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Python VariableManager.clear_facts方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中ansible.vars.VariableManager.clear_facts方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python VariableManager.clear_facts方法的具体用法?Python VariableManager.clear_facts怎么用?Python VariableManager.clear_facts使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ansible.vars.VariableManager的用法示例。


示例1: run

# 需要导入模块: from ansible.vars import VariableManager [as 别名]
# 或者: from ansible.vars.VariableManager import clear_facts [as 别名]
    def run(self):

        super(PlaybookCLI, self).run()

        # Note: slightly wrong, this is written so that implicit localhost
        # Manage passwords
        sshpass    = None
        becomepass    = None
        vault_pass = None
        passwords = {}

        # initial error check, to make sure all specified playbooks are accessible
        # before we start running anything through the playbook executor
        for playbook in self.args:
            if not os.path.exists(playbook):
                raise AnsibleError("the playbook: %s could not be found" % playbook)
            if not (os.path.isfile(playbook) or stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(playbook).st_mode)):
                raise AnsibleError("the playbook: %s does not appear to be a file" % playbook)

        # don't deal with privilege escalation or passwords when we don't need to
        if not self.options.listhosts and not self.options.listtasks and not self.options.listtags and not self.options.syntax:
            (sshpass, becomepass) = self.ask_passwords()
            passwords = { 'conn_pass': sshpass, 'become_pass': becomepass }

        loader = DataLoader()

        if self.options.vault_password_file:
            # read vault_pass from a file
            vault_pass = CLI.read_vault_password_file(self.options.vault_password_file, loader=loader)
        elif self.options.ask_vault_pass:
            vault_pass = self.ask_vault_passwords()

        # create the variable manager, which will be shared throughout
        # the code, ensuring a consistent view of global variables
        variable_manager = VariableManager()
        variable_manager.extra_vars = load_extra_vars(loader=loader, options=self.options)

        variable_manager.options_vars = load_options_vars(self.options)

        # create the inventory, and filter it based on the subset specified (if any)
        inventory = Inventory(loader=loader, variable_manager=variable_manager, host_list=self.options.inventory)

        # (which is not returned in list_hosts()) is taken into account for
        # warning if inventory is empty.  But it can't be taken into account for
        # checking if limit doesn't match any hosts.  Instead we don't worry about
        # limit if only implicit localhost was in inventory to start with.
        # Fix this when we rewrite inventory by making localhost a real host (and thus show up in list_hosts())
        no_hosts = False
        if len(inventory.list_hosts()) == 0:
            # Empty inventory
            display.warning("provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available")
            no_hosts = True
        if len(inventory.list_hosts()) == 0 and no_hosts is False:
            # Invalid limit
            raise AnsibleError("Specified --limit does not match any hosts")

        # flush fact cache if requested
        if self.options.flush_cache:
            for host in inventory.list_hosts():

        # create the playbook executor, which manages running the plays via a task queue manager
        pbex = PlaybookExecutor(playbooks=self.args, inventory=inventory, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader, options=self.options, passwords=passwords)

        results = pbex.run()

        if isinstance(results, list):
            for p in results:

                display.display('\nplaybook: %s' % p['playbook'])
                for idx, play in enumerate(p['plays']):
                    msg = "\n  play #%d (%s): %s" % (idx + 1, ','.join(play.hosts), play.name)
                    mytags = set(play.tags)
                    msg += '\tTAGS: [%s]' % (','.join(mytags))

                    if self.options.listhosts:
                        playhosts = set(inventory.get_hosts(play.hosts))
                        msg += "\n    pattern: %s\n    hosts (%d):" % (play.hosts, len(playhosts))
                        for host in playhosts:
                            msg += "\n      %s" % host


                    all_tags = set()
                    if self.options.listtags or self.options.listtasks:
                        taskmsg = ''
                        if self.options.listtasks:
                            taskmsg = '    tasks:\n'

                        def _process_block(b):
                            taskmsg = ''
                            for task in b.block:
                                if isinstance(task, Block):
                                    taskmsg += _process_block(task)
