本文整理汇总了Python中arrow.Arrow.now方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Arrow.now方法的具体用法?Python Arrow.now怎么用?Python Arrow.now使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类arrow.Arrow
示例1: get_for
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def get_for(date):
date = date.replace(tzinfo='utc')
for week in get_dates(access_token):
for day, visits in week:
if day == date:
return VisitResult(
visits, # visits for day
Arrow.now(AU_PERTH) # when data was retrieved
return VisitResult([], Arrow.now(AU_PERTH))
示例2: cached_get_for
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def cached_get_for(date):
if not hasattr(cached_get_for, '_cache'):
cached_get_for._cache = {}
if date in cached_get_for._cache:
data, timestamp = cached_get_for._cache[date]
if (Arrow.now() - timestamp) < timedelta(hours=1):
return data
cached_get_for._cache[date] = (get_for(date), Arrow.now())
return cached_get_for._cache[date][0]
示例3: now
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def now(tz=None):
'''Returns an :class:`Arrow <arrow.Arrow>` object, representing "now".
:param tz: (optional) An expression representing a timezone. Defaults to local time.
Recognized timezone expressions:
- A **tzinfo** object
- A **str** describing a timezone, similar to "US/Pacific", or "Europe/Berlin"
- A **str** in ISO-8601 style, as in "+07:00"
- A **str**, one of the following: *local*, *utc*, *UTC*
>>> import arrow
>>> arrow.now()
<Arrow [2013-05-07T22:19:11.363410-07:00]>
>>> arrow.now('US/Pacific')
<Arrow [2013-05-07T22:19:15.251821-07:00]>
>>> arrow.now('+02:00')
<Arrow [2013-05-08T07:19:25.618646+02:00]>
>>> arrow.now('local')
<Arrow [2013-05-07T22:19:39.130059-07:00]>
if tz is None:
tz = dateutil_tz.tzlocal()
elif not isinstance(tz, tzinfo):
tz = parser.TzinfoParser.parse(tz)
return Arrow.now(tz)
示例4: get_uptime
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def get_uptime(message):
Get uptime, code reload time and crash counts this session
Usage: uptime
now = Arrow.now()
Way status:
[ ] Lost
[X] Not lost
Holding on since:
Last code reload:
Code uptime:
Total crashes this session: {}
now - uptime,
now - code_uptime,
), message)
示例5: get_xml
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def get_xml(item, items):
root = ET.Element('rss')
root.attrib = {'version': "2.0"}
c = ET.SubElement(root, 'channel')
ET.SubElement(c, 'copyright').text = 'Copyright 2016, Liu Vaayne'
if item.get('source_name') == 'wx':
ET.SubElement(c, 'title').text = item.get('author')
ET.SubElement(c, 'title').text = item.get('title')
ET.SubElement(c, 'link').text = item.get('link')
ET.SubElement(c, 'description').text = item.get('desc')
ET.SubElement(c, 'lastBuildDate').text = Arrow.now().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
for item in items:
i = ET.SubElement(c, 'item')
ET.SubElement(i, 'title').text = item.get('title')
# ET.SubElement(i, 'image').text = item.get('image')
# ET.SubElement(i, 'pubDate').text = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(item.get('post_time')))
ET.SubElement(i, 'pubDate').text = item.get('post_time').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
ET.SubElement(i, 'link').text = item.get('source_url')
# ET.SubElement(i, 'summary').text = item.get('summary')
# ET.SubElement(i, 'description').text = item.get('content')
ET.SubElement(i, 'category').text = item.get('category')
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
f = StringIO()
print (f.getvalue())
return f.getvalue()
示例6: now
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def now(tz=None):
'''Returns an :class:`Arrow <arrow.Arrow>` object, representing "now".
:param tz: (optional) An expression representing a timezone. Defaults to local time.
The timezone expression can be:
- A tzinfo struct
- A string description, e.g. "US/Pacific", or "Europe/Berlin"
- An ISO-8601 string, e.g. "+07:00"
- A special string, one of: "local", "utc", or "UTC"
>>> import arrow
>>> arrow.now()
<Arrow [2013-05-07T22:19:11.363410-07:00]>
>>> arrow.now('US/Pacific')
<Arrow [2013-05-07T22:19:15.251821-07:00]>
>>> arrow.now('+02:00')
<Arrow [2013-05-08T07:19:25.618646+02:00]>
>>> arrow.now('local')
<Arrow [2013-05-07T22:19:39.130059-07:00]>
if tz is None:
tz = dateutil_tz.tzlocal()
elif not isinstance(tz, tzinfo):
tz = parser.TzinfoParser.parse(tz)
return Arrow.now(tz)
示例7: get_course_list
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def get_course_list(self):
# 获取课程状态
if not self.__session:
raise AttributeError('未获取有效的session对象') # TODO 此sesseion判断并不严谨,需更改
result = []
now = int(Arrow.now().float_timestamp * 1000) # generate javascript style timestamp
_response = self.__session.get(
time=now)) # 取得课程信息
root = etree.HTML(_response.text)
td_list = root.xpath(u'//span[@class="td_td_style"]') # 查找有效表格
a_list = root.xpath(u'//a[@title="Click to study"]') # 查找有效课程url
td_len = len(td_list) # 取得有效td元素个数
a_len = len(a_list) # 取得有效链接个数
if td_len is not 0 and a_len is not 0:
# 如果找到有效td元素和a元素,就以每4组td生成一个字典
for n in range(int(td_len / 4)):
sub = 0 * n
'course_name': td_list[sub].text.strip(),
'course_section_rate': float(td_list[sub + 1].text.strip().partition('\n')[0]),
'course_time_rate': float(td_list[sub + 2].text.strip().partition('\n')[0]),
'course_finished': td_list[sub + 3].text.strip() == '已完成',
'course_url': a_list[n].attrib['href']
self.last_response = _response
self.__course = result
for k, v in enumerate(result):
print('序号:{0} \t课名: {1}\t课程进度: {2}\t课时进度: {3}\t完成: {4}\n'.format(k, v['course_name'],
v['course_finished'] is True))
示例8: get_time_humanized
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def get_time_humanized(self):
now = self.created
otherdate = datetime.now()
if otherdate:
dt = otherdate - now
offset = dt.seconds + (dt.days * 60*60*24)
if offset:
delta_s = offset % 60
offset /= 60
delta_m = offset % 60
offset /= 60
delta_h = offset % 24
offset /= 24
delta_d = offset
return "just now"
if delta_h > 1:
return Arrow.now().replace(hours=delta_h * -1, minutes=delta_m * -1).humanize()
if delta_m > 1:
return Arrow.now().replace(seconds=delta_s * -1, minutes=delta_m * -1).humanize()
return Arrow.now().replace(days=delta_d * -1).humanize()
示例9: save_course
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def save_course(self):
# 保存课时
save_data = {
'callCount': 1,
'page': '/ilearn/en/learner/jsp/player/player_left.jsp?rco_id={0}'.format(self.__save_dict.get('rco_id')),
'httpSessionId': self.last_response.cookies.get('JSESSIONID'),
'scriptSessionId': self.__script_session_id,
'c0-scriptName': 'lessonStudyData',
'c0-methodName': 'updateRcoTreeList',
'c0-id': 0,
'c0-e1': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('rco_id'),
'c0-e2': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('curr_rco_id'),
'c0-e3': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('curr_rco_id'),
'c0-e4': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('icr_id'),
'c0-e5': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('user_id'),
'c0-e6': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('tbc_id'),
'c0-e7': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('site_id'),
'c0-e8': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('cmi_core_lesson_status'),
'c0-e9': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('cmi_core_score_raw'),
'c0-e10': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('cmi_core_lesson_location'),
'c0-e11': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('cmi_suspend_data'),
'c0-e12': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('cmi_core_session_time'),
'c0-e13': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('cmi_mastery_score'),
'c0-e14': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('cmi_core_credit'),
'c0-e15': 'string:' + quote(self.__save_dict.get('start_time')),
'c0-e16': 'string:' + quote(Arrow.now().isoformat(sep='\u0020').split('.')[0]),
'c0-e17': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('pre_score'),
'c0-e18': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('pre_status'),
'c0-e19': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('pre_location'),
'c0-e20': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('pre_suspend_data'),
'c0-e21': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('effectivelength'),
'c0-e22': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('is_lesson_time'),
'c0-e23': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('tracking_type'),
'c0-e24': 'string:' + self.__save_dict.get('attempt_num_flag'),
'c0-param0': 'Object_Object:{rco_id:reference:c0-e1, pre_rco_id:reference:c0-e2, curr_rco_id:reference:c0-e3, icr_id:reference:c0-e4, user_id:reference:c0-e5, tbc_id:reference:c0-e6, site_id:reference:c0-e7, cmi_core_lesson_status:reference:c0-e8, cmi_core_score_raw:reference:c0-e9, cmi_core_lesson_location:reference:c0-e10, cmi_suspend_data:reference:c0-e11, cmi_core_session_time:reference:c0-e12, cmi_mastery_score:reference:c0-e13, cmi_core_credit:reference:c0-e14, start_time:reference:c0-e15, start_study_time:reference:c0-e16, pre_score:reference:c0-e17, pre_status:reference:c0-e18, pre_location:reference:c0-e19, pre_suspend_data:reference:c0-e20, effectivelength:reference:c0-e21, is_lesson_time:reference:c0-e22, tracking_type:reference:c0-e23, attempt_num_flag:reference:c0-e24}',
'c0-param1': 'string:U',
'batchId': self.__batch_id
self.__batch_id += 1
_response = self.__session.post(
self.last_response = _response
示例10: get_date_from_request
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def get_date_from_request():
date = request.args.get('date')
if date is not None:
date = get_date(date)
except (ValueError, TypeError, ParserError):
if date == 'today':
date = Arrow.now(AU_PERTH)
if date is not None:
date = date.floor('day')
except AttributeError:
# was invalid and stayed a string
date = None
return date
示例11: index
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def index():
date = get_date_from_request()
if date is None:
# fill in missing values with defaults
return redirect(url_for('.index', date='today'))
visits, updated = get_visits_for_date(date)
visits = sorted(visits.items())
is_today = date.date() == Arrow.now(AU_PERTH).date()
return render_template(
next_page=make_link(date + ONE_DAY),
prev_page=make_link(date - ONE_DAY)
示例12: get
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
def get(*args, **kwargs):
'''Returns an :class:`Arrow <arrow.Arrow>` object based on flexible inputs.
>>> import arrow
**No inputs** to get current UTC time::
>>> arrow.get()
<Arrow [2013-05-08T05:51:43.316458+00:00]>
**One str**, **float**, or **int**, convertible to a floating-point timestamp, to get that timestamp in UTC::
>>> arrow.get(1367992474.293378)
<Arrow [2013-05-08T05:54:34.293378+00:00]>
>>> arrow.get(1367992474)
<Arrow [2013-05-08T05:54:34+00:00]>
>>> arrow.get('1367992474.293378')
<Arrow [2013-05-08T05:54:34.293378+00:00]>
>>> arrow.get('1367992474')
<Arrow [2013-05-08T05:54:34+00:00]>
**One str**, convertible to a timezone, or **tzinfo**, to get the current time in that timezone::
>>> arrow.get('local')
<Arrow [2013-05-07T22:57:11.793643-07:00]>
>>> arrow.get('US/Pacific')
<Arrow [2013-05-07T22:57:15.609802-07:00]>
>>> arrow.get('-07:00')
<Arrow [2013-05-07T22:57:22.777398-07:00]>
>>> arrow.get(tz.tzlocal())
<Arrow [2013-05-07T22:57:28.484717-07:00]>
**One** naive **datetime**, to get that datetime in UTC::
>>> arrow.get(datetime(2013, 5, 5))
<Arrow [2013-05-05T00:00:00+00:00]>
**One** aware **datetime**, to get that datetime::
>>> arrow.get(datetime(2013, 5, 5, tzinfo=tz.tzlocal()))
<Arrow [2013-05-05T00:00:00-07:00]>
**Two** arguments, a naive or aware **datetime**, and a timezone expression (as above)::
>>> arrow.get(datetime(2013, 5, 5), 'US/Pacific')
<Arrow [2013-05-05T00:00:00-07:00]>
**Two** arguments, both **str**, to parse the first according to the format of the second::
>>> arrow.get('2013-05-05 12:30:45', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
<Arrow [2013-05-05T12:30:45+00:00]>
**Three or more** arguments, as for the constructor of a **datetime**::
>>> arrow.get(2013, 5, 5, 12, 30, 45)
<Arrow [2013-05-05T12:30:45+00:00]>
arg_count = len(args)
if arg_count == 0:
return Arrow.utcnow()
if arg_count == 1:
arg = args[0]
timestamp = None
timestamp = float(arg)
# (int), (float), (str(int)) or (str(float)) -> from timestamp.
if timestamp is not None:
return Arrow.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
# (datetime) -> from datetime.
elif isinstance(arg, datetime):
return Arrow.fromdatetime(arg)
# (tzinfo) -> now, @ tzinfo.
elif isinstance(arg, tzinfo):
return Arrow.now(arg)
# (str) -> now, @ tzinfo.
elif isinstance(arg, str):
_tzinfo = parser.TzinfoParser.parse(arg)
return Arrow.now(_tzinfo)
raise TypeError('Can\'t parse single argument type of \'{0}\''.format(type(arg)))
示例13: crash
# 需要导入模块: from arrow import Arrow [as 别名]
# 或者: from arrow.Arrow import now [as 别名]
from arrow import Arrow
from m5.core.dispatcher import on
from m5.core.event.messaging import reply
from m5.core.meta import VERSION_STRING
from m5.plugins.command_dispatcher import command
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable,PyUnresolvedReferences
except NameError:
uptime = Arrow.now()
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
except NameError:
crash_count = 0
code_uptime = Arrow.now()
def crash(_):
global crash_count
crash_count += 1
def get_uptime(message):
Get uptime, code reload time and crash counts this session