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Python LangString.create_from_json方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中assembl.models.LangString.create_from_json方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python LangString.create_from_json方法的具体用法?Python LangString.create_from_json怎么用?Python LangString.create_from_json使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在assembl.models.LangString的用法示例。


示例1: create_idea

# 需要导入模块: from assembl.models import LangString [as 别名]
# 或者: from assembl.models.LangString import create_from_json [as 别名]
def create_idea(request):
    discussion_id = int(request.matchdict['discussion_id'])
    session = Discussion.default_db
    discussion = session.query(Discussion).get(int(discussion_id))
    user_id = request.authenticated_userid
    permissions = get_permissions(user_id, discussion.id)
    idea_data = json.loads(request.body)
    kwargs = {
        "discussion": discussion

    for key, attr_name in langstring_fields.iteritems():
        if key in idea_data:
            ls_data = idea_data[key]
            if ls_data is None:
            assert isinstance(ls_data, dict)
            current = LangString.create_from_json(
                ls_data, user_id, permissions=permissions)
            kwargs[attr_name] = current

    new_idea = Idea(**kwargs)


    if idea_data['parentId']:
        parent = Idea.get_instance(idea_data['parentId'])
        parent = discussion.root_idea
    session.add(IdeaLink(source=parent, target=new_idea, order=idea_data.get('order', 0.0)))


    return {'ok': True, '@id': new_idea.uri()}

示例2: save_synthesis

# 需要导入模块: from assembl.models import LangString [as 别名]
# 或者: from assembl.models.LangString import create_from_json [as 别名]
def save_synthesis(request):
    synthesis_id = request.matchdict['id']
    discussion_id = int(request.matchdict['discussion_id'])
    if synthesis_id == 'next_synthesis':
        discussion = Discussion.get_instance(discussion_id)
        synthesis = discussion.get_next_synthesis()
        synthesis = Synthesis.get_instance(synthesis_id)
    if not synthesis:
        raise HTTPBadRequest("Synthesis with id '%s' not found." % synthesis_id)

    synthesis_data = json.loads(request.body)
    user_id = request.authenticated_userid
    permissions = get_permissions(user_id, discussion_id)

    for key in ('subject', 'introduction', 'conclusion'):
        if key in synthesis_data:
            ls_data = synthesis_data[key]
            if ls_data is None:
            assert isinstance(ls_data, dict)
            current = LangString.create_from_json(
                ls_data, user_id, permissions=permissions)
            setattr(synthesis, key, current)


    return {'ok': True, 'id': synthesis.uri()}

示例3: create_post

# 需要导入模块: from assembl.models import LangString [as 别名]
# 或者: from assembl.models.LangString import create_from_json [as 别名]
def create_post(request):
    We use post, not put, because we don't know the id of the post
    localizer = request.localizer
    request_body = json.loads(request.body)
    user_id = authenticated_userid(request)
    if not user_id:
        raise HTTPUnauthorized()

    user = Post.default_db.query(User).filter_by(id=user_id).one()

    body = request_body.get('body', None)
    html = request_body.get('html', None)  # BG: Is this used now? I cannot see it.
    reply_id = request_body.get('reply_id', None)
    idea_id = request_body.get('idea_id', None)
    subject = request_body.get('subject', None)
    publishes_synthesis_id = request_body.get('publishes_synthesis_id', None)

    if not body and not publishes_synthesis_id:
        # Should we allow empty messages otherwise?
        raise HTTPBadRequest(localizer.translate(
                _("Your message is empty")))

    if reply_id:
        in_reply_to_post = Post.get_instance(reply_id)
        in_reply_to_post = None

    if idea_id:
        in_reply_to_idea = Idea.get_instance(idea_id)
        in_reply_to_idea = None

    discussion_id = int(request.matchdict['discussion_id'])
    discussion = Discussion.get_instance(discussion_id)

    if not discussion:
        raise HTTPNotFound(localizer.translate(_(
            "No discussion found with id=%s")) % (discussion_id,)

    ctx = DummyContext({Discussion: discussion})
    if html:
        log.warning("Still using html")
        # how to guess locale in this case?
        body = LangString.create(html)
    elif body:
        body = LangString.create_from_json(
            body, context=ctx, user_id=user_id)
        body = LangString.EMPTY(discussion.db)

    if subject:
        subject = LangString.create_from_json(
            subject, context=ctx, user_id=user_id)
        # print(in_reply_to_post.subject, discussion.topic)
        if in_reply_to_post:
            subject = (in_reply_to_post.get_title().first_original().value
                       if in_reply_to_post.get_title() else '')
        elif in_reply_to_idea:
            # TODO:  THis should use a cascade like the frontend
            subject = (in_reply_to_idea.short_title
                       if in_reply_to_idea.short_title else '')
            subject = discussion.topic if discussion.topic else ''
        # print subject
        if subject is not None and len(subject):
            new_subject = "Re: " + restrip_pat.sub('', subject).strip()
            if (in_reply_to_post and new_subject == subject and
                # reuse subject and translations
                subject = in_reply_to_post.get_title()
                # how to guess locale in this case?
                subject = LangString.create(new_subject)
            raven_client = get_raven_client()
            if raven_client:
                    "A message is about to be written to the database with an "
                    "empty subject.  This is not supposed to happen.")
            subject = LangString.EMPTY(discussion.db)

    post_constructor_args = {
        'discussion': discussion,
        'creator_id': user_id,
        'subject': subject,
        'body': body

    if publishes_synthesis_id:
        published_synthesis = Synthesis.get_instance(publishes_synthesis_id)
        post_constructor_args['publishes_synthesis'] = published_synthesis
        new_post = SynthesisPost(**post_constructor_args)
        new_post = AssemblPost(**post_constructor_args)


示例4: save_idea

# 需要导入模块: from assembl.models import LangString [as 别名]
# 或者: from assembl.models.LangString import create_from_json [as 别名]
def save_idea(request):
    """Update this idea.

    In case the ``parentId`` is changed, handle all
    ``IdeaLink`` changes and send relevant ideas on the socket."""
    discussion_id = int(request.matchdict['discussion_id'])
    user_id = request.authenticated_userid
    permissions = get_permissions(user_id, discussion_id)
    idea_id = request.matchdict['id']
    idea_data = json.loads(request.body)
    #Idea.default_db.execute('set transaction isolation level read committed')
    # Special items in TOC, like unsorted posts.
    if idea_id in ['orphan_posts']:
        return {'ok': False, 'id': Idea.uri_generic(idea_id)}

    idea = Idea.get_instance(idea_id)
    if not idea:
        raise HTTPNotFound("No such idea: %s" % (idea_id))
    if isinstance(idea, RootIdea):
        raise HTTPBadRequest("Cannot edit root idea.")
    discussion = Discussion.get(int(discussion_id))
    if not discussion:
        raise HTTPNotFound("Discussion with id '%s' not found." % discussion_id)
    if(idea.discussion_id != discussion.id):
        raise HTTPBadRequest(
            "Idea from discussion %s cannot saved from different discussion (%s)." % (idea.discussion_id,discussion.id ))
    simple_fields = {
        'message_view_override': 'message_view_override',
        'messages_in_parent': 'messages_in_parent',

    for key, attr_name in simple_fields.iteritems():
        if key in idea_data:
            setattr(idea, attr_name, idea_data[key])

    for key, attr_name in langstring_fields.iteritems():
        if key in idea_data:
            current = getattr(idea, attr_name)
            ls_data = idea_data[key]
            # TODO: handle legacy string instance?
            assert isinstance(ls_data, (dict, NoneType))
            if current:
                if ls_data:
                        ls_data, user_id, permissions=permissions)
            elif ls_data:
                current = LangString.create_from_json(
                    ls_data, user_id, permissions=permissions)
                setattr(idea, attr_name, current)

    if 'parentId' in idea_data and idea_data['parentId'] is not None:
        # TODO: Make sure this is sent as a list!
        parent = Idea.get_instance(idea_data['parentId'])

        if not parent:
            raise HTTPNotFound("Missing parentId %s" % (idea_data['parentId']))

        # calculate it early to maximize contention.
        prev_ancestors = parent.get_all_ancestors()
        new_ancestors = set()

        order = idea_data.get('order', 0.0)

        for parent_link in idea.source_links:
            # still assuming there's only one.
            pl_parent = parent_link.source
            pl_ancestors = pl_parent.get_all_ancestors()
            if parent_link.source != parent:
                parent_link.source = parent
                parent.db.expire(parent, ['target_links'])
                parent.db.expire(pl_parent, ['target_links'])
                for ancestor in pl_ancestors:
                    if ancestor in prev_ancestors:
                for ancestor in prev_ancestors:
                    if ancestor in new_ancestors:
            parent_link.order = order
            parent_link.db.expire(parent_link.source, ['target_links'])


    return {'ok': True, 'id': idea.uri() }

示例5: create_post

# 需要导入模块: from assembl.models import LangString [as 别名]
# 或者: from assembl.models.LangString import create_from_json [as 别名]
def create_post(request):
    Create a new post in this discussion.

    We use post, not put, because we don't know the id of the post
    localizer = request.localizer
    request_body = json.loads(request.body)
    user_id = request.authenticated_userid
    if not user_id:
        raise HTTPUnauthorized()

    user = Post.default_db.query(User).filter_by(id=user_id).one()

    body = request_body.get('body', None)
    html = request_body.get('html', None)  # BG: Is this used now? I cannot see it.
    reply_id = request_body.get('reply_id', None)
    idea_id = request_body.get('idea_id', None)
    subject = request_body.get('subject', None)
    publishes_synthesis_id = request_body.get('publishes_synthesis_id', None)
    message_classifier = request_body.get('message_classifier', None)

    if not body and not publishes_synthesis_id:
        # Should we allow empty messages otherwise?
        raise HTTPBadRequest(localizer.translate(
                _("Your message is empty")))

    if reply_id:
        in_reply_to_post = Post.get_instance(reply_id)
        in_reply_to_post = None

    if idea_id:
        in_reply_to_idea = Idea.get_instance(idea_id)
        in_reply_to_idea = None

    discussion_id = int(request.matchdict['discussion_id'])
    discussion = Discussion.get_instance(discussion_id)

    if not discussion:
        raise HTTPNotFound(localizer.translate(_(
            "No discussion found with id=%s")) % (discussion_id,)

    ctx = DummyContext({Discussion: discussion})
    if html:
        log.warning("Still using html")
        # how to guess locale in this case?
        body = LangString.create(sanitize_html(html))
        # TODO: AssemblPosts are pure text right now.
        # Allowing HTML requires changes to the model.
    elif body:
        # TODO: Accept HTML body.
        for e in body['entries']:
            e['value'] = sanitize_text(e['value'])
        body = LangString.create_from_json(
            body, context=ctx, user_id=user_id)
        body = LangString.EMPTY(discussion.db)

    if subject:
        for e in subject['entries']:
            e['value'] = sanitize_text(e['value'])
        subject = LangString.create_from_json(
            subject, context=ctx, user_id=user_id)
        from assembl.models import Locale
        locale = Locale.UNDEFINED
        # print(in_reply_to_post.subject, discussion.topic)
        if in_reply_to_post and in_reply_to_post.get_title():
            original_subject = in_reply_to_post.get_title().first_original()
            if original_subject:
                locale = original_subject.locale_code
                subject = (
                    original_subject.value or ''
                    if in_reply_to_post.get_title() else '')
        elif in_reply_to_idea:
            # TODO:  THis should use a cascade like the frontend
            # also, some ideas have extra langstring titles
            subject = (in_reply_to_idea.short_title
                       if in_reply_to_idea.short_title else '')
            locale = discussion.main_locale
            subject = discussion.topic if discussion.topic else ''
            locale = discussion.main_locale
        # print subject
        if subject is not None and len(subject):
            new_subject = "Re: " + restrip_pat.sub('', subject).strip()
            if (in_reply_to_post and new_subject == subject and
                # reuse subject and translations
                subject = in_reply_to_post.get_title().clone(discussion.db)
                # how to guess locale in this case?
                subject = LangString.create(new_subject, locale)
                "A message is about to be written to the database with an "
                "empty subject.  This is not supposed to happen.")
