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Python toolset.flags函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中b2.build.toolset.flags函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python flags函数的具体用法?Python flags怎么用?Python flags使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: cpu_flags

def cpu_flags(toolset, variable, architecture, instruction_set, values, default=None):
    #FIXME: for some reason this fails.  Probably out of date feature code
##    if default:
##        flags(toolset, variable,
##              ['<architecture>' + architecture + '/<instruction-set>'],
##              values)
    flags(toolset, variable,
          #FIXME: same as above
          [##'<architecture>/<instruction-set>' + instruction_set,
           '<architecture>' + architecture + '/<instruction-set>' + instruction_set],

示例2: configure

def configure (command = None, condition = None, options = None):
        Configures a new resource compilation command specific to a condition,
        usually a toolset selection condition. The possible options are:

            * <rc-type>(rc|windres) - Indicates the type of options the command

        Even though the arguments are all optional, only when a command, condition,
        and at minimum the rc-type option are given will the command be configured.
        This is so that callers don't have to check auto-configuration values
        before calling this. And still get the functionality of build failures when
        the resource compiler can't be found.
    rc_type = feature.get_values('<rc-type>', options)
    if rc_type:
        assert(len(rc_type) == 1)
        rc_type = rc_type[0]

    if command and condition and rc_type:
        flags('rc.compile.resource', '.RC', condition, command)
        flags('rc.compile.resource', '.RC_TYPE', condition, rc_type.lower())
        flags('rc.compile.resource', 'DEFINES', [], ['<define>'])
        flags('rc.compile.resource', 'INCLUDES', [], ['<include>'])
        if debug():
            print 'notice: using rc compiler ::', condition, '::', command

示例3: handle_options

def handle_options(tool, condition, command, options):
    """ Handle common options for toolset, specifically sets the following
        flag variables:
        - CONFIG_COMMAND to 'command'
        - OPTIOns for compile to the value of <compileflags> in options
        - OPTIONS for compile.c to the value of <cflags> in options
        - OPTIONS for compile.c++ to the value of <cxxflags> in options
        - OPTIONS for compile.fortran to the value of <fflags> in options
        - OPTIONs for link to the value of <linkflags> in options
    from b2.build import toolset

    assert(isinstance(tool, str))
    assert(isinstance(condition, list))
    assert(isinstance(command, str))
    assert(isinstance(options, list))
    toolset.flags(tool, 'CONFIG_COMMAND', condition, [command])
    toolset.flags(tool + '.compile', 'OPTIONS', condition, feature.get_values('<compileflags>', options))
    toolset.flags(tool + '.compile.c', 'OPTIONS', condition, feature.get_values('<cflags>', options))
    toolset.flags(tool + '.compile.c++', 'OPTIONS', condition, feature.get_values('<cxxflags>', options))
    toolset.flags(tool + '.compile.fortran', 'OPTIONS', condition, feature.get_values('<fflags>', options))
    toolset.flags(tool + '.link', 'OPTIONS', condition, feature.get_values('<linkflags>', options))

示例4: get_manager

        engine.set_target_variable(included_quoted, 'SEARCH', [utility.get_value(inc) for inc in self.includes])
        engine.set_target_variable(imported       , 'SEARCH', [utility.get_value(inc) for inc in self.includes])
        engine.set_target_variable(imported_tlbs  , 'SEARCH', [utility.get_value(inc) for inc in self.includes])
        get_manager().scanners().propagate(type.get_scanner('CPP', PropertySet(self.includes)), included_angle + included_quoted)
        get_manager().scanners().propagate(self, imported)

scanner.register(MidlScanner, 'include')
type.set_scanner('IDL', MidlScanner)

# Command line options
feature('midl-stubless-proxy', ['yes', 'no'], ['propagated'] )
feature('midl-robust', ['yes', 'no'], ['propagated'] )

flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS', ['<midl-stubless-proxy>yes'], ['/Oicf'     ])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS', ['<midl-stubless-proxy>no' ], ['/Oic'      ])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS', ['<midl-robust>yes'        ], ['/robust'   ])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS', ['<midl-robust>no'         ], ['/no_robust'])

# Architecture-specific options
architecture_x86 = ['<architecture>' , '<architecture>x86']
address_model_32 = ['<address-model>', '<address-model>32']
address_model_64 = ['<address-model>', '<address-model>64']

flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS', [ar + '/' + m for ar in architecture_x86 for m in address_model_32 ], ['/win32'])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS', [ar + '/<address-model>64' for ar in architecture_x86], ['/x64'])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS', ['<architecture>ia64/' + m for m in address_model_64], ['/ia64'])

flags('midl.compile.idl', 'DEFINES', [], ['<define>'])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'UNDEFS', [], ['<undef>'])

示例5: init

def init(version = None, command = None, options = None):
        Initializes the gcc toolset for the given version. If necessary, command may
        be used to specify where the compiler is located. The parameter 'options' is a
        space-delimited list of options, each one specified as
        <option-name>option-value. Valid option names are: cxxflags, linkflags and
        linker-type. Accepted linker-type values are gnu, darwin, osf, hpux or sun
        and the default value will be selected based on the current OS.
          using gcc : 3.4 : : <cxxflags>foo <linkflags>bar <linker-type>sun ;

    options = to_seq(options)
    command = to_seq(command)

    # Information about the gcc command...
    #   The command.
    command = to_seq(common.get_invocation_command('gcc', 'g++', command))
    #   The root directory of the tool install.
    root = feature.get_values('<root>', options) ;
    #   The bin directory where to find the command to execute.
    bin = None
    #   The flavor of compiler.
    flavor = feature.get_values('<flavor>', options)
    #   Autodetect the root and bin dir if not given.
    if command:
        if not bin:
            bin = common.get_absolute_tool_path(command[-1])
        if not root:
            root = os.path.dirname(bin)
    #   Autodetect the version and flavor if not given.
    if command:
        machine_info = subprocess.Popen(command + ['-dumpmachine'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
        machine = __machine_match.search(machine_info).group(1)

        version_info = subprocess.Popen(command + ['-dumpversion'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
        version = __version_match.search(version_info).group(1)
        if not flavor and machine.find('mingw') != -1:
            flavor = 'mingw'

    condition = None
    if flavor:
        condition = common.check_init_parameters('gcc', None,
            ('version', version),
            ('flavor', flavor))
        condition = common.check_init_parameters('gcc', None,
            ('version', version))

    if command:
        command = command[0]

    common.handle_options('gcc', condition, command, options)

    linker = feature.get_values('<linker-type>', options)
    if not linker:
        if os_name() == 'OSF':
            linker = 'osf'
        elif os_name() == 'HPUX':
            linker = 'hpux' ;
            linker = 'gnu'

    init_link_flags('gcc', linker, condition)

    # If gcc is installed in non-standard location, we'd need to add
    # LD_LIBRARY_PATH when running programs created with it (for unit-test/run
    # rules).
    if command:
        # On multilib 64-bit boxes, there are both 32-bit and 64-bit libraries
        # and all must be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The linker will pick the
        # right onces. Note that we don't provide a clean way to build 32-bit
        # binary with 64-bit compiler, but user can always pass -m32 manually.
        lib_path = [os.path.join(root, 'bin'),
                    os.path.join(root, 'lib'),
                    os.path.join(root, 'lib32'),
                    os.path.join(root, 'lib64')]
        if debug():
            print 'notice: using gcc libraries ::', condition, '::', lib_path
        toolset.flags('gcc.link', 'RUN_PATH', condition, lib_path)

    # If it's not a system gcc install we should adjust the various programs as
    # needed to prefer using the install specific versions. This is essential
    # for correct use of MinGW and for cross-compiling.

    # - The archive builder.
    archiver = common.get_invocation_command('gcc',
            'ar', feature.get_values('<archiver>', options), [bin], path_last=True)
    toolset.flags('gcc.archive', '.AR', condition, [archiver])
    if debug():
        print 'notice: using gcc archiver ::', condition, '::', archiver

    # - The resource compiler.
    rc_command = common.get_invocation_command_nodefault('gcc',
            'windres', feature.get_values('<rc>', options), [bin], path_last=True)
    rc_type = feature.get_values('<rc-type>', options)

    if not rc_type:
        rc_type = 'windres'


示例6: generated_targets

    def generated_targets(self, sources, prop_set, project, name = None):
        name = sources[0].name
        return Generator.generated_targets(self, sources,
            prop_set, project, name)

# Note: the 'H' source type will catch both '.h' header and '.hpp' header. The
# latter have HPP type, but HPP type is derived from H. The type of compilation
# is determined entirely by the destination type.
generators.register(GccPchGenerator('gcc.compile.c.pch', False, ['H'], ['C_PCH'], ['<pch>on', '<toolset>gcc' ]))
generators.register(GccPchGenerator('gcc.compile.c++.pch', False, ['H'], ['CPP_PCH'], ['<pch>on', '<toolset>gcc' ]))

# Override default do-nothing generators.
generators.override('gcc.compile.c.pch', 'pch.default-c-pch-generator')
generators.override('gcc.compile.c++.pch', 'pch.default-cpp-pch-generator')

flags('gcc.compile', 'PCH_FILE', ['<pch>on'], ['<pch-file>'])

# Declare flags and action for compilation
flags('gcc.compile', 'OPTIONS', ['<optimization>off'], ['-O0'])
flags('gcc.compile', 'OPTIONS', ['<optimization>speed'], ['-O3'])
flags('gcc.compile', 'OPTIONS', ['<optimization>space'], ['-Os'])

flags('gcc.compile', 'OPTIONS', ['<inlining>off'], ['-fno-inline'])
flags('gcc.compile', 'OPTIONS', ['<inlining>on'], ['-Wno-inline'])
flags('gcc.compile', 'OPTIONS', ['<inlining>full'], ['-finline-functions', '-Wno-inline'])

flags('gcc.compile', 'OPTIONS', ['<warnings>off'], ['-w'])
flags('gcc.compile', 'OPTIONS', ['<warnings>on'], ['-Wall'])
flags('gcc.compile', 'OPTIONS', ['<warnings>all'], ['-Wall', '-pedantic'])
flags('gcc.compile', 'OPTIONS', ['<warnings-as-errors>on'], ['-Werror'])

示例7: init_link_flags

def init_link_flags(toolset, linker, condition):
        Now, the vendor specific flags.
        The parameter linker can be either gnu, darwin, osf, hpux or sun.
    toolset_link = toolset + '.link'
    if linker == 'gnu':
        # Strip the binary when no debugging is needed. We use --strip-all flag
        # as opposed to -s since icc (intel's compiler) is generally
        # option-compatible with and inherits from the gcc toolset, but does not
        # support -s.

        # FIXME: what does unchecked translate to?
        flags(toolset_link, 'OPTIONS', map(lambda x: x + '/<debug-symbols>off', condition), ['-Wl,--strip-all'])  # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH',       condition,                      ['<dll-path>'])       # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH_LINK',  condition,                      ['<xdll-path>'])      # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'START-GROUP', condition,                      ['-Wl,--start-group'])# : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'END-GROUP',   condition,                      ['-Wl,--end-group'])  # : unchecked ;

        # gnu ld has the ability to change the search behaviour for libraries
        # referenced by -l switch. These modifiers are -Bstatic and -Bdynamic
        # and change search for -l switches that follow them. The following list
        # shows the tried variants.
        # The search stops at the first variant that has a match.
        # *nix: -Bstatic -lxxx
        #    libxxx.a
        # *nix: -Bdynamic -lxxx
        #    libxxx.so
        #    libxxx.a
        # windows (mingw,cygwin) -Bstatic -lxxx
        #    libxxx.a
        #    xxx.lib
        # windows (mingw,cygwin) -Bdynamic -lxxx
        #    libxxx.dll.a
        #    xxx.dll.a
        #    libxxx.a
        #    xxx.lib
        #    cygxxx.dll (*)
        #    libxxx.dll
        #    xxx.dll
        #    libxxx.a
        # (*) This is for cygwin
        # Please note that -Bstatic and -Bdynamic are not a guarantee that a
        # static or dynamic lib indeed gets linked in. The switches only change
        # search patterns!

        # On *nix mixing shared libs with static runtime is not a good idea.
        flags(toolset_link, 'FINDLIBS-ST-PFX',
              map(lambda x: x + '/<runtime-link>shared', condition),
            ['-Wl,-Bstatic']) # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'FINDLIBS-SA-PFX',
              map(lambda x: x + '/<runtime-link>shared', condition),
            ['-Wl,-Bdynamic']) # : unchecked ;

        # On windows allow mixing of static and dynamic libs with static
        # runtime.
        flags(toolset_link, 'FINDLIBS-ST-PFX',
              map(lambda x: x + '/<runtime-link>static/<target-os>windows', condition),
              ['-Wl,-Bstatic']) # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'FINDLIBS-SA-PFX',
              map(lambda x: x + '/<runtime-link>static/<target-os>windows', condition),
              ['-Wl,-Bdynamic']) # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'OPTIONS',
              map(lambda x: x + '/<runtime-link>static/<target-os>windows', condition),
              ['-Wl,-Bstatic']) # : unchecked ;

    elif linker == 'darwin':
        # On Darwin, the -s option to ld does not work unless we pass -static,
        # and passing -static unconditionally is a bad idea. So, don't pass -s.
        # at all, darwin.jam will use separate 'strip' invocation.
        flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH', condition, ['<dll-path>']) # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH_LINK', condition, ['<xdll-path>']) # : unchecked ;

    elif linker == 'osf':
        # No --strip-all, just -s.
        flags(toolset_link, 'OPTIONS', map(lambda x: x + '/<debug-symbols>off', condition), ['-Wl,-s'])
            # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH', condition, ['<dll-path>']) # : unchecked ;
        # This does not supports -R.
        flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH_OPTION', condition, ['-rpath']) # : unchecked ;
        # -rpath-link is not supported at all.

    elif linker == 'sun':
        flags(toolset_link, 'OPTIONS', map(lambda x: x + '/<debug-symbols>off', condition), ['-Wl,-s'])
            # : unchecked ;
        flags(toolset_link, 'RPATH', condition, ['<dll-path>']) # : unchecked ;
        # Solaris linker does not have a separate -rpath-link, but allows to use
        # -L for the same purpose.
        flags(toolset_link, 'LINKPATH', condition, ['<xdll-path>']) # : unchecked ;

        # This permits shared libraries with non-PIC code on Solaris.
        # VP, 2004/09/07: Now that we have -fPIC hardcode in link.dll, the
        # following is not needed. Whether -fPIC should be hardcoded, is a
        # separate question.
        # AH, 2004/10/16: it is still necessary because some tests link against
        # static libraries that were compiled without PIC.

示例8: NotfileGenerator

class NotfileGenerator(generators.Generator):

    def run(self, project, name, ps, sources):
        action_name = ps.get('action')[0]
        if action_name[0] == '@':
            action = virtual_target.Action(get_manager(), sources, action_name[1:], ps)
            action = virtual_target.Action(get_manager(), sources, "notfile.run", ps)

        return [get_manager().virtual_targets().register(
            virtual_target.NotFileTarget(name, project, action))]

generators.register(NotfileGenerator("notfile.main", False, [], ["NOTFILE_MAIN"]))

toolset.flags("notfile.run", "ACTION", [], ["<action>"])

get_manager().engine().register_action("notfile.run", "$(ACTION)")

@bjam_signature((["target_name"], ["action"], ["sources", "*"], ["requirements", "*"],
                 ["default_build", "*"]))
def notfile(target_name, action, sources, requirements, default_build):

    requirements.append("<action>" + action)

    return targets.create_typed_metatarget(target_name, "NOTFILE_MAIN", sources, requirements,
                                           default_build, [])

get_manager().projects().add_rule("notfile", notfile)

示例9: darwin_archive

    command = common.get_invocation_command ('darwin', 'g++', command)

    common.handle_options ('darwin', condition, command, options)

    gcc.init_link_flags ('darwin', 'darwin', condition)

# Darwin has a different shared library suffix
type.set_generated_target_suffix ('SHARED_LIB', ['<toolset>darwin'], 'dylib')

# we need to be able to tell the type of .dylib files
type.register_suffixes ('dylib', 'SHARED_LIB')

feature.feature ('framework', [], ['free'])

toolset.flags ('darwin.compile', 'OPTIONS', '<link>shared', ['-dynamic'])
toolset.flags ('darwin.compile', 'OPTIONS', None, ['-Wno-long-double', '-no-cpp-precomp'])
toolset.flags ('darwin.compile.c++', 'OPTIONS', None, ['-fcoalesce-templates'])

toolset.flags ('darwin.link', 'FRAMEWORK', '<framework>')

# This is flag is useful for debugging the link step
# uncomment to see what libtool is doing under the hood
# toolset.flags ('darwin.link.dll', 'OPTIONS', None, '[-Wl,-v'])

action.register ('darwin.compile.cpp', None, ['$(CONFIG_COMMAND) $(ST_OPTIONS) -L"$(LINKPATH)" -o "$(<)" "$(>)" "$(LIBRARIES)" -l$(FINDLIBS-SA) -l$(FINDLIBS-ST) -framework$(_)$(FRAMEWORK) $(OPTIONS)'])

# TODO: how to set 'bind LIBRARIES'?
action.register ('darwin.link.dll', None, ['$(CONFIG_COMMAND) -dynamiclib -L"$(LINKPATH)" -o "$(<)" "$(>)" "$(LIBRARIES)" -l$(FINDLIBS-SA) -l$(FINDLIBS-ST) -framework$(_)$(FRAMEWORK) $(OPTIONS)'])

def darwin_archive (manager, targets, sources, properties):


generators.register_standard("testing.expect-failure", ["RUN_OUTPUT"], ["RUN_FAIL"])
generators.register_standard("testing.expect-success", ["EXE"], ["LINK"])
generators.register_standard("testing.expect-failure", ["EXE"], ["LINK_FAIL"])

# Generator which runs an EXE and captures output.
generators.register_standard("testing.capture-output", ["EXE"], ["RUN_OUTPUT"])

# Generator which creates a target if sources run successfully. Differs from RUN
# in that run output is not captured. The reason why it exists is that the 'run'
# rule is much better for automated testing, but is not user-friendly (see
# http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.build/6353).
generators.register_standard("testing.unit-test", ["EXE"], ["UNIT_TEST"])

# FIXME: if those calls are after bjam.call, then bjam will crash
# when toolset.flags calls bjam.caller.
toolset.flags("testing.capture-output", "ARGS", [], ["<testing.arg>"])
toolset.flags("testing.capture-output", "INPUT_FILES", [], ["<testing.input-file>"])
toolset.flags("testing.capture-output", "LAUNCHER", [], ["<testing.launcher>"])

toolset.flags("testing.unit-test", "LAUNCHER", [], ["<testing.launcher>"])
toolset.flags("testing.unit-test", "ARGS", [], ["<testing.arg>"])

# This is a composing generator to support cases where a generator for the
# specified target constructs other targets as well. One such example is msvc's
# exe generator that constructs both EXE and PDB targets.
type.register("TIME", ["time"])
generators.register_composing("testing.time", [], ["TIME"])

# The following code sets up actions for this module. It's pretty convoluted,
# but the basic points is that we most of actions are defined by Jam code

示例11: get_manager

            type.get_scanner("CPP", PropertySet(self.includes)), included_angle + included_quoted
        get_manager().scanners().propagate(self, imported)

scanner.register(MidlScanner, "include")
type.set_scanner("IDL", MidlScanner)

# Command line options
feature("midl-stubless-proxy", ["yes", "no"], ["propagated"])
feature("midl-robust", ["yes", "no"], ["propagated"])

flags("midl.compile.idl", "MIDLFLAGS", ["<midl-stubless-proxy>yes"], ["/Oicf"])
flags("midl.compile.idl", "MIDLFLAGS", ["<midl-stubless-proxy>no"], ["/Oic"])
flags("midl.compile.idl", "MIDLFLAGS", ["<midl-robust>yes"], ["/robust"])
flags("midl.compile.idl", "MIDLFLAGS", ["<midl-robust>no"], ["/no_robust"])

# Architecture-specific options
architecture_x86 = ["<architecture>", "<architecture>x86"]
address_model_32 = ["<address-model>", "<address-model>32"]
address_model_64 = ["<address-model>", "<address-model>64"]

flags("midl.compile.idl", "MIDLFLAGS", [ar + "/" + m for ar in architecture_x86 for m in address_model_32], ["/win32"])
flags("midl.compile.idl", "MIDLFLAGS", [ar + "/<address-model>64" for ar in architecture_x86], ["/x64"])
flags("midl.compile.idl", "MIDLFLAGS", ["<architecture>ia64/" + m for m in address_model_64], ["/ia64"])

flags("midl.compile.idl", "DEFINES", [], ["<define>"])
flags("midl.compile.idl", "UNDEFS", [], ["<undef>"])

示例12: init

from b2.tools import common, rc
from b2.build import generators, type
from b2.build.toolset import flags
from b2.build.feature import feature
from b2.manager import get_manager

def init():

type.register('MC', ['mc'])

# Command line options
feature('mc-input-encoding', ['ansi', 'unicode'], ['free'])
feature('mc-output-encoding', ['unicode', 'ansi'], ['free'])
feature('mc-set-customer-bit', ['no', 'yes'], ['free'])

flags('mc.compile', 'MCFLAGS', ['<mc-input-encoding>ansi'], ['-a'])
flags('mc.compile', 'MCFLAGS', ['<mc-input-encoding>unicode'], ['-u'])
flags('mc.compile', 'MCFLAGS', ['<mc-output-encoding>ansi'], '-A')
flags('mc.compile', 'MCFLAGS', ['<mc-output-encoding>unicode'], ['-U'])
flags('mc.compile', 'MCFLAGS', ['<mc-set-customer-bit>no'], [])
flags('mc.compile', 'MCFLAGS', ['<mc-set-customer-bit>yes'], ['-c'])

generators.register_standard('mc.compile', ['MC'], ['H', 'RC'])

    'mc $(MCFLAGS) -h "$(<[1]:DW)" -r "$(<[2]:DW)" "$(>:W)"')
