本文整理汇总了Python中bedrock.newsletter.forms.NewsletterFooterForm.errors["__all__"]方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python NewsletterFooterForm.errors["__all__"]方法的具体用法?Python NewsletterFooterForm.errors["__all__"]怎么用?Python NewsletterFooterForm.errors["__all__"]使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类bedrock.newsletter.forms.NewsletterFooterForm
示例1: contribute
# 需要导入模块: from bedrock.newsletter.forms import NewsletterFooterForm [as 别名]
# 或者: from bedrock.newsletter.forms.NewsletterFooterForm import errors["__all__"] [as 别名]
def contribute(request, template, return_to_form):
newsletter_id = "about-mozilla"
has_contribute_form = request.method == "POST" and "contribute-form" in request.POST
has_newsletter_form = request.method == "POST" and "newsletter-form" in request.POST
locale = getattr(request, "locale", "en-US")
contribute_success = False
newsletter_success = False
# This is ugly, but we need to handle two forms. I would love if
# these forms could post to separate pages and get redirected
# back, but we're forced to keep the error/success workflow on the
# same page. Please change this.
if has_contribute_form:
form = ContributeForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
data = form.cleaned_data.copy()
honeypot = data.pop("office_fax")
if not honeypot:
contribute_success = email_contribute.handle_form(request, form)
if contribute_success:
# If form was submitted successfully, return a new, empty
# one.
form = ContributeForm()
# send back a clean form if honeypot was filled in
form = ContributeForm()
form = ContributeForm()
if has_newsletter_form:
newsletter_form = NewsletterFooterForm(newsletter_id, locale, request.POST, prefix="newsletter")
if newsletter_form.is_valid():
data = newsletter_form.cleaned_data
basket.subscribe(data["email"], newsletter_id, format=data["fmt"], country=data["country"])
newsletter_success = True
except basket.BasketException:
msg = newsletter_form.error_class(
[_("We apologize, but an error occurred in our system. " "Please try again later.")]
newsletter_form.errors["__all__"] = msg
newsletter_form = NewsletterFooterForm(newsletter_id, locale, prefix="newsletter")
return l10n_utils.render(
"form": form,
"contribute_success": contribute_success,
"newsletter_form": newsletter_form,
"newsletter_success": newsletter_success,
"return_to_form": return_to_form,
"hide_form": hide_contrib_form(request.locale),