp.name
     reservation = ami.run(min_count=1,
                           max_count=params.get('quantity', 1),
                           placement = zone,
                           user_data = cfg_fp.getvalue())
     l = []
     i = 0
     elastic_ip = params.get('elastic_ip')
     instances = reservation.instances
     if elastic_ip != None and instances.__len__() > 0:
         instance = instances[0]
         print 'Waiting for instance to start so we can set its elastic IP address...'
         while instance.update() != 'running':
         print 'set the elastic IP of the first instance to %s' % elastic_ip
     for instance in instances:
         s = cls()
         s.ec2 = ec2
         s.name = params.get('name') + '' if i==0 else str(i)
         s.description = params.get('description')
         s.region_name = region.name
         s.instance_id = instance.id
         if elastic_ip and i == 0:
             s.elastic_ip = elastic_ip
         i += 1
     return l

示例2: create

# 需要导入模块: from boto.pyami.config import Config [as 别名]
# 或者: from boto.pyami.config.Config import write [as 别名]
    def create(cls, config_file=None, logical_volume = None, cfg = None, **params):
        Create a new instance based on the specified configuration file or the specified
        configuration and the passed in parameters.

        If the config_file argument is not None, the configuration is read from there.
        Otherwise, the cfg argument is used.

        The config file may include other config files with a #import reference. The included
        config files must reside in the same directory as the specified file.

        The logical_volume argument, if supplied, will be used to get the current physical
        volume ID and use that as an override of the value specified in the config file. This
        may be useful for debugging purposes when you want to debug with a production config
        file but a test Volume.

        The dictionary argument may be used to override any EC2 configuration values in the
        config file.
        if config_file:
            cfg = Config(path=config_file)
        if cfg.has_section('EC2'):
            # include any EC2 configuration values that aren't specified in params:
            for option in cfg.options('EC2'):
                if option not in params:
                    params[option] = cfg.get('EC2', option)
        getter = CommandLineGetter()
        getter.get(cls, params)
        region = params.get('region')
        ec2 = region.connect()
        cls.add_credentials(cfg, ec2.aws_access_key_id, ec2.aws_secret_access_key)
        ami = params.get('ami')
        kp = params.get('keypair')
        group = params.get('group')
        zone = params.get('zone')
        # deal with possibly passed in logical volume:
        if logical_volume != None:
           cfg.set('EBS', 'logical_volume_name', logical_volume.name)
        cfg_fp = StringIO.StringIO()
        # deal with the possibility that zone and/or keypair are strings read from the config file:
        if isinstance(zone, Zone):
            zone = zone.name
        if isinstance(kp, KeyPair):
            kp = kp.name
        reservation = ami.run(min_count=1,
                              max_count=params.get('quantity', 1),
                              placement = zone,
                              user_data = cfg_fp.getvalue())
        l = []
        i = 0
        elastic_ip = params.get('elastic_ip')
        instances = reservation.instances
        if elastic_ip is not None and instances.__len__() > 0:
            instance = instances[0]
            print 'Waiting for instance to start so we can set its elastic IP address...'
            # Sometimes we get a message from ec2 that says that the instance does not exist.
            # Hopefully the following delay will giv eec2 enough time to get to a stable state:
            while instance.update() != 'running':
            print 'set the elastic IP of the first instance to %s' % elastic_ip
        for instance in instances:
            s = cls()
            s.ec2 = ec2
            s.name = params.get('name') + '' if i==0 else str(i)
            s.description = params.get('description')
            s.region_name = region.name
            s.instance_id = instance.id
            if elastic_ip and i == 0:
                s.elastic_ip = elastic_ip
            i += 1
        return l

示例3: Server

# 需要导入模块: from boto.pyami.config import Config [as 别名]
# 或者: from boto.pyami.config.Config import write [as 别名]

        if self.instance:
            return self.instance.launch_time

    launch_time = property(getLaunchTime, setReadOnly, None,
                           'The time the Server was started')

    def getConsoleOutput(self):
        if self.instance:
            return self.instance.get_console_output()

    console_output = property(getConsoleOutput, setReadOnly, None,
                              'Retrieve the console output for server')

    def getGroups(self):
        if self._reservation:
            return self._reservation.groups
            return None

    groups = property(getGroups, setReadOnly, None,
                      'The Security Groups controlling access to this server')

    def getConfig(self):
        if not self._config:
            remote_file = BotoConfigPath
            local_file = '%s.ini' % self.instance.id
            self.get_file(remote_file, local_file)
            self._config = Config(local_file)
        return self._config

    def setConfig(self, config):
        local_file = '%s.ini' % self.instance.id
        fp = open(local_file)
        self.put_file(local_file, BotoConfigPath)
        self._config = config

    config = property(getConfig, setConfig, None,
                      'The instance data for this server')

    def set_config(self, config):
        Set SDB based config
        self._config = config
        self._config.dump_to_sdb("botoConfigs", self.id)

    def load_config(self):
        self._config = Config(do_load=False)
        self._config.load_from_sdb("botoConfigs", self.id)

    def stop(self):
        if self.instance:

    def start(self):
        ec2 = boto.connect_ec2()
        ami = ec2.get_all_images(image_ids = [str(self.ami_id)])[0]
        groups = ec2.get_all_security_groups(groupnames=[str(self.security_group)])
        if not self._config:
        if not self._config.has_section("Credentials"):
            self._config.set("Credentials", "aws_access_key_id", ec2.aws_access_key_id)

示例4: Item

# 需要导入模块: from boto.pyami.config import Config [as 别名]
# 或者: from boto.pyami.config.Config import write [as 别名]
class Item(IObject):
    def __init__(self, ec2_conn):
        self.name = None
        self.instance_type = None
        self.quantity = 0
        self.zone = None
        self.ami = None
        self.groups = []
        self.key = None
        self.ec2 = ec2_conn
        self.config = None

    def set_userdata(self, key, value):
        self.userdata[key] = value

    def get_userdata(self, key):
        return self.userdata[key]

    def set_name(self, name=None):
        if name:
            self.name = name
            self.name = self.get_string('Name')

    def set_instance_type(self, instance_type=None):
        if instance_type:
            self.instance_type = instance_type
            self.instance_type = self.choose_from_list(InstanceTypes, 'Instance Type')

    def set_quantity(self, n=0):
        if n > 0:
            self.quantity = n
            self.quantity = self.get_int('Quantity')

    def set_zone(self, zone=None):
        if zone:
            self.zone = zone
            l = [(z, z.name, z.state) for z in self.ec2.get_all_zones()]
            self.zone = self.choose_from_list(l, prompt='Choose Availability Zone')
    def set_ami(self, ami=None):
        if ami:
            self.ami = ami
            l = [(a, a.id, a.location) for a in self.ec2.get_all_images()]
            self.ami = self.choose_from_list(l, prompt='Choose AMI')

    def add_group(self, group=None):
        if group:
            l = [(s, s.name, s.description) for s in self.ec2.get_all_security_groups()]
            self.groups.append(self.choose_from_list(l, prompt='Choose Security Group'))

    def set_key(self, key=None):
        if key:
            self.key = key
            l = [(k, k.name, '') for k in self.ec2.get_all_key_pairs()]
            self.key = self.choose_from_list(l, prompt='Choose Keypair')

    def update_config(self):
        if not self.config.has_section('Credentials'):
            self.config.set('Credentials', 'aws_access_key_id', self.ec2.aws_access_key_id)
            self.config.set('Credentials', 'aws_secret_access_key', self.ec2.aws_secret_access_key)
        if not self.config.has_section('Pyami'):
        sdb_domain = get_domain()
        if sdb_domain:
            self.config.set('Pyami', 'server_sdb_domain', sdb_domain.name)
            self.config.set('Pyami', 'server_sdb_name', self.name)

    def set_config(self, config_path=None):
        if not config_path:
            config_path = self.get_filename('Specify Config file')
        self.config = Config(path=config_path)

    def get_userdata_string(self):
        s = StringIO.StringIO()
        return s.getvalue()

    def enter(self, **params):
        self.name = params.get('name', self.name)
        if not self.name:
        self.instance_type = params.get('instance_type', self.instance_type)
        if not self.instance_type:
        self.zone = params.get('zone', self.zone)
        if not self.zone:
        self.quantity = params.get('quantity', self.quantity)
        if not self.quantity:
