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Python Blob.committed方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中ZODB.blob.Blob.committed方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Blob.committed方法的具体用法?Python Blob.committed怎么用?Python Blob.committed使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ZODB.blob.Blob的用法示例。


示例1: NamedBlobFile

# 需要导入模块: from ZODB.blob import Blob [as 别名]
# 或者: from ZODB.blob.Blob import committed [as 别名]
class NamedBlobFile(Persistent):
    """A file stored in a ZODB BLOB, with a filename"""


    filename = FieldProperty(INamedFile["filename"])

    def __init__(self, data="", contentType="", filename=None):
        if filename is not None and contentType in ("", "application/octet-stream"):
            contentType = get_contenttype(filename=filename)
        self.contentType = contentType
        self._blob = Blob()
        f = self._blob.open("w")
        self.filename = filename

    def open(self, mode="r"):
        if mode != "r" and "size" in self.__dict__:
            del self.__dict__["size"]
        return self._blob.open(mode)

    def openDetached(self):
        return open(self._blob.committed(), "rb")

    def _setData(self, data):
        if "size" in self.__dict__:
            del self.__dict__["size"]
        # Search for a storable that is able to store the data
        dottedName = ".".join((data.__class__.__module__, data.__class__.__name__))
        storable = getUtility(IStorage, name=dottedName)
        storable.store(data, self._blob)

    def _getData(self):
        fp = self._blob.open("r")
        data = fp.read()
        return data

    _data = property(_getData, _setData)
    data = property(_getData, _setData)

    def size(self):
        if "size" in self.__dict__:
            return self.__dict__["size"]
        reader = self._blob.open()
        reader.seek(0, 2)
        size = int(reader.tell())
        self.__dict__["size"] = size
        return size

    def getSize(self):
        return self.size

示例2: File

# 需要导入模块: from ZODB.blob import Blob [as 别名]
# 或者: from ZODB.blob.Blob import committed [as 别名]

            self.mimetype = mimetype or "application/octet-stream"

        if stream is not None:
            if mimetype is USE_MAGIC:
                hint = USE_MAGIC
                hint = None
            self.upload(stream, mimetype_hint=hint)

    def upload(self, stream, mimetype_hint=None):
        """ Replace the current contents of this file's blob with the
        contents of ``stream``.  ``stream`` must be a filelike object (it
        must have a ``read`` method that takes a size argument).

        ``mimetype_hint`` can be any of the following:

        - ``None``, meaning don't reset the current mimetype.  This is the
          default.  If you already know the file's mimetype, and you don't
          want it divined from a filename or stream content, use ``None`` as
          the ``mimetype_hint`` value, and set the ``mimetype`` attribute of
          the file object directly before or after calling this method.

        - A string containing a filename that has an extension; the mimetype
          will be derived from the extension in the filename using the Python
          ``mimetypes`` module, and the result will be set as the mimetype
          attribute of this object.

        - The constant :attr:`pyramid.file.USE_MAGIC`, which will derive
          the mimetype using the ``python-magic`` library based on the
          stream's actual content.  The result will be set as the mimetype
          attribute of this object.

          .. warning::

             On non-Linux systems, successful use of
             :attr:`substanced.file.USE_MAGIC` requires the installation
             of additional dependencies.  See :ref:`optional_dependencies`.
        if not stream:
            stream = io.StringIO()
        fp = self.blob.open("w")
        first = True
        use_magic = False
        if mimetype_hint is USE_MAGIC:
            use_magic = True
            if magic is None:  # pragma: no cover
                    "The python-magic library does not have its requisite "
                    "dependencies installed properly, therefore the "
                    '"USE_MAGIC" flag passed to this method has been ignored '
                    '(it has been converted to "None").  The mimetype of '
                    "substanced.file.File objects created may be incorrect as "
                    "a result."
                use_magic = False
                mimetype_hint = None

        if not use_magic:
            if mimetype_hint is not None:
                mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(mimetype_hint, strict=False)
                if mimetype is None:
                    mimetype = "application/octet-stream"
                self.mimetype = mimetype
        for chunk in chunks(stream):
            if use_magic and first:
                first = False
                m = magic.Magic(mime=True)
                mimetype = m.from_buffer(chunk)
                self.mimetype = u(mimetype)

    def get_response(self, **kw):
        """ Return a WebOb-compatible response object which uses the blob
        content as the stream data and the mimetype of the file as the
        content type.  The ``**kw`` arguments will be passed to the
        ``pyramid.response.FileResponse`` constructor as its keyword
        if not "content_type" in kw:
            kw["content_type"] = str(self.mimetype)
        path = self.blob.committed()
        response = FileResponse(path, **kw)
        return response

    def get_size(self):
        """ Return the size in bytes of the data in the blob associated with
        the file"""
        return os.stat(self.blob.committed()).st_size

    def get_etag(self):
        """ Return a token identifying the "version" of the file.
        mine = self._p_serial
        blob = self.blob._p_serial
        if blob == z64:
            blob = self.blob._p_serial
        return oid_repr(max(mine, blob))

示例3: NyBlobFile

# 需要导入模块: from ZODB.blob import Blob [as 别名]
# 或者: from ZODB.blob.Blob import committed [as 别名]
class NyBlobFile(Persistent):
    """Naaya container for files stored using ZODB Blob"""


    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('filename', None)
        kwargs.setdefault('content_type', 'application/octet-stream')
        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            setattr(self, key, value)
        self._blob = Blob()

    def open(self):
        return self._blob.open('r')

    def open_iterator(self):
        return filestream_iterator(self._blob.committed(), 'rb')

    def open_write(self):
        return self._blob.open('w')

    def send_data(self, RESPONSE, as_attachment=True, set_filename=True,
        """NyBlobFiles can also be served using X-Sendfile.
        In order to do so, you need to set X-NaayaEnableSendfile header
        to "on" by frontend server for each request.

        Lighttpd.conf example (working in proxy mode)::
         server.modules  += ( "mod_setenv" )
         setenv.add-request-header = ( "X-NaayaEnableSendfile" => "on" )
         proxy-core.allow-x-sendfile = "enable"

        RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Length', self.size)
        RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', self.content_type)
        if as_attachment:
            header_value = "attachment"
            if set_filename:
                utf8_fname = urllib.quote(self.filename)
                header_value += ";filename*=UTF-8''%s" % utf8_fname
            RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Disposition', header_value)

        # Test for enabling of X-SendFile
        if REQUEST is not None:
            ny_xsendfile = REQUEST.get_header("X-NaayaEnableSendfile")
            if ny_xsendfile is not None and ny_xsendfile=="on":
                RESPONSE.setHeader("X-Sendfile", self._current_filename())
                return "[body should be replaced by front-end server]"

        if hasattr(RESPONSE, '_streaming'):
            return self.open_iterator()
            return self.open().read()

    def _current_filename(self):
        """ Convenience function that returns blob's filename """
            return self._blob.committed()
        except BlobError:
            return self._blob._p_blob_uncommitted

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%(cls)s %(fname)r (%(mime)s, %(size)r bytes)>' % {
            'cls': self.__class__.__name__,
            'fname': self.filename,
            'mime': self.content_type,
            'size': self.size,

示例4: BlobValue

# 需要导入模块: from ZODB.blob import Blob [as 别名]
# 或者: from ZODB.blob.Blob import committed [as 别名]
class BlobValue(object):
    """A BlobValue is using a ZODB Blob to store data. It handles both
    the zope.app.file and zope.file features. It can be used as a blob
    attribute, for more complex object. It can also be used as a mixin
    with a Persistent class.

    filename = FieldProperty(IBlobFile['filename'])
    mimeType = FieldProperty(IBlobFile['mimeType'])
    parameters = FieldProperty(IBlobFile['parameters'])

    def __init__(self, data='', contentType='',
                 filename=None, parameters=None):

        if filename:
            filename = clean_filename(filename)
            self.filename = filename

        if not contentType and filename:
            self.mimeType, enc = guess_content_type(name=filename)
        elif not contentType:
            self.mimeType = "application/octet-stream"
            self.mimeType = contentType

        if parameters is None:
            parameters = {}
            parameters = dict(parameters)
        self.parameters = parameters

        self._blob = Blob()
        self.data = data

    def contentType(self):
        return self.mimeType

    def open(self, mode="r"):
        return self._blob.open(mode)

    def openDetached(self):
        return file(self._blob.committed(), 'rb')

    def __len__(self):
        if self._blob == "":
            return 0
        reader = self._blob.open()
        reader.seek(0, 2)
        size = reader.tell()
        return size

    def size(self):
        return int(self.__len__())

    def data():
        """The blob property using a IFileStorage adapter
        to write down the value.

        def get(self):
            blob = self._blob.open('r')
            data = blob.read()
            return data

        def set(self, value):
            stored = queryMultiAdapter((self._blob, value), IFileStorage)
            if stored is not True:
                raise StorageError(
                    "An error occured during the blob storage. Check the "
                    "value type (%r). This value should implement IFile, "
                    "IString or IUnicode (see `dolmen.builtins`)."
                    % value.__class__)

        return property(get, set)

    def physical_path(self):
            filename = self._blob.committed()
        except BlobError:
            # We retry, the data has now been commited
            # if possible by the ZODB blob.
                filename = self._blob.committed()
            except BlobError:
                # The retry failed, we return None.
                return None
        return filename

示例5: File

# 需要导入模块: from ZODB.blob import Blob [as 别名]
# 或者: from ZODB.blob.Blob import committed [as 别名]

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return self.size > 0

    def clear(self):
        self.filename = u''
        self.mimeType = u''
        self.data = u''
        self.disablePreview = u''
        self.disablePrint = u''

        # NOTE: remove record from previewsCatalog

    def open(self, mode="r"):
            if 'w' in mode:
                if 'size' in self.__dict__:
                    del self.__dict__['size']
                self.modified = zope.datetime.parseDatetimetz(
            return self._blob.open(mode)
        except POSKeyError:
            print "Found damaged FileField: %s" % (self.filename)
            return False

    def openPreview(self, mode="r"):
        """ returns openPreview for preview
        preview = getUtility(IPreviewsCatalog).getPreview(self)
        return preview.openPreview(mode)

    def openDetached(self, n=0):
            return file(self._blob.committed(), 'rb')
        except BlobError:
            if n < 2:
                return self.openDetached(n + 1)

    def openPreviewDetached(self):
        """ returns openPreviewDetached for preview
        preview = getUtility(IPreviewsCatalog).getPreview(self)
        return preview.openPreviewDetached()

    def _show(self, request, filename=None, contentDisposition="inline"):
        response = request.response

        if not self.mimeType:
            response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
            response.setHeader('Content-Type', self.mimeType)

        response.setHeader('Content-Length', self.size)

        modified = self.modified

        header = request.getHeader('If-Modified-Since', None)

        lmt = long(zope.datetime.time(modified.isoformat()))

        if header is not None:
            header = header.split(';')[0]
                mod_since = long(zope.datetime.time(header))

示例6: PreviewRecord

# 需要导入模块: from ZODB.blob import Blob [as 别名]
# 或者: from ZODB.blob.Blob import committed [as 别名]
class PreviewRecord(Persistent):

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self.parent = parent
        self.previewSize = 0
        self._previewBlob = Blob()

    def previewData(self):
        """ returns preview data """
        fp = self._previewBlob.open('r')
        data = fp.read()
        return data

    def previewSize(self):
        if 'previewSize' in self.__dict__:
            return self.__dict__['previewSize']
            reader = self.openPreview()
                size = int(reader.tell())
            self.__dict__['previewSize'] = size
            return size

    def previewSize(self, value):
        self.__dict__['previewSize'] = value

    def openPreview(self, mode="r"):
            return self._previewBlob.open(mode)
        except AttributeError:
            self._previewBlob = Blob()
            return self._previewBlob.open(mode)

    def openPreviewDetached(self, n=0):
            return file(self._previewBlob.committed(), 'rb')
        except BlobError:
            if n < 2:
                return self.openPreviewDetached(n + 1)

    def generatePreview(self):
        MAX_VALUE = getUtility(IPreviewsCatalog).maxValue * 1024 * 1024
        size = 0

        if self.parent.size < MAX_VALUE and not self.parent.disablePreview:
                "Start generating preview for: %s" % self.parent.filename)
            fp = self.openPreview('w')
            ff = self.parent.open()
                    ff, 'application/x-shockwave-flash', self.parent.mimeType,
                size = int(fp.tell())
            except (ConverterException, OSError), e:
                    'Error generating preview for %s: %s',
                    self.parent.filename, e)
