本文整理汇总了Python中biokbase.workspace.client.Workspace类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Workspace类的具体用法?Python Workspace怎么用?Python Workspace使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: get_probanno
def get_probanno(self, ctx, input):
# ctx is the context object
# return variables are: output
#BEGIN get_probanno
''' Convert a probabilistic annotation object into a human-readbable table.
@param ctx Current context object
@param input Dictionary with input parameters for function
@return Dictionary keyed by gene to a list of tuples with roleset and likelihood
@raise WrongVersionError when ProbAnno object version number is invalid
input = self._checkInputArguments(ctx, input,
['probanno', 'probanno_workspace'],
{ 'probanno_version': None }
wsClient = Workspace(self.config["workspace_url"], token=ctx['token'])
probAnnoObjectId = make_object_identity(input["probanno_workspace"], input["probanno"], input['probanno_version'])
objectList = wsClient.get_objects( [ probAnnoObjectId ] )
probAnnoObject = objectList[0]
if probAnnoObject['info'][2] != ProbAnnoType:
message = 'ProbAnno object type %s is not %s for object %s' %(probAnnoObject['info'][2], ProbAnnoType, probAnnoObject['info'][1])
raise WrongVersionError(message)
output = probAnnoObject["data"]["roleset_probabilities"]
#END get_probanno
# At some point might do deeper type checking...
if not isinstance(output, dict):
raise ValueError('Method get_probanno return value ' +
'output is not type dict as required.')
# return the results
return [output]
示例2: download_workspace_data
def download_workspace_data(ws_url, source_ws, source_obj, working_dir,
ws = Workspace(ws_url, token=TOKEN)
objdata = ws.get_objects([{'ref': source_ws + '/' + source_obj}])[0]
info = objdata['info']
if info[2].split('-')[0] != 'KBaseFile.AssemblyFile':
raise ValueError(
'This method only works on the KBaseFile.AssemblyFile type')
shock_url = objdata['data']['assembly_file']['file']['url']
shock_id = objdata['data']['assembly_file']['file']['id']
ref = str(info[6]) + '/' + str(info[0]) + '/' + str(info[4])
source = objdata['data'].get('source')
outfile = os.path.join(working_dir, source_obj)
shock_node = shock_url + '/node/' + shock_id + '/?download'
headers = {'Authorization': 'OAuth ' + TOKEN}
with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
response = requests.get(shock_node, stream=True, headers=headers)
if not response.ok:
err = json.loads(response.content)['error'][0]
logger.error("Couldn't parse response error content: " +
raise Exception(str(err))
for block in response.iter_content(1024):
if not block:
return shock_url, shock_id, ref, source
示例3: TophatCall
def TophatCall(self, ctx, params):
# ctx is the context object
# return variables are: returnVal
# BEGIN TophatCall
ws_client = Workspace(url=self.__WS_URL, token=user_token)
hs = HandleService(url=self.__HS_URL, token=user_token)
### Make a function to download the workspace object and prepare dict of genome ,lib_type
self.__LOGGER.info("Downloading RNASeq Sample file")
ret = ws_client.get_objects(
{"name": params["sample_id"], "workspace": params["ws_id"]},
{"name": params["reference"], "workspace": params["ws_id"]},
{"name": params["bowtie_index"], "workspace": params["ws_id"]},
{"name": params["annotation_gtf"], "workspace": params["ws_id"]},
except Exception, e:
raise KBaseRNASeqException("Error Downloading objects from the workspace ")
# Download reads from the JSON object
genome = params["reference"]
if "data" in reads:
# if 'metadata' in reads['data']:
# genome = reads['data']['metadata']['ref_genome']
if "singleend_sample" in reads["data"]:
lib_type = "SingleEnd"
# cmdstring =
elif "pairedend_sample" in reads["data"]:
lib_type = "PairedEnd"
示例4: delete_narrative
def delete_narrative(ws_id, auth_token, url=ci_ws):
Deletes a workspace with the given id. Throws a ServerError if the user given
by auth_token isn't allowed to do so.
ws_client = Workspace(url=url, token=auth_token.token)
ws_client.delete_workspace({'id': ws_id})
示例5: associateReads
def associateReads(self, ctx, params):
# ctx is the context object
# return variables are: returnVal
# BEGIN associateReads
user_token = ctx["token"]
ws_client = Workspace(url=self.__WS_URL, token=user_token)
out = dict()
out["metadata"] = {
k: v
for k, v in params.iteritems()
if not k in ("ws_id", "analysis_id", "genome_id", "singleend_sample", "pairedend_sample") and v is not None
self.__LOGGER.info("Uploading RNASeqSample {0}".format(out["metadata"]["sample_id"]))
if "genome_id" in params and params["genome_id"] is not None:
out["metadata"]["genome_id"] = script_util.get_obj_info(
self.__LOGGER, self.__WS_URL, [params["genome_id"]], params["ws_id"], user_token
if "analysis_id" in params and params["analysis_id"] is not None:
g_ref = script_util.get_obj_info(
self.__LOGGER, self.__WS_URL, [params["analysis_id"]], params["ws_id"], user_token
out["analysis_id"] = g_ref
if "singleend_sample" in params and params["singleend_sample"] is not None:
s_res = ws_client.get_objects([{"name": params["singleend_sample"], "workspace": params["ws_id"]}])
out["singleend_sample"] = s_res[0]["data"]
print out["singleend_sample"]
except Exception, e:
raise KBaseRNASeqException(
"Error Downloading SingleEndlibrary object from the workspace {0},{1}".format(
params["singleend_sample"], e
示例6: get_object_from_ref
def get_object_from_ref(ref):
objid = int(ref.split("/")[1])
WS_URL = "https://ci.kbase.us/services/ws/"
from biokbase.workspace.client import Workspace
ws = Workspace(WS_URL)
return ws.get_objects([dict(workspace=os.environ["KB_WORKSPACE_ID"], objid=objid)])[0]["data"]
示例7: get_object_uid
def get_object_uid(name):
WS_URL = "https://ci.kbase.us/services/ws/"
from biokbase.workspace.client import Workspace
ws = Workspace(WS_URL)
info = ws.get_objects([dict(workspace=os.environ["KB_WORKSPACE_ID"], name=name)])[0]["info"]
return "%s/%s/%s" % (info[6], info[0], info[4])
示例8: create
def create(self, ctx, params):
# ctx is the context object
# return variables are: info
#BEGIN create
print('Creating KBase Report.')
# check that the basic parameters are set
if 'report' not in params:
raise ValueError('Field "report" must be defined to save a report')
if 'workspace_name' not in params:
raise ValueError('Field "workspace_name" must be defined to save a report')
# setup proper provenance for the report
provenance = [{}]
if 'provenance' in ctx:
provenance = ctx['provenance']
# generate a random report name
reportName = 'report_'+str(uuid.uuid4())
if 'prefix' in params:
reportName = params['prefix'] + reportName
print('Report Name' + reportName)
# let any workspace errors just percolate up for now
ws = Workspace(self.workspaceURL, token=ctx['token'])
report_info = ws.save_objects({
info = {
'ref' : str(report_info[6]) + '/' + str(report_info[0]) + '/' + str(report_info[4]),
'name' : report_info[1]
#END create
# At some point might do deeper type checking...
if not isinstance(info, dict):
raise ValueError('Method create return value ' +
'info is not type dict as required.')
# return the results
return [info]
示例9: upload_narrative
def upload_narrative(nar_file, auth_token, user_id, url=ci_ws, set_public=False):
Uploads a Narrative from a downloaded object file.
This file needs to be in JSON format, and it expects all
data and info that is usually returned by the Workspace.get_objects
Returns a dict of three elements:
ws: the id of the workspace that was created
obj: the id of the narrative object
ref: the above two joined together into an object ref (for convenience)
# read the file
f = open(nar_file, 'r')
nar = json.loads(f.read())
# do some setup.
current_nar_metadata = ws_metadata
current_nar_metadata['narrative_nice_name'] = nar['data']['metadata']['name']
ws_client = Workspace(url=url, token=auth_token)
# create the new workspace for the narrative
ws_info = ws_client.create_workspace({
'workspace': '{}:{}'.format(user_id, str(time.time()).replace('.', '')),
'meta': current_nar_metadata,
'globalread': 'r' if set_public else 'n'
ws_id = ws_info[0]
# setup and save the narrative object
metadata = nar['info'][10]
ws_save_obj = {
'type': 'KBaseNarrative.Narrative',
'data': nar['data'],
'name': nar['info'][1],
'meta': nar['info'][10],
'provenance': [{
'script': 'upload_narrative_test.py',
'description': 'Temporary Narrative uploaded for automated testing'
obj_info = ws_client.save_objects({'id': ws_id,
'objects': [ws_save_obj]})
# tweak the workspace's metadata to properly present its narrative
ws_client.alter_workspace_metadata({'wsi': {'id': ws_id}, 'new': {'narrative': obj_info[0][0]}})
return {
'ws': ws_info[0],
'obj': obj_info[0][0],
'refstr': '{}/{}'.format(ws_info[0], obj_info[0][0]),
'ref': NarrativeRef({'wsid': ws_info[0], 'objid': obj_info[0][0]})
示例10: get_obj_info
def get_obj_info(logger,ws_url,objects,ws_id,token):
function to get the workspace object id from a object name
ret = []
ws_client=Workspace(url=ws_url, token=token)
for obj in objects:
obj_infos = ws_client.get_object_info_new({"objects": [{'name': obj, 'workspace': ws_id}]})
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Couldn't retrieve %s:%s from the workspace , %s " %(ws_id,obj,e))
示例11: handler
def handler (args) :
# download ws object and convert them to csv
wsd = Workspace(url=args.ws_url, token=os.environ.get('KB_AUTH_TOKEN'))
indata = wsd.get_object({'id' : args.inobj_id,
#'type' : 'KBaseExpression.ExpressionSeries',
'workspace' : args.ws_id})['data']
if indata is None:
raise Exception("Object {} not found in workspace {}".format(args.inobj_id, args.ws_id))
# execute filtering
flt_cmd_lst = ['mys_example', "-i", "{}-{}".format(os.getpid(),args.exp_fn) ]
if (args.method is not None):
if (args.p_value is not None):
if (args.num_genes is not None):
if (args.flt_out_fn is not None):
p1 = Popen(flt_cmd_lst, stdout=PIPE)
out_str = p1.communicate()
# print output message for error tracking
if out_str[0] is not None : print out_str[0]
if out_str[1] is not None : print >> sys.stderr, out_str[1]
flt_cmd = " ".join(flt_cmd_lst)
# put it back to workspace
#fif = open("{}-{}".format(os.getpid(),args.flt_out_fn), 'r')
#fif.readline(); # skip header
# assume only one genome id
outdata = {}
outdata['key'] = indata['key']
outdata['value'] = "{}{}".format(indata['value'], indata['value'])
data_list = []
data_list.append({'type' : 'MyService.PairString', 'data' : outdata, 'name' : args.outobj_id, 'meta' : {'org.series' : args.inobj_id}})
wsd.save_objects({'workspace' : args.ws_id, 'objects' : data_list})
if(args.del_tmps is "true") :
os.remove("{}-{}".format(os.getpid(), args.exp_fn))
os.remove("{}-{}".format(os.getpid(), args.flt_out_fn))
示例12: export_genome_annotation_as_genbank
def export_genome_annotation_as_genbank(self, ctx, params):
A method designed especially for download, this calls 'genome_annotation_to_genbank' to do
the work, but then packages the output with WS provenance and object info into
a zip file and saves to shock.
:param params: instance of type "ExportParams" -> structure:
parameter "input_ref" of String
:returns: instance of type "ExportOutput" -> structure: parameter
"shock_id" of String
# ctx is the context object
# return variables are: output
#BEGIN export_genome_annotation_as_genbank
# validate parameters
if 'input_ref' not in params:
raise ValueError('Cannot export GenomeAnnotation- not input_ref field defined.')
# get WS metadata to get ws_name and obj_name
ws = Workspace(url=self.workspaceURL)
info = ws.get_object_info_new({'objects':[{'ref': params['input_ref'] }],'includeMetadata':0, 'ignoreErrors':0})[0]
# export to a file
file = self.genome_annotation_to_genbank(ctx, {
'genome_ref': params['input_ref'],
'new_genbank_file_name': info[1]+'.gbk' })[0]
# create the output directory and move the file there
export_package_dir = os.path.join(self.sharedFolder, info[1])
shutil.move(file['path'], os.path.join(export_package_dir, os.path.basename(file['path'])))
# package it up and be done
dfUtil = DataFileUtil(self.callback_url)
package_details = dfUtil.package_for_download({
'file_path': export_package_dir,
'ws_refs': [ params['input_ref'] ]
output = { 'shock_id': package_details['shock_id'] }
#END export_genome_annotation_as_genbank
# At some point might do deeper type checking...
if not isinstance(output, dict):
raise ValueError('Method export_genome_annotation_as_genbank return value ' +
'output is not type dict as required.')
# return the results
return [output]
示例13: test_cleanup
def test_cleanup(self):
''' Cleanup objects created by tests. '''
# Delete all of the objects in the test workspace.
wsClient = Workspace(self._config["workspace_url"], token=self._token)
listObjectsParams = dict()
listObjectsParams['workspaces'] = [ self._config['test_ws'] ]
objectList = wsClient.list_objects(listObjectsParams)
deleteList = list()
for object in objectList:
deleteList.append( { 'wsid': object[6], 'objid': object[0], 'ver': object[4] })
objectList = wsClient.list_objects(listObjectsParams)
for object in objectList:
print 'After delete Object %s %s' %(object[1], object[4])
示例14: get_genome
def get_genome(genome_id=None,workspace_id=None,token=None,workspace_url=None):
#download genome object from workspace
if workspace_url is None:
#print token
#print genome_id
#print workspace_id
workspace_client=Workspace(url=workspace_url, token=token)
genome=workspace_client.get_object({'id':genome_id, 'workspace':workspace_id, 'type':'KBaseGenomes.Genome'})
#genome = workspace_client.get_object({'id' : 'Bifidobacterium_animalis_subsp._lactis_AD011', 'type' : 'KBaseGenomes.Genome', 'workspace' : 'plane83:1436884411390'})
return genome
示例15: upload_workspace_data
def upload_workspace_data(cs, ws_url, source_ref, target_ws, obj_name):
ws = Workspace(ws_url, token=TOKEN)
type_ = ws.translate_from_MD5_types([CS_MD5_TYPE])[CS_MD5_TYPE][0]
{'workspace': target_ws,
'objects': [{'name': obj_name,
'type': type_,
'data': cs,
'provenance': [{'script': SCRIPT_NAME,
'script_ver': __VERSION__,
'input_ws_objects': [source_ref],