本文整理汇总了Python中ast.iter_fields函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python iter_fields函数的具体用法?Python iter_fields怎么用?Python iter_fields使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: visit_FunctionDef
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node, parent):
if node in self.seen:
return node
oldNode = dict(ast.iter_fields(node))
finalBlock = []
newNode = ast.FunctionDef(name=oldNode['name'], args=oldNode['args'], body=[ast.TryFinally(body=dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['body'], finalbody=finalBlock)], decorator_list=oldNode['decorator_list'])
self.funcName = dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['name']
if self.funcName in self.localFuncs:
args = dict(ast.iter_fields(dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['args']))
args['args'].append(ast.Name(id=self.calleeInfo, ctx=ast.Param()))
self.addChild(ast.Expr(value=ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id=self.locStack, ctx=ast.Load()), attr='append', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=self.calleeInfo, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)), newNode)
#self.addChild(ast.Print(dest=None, values=[ast.Name(id=self.funcStack, ctx=ast.Load())], nl=True), node)
self.addChild(ast.Expr(value=ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id=self.funcStack, ctx=ast.Load()), attr='append', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Str(s=self.funcName)], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)), newNode)
self.addChild(ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id=self.loopSize, ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='len', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=self.loopStack, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)), newNode)
finalBlock.append(ast.Expr(value=ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id=self.funcStack, ctx=ast.Load()), attr='pop', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)))
if self.funcName in self.localFuncs:
finalBlock.append(ast.Expr(value=ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id=self.locStack, ctx=ast.Load()), attr='pop', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)))
loopCorr = ast.While(test=ast.Compare(left=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='len', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=self.loopStack, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None), ops=[ast.Gt()], comparators=[ast.Name(id=self.loopSize, ctx=ast.Load())]), body=[ast.Expr(value=ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id=self.loopStack, ctx=ast.Load()), attr='pop', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))], orelse=[])
#self.addChild(ast.Print(dest=None, values=[ast.Str(s=self.funcName + '_afterPop')], nl=True), node, loc=len(dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['body']))
#print ast.dump(newNode)
self.generic_visit(newNode, parent)
return newNode
示例2: parse_imports
def parse_imports(s):
module = ast.parse(s)
imports = []
for c in ast.iter_child_nodes(module):
if isinstance(c, ast.ImportFrom):
fields = dict(ast.iter_fields(c))
from_module = fields['module']
if from_module != '__future__':
raise ProcessingException(
'non-future ImportFrom on line ' + str(c.lineno))
names = [dict(ast.iter_fields(i))['name'] for i in fields['names']]
if len(names) != 1:
raise ProcessingException(
'multiple imports on line ' + str(c.lineno))
imports.append(ParsedImport(c.lineno, names[0], True))
if isinstance(c, ast.Import):
fields = dict(ast.iter_fields(c))
names = [dict(ast.iter_fields(i))['name'] for i in fields['names']]
if len(names) != 1:
raise ProcessingException(
'multiple imports on line ' + str(c.lineno))
imports.append(ParsedImport(c.lineno, names[0], False))
return imports
示例3: match_recurse
def match_recurse(pattern_node, actual_node, collected):
supertypes = [actual_node.__class__]
while supertypes[-1] != object:
if is_placeholder(pattern_node, ["__" + t.__name__ for t in supertypes]):
return True
elif type(pattern_node) != type(actual_node):
return False
elif isinstance(pattern_node, ast.AST):
return all(
match_recurse(left, right, collected)
for ((left_name, left), (right_name, right))
in zip(ast.iter_fields(pattern_node), ast.iter_fields(actual_node))
elif isinstance(pattern_node, list):
if len(pattern_node) != len(actual_node):
return False
return all(
match_recurse(left, right, collected)
for (left, right) in zip(pattern_node, actual_node)
if pattern_node == "__" and type(actual_node) is str:
return True
return pattern_node == actual_node
示例4: attach_data
def attach_data(self, node):
"""Generic method called for visit_XXXX() with XXXX in
GatherOMPData.statements list
if self.current:
for curr in self.current:
md = OMPDirective(curr)
metadata.add(node, md)
self.current = list()
# add a Pass to hold some directives
for field_name, field in ast.iter_fields(node):
if field_name in GatherOMPData.statement_lists:
if field and isinstance(field[-1], ast.Expr) and self.isompdirective(field[-1].value):
# add an If to hold scoping OpenMP directives
directives = metadata.get(node, OMPDirective)
field_names = {n for n, _ in ast.iter_fields(node)}
has_no_scope = field_names.isdisjoint(GatherOMPData.statement_lists)
if directives and has_no_scope:
# some directives create a scope, but the holding stmt may not
# artificially create one here if needed
sdirective = "".join(d.s for d in directives)
scoping = ("parallel", "task", "section")
if any(s in sdirective for s in scoping):
node = ast.If(ast.Num(1), [node], [])
return node
示例5: nodes_equal
def nodes_equal(x, y):
__tracebackhide__ = True
assert type(x) == type(y), "Ast nodes do not have the same type: '%s' != '%s' " % (
if isinstance(x, (ast.Expr, ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef)):
assert (
x.lineno == y.lineno
), "Ast nodes do not have the same line number : %s != %s" % (
assert x.col_offset == y.col_offset, (
"Ast nodes do not have the same column offset number : %s != %s"
% (x.col_offset, y.col_offset)
for (xname, xval), (yname, yval) in zip(ast.iter_fields(x), ast.iter_fields(y)):
assert xname == yname, (
"Ast nodes fields differ : %s (of type %s) != %s (of type %s)"
% (xname, type(xval), yname, type(yval))
assert type(xval) == type(yval), (
"Ast nodes fields differ : %s (of type %s) != %s (of type %s)"
% (xname, type(xval), yname, type(yval))
for xchild, ychild in zip(ast.iter_child_nodes(x), ast.iter_child_nodes(y)):
assert nodes_equal(xchild, ychild), "Ast node children differs"
return True
示例6: match
def match(node, pat):
"""Return `True` if AST tree `node` matches AST pattern `pat`.
if isinstance(pat, ast.Name) and pat.id == '_':
return True
elif isinstance(pat, ast.AST):
if not isinstance(node, ast.AST):
return False
if not (issubclass(node.__class__, pat.__class__) or
issubclass(pat.__class__, node.__class__)):
return False
assert _check_fields(node, pat)
for (field1, val1), (field2, val2) in \
assert(field1 == field2)
if not match(val1, val2):
return False
elif isinstance(pat, list):
if not isinstance(node, list):
return False
if len(node) != len(pat):
return False
for val1, val2 in zip(node, pat):
if not match(val1, val2):
return False
# Primitive comparison.
if node != pat:
return False
return True
示例7: visit_arguments
def visit_arguments(self, node):
args = None
vararg = None
kwarg = None
defaults = None
for field, value in ast.iter_fields(node):
if field == "args":
args = value
for arg in args:
#print "Arg: ", arg
for field, value in ast.iter_fields(arg):
if field == "id":
#print "Define arg: ", value
self.env[value] = "arg"
JSONVisitorException("Unexpected error: argument's field is not id.")
elif field == "vararg":
vararg = value
elif field == "kwarg":
kwarg = value
elif field == "defaults":
defaults = value
if vararg or kwarg or defaults:
raise JSONVisitorException("Unexpected error: Missed case: vararg, kwarg or defaults is not empty.")
示例8: visit_Call
def visit_Call(self, node):
super(srcpuller, self).generic_visit(node)
state = 0
for n in ast.iter_child_nodes(node):
if state == 0:
if type(n) == ast.Name:
for field, value in ast.iter_fields(n):
if (field == 'id' and value == 'source'):
state = 1
elif state == 1:
if type(n) == ast.Str:
for field, value in ast.iter_fields(n):
if (field == 's'):
print 'sourc name:', value
state = 2
elif state == 2:
if type(n) == ast.Str:
for field, value in ast.iter_fields(n):
if (field == 's'):
print 'pat name:', value
state = 3
elif state == 3:
if type(n) == ast.Str:
for field, value in ast.iter_fields(n):
if (field == 's'):
print 'inst name:', value
示例9: editfunctiondef
def editfunctiondef(self, node):
for fname,fnode in ast.iter_fields(node):
if fname == 'args':
for argname, argnode in ast.iter_fields(fnode):
if argname == 'kwarg' and argnode != None:
del self.functionstofix[node.lineno]
if node.lineno in self.functionstofix.keys():
print "%d | Fixing function definition." % (node.lineno)
示例10: visit_Call
def visit_Call(self, node, parent):
if node in self.seen:
return node
callName = dict(ast.iter_fields(dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['func'])).get('id', None)
callType = dict(ast.iter_fields(dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['func'])).get('attr',None)
#print ast.dump(dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['func']), callType, node.lineno, node.col_offset
#print callName, self.localFuncs
if callName in self.localFuncs:
#print ast.dump(node)
#print callName, node.lineno, node.col_offset
dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['keywords'].append(ast.keyword(arg=self.calleeInfo, value=ast.Str(s=str(node.lineno) + "-" + str(node.col_offset))))
if callType in erps.keys() or callType == "stocPrim":
if callType not in self.primsNumArgs:
self.primsNumArgs[callType] = len(inspect.getargspec(globals()[callType]).args)
namedArgs = map(lambda x: dict(ast.iter_fields(x))['arg'], dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['keywords'])
numArgs = len(namedArgs) + len(dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['args'])
#print callType, node.lineno, node.col_offset
#print ast.dump(parent)
if not ('name' in namedArgs or numArgs == self.primsNumArgs[callType]): #check if name already supplied
dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['keywords'].append(ast.keyword(arg='name', value=ast.BinOp(left=ast.BinOp(left=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='str', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=self.funcStack, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None), op=ast.Add(), right=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='str', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=self.locStack, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)), op=ast.Add(), right=ast.BinOp(left=ast.Str(s=str(node.lineno) + "-" + str(node.col_offset)), op=ast.Add(), right=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='str', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=self.loopStack, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)))))
#print map(ast.dump, dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['keywords'])
return node
示例11: shallow_match_main
def shallow_match_main(self, ins_node, std_node, check_meta=True, ignores=[]):
Checks that all non astNode attributes are equal between ins_node and std_node
:param ins_node: Instructor ast root node
:param std_node: Student AST root node
:param check_meta: flag to check whether the fields of the instructor node and the student node should match
:return: a mapping between the isntructor and student root nodes, or False if such a mapping doesn't exist
ins = ins_node.astNode
std = std_node.astNode
ins_field_list = list(ast.iter_fields(ins))
std_field_list = list(ast.iter_fields(std))
meta_matched = self.metas_match(ins_node, std_node, check_meta)
is_match = len(ins_field_list) == len(std_field_list) and type(ins).__name__ == type(
std).__name__ and meta_matched
for insTup, stdTup in zip(ins_field_list, std_field_list):
if not is_match:
ins_field = insTup[0]
ins_value = insTup[1]
std_field = stdTup[0]
std_value = stdTup[1]
if ins_value is None:
ignore_field = ins_field in ignores
is_match = (ins_field == std_field) or ignore_field
if not isinstance(ins_value, list):
ins_value = [ins_value]
if not isinstance(std_value, list):
std_value = [std_value]
# is_match = len(ins_value) == len(std_value)# for stretchy matching this isn't True
# Reference ast_node_visitor.js for the original behavior and keep note of it for the purposes of handling
# the children noting the special case when the nodes of the array are actually parameters of the node
# (e.g. a load function) instead of a child node
if not ignore_field:
for inssub_value, stdsub_value in zip(ins_value, std_value):
if not is_match:
# TODO: make this a smarter comparison, maybe handle dictionaries, f-strings, tuples, etc.
if is_primitive(inssub_value):
is_match = inssub_value == stdsub_value
mapping = False
if is_match:
mapping = AstMap() # return MAPPING
mapping.add_node_pairing(ins_node, std_node)
mapping = [mapping]
return mapping
示例12: generic_visit
def generic_visit(self, node):
for key, value in ast.iter_fields(node):
if isinstance(value, AST):
for k, v in ast.iter_fields(value):
if isinstance(v, AST):
return True
elif isinstance(value, list):
for node in value:
if isinstance(node, AST):
return True
return False
示例13: visit_ImportFrom
def visit_ImportFrom(self, node):
fields = dict(ast.iter_fields(node))
alias_nodes = list(ast.iter_child_nodes(node))
for alias_node in alias_nodes:
alias_fields = dict(ast.iter_fields(alias_node))
if fields['level'] == 0:
# from a import b
# it might mean a.b is a module
# or b might be a function of a module
self.absolute_imports.append('{}.{}'.format(fields['module'], alias_fields['name']))
self.relative_imports.append((fields['level'], fields['module'], alias_fields['name']))
示例14: nodes_equal
def nodes_equal(x, y):
__tracebackhide__ = True
assert type(x) == type(y)
if isinstance(x, (ast.Expr, ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef)):
assert x.lineno == y.lineno
assert x.col_offset == y.col_offset
for (xname, xval), (yname, yval) in zip(ast.iter_fields(x),
assert xname == yname
assert type(xval) == type(yval)
for xchild, ychild in zip(ast.iter_child_nodes(x),
assert nodes_equal(xchild, ychild)
return True
示例15: visit_Assign
def visit_Assign(self, node):
lhs = None
rhs = None
for field, value in ast.iter_fields(node):
if field == "targets":
lhs = value[0]
elif field == "value":
rhs = value
raise JSONVisitorException("Unexpected error: Missed case: %s." % value)
if isinstance(lhs, ast.Name):
node.targets = [self.visit(lhs)]
node.value = self.visit(rhs)
elif isinstance(lhs, ast.Tuple):
new_lhs = []
new_rhs = []
for l,r in zip(lhs.elts, rhs.elts):
lhs.elts = new_lhs
rhs.elts = new_rhs
if (node.lineno, node.col_offset) in self.locs:
return node