本文整理汇总了Python中application.models.Report类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Report类的具体用法?Python Report怎么用?Python Report使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: show_tables
def show_tables():
""" creates a report for specified month """
month = request.args.get('month','')
year = request.args.get('year','')
day= request.args.get('day','')
if not month or not year:
start = date(year=int(year), month=int(month), day=int(day))
r = Report(start=start, finished=False)
assetid = request.args.get('assetid', '')
month = request.args.get('fmonth','')
year = request.args.get('fyear','')
day= request.args.get('fday','')
if assetid and month and year and day:
r.end = date(year=int(year), month=int(month), day=int(day))
r.assetid = assetid
r.finished = True
deferred.defer(update_report_stats, str(r.key()))
return r.as_json()
示例2: test_create_report
def test_create_report(self):
rv = self.app.post('/_ah/cmd/create_report?month=11&year=2010&day=2')
self.assertEquals(200, rv.status_code)
self.assertEquals(1, Report.all().count())
r = Report.all().fetch(1)[0]
self.assertEquals(2, r.start.day)
self.assertEquals(11, r.start.month)
self.assertEquals(2010, r.start.year)
示例3: setUp
def setUp(self):
app.config['TESTING'] = True
self.app = app.test_client()
r = Report(start=date.today(), finished=False)
self.r = r
self.cell = Cell(x=0, y=0, z=2, report=self.r, ndfi_high=1.0, ndfi_low=0.0)
self.area = Area(geo='[[[-61.5,-12],[-61.5,-11],[-60.5,-11],[-60.5,-12]]]', added_by=users.get_current_user(), type=1, cell=self.cell)
示例4: ReportTest
class ReportTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
for x in Report.all():
self.r = Report(start=date(year=2011, month=2, day=1), finished=False)
def test_range(self):
r1 = self.r.comparation_range()
self.assertEquals(1, datetime.fromtimestamp(r1[0]/1000).month)
self.assertEquals(1, datetime.fromtimestamp(r1[0]/1000).day)
示例5: show_tables
def show_tables():
""" creates a report for specified month """
month = request.args.get('month','')
year = request.args.get('year','')
day= request.args.get('day','')
if not month or not year:
start = date(year=int(year), month=int(month), day=int(day))
r = Report(start=start, finished=False)
return 'created'
示例6: setUp
def setUp(self):
app.config['TESTING'] = True
self.app = app.test_client()
self.login('[email protected]', 'testuser')
# generate data for reports
self.r = Report(start=date(year=2011, month=2, day=1),
end=date(year=2011, month=3, day=1),
stats = {
'id': str(self.r.key()),
'stats': {
'0000_01': {
'id': '01',
'table': '0000',
'def': 1,
'deg': 2
'0000_02': {
'id': '02',
'table': '0000',
'def': 1,
'deg': 2
'0001_02': {
'id': '02',
'table': '0001',
'def': 1,
'deg': 2
StatsStore(report_id=str(self.r.key()), json=json.dumps(stats)).put();
示例7: landsat
def landsat(self, report_id, id):
r = Report.get(Key(report_id))
z, x, y = Cell.cell_id(id)
cell = Cell.get_or_default(r, x, y, z)
bounds = cell.bounds(amazon_bounds)
bounds = "%f,%f,%f,%f" % (bounds[1][1], bounds[1][0], bounds[0][1], bounds[0][0])
ee = EELandsat(LANDSAT7)
d = ee.list(bounds=bounds)
data = {}
if len(d) >= 1:
x = d[-1]
img_info = x.split('/')[2][3:]
path = img_info[:3]
row = img_info[3:6]
year = int(img_info[6: 10])
julian_date = img_info[10: 13]
date = date_from_julian(int(julian_date), year)
data = {
'info': img_info,
'path': path,
'row': row,
'year': year,
'timestamp': timestamp(date),
'date': date.isoformat()
return Response(json.dumps(data), mimetype='application/json')
示例8: landsat
def landsat(self, report_id, id):
r = Report.get(Key(report_id))
z, x, y = Cell.cell_id(id)
cell = Cell.get_or_default(r, x, y, z)
bounds = cell.bounds(amazon_bounds)
bounds = "%f,%f,%f,%f" % (bounds[1][1], bounds[1][0], bounds[0][1], bounds[0][0])
ee = EELandsat(LANDSAT7)
d = ee.list(bounds=bounds)
data = {}
if len(d) >= 1:
x = d[-1]
img_info = x.split("/")[2][3:]
path = img_info[:3]
row = img_info[3:6]
year = int(img_info[6:10])
julian_date = img_info[10:13]
date = date_from_julian(int(julian_date), year)
data = {
"info": img_info,
"path": path,
"row": row,
"year": year,
"timestamp": timestamp(date),
"date": date.isoformat(),
return Response(json.dumps(data), mimetype="application/json")
示例9: update_cells_ndfi
def update_cells_ndfi():
r = Report.current()
cell = Cell.get_or_default(r, 0, 0, 0)
for c in iter(cell.children()):
deferred.defer(ndfi_value_for_cells, str(c.key()), _queue="ndfichangevalue")
return 'working'
示例10: ndfi_change
def ndfi_change(self, report_id, id):
r = Report.get(Key(report_id))
z, x, y = Cell.cell_id(id)
cell = Cell.get_or_default(r, x, y, z)
ee = ndfi = NDFI('MOD09GA',
bounds = cell.bounds(amazon_bounds)
ne = bounds[0]
sw = bounds[1]
# spcify lon, lat
polygons = [ (sw[1], sw[0]), (sw[1], ne[0]), (ne[1], ne[0]), (ne[1], sw[0]) ]
cols = 1
rows = 1
if z < 2:
cols = rows = 5
data = ndfi.ndfi_change_value(r.base_map(), {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[polygons]}, rows, cols)
ndfi = data['data'] #data['data']['properties']['ndfiSum']['values']
if request.args.get('_debug', False):
ndfi['debug'] = {
'request': ee.ee.last_request,
'response': ee.ee.last_response
return Response(json.dumps(ndfi), mimetype='application/json')
示例11: list
def list(self, report_id, cell_pos):
r = Report.get(Key(report_id))
z, x, y = Cell.cell_id(cell_pos)
cell = Cell.get_cell(r, x, y, z)
notes = []
if cell:
return self._as_json([x.as_dict() for x in cell.note_set])
return self._as_json([])
示例12: update_cells_ndfi_dummy
def update_cells_ndfi_dummy():
r = Report.current()
if not r:
return 'create a report first'
cell = Cell.get_or_default(r, 0, 0, 0)
for c in iter(cell.children()):
deferred.defer(ndfi_value_for_cells_dummy, str(c.key()), _queue="ndfichangevalue")
return 'working DUMMY'
示例13: close
def close(self, report_id):
""" close current and create new one """
r = Report.get(Key(report_id))
if not r.finished:
ndfi = NDFI(r.comparation_range(), r.range())
data = ndfi.freeze_map(r.base_map(), int(settings.FT_TABLE_ID), r.key().id())
if 'data' not in data:
data = data['data']['id']
cache_key = NDFIMapApi._cache_key(report_id)
# open new report
new_report = Report(start=date.today())
return str(new_report.key())
return "already finished"
示例14: rgb_mapid
def rgb_mapid(self, report_id, id, r, g, b):
report = Report.get(Key(report_id))
z, x, y = Cell.cell_id(id)
cell = Cell.get_or_default(report, x, y, z)
ndfi = NDFI("MOD09GA", report.comparation_range(), report.range())
poly = cell.bbox_polygon(amazon_bounds)
mapid = ndfi.rgb_strech(poly, tuple(map(int, (r, g, b))))
if "data" not in mapid:
return Response(json.dumps(mapid["data"]), mimetype="application/json")
示例15: create
def create(self, report_id, cell_pos):
r = Report.get(Key(report_id))
z, x, y = Cell.cell_id(cell_pos)
cell = Cell.get_or_create(r, x, y, z)
data = json.loads(request.data)
a = Area(geo=json.dumps(data["paths"]), type=data["type"], added_by=users.get_current_user(), cell=cell)
cell.last_change_by = users.get_current_user()
return Response(a.as_json(), mimetype="application/json")