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Python utils.OrderedDict类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中astropy.utils.OrderedDict的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python OrderedDict类的具体用法?Python OrderedDict怎么用?Python OrderedDict使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: __init__

    def __init__(self, inp):
        if not isinstance(inp, OrderedDict):
                inp = OrderedDict(inp)
            except (TypeError,ValueError):
                raise ValueError("Input to TableList must be an OrderedDict or list of (k,v) pairs")

        self._dict = inp

示例2: __init__

    def __init__(self, inp):
        if not isinstance(inp, OrderedDict):
            # py3 doesn't let you catch 2 types of errors.
            errmsg = "Input to TableList must be an OrderedDict or list of (k,v) pairs"
                inp = OrderedDict(inp)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                raise ValueError("Input to TableList must be an OrderedDict or list of (k,v) pairs")

        self._dict = inp
        super(TableList, self).__init__(inp.values())

示例3: _parse_result

    def _parse_result(self, response, get_catalog_names=False, verbose=False):
        Parses the HTTP response to create an `astropy.table.Table`.
        Returns the raw result as a string in case of parse errors.

        response : `requests.Response`
            The response of the HTTP POST request
        get_catalog_names : bool
            If specified, return only the table names (useful for table

            An OrderedDict of `astropy.table.Table` objects.
            If there are errors in the parsing, then returns the raw results as a string.
        if not verbose:
            tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
            if PY3:
            vo_tree = votable.parse(tf.name, pedantic=False)
            if get_catalog_names:
                return dict([(R.name,R) for R in vo_tree.resources])
                table_dict = OrderedDict()
                for t in vo_tree.iter_tables():
                    if len(t.array) > 0:
                        if t.ref is not None:
                            name = vo_tree.get_table_by_id(t.ref).name
                            name = t.name
                        if name not in table_dict.keys():
                            table_dict[name] = []
                        table_dict[name] += [t.to_table()]
                for name in table_dict.keys():
                    if len(table_dict[name]) > 1:
                        table_dict[name] = tbl.vstack(table_dict[name])
                        table_dict[name] = table_dict[name][0]
                return commons.TableList(table_dict)

            traceback.print_exc()  # temporary for debugging
                "Error in parsing result, returning raw result instead")
            return response.content

示例4: VizierKeyword

class VizierKeyword(list):

    """Helper class for setting keywords for Vizier queries"""

    def __init__(self, keywords):
        file_name = aud.get_pkg_data_filename(
            os.path.join("data", "inverse_dict.json"))
        with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
            kwd = json.load(f)
            self.keyword_types = sorted(kwd.values())
            self.keyword_dict = OrderedDict([(k, kwd[k]) for k in sorted(kwd)])
        self._keywords = None
        self.keywords = keywords

    def keywords(self):
        """List or string for keyword(s) that must be set for the Vizier object."""
        return self._keywords

    def keywords(self, values):
        if isinstance(values, six.string_types):
            values = list(values)
        keys = [key.lower() for key in self.keyword_dict]
        values = [val.lower() for val in values]
        # warn about unknown keywords
        for val in set(values) - set(keys):
            warnings.warn("{val} : No such keyword".format(val=val))
        valid_keys = [
            key for key in self.keyword_dict.keys()
            if key.lower() in list(map(str.lower, values))]
        # create a dict for each type of keyword
        set_keywords = OrderedDict()
        for key in self.keyword_dict:
            if key in valid_keys:
                if self.keyword_dict[key] in set_keywords:
                    set_keywords[self.keyword_dict[key]] = [key]
        self._keywords = OrderedDict(
                [(k, sorted(set_keywords[k]))
                 for k in set_keywords]

    def keywords(self):
        del self._keywords

    def __repr__(self):
        return "\n".join([x for key in self.keywords for x in self.get_keyword_str(key)])

    def get_keyword_str(self, key):
        Helper function that returns the keywords, grouped into appropriate
        categories and suitable for the Vizier votable CGI.

        Comma-separated is not valid!!!
        keyword_name = "-kw." + key
        return [keyword_name + "=" + s for s in self.keywords[key]]

示例5: _construct_ordered_GET

    def _construct_ordered_GET(self):
        Construct a Global Edge Table (GET)

        The GET is an OrderedDict. Keys are scan  line numbers,
        ordered from bbox.ymin to bbox.ymax, where bbox is the
        bounding box of the polygon.
        Values are lists of edges for which edge.ymin==scan_line_number.

        GET: OrderedDict
            {scan_line: [edge1, edge2]}
        # edges is a list of Edge objects which define a polygon
        # with these vertices
        edges = self.get_edges()
        GET = OrderedDict.fromkeys(self._scan_line_range)
        ymin = np.asarray([e._ymin for e in edges])
        for i in self._scan_line_range:
            ymin_ind = (ymin == i).nonzero()[0]
            if ymin_ind.any():
                GET[i] = [edges[ymin_ind[0]]]
                for j in ymin_ind[1:]:
        return GET

示例6: __init__

 def __init__(self, keywords):
     file_name = aud.get_pkg_data_filename(os.path.join("data", "inverse_dict.json"))
     with open(file_name, "r") as f:
         kwd = json.load(f)
         self.keyword_types = sorted(kwd.values())
         self.keyword_dict = OrderedDict([(k, kwd[k]) for k in sorted(kwd)])
     self._keywords = None
     self.keywords = keywords

示例7: parse_vizier_votable

def parse_vizier_votable(data, verbose=False, invalid='warn',
    Given a votable as string, parse it into tables
    if not verbose:

    tf = BytesIO(data)

    if invalid == 'mask':
        vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='mask')
    elif invalid == 'warn':
            vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='exception')
        except Exception as ex:
            warnings.warn("VOTABLE parsing raised exception: {0}".format(ex))
            vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='mask')
    elif invalid == 'exception':
        vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='exception')
        raise ValueError("Invalid keyword for 'invalid'. "
                         "Must be exception, mask, or warn")

    if get_catalog_names:
        return dict([(R.name, R) for R in vo_tree.resources])
        table_dict = OrderedDict()
        for t in vo_tree.iter_tables():
            if len(t.array) > 0:
                if t.ref is not None:
                    name = vo_tree.get_table_by_id(t.ref).name
                    name = t.name
                if name not in table_dict.keys():
                    table_dict[name] = []
                table_dict[name] += [t.to_table()]
        for name in table_dict.keys():
            if len(table_dict[name]) > 1:
                table_dict[name] = tbl.vstack(table_dict[name])
                table_dict[name] = table_dict[name][0]
        return commons.TableList(table_dict)

示例8: _parse_result

    def _parse_result(self, response, get_catalog_names=False, verbose=False, invalid='warn'):
        Parses the HTTP response to create a `~astropy.table.Table`.

        Returns the raw result as a string in case of parse errors.

        response : `requests.Response`
            The response of the HTTP POST request
        get_catalog_names : bool
            If specified, return only the table names (useful for table
        invalid : 'warn', 'mask' or 'raise'
            The behavior if a VOTABLE cannot be parsed.  Default is 'warn',
            which will try to parse the table, then if an exception is raised,
            it will be printent but the masked table will be returned

        table_list : `astroquery.utils.TableList` or str
            If there are errors in the parsing, then returns the raw results as a string.
        if not verbose:
            tf = six.BytesIO(response.content)

            if invalid == 'mask':
                vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='mask')
            elif invalid == 'warn':
                    vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='raise')
                except Exception as ex:
                    warnings.warn("VOTABLE parsing raised exception: {0}".format(ex))
                    vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='mask')
            elif invalid == 'raise':
                vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='raise')
                raise ValueError("Invalid keyword 'invalid'.  Must be raise, mask, or warn")

            if get_catalog_names:
                return dict([(R.name, R) for R in vo_tree.resources])
                table_dict = OrderedDict()
                for t in vo_tree.iter_tables():
                    if len(t.array) > 0:
                        if t.ref is not None:
                            name = vo_tree.get_table_by_id(t.ref).name
                            name = t.name
                        if name not in table_dict.keys():
                            table_dict[name] = []
                        table_dict[name] += [t.to_table()]
                for name in table_dict.keys():
                    if len(table_dict[name]) > 1:
                        table_dict[name] = tbl.vstack(table_dict[name])
                        table_dict[name] = table_dict[name][0]
                return commons.TableList(table_dict)

        except Exception as ex:
            self.response = response
            self.table_parse_error = ex
            raise TableParseError("Failed to parse VIZIER result! The raw response can be found "
                                  "in self.response, and the error in self.table_parse_error."
                                  "  The attempted parsed result is in self.parsed_result.\n"
                                  "Exception: " + str(self.table_parse_error))

示例9: _args_to_payload

    def _args_to_payload(self, *args, **kwargs):
        accepts the arguments for different query functions and
        builds a script suitable for the Vizier votable CGI.
        body = OrderedDict()
        center = kwargs.get('center')
        # process: catalog
        catalog = kwargs.get('catalog')
        if catalog is None:
            catalog = self.catalog
        if catalog is not None:
            if isinstance(catalog, six.string_types):
                body['-source'] = catalog
            elif isinstance(catalog, list):
                body['-source'] = ",".join(catalog)
                raise TypeError("Catalog must be specified as list or string")
        # process: columns
        columns = kwargs.get('columns')
        if columns is None:
            columns = copy.copy(self.columns)
            columns = self.columns + columns

        # keyword names that can mean 'all' need to be treated separately
        alls = ['all','*']
        if any(x in columns for x in alls):
            for x in alls:
                if x in columns:
            body['-out.all'] = 2

        # process: columns - always request computed positions in degrees
        if "_RAJ2000" not in columns:
            columns += ["_RAJ2000"]
        if "_DEJ2000" not in columns:
            columns += ["_DEJ2000"]
        # process: columns - identify sorting requests
        columns_out = []
        sorts_out = []
        for column in columns:
            if column[0] == '+':
                columns_out += [column[1:]]
                sorts_out += [column[1:]]
            elif column[0] == '-':
                columns_out += [column[1:]]
                sorts_out += [column]
                columns_out += [column]
        body['-out.add'] = ','.join(columns_out)
        body['-out'] = columns_out
        if len(sorts_out) > 0:
            body['-sort'] = ','.join(sorts_out)
        # process: maximum rows returned
        row_limit = kwargs.get('row_limit') or self.ROW_LIMIT
        if row_limit < 0:
            body["-out.max"] = 'unlimited'
            body["-out.max"] = row_limit
        # process: column filters
        column_filters = self.column_filters.copy()
        column_filters.update(kwargs.get('column_filters', {}))
        for (key, value) in column_filters.items():
            body[key] = value
        # process: center
        if center is not None:
            for (key, value) in center.items():
                body[key] = value
        # add column metadata: name, unit, UCD1+, and description
        body["-out.meta"] = "huUD"
        # merge tables when a list is queried against a single catalog
        body["-out.form"] = "mini"
        # computed position should always be in decimal degrees
        body["-oc.form"] = "d"

        ucd = kwargs.get('ucd', "") + self.ucd
        if ucd:
            body['-ucd'] = ucd

        # create final script
        script = "\n".join(["{key}={val}".format(key=key, val=val)
                            for key, val in body.items()])
        # add keywords
        if not isinstance(self.keywords, property) and self.keywords is not None:
            script += "\n" + str(self.keywords)
        return script

示例10: _args_to_payload

 def _args_to_payload(self, *args, **kwargs):
     accepts the arguments for different query functions and
     builds a script suitable for the Vizier votable CGI.
     body = OrderedDict()
     center = kwargs.get('center')
     # process: catalog
     catalog = kwargs.get('catalog')
     if catalog is None:
         catalog = self.catalog
     if catalog is not None:
         if isinstance(catalog, basestring):
             body['-source'] = catalog
         elif isinstance(catalog, list):
             body['-source'] = ",".join(catalog)
             raise TypeError("Catalog must be specified as list or string")
     # process: columns
     columns = kwargs.get('columns')
     if columns is None:
         columns = self.columns
         columns = self.columns + columns
     # process: columns - always request computed positions in degrees
     if "_RAJ2000" not in columns:
         columns += ["_RAJ2000"]
     if "_DEJ2000" not in columns:
         columns += ["_DEJ2000"]
     # process: columns - identify sorting requests
     columns_out = []
     sorts_out = []
     for column in columns:
         if column[0] == '+':
             columns_out += [column[1:]]
             sorts_out += [column[1:]]
         elif column[0] == '-':
             columns_out += [column[1:]]
             sorts_out += [column]
             columns_out += [column]
     body['-out'] = ','.join(columns_out)
     if len(sorts_out)>0:
         body['-sort'] = ','.join(sorts_out)
     # process: maximum rows returned
     if self.ROW_LIMIT < 0:
         body["-out.max"] = 'unlimited'
         body["-out.max"] = self.ROW_LIMIT
     # process: column filters
     column_filters = self.column_filters.copy()
     column_filters.update(kwargs.get('column_filters', {}))
     for (key, value) in column_filters.items():
         body[key] = value
     # process: center
     if center is not None:
         for (key, value) in center.items():
             body[key] = value
     # add column metadata: name, unit, UCD1+, and description
     body["-out.meta"] = "huUD"
     # computed position should always be in decimal degrees
     body["-oc.form"] = "d"
     # create final script
     script = "\n".join(["{key}={val}".format(key=key, val=val)
                for key, val in body.items()])
     # add keywords
     if not isinstance(self.keywords, property) and self.keywords is not None:
         script += "\n" + str(self.keywords)
     return script

示例11: _args_to_payload

 def _args_to_payload(self, *args, **kwargs):
     accepts the arguments for different query functions and
     builds a script suitable for the Vizier votable CGI.
     body = OrderedDict()
     caller = kwargs['caller']
     del kwargs['caller']
     catalog = kwargs.get('catalog')
     if catalog is not None:
         if isinstance(catalog, basestring):
             body['-source'] = catalog
         elif isinstance(catalog, list):
             body['-source'] = ",".join(catalog)
             raise TypeError("Catalog must be specified as list or string")
     if caller == 'query_object_async':
         body["-c"] = args[0]
     elif caller == 'query_region_async':
         c = commons.parse_coordinates(args[0])
         ra = str(c.icrs.ra.degree)
         dec = str(c.icrs.dec.degree)
         if dec[0] not in ['+', '-']:
             dec = '+' + dec
         body["-c"] = "".join([ra, dec])
         # decide whether box or radius
         if kwargs.get('radius') is not None:
             radius = kwargs['radius']
             unit, value = _parse_dimension(radius)
             switch = "-c.r" + unit
             body[switch] = value
         elif kwargs.get('width') is not None:
             width = kwargs['width']
             w_unit, w_value = _parse_dimension(width)
             switch = "-c.b" + w_unit
             height = kwargs.get('height')
             # is box a rectangle or square?
             if height is not None:
                 h_unit, h_value = _parse_dimension(height)
                 if h_unit != w_unit:
                         "Converting height to same unit as width")
                     h_value = u.Quantity(h_value, u.Unit
                 body[switch] = "x".join([str(w_value), str(h_value)])
                 body[switch] = "x".join([str(w_value)] * 2)
         elif kwargs.get('height'):
                 "No width given - shape interpreted as square (height x height)")
             height = kwargs['height']
             h_unit, h_value = _parse_dimension(height)
             switch = "-c.b" + h_unit
             body[switch] = h_value
             raise Exception(
                 "At least one of radius, width/height must be specified")
     # set output parameters
     if not isinstance(self.columns, property) and self.columns is not None:
         if "all" in self.columns:
             body["-out"] = "**"
             out_cols = ",".join([col for col in self.columns])
             # if default then return default cols and listed cols
             if "default" in self.columns:
                 body["-out.add"] = out_cols
             # else return only the listed cols
                 body["-out"] = out_cols
     # otherwise ask to return default columns
         body["-out"] = "*"
     # set the maximum rows returned
     body["-out.max"] = Vizier.ROW_LIMIT
     script = "\n".join(["{key}={val}".format(key=key, val=val)
                        for key, val in body.items()])
     # add keywords
     if not isinstance(self.keywords, property) and self.keywords is not None:
         script += "\n" + str(self.keywords)
     # add column filters
     if not isinstance(self.column_filters, property) and self.column_filters is not None:
         filter_str = "\n".join(["{key}={constraint}".format(key=key, constraint=constraint) for key, constraint in
         script += "\n" + filter_str
     return script

示例12: read_table_fits

def read_table_fits(input, hdu=None):
    Read a Table object from an FITS file

    input : str or file-like object or compatible `astropy.io.fits` HDU object
        If a string, the filename to read the table from. If a file object, or
        a compatible HDU object, the object to extract the table from. The
        following `astropy.io.fits` HDU objects can be used as input:
        - :class:`~astropy.io.fits.hdu.table.TableHDU`
        - :class:`~astropy.io.fits.hdu.table.BinTableHDU`
        - :class:`~astropy.io.fits.hdu.table.GroupsHDU`
        - :class:`~astropy.io.fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList`
    hdu : int or str, optional
        The HDU to read the table from.

    if isinstance(input, basestring):
        input = fits_open(input)
        to_close = input
        to_close = None

    if hasattr(input, 'read'):
        input = fits_open(input)


        # Parse all table objects
        tables = OrderedDict()
        if isinstance(input, HDUList):
            for ihdu, hdu_item in enumerate(input):
                if isinstance(hdu_item, (TableHDU, BinTableHDU, GroupsHDU)):
                    tables[ihdu] = hdu_item

            if len(tables) > 1:

                if hdu is None:
                    warnings.warn("hdu= was not specified but multiple tables"
                                  " are present, reading in first available"
                                  " table (hdu={0})".format(tables.keys()[0]))
                    hdu = tables.keys()[0]

                # hdu might not be an integer, so we first need to convert it
                # to the correct HDU index
                hdu = input.index_of(hdu)

                if hdu in tables:
                    table = tables[hdu]
                    raise ValueError("No table found in hdu={0}".format(hdu))

            elif len(tables) == 1:
                table = tables[tables.keys()[0]]
                raise ValueError("No table found")

        elif isinstance(input, (TableHDU, BinTableHDU, GroupsHDU)):

            table = input


            raise ValueError("Input should be a string, a file-like object, "
                             "an  HDUList, TableHDU, BinTableHDU, or "
                             "GroupsHDU instance")

        # Check if table is masked
        masked = False
        for col in table.columns:
            if col.null is not None:
                masked = True

        # Convert to an astropy.table.Table object
        t = Table(table.data, masked=masked)

        # Copy over null values if needed
        if masked:
            for col in table.columns:
                t[col.name].mask[t[col.name] == col.null] = True

        # Copy over units
        for col in table.columns:
            if col.unit is not None:
                    t[col.name].units = u.Unit(col.unit, format='fits')
                except ValueError:
                    t[col.name].units = u.UnrecognizedUnit(col.unit)

        # TODO: deal properly with unsigned integers

        for key, value, comment in table.header.cards:

            if key in ['COMMENT', 'HISTORY']:
                if key in t.meta:

示例13: _parse_result

    def _parse_result(self, response, get_catalog_names=False, verbose=False):
        Parses the HTTP response to create a `~astropy.table.Table`.

        Returns the raw result as a string in case of parse errors.

        response : `requests.Response`
            The response of the HTTP POST request
        get_catalog_names : bool
            If specified, return only the table names (useful for table

        table_list : `astroquery.utils.TableList` or str
            If there are errors in the parsing, then returns the raw results as a string.
        if not verbose:
            tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
            if six.PY3:
                # This is an exceedingly confusing section
                # It is likely to be doubly wrong, but has caused issue #185
                    # Case 1: data is read in as unicode
                except AttributeError:
                    # Case 2: data is read in as a byte string
            vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False)
            if get_catalog_names:
                return dict([(R.name,R) for R in vo_tree.resources])
                table_dict = OrderedDict()
                for t in vo_tree.iter_tables():
                    if len(t.array) > 0:
                        if t.ref is not None:
                            name = vo_tree.get_table_by_id(t.ref).name
                            name = t.name
                        if name not in table_dict.keys():
                            table_dict[name] = []
                        table_dict[name] += [t.to_table()]
                for name in table_dict.keys():
                    if len(table_dict[name]) > 1:
                        table_dict[name] = tbl.vstack(table_dict[name])
                        table_dict[name] = table_dict[name][0]
                return commons.TableList(table_dict)

        except Exception as ex:
            self.response = response
            self.table_parse_error = ex
            raise TableParseError("Failed to parse VIZIER result! The raw response can be found "
                                  "in self.response, and the error in self.table_parse_error."
                                  "  The attempted parsed result is in self.parsed_result.\n"
                                  "Exception: " + str(self.table_parse_error))
