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Python Idea._get_related_posts_statement方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中assembl.models.Idea._get_related_posts_statement方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Idea._get_related_posts_statement方法的具体用法?Python Idea._get_related_posts_statement怎么用?Python Idea._get_related_posts_statement使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在assembl.models.Idea的用法示例。


示例1: post_ids_of

# 需要导入模块: from assembl.models import Idea [as 别名]
# 或者: from assembl.models.Idea import _get_related_posts_statement [as 别名]
def post_ids_of(idea):
    related = text(
        bindparams=[bindparam('root_idea_id', idea.id),
                    bindparam('discussion_id', idea.discussion_id)]
    post_ids = idea.db.query(Content.id).join(
        related, Content.id == related.c.post_id)
    return [x for (x,) in post_ids]

示例2: get_posts

# 需要导入模块: from assembl.models import Idea [as 别名]
# 或者: from assembl.models.Idea import _get_related_posts_statement [as 别名]


    posts = posts.filter(
        PostClass.discussion_id == discussion_id,
    ideaContentLinkQuery = ideaContentLinkQuery.filter(
        PostClass.discussion_id == discussion_id)
    ##no_of_posts_to_discussion = posts.count()

    post_data = []

    only_orphan = request.GET.get('only_orphan')
    if only_orphan == "true":
        if root_idea_id:
            raise HTTPBadRequest(localizer.translate(
                _("Getting orphan posts of a specific idea isn't supported.")))
        orphans = text(Idea._get_orphan_posts_statement(),
                        bindparams=[bindparam('discussion_id', discussion_id)]
        posts = posts.join(orphans, PostClass.id==orphans.c.post_id)
        ideaContentLinkQuery = ideaContentLinkQuery.join(
            orphans, PostClass.id==orphans.c.post_id)
    elif only_orphan == "false":
        raise HTTPBadRequest(localizer.translate(
            _("Getting non-orphan posts isn't supported.")))

    # "true" means hidden only, "false" (default) means visible only. "any" means both.
    hidden = request.GET.get('hidden_messages', "false")
    if hidden != 'any':
        posts = posts.filter(PostClass.hidden==asbool(hidden))
        ideaContentLinkQuery = ideaContentLinkQuery.filter(

    if root_idea_id:
        related = text(Idea._get_related_posts_statement(),
                    bindparams=[bindparam('root_idea_id', root_idea_id),
                    bindparam('discussion_id', discussion_id)]
        #Virtuoso bug: This should work...
        #posts = posts.join(related, PostClass.id==related.c.post_id)
        posts = posts.join(related, PostClass.id == related.c.post_id)
        ideaContentLinkQuery = ideaContentLinkQuery.join(
            related, PostClass.id == related.c.post_id)
    if root_post_id:
        root_post = Post.get(root_post_id)

        posts = posts.filter(
            root_post.ancestry + cast(root_post.id, String) + ',%'
    elif family_post_id:
        root_post = Post.get(family_post_id)
        ancestor_ids = root_post.ancestor_ids()
        posts = posts.filter(
            root_post.ancestry + cast(root_post.id, String) + ',%'
        ideaContentLinkQuery = ideaContentLinkQuery.filter(

示例3: get_posts

# 需要导入模块: from assembl.models import Idea [as 别名]
# 或者: from assembl.models.Idea import _get_related_posts_statement [as 别名]
def get_posts(request):
    discussion_id = int(request.matchdict['discussion_id'])
    discussion = Discussion.get(id=int(discussion_id))
    if not discussion:
        raise HTTPNotFound(_("No discussion found with id=%s" % discussion_id))


    user_id = authenticated_userid(request)

    page_size = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE

    filter_names = [ 
        filter_name for filter_name \
        in request.GET.getone('filters').split(',') \
        if filter_name
    ] if request.GET.get('filters') else []

        page = int(request.GET.getone('page'))
    except (ValueError, KeyError):
        page = 1

    if page < 1:
        page = 1

    root_post_id = request.GET.getall('root_post_id')
    if root_post_id:
        root_post_id = get_database_id("Post", root_post_id[0])

    root_idea_id = request.GET.getall('root_idea_id')
    if root_idea_id:
        root_idea_id = get_database_id("Idea", root_idea_id[0])

    ids = request.GET.getall('ids')
    if ids:
        ids = [get_database_id("Post", id) for id in ids]

    view_def = request.GET.get('view')

    #Rename "inbox" to "unread", the number of unread messages for the current user.
    no_of_messages_viewed_by_user = Post.db.query(ViewPost).join(
        Source.discussion_id == discussion_id,
        Content.source_id == Source.id,
        ViewPost.actor_id == user_id,
    ).count() if user_id else 0

    posts = Post.db.query(Post).join(
        Source.discussion_id == discussion_id,
        Content.source_id == Source.id,
    no_of_posts_to_discussion = posts.count()

    post_data = []

    if root_idea_id:
        if root_idea_id == Idea.ORPHAN_POSTS_IDEA_ID:
            ideas_query = Post.db.query(Post) \
                                         bindparams=[bindparam('discussion_id', discussion_id)]
            ideas_query = Post.db.query(Post) \
                                         bindparams=[bindparam('root_idea_id', root_idea_id)]
        posts = ideas_query.join(Content,
    elif root_post_id:
        root_post = Post.get(id=root_post_id)

        posts = posts.filter(
            root_post.ancestry + cast(root_post.id, String) + ',%'
        #Benoitg:  For now, this completely garbles threading without intelligent
        #handling of pagination.  Disabling
        #posts = posts.limit(page_size).offset(data['startIndex']-1)
    elif ids:
        posts = posts.filter(Post.id.in_(ids))

    if user_id:
        posts = posts.outerjoin(ViewPost,
                    and_(ViewPost.actor_id==user_id, ViewPost.post_id==Post.id)
        posts = posts.add_entity(ViewPost)
    posts = posts.options(contains_eager(Post.content, Content.source))

示例4: get_posts

# 需要导入模块: from assembl.models import Idea [as 别名]
# 或者: from assembl.models.Idea import _get_related_posts_statement [as 别名]
def get_posts(request):
    Query interface on posts
    Filters have two forms:
    only_*, is for filters that cannot be reversed (ex: only_synthesis)
    is_*, is for filters that can be reversed (ex:is_unread=true returns only unread
    order can be chronological, reverse_chronological
    message, is_unread=false returns only read messages)
    localizer = get_localizer(request)
    discussion_id = int(request.matchdict["discussion_id"])
    discussion = Discussion.get(id=int(discussion_id))
    if not discussion:
        raise HTTPNotFound(localizer.translate(_("No discussion found with id=%s")) % discussion_id)


    user_id = authenticated_userid(request)

    page_size = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE

    filter_names = (
        [filter_name for filter_name in request.GET.getone("filters").split(",") if filter_name]
        if request.GET.get("filters")
        else []

        page = int(request.GET.getone("page"))
    except (ValueError, KeyError):
        page = 1

    order = request.GET.get("order")
    if order == None:
        order = "chronological"
    assert order in ("chronological", "reverse_chronological")

    if page < 1:
        page = 1

    root_post_id = request.GET.getall("root_post_id")
    if root_post_id:
        root_post_id = get_database_id("Post", root_post_id[0])

    root_idea_id = request.GET.getall("root_idea_id")
    if root_idea_id:
        root_idea_id = get_database_id("Idea", root_idea_id[0])

    ids = request.GET.getall("ids")
    if ids:
        ids = [get_database_id("Post", id) for id in ids]

    view_def = request.GET.get("view")

    only_synthesis = request.GET.get("only_synthesis")
    if only_synthesis == "true":
        posts = Post.db.query(SynthesisPost)
        posts = Post.db.query(Post)

    posts = posts.filter(Post.discussion_id == discussion_id)
    ##no_of_posts_to_discussion = posts.count()

    post_data = []

    only_orphan = request.GET.get("only_orphan")
    if only_orphan == "true":
        if root_idea_id:
            raise HTTPBadRequest(localizer.translate(_("Getting orphan posts of a specific idea isn't supported.")))
        posts = posts.filter(
                text(Idea._get_orphan_posts_statement(), bindparams=[bindparam("discussion_id", discussion_id)])
    elif only_orphan == "false":
        raise HTTPBadRequest(localizer.translate(_("Getting non-orphan posts isn't supported.")))

    if root_idea_id:
        posts = posts.filter(
                    bindparams=[bindparam("root_idea_id", root_idea_id), bindparam("discussion_id", discussion_id)],

    if root_post_id:
        root_post = Post.get(id=root_post_id)

        posts = posts.filter(
            (Post.ancestry.like(root_post.ancestry + cast(root_post.id, String) + ",%")) | (Post.id == root_post.id)
        root_post = None

    if ids:
        posts = posts.filter(Post.id.in_(ids))


示例5: get_posts

# 需要导入模块: from assembl.models import Idea [as 别名]
# 或者: from assembl.models.Idea import _get_related_posts_statement [as 别名]
def get_posts(request):
    Query interface on posts
    Filters have two forms:
    only_*, is for filters that cannot be reversed (ex: only_synthesis)
    is_*, is for filters that can be reversed (ex:is_unread=true returns only unread
    order can be chronological, reverse_chronological
    message, is_unread=false returns only read messages)
    localizer = request.localizer
    discussion_id = int(request.matchdict['discussion_id'])
    discussion = Discussion.get(int(discussion_id))
    if not discussion:
        raise HTTPNotFound(localizer.translate(
            _("No discussion found with id=%s")) % discussion_id)


    user_id = authenticated_userid(request)
    permissions = get_permissions(user_id, discussion_id)

    page_size = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE

    filter_names = [ 
        filter_name for filter_name \
        in request.GET.getone('filters').split(',') \
        if filter_name
    ] if request.GET.get('filters') else []

        page = int(request.GET.getone('page'))
    except (ValueError, KeyError):
        page = 1

    order = request.GET.get('order')
    if order == None:
        order = 'chronological'
    assert order in ('chronological', 'reverse_chronological')
    if page < 1:
        page = 1

    root_post_id = request.GET.getall('root_post_id')
    if root_post_id:
        root_post_id = get_database_id("Post", root_post_id[0])

    root_idea_id = request.GET.getall('root_idea_id')
    if root_idea_id:
        root_idea_id = get_database_id("Idea", root_idea_id[0])

    ids = request.GET.getall('ids[]')
    if ids:
        ids = [get_database_id("Post", id) for id in ids]

    view_def = request.GET.get('view') or 'default'

    only_synthesis = request.GET.get('only_synthesis')
    PostClass = SynthesisPost if only_synthesis == "true" else Post
    posts = Post.db.query(PostClass)

    posts = posts.filter(
        PostClass.discussion_id == discussion_id,
    ##no_of_posts_to_discussion = posts.count()

    post_data = []
    only_orphan = request.GET.get('only_orphan')
    if only_orphan == "true":
        if root_idea_id:
            raise HTTPBadRequest(localizer.translate(
                _("Getting orphan posts of a specific idea isn't supported.")))
        orphans = text(Idea._get_orphan_posts_statement(),
                        bindparams=[bindparam('discussion_id', discussion_id)]
        posts = posts.join(orphans, PostClass.id==orphans.c.post_id)
    elif only_orphan == "false":
        raise HTTPBadRequest(localizer.translate(
            _("Getting non-orphan posts isn't supported.")))

    if root_idea_id:
        related = text(Idea._get_related_posts_statement(),
                    bindparams=[bindparam('root_idea_id', root_idea_id),
                    bindparam('discussion_id', discussion_id)]
        #Virtuoso bug: This should work...
        #posts = posts.join(related, PostClass.id==related.c.post_id)
        posts = posts.filter(PostClass.id.in_(related))
    if root_post_id:
        root_post = Post.get(root_post_id)
        posts = posts.filter(
            root_post.ancestry + cast(root_post.id, String) + ',%'
