本文整理汇总了Python中biorepo.model.DBSession类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python DBSession类的具体用法?Python DBSession怎么用?Python DBSession使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: get_dl_url
def get_dl_url(self, mail, key, meas_id):
provide dl URL from measurements id
list_ids = meas_id.split(',')
user = DBSession.query(User).filter(User._email == mail).first()
if user is None:
return {'ERROR': "User " + mail + " not in BioRepo."}
dico_urls = {}
user_labs = user.labs
for labo in user_labs:
lab = DBSession.query(Labs).filter(Labs.name == labo.name).first()
for m_id in list_ids:
meas = DBSession.query(Measurements).join(Measurements.attributs)\
.filter(and_(Attributs.lab_id == lab.id, Attributs.deprecated == False))\
.filter(Measurements.id == m_id).first()
if meas is not None:
list_fus = meas.fus
if len(list_fus)>0:
for f in list_fus:
sha1 = f.sha1
if meas.status_type:
dico_urls[m_id] = "/biorepo/public/public_link?m_id=" + str(m_id) + "&sha1=" + str(sha1)
dico_urls["ERROR " + str(m_id)] = "This file is registered as private. BioRepo can't produce a public link."
dico_urls["ERROR " + str(m_id)] = "No file attached with this measurements. The saved description is : " + str(meas.description)
dico_urls["ERROR " + str(m_id)] = "This measurements id does not exist or you can access to it with your current rights."
#TODO test and add to devdoc #API
return dico_urls
示例2: change_project_owner
def change_project_owner(self, p_id, new_owner_id, mail, key):
Allow to change the owner of one given project (include its sample(s) and measurement(s))
p_target = DBSession.query(Projects).filter(Projects.id == p_id).first()
#just one lab by project, so the first is the good one
project_lab = p_target.labs[0]
new_owner = DBSession.query(User).filter(User.id == new_owner_id).first()
if project_lab in new_owner.labs:
list_samples = p_target.samples
for s in list_samples:
list_meas = s.measurements
for m in list_meas:
m.user_id = new_owner.id
p_target.user_id = new_owner.id
print "Update done."
raise Exception("The new owner is not a member of this lab project. Impossible to continue the operation.")
示例3: search_to_json
def search_to_json(self, *args, **kw):
#TODO : sort by column on user's click
user_lab = session.get("current_lab", None)
#get parameters from ajax request
search_value = kw.get("search[value]", None)
if search_value == '':
search_value = None
#word lenght > 2 to avoid DDoS in your server....
elif search_value is not None:
list_search_words = [x for x in search_value.split(" ") if len(x) > 2]
draw = int(kw.get("draw", 1))
start_point = int(kw.get("start", 0))
data_by_page = int(kw.get("length", 50))
stop_point = start_point + data_by_page
if user_lab:
lab = DBSession.query(Labs).filter(Labs.name == user_lab).first()
measurements_total = DBSession.query(Measurements).join(Measurements.attributs).filter(and_(Attributs.lab_id == lab.id, Attributs.deprecated == False)).all()
measurements = DBSession.query(Measurements).join(Measurements.attributs).filter(and_(Attributs.lab_id == lab.id, Attributs.deprecated == False)).distinct()[start_point:stop_point]
if search_value is not None:
final_request = self.search_engine(list_search_words, lab)
#query mixed with results from all the table of interest
paginated_request = final_request[start_point:stop_point]
searching_tosort = [SW(meas).to_json_test() for meas in paginated_request]
searching = sorted(searching_tosort, key=lambda k: (k['User'], k['Type']))
return json.dumps({"draw": draw, "recordsTotal": len(measurements_total), "recordsFiltered": len(final_request), "data": searching})
searching_tosort = [SW(meas).to_json_test() for meas in measurements]
searching = sorted(searching_tosort, key=lambda k: (k['User'], k['Type']))
return json.dumps({"draw": draw, "recordsTotal": len(measurements_total), "recordsFiltered": len(measurements_total), "data": searching})
示例4: get_samples_from_project
def get_samples_from_project(self, mail, key, p_id):
Get a JSON with all samples from a given project
input : mail and biorepo key, p_id (project id)
output : {"project id": [{"sample id": {"name": "my sample name", "type": "4C-seq",
"protocole": "my sample protocole", "dynamic field": "my dynamic field, ..."}}, ...]}
user = DBSession.query(User).filter(User._email == mail).first()
user_lab = user.labs
list_samples = []
dico_final = {}
target = DBSession.query(Projects).filter(Projects.id == p_id).first()
if target is None:
return {'ERROR': "This project ID does not exist."}
lab_target = target.labs[0]
#check if the project is owned by the user or his lab
access_ok = False
for l in user_lab:
if l.id == lab_target.id:
access_ok = True
if access_ok:
samples = target.samples
if len(samples) == 0:
return {'ERROR': 'This project id : ' + str(target.id) + ' is empty.'}
for s in samples:
dico_sample = {}
dico_dynamic = {}
sample_attributs = s.attributs
sample_a_values = s.a_values
for att in sample_attributs:
att_id = att.id
att_key = att.key
for val in sample_a_values:
value = val.value
if val.attribut_id == att_id:
#for the true weird checkbox
if value == "true":
dico_dynamic[att_key] = att_key
dico_dynamic[att_key] = value
#check the weird checkbox widget with "false" value
if len(sample_attributs) != len(dico_dynamic.keys()):
for att in sample_attributs:
att_key = att.key
att_widget = att.widget
if att_key not in dico_dynamic.keys() and att_widget == "checkbox":
dico_dynamic[att_key] = "Not " + str(att_key)
elif att_key not in dico_dynamic.keys() and att_widget != "checkbox":
dico_dynamic[att_key] = "Not specified"
dico_sample = {"name": s.name, "type": s.type, "protocole": s.protocole}
list_samples.append({s.id: dico_sample})
dico_final[p_id] = list_samples
return dico_final
return {'ERROR': "This project is not a project from your lab, you cannot access to it."}
示例5: get_permissions
def get_permissions(admin):
Get the right permissions for an user.
@param admin : True if the user is an admin.
@type admin : a boolean.
if admin:
return DBSession.query(Permission).all()
return DBSession.query(Permission).filter(Permission.name != 'admin').all()
示例6: searchlists_to_json
def searchlists_to_json(self, *args, **kw):
user_lab = session.get("current_lab", None)
if user_lab:
lab = DBSession.query(Labs).filter(Labs.name == user_lab).first()
one_meas = DBSession.query(Measurements).join(Measurements.attributs).filter(and_(Attributs.lab_id == lab.id, Attributs.deprecated == False)).first()
search_grid, hidden_positions, positions_not_searchable = build_search_grid(one_meas)
searchlists = json.dumps([hidden_positions, positions_not_searchable])
return searchlists
示例7: get_my_lab_projects
def get_my_lab_projects(self, mail, key):
Get a JSON with all user's projects by lab
input : mail an biorepo key
output : {'lab':{'project id':{'name': "my_project_name", 'description': "my project description",
"owner": "project owner name"}}}
dico_lab_projects = {}
dico_by_labs = {}
user = DBSession.query(User).filter(User._email == mail).first()
if user is None:
return {'ERROR': "User " + mail + " not in BioRepo."}
user_labs = user.labs
if len(user_labs) == 1:
for lab in user_labs:
lab_projects = lab.projects
if isinstance(lab_projects, list):
for p in lab_projects:
u = DBSession.query(User).filter(User.id == p.user_id).first()
owner = u.name
dico_lab_projects[p.id] = {'name': p.project_name, 'description': p.description,
'owner': owner}
u = DBSession.query(User).filter(User.id == p.user_id).first()
owner = u.name
dico_lab_projects[lab_projects.id] = {'name': lab_projects.project_name, 'description': lab_projects.description,
'owner': owner}
if len(lab_projects) == 0:
return {'ERROR': "No projects found for " + lab.name}
dico_by_labs[lab.name] = dico_lab_projects
return dico_by_labs
elif len(user.labs) > 1:
for l in user.labs:
lab_projects = l.projects
if isinstance(lab_projects, list):
for p in lab_projects:
u = DBSession.query(User).filter(User.id == p.user_id).first()
owner = u.name
dico_lab_projects[p.id] = {'name': p.project_name, 'description': p.description,
'owner': owner}
u = DBSession.query(User).filter(User.id == p.user_id).first()
owner = u.name
dico_lab_projects[lab_projects.id] = {'name': lab_projects.project_name, 'description': lab_projects.description,
'owner': owner}
dico_by_labs[l.name] = dico_lab_projects
dico_lab_projects = {}
return dico_by_labs
return {'ERROR': "This user " + mail + " has no lab. Contact the administrator please."}
示例8: index
def index(self, *args, **kw):
user_lab = session.get("current_lab", None)
user_projects = []
u_projects = []
u_samples = []
u_meas = []
u_children = []
u_global = []
dico_final = {}
#TODO : admin view - watch for a dl link
if user_lab:
lab = DBSession.query(Labs).filter(Labs.name == user_lab).first()
lab_users = lab.users
for u in lab_users:
projects = DBSession.query(Projects).filter(Projects.user_id == u.id).all()
if len(projects) > 0:
for p in projects:
for lab in p.labs:
if lab.name == user_lab:
for proj in user_projects:
for sample in proj.samples:
if len(sample.measurements) > 0:
for meas in sample.measurements:
if len(meas.children) == 0:
u_meas.append({"name": str(meas.name) + "(" + str(meas.id) + ")"})
for child in meas.children:
u_children.append({"name": str(child.name) + "(" + str(child.id) + ")"})
u_meas.append({"name": str(meas.name) + "(" + str(meas.id) + ")", "children": u_children})
u_children = []
u_samples.append({"name": str(sample.name) + "(" + str(sample.type) + ")", "children": u_meas})
u_meas = []
u_samples.append({"name": str(sample.name + "(" + str(sample.type) + ")")})
if len(proj.samples) > 0:
u_projects.append({"name": str(proj.project_name), "children": u_samples})
u_samples = []
u_projects.append({"name": str(proj.project_name)})
u_global.append({"name": u.firstname + " " + u.name, "children": u_projects})
u_projects = []
user_projects = []
#uncomment these 4 lines if you want to see every lab users registered in BioRepo
#u_global.append({"name": u.firstname + " " + u.name})
#u_projects = []
#user_projects = []
dico_final["name"] = user_lab
dico_final["children"] = u_global
return {"data": json.dumps(dico_final)}
示例9: new
def new(self, *args, **kw):
tmpl_context.widget = new_attribut_form
#take the logged user
user = handler.user.get_user_in_session(request)
#take the logged user samples
samples = DBSession.query(Samples).join(Projects).join(User).filter(User.id == user.id).all()
meas = DBSession.query(Measurements).all()
attributs = DBSession.query(Attributs).all()
tmpl_context.samples = samples
tmpl_context.meas = meas
tmpl_context.attributs = attributs
return dict(page='samples', value=kw, title='New Sample', model='Sample')
示例10: post_edit
def post_edit(self, *args, **kw):
id_project = kw["IDselected"]
project = DBSession.query(Projects).filter(Projects.id == id_project).first()
if kw['project_name'] == '':
flash("Bad Project : Your project must have a name", "error")
raise redirect("./edit/" + id_project)
project.project_name = kw["project_name"]
project.description = kw["description"]
samples_ids = kw.get("samples", None)
if samples_ids is not None:
if not isinstance(samples_ids, (list, tuple)):
samples_ids = [int(samples_ids)]
#from unicode to integer for comparison
list_tmp = []
for i in samples_ids:
i = int(i)
samples_ids = list_tmp
samples_ids = []
#check if sample is not deleted
if kw["selected_samples"] != "[]":
old_selected = [int(x) for x in kw["selected_samples"].replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",")]
old_selected = []
flash("Samples id error, please contact the administrator to report your bug", 'error')
print "Something changed with this Turbogears version.... controllers/project.py l180 --> JSON solution is better"
raise redirect("./")
list_names = []
for o in old_selected:
if o not in samples_ids:
sample1 = DBSession.query(Samples).filter(Samples.id == o).first()
if len(list_names) > 0:
flash("If you choose to delete : " + str(list_names).replace("[", "").replace("]", "") + " from the project, this sample will be removed. The sample deletion is not enabled here. Please do it directly in the sample page delete option.", 'error')
raise redirect("./edit/" + id_project)
list_samples = []
for s in samples_ids:
sample = DBSession.query(Samples).filter(Samples.id == s).first()
project.samples = list_samples
raise redirect("./")
示例11: change_bis_sample
def change_bis_sample(self, sending_s, reception_s):
Allow to move all the measurements of one sample to an other one
and delete the sending sample after the operation.
Usefull for the "_bis" samples in spreadsheet.
@param principal : sending_s (sample id sending the measurements), reception_s (sample id receptioning the measurements)
# samples queries
from_sample = DBSession.query(Samples).filter(Samples.id == int(sending_s)).first()
to_sample = DBSession.query(Samples).filter(Samples.id == int(reception_s)).first()
# get the measurements lists
from_att = from_sample.attributs
to_att = to_sample.attributs
# lab checking
if from_att[0].lab_id != to_att[0].lab_id:
raise Exception("Samples from different labs. Impossible to move these measurements.")
# get list of measurements objects
meas_to_move = from_sample.measurements
meas_in_place = to_sample.measurements
# move the measurements
for m in meas_to_move:
if m not in meas_in_place:
print "---> Sample " + sending_s + " was deleted and its measurements are now into the sample " + reception_s
示例12: gimme_projects_plz
def gimme_projects_plz(self, mail, *args, **kw):
user = DBSession.query(User).filter(User._email == mail).first()
if user is not None:
user_id = user.id
projects = DBSession.query(Projects).filter(Projects.user_id == user_id).all()
dico_projects_by_user = {}
if len(projects) != 0:
for p in projects:
dico_projects_by_user[p.id] = {"project_name": p.project_name}
dico_projects_by_user = {0: {"project_name": "No projects found into BioRepo for this user"}}
dico_projects_by_user = {"error": str(mail) + " is not regristred in BioRepo"}
return dico_projects_by_user
示例13: drop_to_vitalit
def drop_to_vitalit(self, mail, key, meas_ids):
Copy-paste file(s) attached to the measurement(s) id given in input to a /scratch accessible path for the user
list_ids = list(set(meas_ids.split(',')))
user = DBSession.query(User).filter(and_(User._email == mail, User.key == key)).first()
if user is None:
return {'ERROR': "Your mail or you key is not correct."}
labs = user.labs
user_labs = []
for lab in labs:
if list_ids is None or len(list_ids) == 0:
return {'ERROR': "You have to give one or several id(s) with the meas_ids key."}
#building dico with paths and filenames
dic_paths = {}
for i in list_ids:
meas = DBSession.query(Measurements).filter(Measurements.id == i).first()
#check lab rights
att_meas = meas.attributs[0]
lab_to_check = DBSession.query(Labs).filter(Labs.id == att_meas.lab_id).first()
if lab_to_check.name not in user_labs:
msg = msg + "ERROR : This measurement (" + str(meas.id) + ") doesn't belong to your lab. You can't access to it.\n"
#check status (public/private)
elif not meas.status_type:
msg = msg + "ERROR : This measurement (" + str(meas.id) + ")is not public. You can't move it from BioRepo."
if len(meas.fus) > 0:
for fu in meas.fus:
path_fu = fu.path + "/" + fu.sha1
filename = fu.filename
dic_paths[filename] = path_fu
#check /scratch repository
public_path = path_dropbox(user_labs[0])
#copy-paste the file(s)
for k, v in dic_paths.iteritems():
src = v
dest = public_path + "/" + k
copyfile(src, dest)
msg = msg + k + " is now accessible here : " + dest + "\n"
print ">>> COPY ERROR WITH " + k
msg = msg + "ERROR " + k + " encountered a problem during the copy-paste process. Contact your admin for this file please.\n"
#send mail with public path(s)
sendMail(user._email, msg, "[BioRepo] Get your file(s) on Vital-IT /scratch")
示例14: BAM_visualisation
def BAM_visualisation(self, bam_object, filename_without_extension, *args, **kw):
#find the bam.bai file associated
bai = DBSession.query(Files_up).filter(and_(Files_up.filename == filename_without_extension + ".bam.bai", Files_up.extension == "bai")).first()
if bai is None:
flash("Sorry but " + bam_object.filename + " has no .bam.bai associated in BioRepo. Upload it and retry the operation.", "error")
raise redirect(url("/search"))
bai_sha1 = bai.sha1
bam_sha1 = bam_object.sha1
bai_path = bai.path
bam_path = bam_object.path
#build the full paths (bam and bam.bai)
bai_full_path = bai_path + "/" + bai_sha1
bam_full_path = bam_path + "/" + bam_sha1
#creating symlink with good names and good extensions
#for the bam file
bam_dest = bam_path + "/" + bam_sha1 + ".bam"
if os.path.islink(bam_dest):
os.symlink(bam_full_path, bam_dest)
bam_name = bam_sha1 + ".bam"
#for the bai file
bai_dest = bam_path + "/" + bam_sha1 + ".bam.bai"
if os.path.islink(bai_dest):
os.symlink(bai_full_path, bai_dest)
return bam_name
示例15: get_UCSC_link
def get_UCSC_link(obj_id):
Return a HTML link to UCSC
meas = DBSession.query(Measurements).filter(Measurements.id == obj_id).first()
status = meas.status_type
normal_ext = ["bed", "bedgraph", "wig"]
#binary extension, except bam files
binary_ext = ["bw", "bigwig", "bigbed", "bb"]
if status and len(meas.fus) > 0:
list_fus = meas.fus
for x in list_fus:
f_sha1 = x.sha1
ext = x.extension
#t is type. 1 == normal extension, 2 == binary extension, 3 == bam
if ext.lower() in normal_ext:
<a class='action UCSC_link' href="%s" target="_blank" title="view in UCSC" style="text-decoration:none" target="_blank"></a> ''' % (url('./public/UCSC_link', params=dict(sha1=f_sha1, meas_id=obj_id, t=1)))
elif ext.lower() in binary_ext:
<a class='action UCSC_link' href="%s" target="_blank" title="view in UCSC" style="text-decoration:none" target="_blank"></a> ''' % (url('./public/UCSC_link', params=dict(sha1=f_sha1, meas_id=obj_id, t=2)))
elif ext.lower() == "bam":
<a class='action UCSC_link' href="%s" target="_blank" title="view in UCSC" style="text-decoration:none" target="_blank"></a> ''' % (url('./public/UCSC_link', params=dict(sha1=f_sha1, meas_id=obj_id, t=3)))
return ''