本文整理汇总了Python中bokeh.document.document.Document类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Document类的具体用法?Python Document怎么用?Python Document使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_basic
def test_basic(self):
t = Theme(json={})
d = Document()
d._old_theme = t
assert d.theme is t
assert not hasattr(d, "_old_theme")
示例2: test_output
def test_output(self):
p1 = Model()
p2 = Model()
d = Document()
out = beu.standalone_docs_json([p1, p2])
expected = beu.standalone_docs_json_and_render_items([p1, p2])[0]
assert list(out.values()) ==list(expected.values())
示例3: test_single_model_with_document
def test_single_model_with_document(self):
# should use existing doc in with-block
p = Model()
d = Document()
orig_theme = d.theme
with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p], apply_theme=beu.FromCurdoc):
assert p.document is d
assert d.theme is curdoc().theme
assert p.document is d
assert d.theme is orig_theme
示例4: test_with_doc_in_child_raises_error
def test_with_doc_in_child_raises_error(self):
doc = Document()
p1 = Model()
p2 = SomeModelInTestObjects(child=Model())
assert p1.document is None
assert p2.document is None
assert p2.child.document is doc
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2]):
assert "already in a doc" in str(e)
示例5: test_passing_doc
def test_passing_doc(self):
p1 = Model()
d = Document()
docs_json, render_items = beu.standalone_docs_json_and_render_items([d])
doc = list(docs_json.values())[0]
assert doc['title'] == "Bokeh Application"
assert doc['version'] == __version__
assert len(doc['roots']['root_ids']) == 1
assert len(doc['roots']['references']) == 1
assert doc['roots']['references'] == [{'attributes': {}, 'id': str(p1._id), 'type': 'Model'}]
assert len(render_items) == 1
示例6: test_without_document_lock
def test_without_document_lock():
d = Document()
assert curdoc() is not d
curdoc_from_cb = []
def cb():
callback_obj = d.add_next_tick_callback(cb)
assert callback_obj.callback.nolock == True
assert len(curdoc_from_cb) == 1
assert curdoc_from_cb[0]._doc is d
assert isinstance(curdoc_from_cb[0], locking.UnlockedDocumentProxy)
示例7: test_top_level_same_doc
def test_top_level_same_doc(self):
d = Document()
p1 = Model()
p2 = Model()
beu._create_temp_doc([p1, p2])
assert isinstance(p1.document, Document)
assert p1.document is not d
assert isinstance(p2.document, Document)
assert p2.document is not d
assert p2.document == p1.document
示例8: test_delgation
def test_delgation(self, mock_sdjari):
p1 = Model()
p2 = Model()
d = Document()
# ignore error unpacking None mock result, just checking to see that
# standalone_docs_json_and_render_items is called as expected
beu.standalone_docs_json([p1, p2])
except ValueError:
mock_sdjari.assert_called_once_with([p1, p2])
示例9: test_with_events
def test_with_events(self, mock_comms):
mock_comm = MagicMock()
mock_send = MagicMock(return_value="junk")
mock_comm.send = mock_send
mock_comms.return_value = mock_comm
d = Document()
handle = binb.CommsHandle("comms", d)
d.title = "foo"
binb.push_notebook(d, None, handle)
assert mock_comms.call_count > 0
assert mock_send.call_count == 3 # sends header, metadata, then content
assert json.loads(mock_send.call_args[0][0]) == {u"events": [{u"kind": u"TitleChanged", u"title": u"foo"}], u"references": []}
assert mock_send.call_args[1] == {}
示例10: test_list_of_model_same_as_roots
def test_list_of_model_same_as_roots(self):
# should use existing doc in with-block
p1 = Model()
p2 = Model()
d = Document()
orig_theme = d.theme
with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2], apply_theme=beu.FromCurdoc):
assert p1.document is d
assert p2.document is d
assert d.theme is curdoc().theme
assert p1.document is d
assert p2.document is d
assert d.theme is orig_theme
示例11: test_child_docs
def test_child_docs(self):
d = Document()
p1 = Model()
p2 = SomeModelInTestObjects(child=Model())
beu._create_temp_doc([p1, p2])
assert isinstance(p1.document, Document)
assert p1.document is not d
assert isinstance(p2.document, Document)
assert p2.document is not d
assert isinstance(p2.child.document, Document)
assert p2.child.document is not d
assert p2.document == p1.document
assert p2.document == p2.child.document
示例12: test_list_of_model_same_as_roots_with_always_new
def test_list_of_model_same_as_roots_with_always_new(self):
# should use new temp doc for everything inside with-block
p1 = Model()
p2 = Model()
d = Document()
orig_theme = d.theme
with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2], always_new=True, apply_theme=beu.FromCurdoc):
assert p1.document is not d
assert p2.document is not d
assert p1.document is p2.document
assert p2.document.theme is curdoc().theme
assert p1.document is d
assert p2.document is d
assert d.theme is orig_theme
示例13: test_list_of_model_subset_roots
def test_list_of_model_subset_roots(self):
# should use new temp doc for subset inside with-block
p1 = Model()
p2 = Model()
d = Document()
orig_theme = d.theme
with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1], apply_theme=beu.FromCurdoc):
assert p1.document is not d
assert p2.document is d
assert p1.document.theme is curdoc().theme
assert p2.document.theme is orig_theme
assert p1.document is d
assert p2.document is d
assert d.theme is orig_theme
示例14: test_suppress_warnings
def test_suppress_warnings(self, caplog):
d = Document()
m1 = EmbedTestUtilModel()
c1 = _GoodPropertyCallback()
c2 = _GoodEventCallback()
m1.on_change('name', c1)
assert len(m1._callbacks) != 0
m1.on_event(Tap, c2)
assert len(m1._event_callbacks) != 0
with caplog.at_level(logging.WARN):
beu.standalone_docs_json_and_render_items(m1, suppress_callback_warning=True)
assert len(caplog.records) == 0
assert caplog.text == ''
示例15: test_list_of_models_different_docs
def test_list_of_models_different_docs(self):
# should use new temp doc for eveything inside with-block
d = Document()
orig_theme = d.theme
p1 = Model()
p2 = Model()
assert p1.document is None
assert p2.document is not None
with beu.OutputDocumentFor([p1, p2], apply_theme=beu.FromCurdoc):
assert p1.document is not None
assert p2.document is not None
assert p1.document is not d
assert p2.document is not d
assert p1.document == p2.document
assert p1.document.theme is curdoc().theme
assert p1.document is None
assert p2.document is not None
assert p2.document.theme is orig_theme