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Python OUT.debug方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中WebappConfig.debug.OUT.debug方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python OUT.debug方法的具体用法?Python OUT.debug怎么用?Python OUT.debug使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在WebappConfig.debug.OUT的用法示例。


示例1: packageavail

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def packageavail(self):
        Check to see whether the given package has been installed or not.

        These checks are carried out by using wrapper.py to facilitate
        distribution independant handling of the task.

            0       - on success
            1       - package not found
            2       - no package to find
            3       - package isn't webapp-config compatible          '

        OUT.debug('Verifying package ' + self.package_name(), 6)

        # package_installed() does not handle "/PN" correctly
        package = self.pn

        if self.category:
            package = self.category + '/' + self.pn

        # not using self.package_name() here as we don't need pvr
            return 1

        # unfortunately, just because a package has been installed, it
        # doesn't mean that the package itself is webapp-compatible
        # we need to check that the package has an entry in the
        # application repository

        if not self.appdb():
            return 3
            return 0

示例2: remove

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def remove(self, entry):
        Decide whether to delete something - and then go ahead and do so

        Just like portage, we only remove files that have not changed
        from when we installed them.  If the timestamp or checksum is
        different, we leave the file in place.


          entry    - file/dir/sym to remove

        OUT.debug('Trying to remove file', 6)

        # okay, deal with the file | directory | symlink

        removeable = self.__content.get_canremove(entry)

        if not removeable:

            # Remove directory or file.

            # Report if we are only pretending
            if self.__p:
                OUT.info('    pretending to remove: ' + entry)

            # try to remove the entry
                entry_type = self.__content.etype(entry)
                if self.__content.etype(entry) == 'dir':
                    # its a directory -> rmdir
                    if not self.__p:
                    # its a file -> unlink
                    if not self.__p:
                # Report if there is a problem
                OUT.notice('!!!      '
                           + self.__content.epath(entry))

            if self.__v and not self.__p:
                # Report successful deletion

                OUT.notice('<<< ' + entry_type + ' '
                           * (5 - len(entry_type))
                           + self.__content.epath(entry))


            return True



            return False

示例3: read

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def read(self,
             config_owned  = 'config-files',
             server_owned  = 'server-owned-files',
             virtual_files = 'virtual',
             default_dirs  = 'default-owned'):
        Initialize the type cache.
        import WebappConfig.filetype

        server_files = []
        config_files = []

        if os.access(self.appdir() + '/' + config_owned, os.R_OK):
            flist = open(self.appdir() + '/' + config_owned)
            config_files = flist.readlines()

            OUT.debug('Identified config-protected files.', 7)


        if os.access(self.appdir() + '/' + server_owned, os.R_OK):
            flist = open(self.appdir() + '/' + server_owned)
            server_files = flist.readlines()

            OUT.debug('Identified server-owned files.', 7)


        self.__types = WebappConfig.filetype.FileType(config_files,

示例4: read

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def read(self):
        ''' Read the contents of the dot config file.'''
        dotconfig = self.__dot_config()

        OUT.debug('Checking for dotconfig ', 6)

        if not self.has_dotconfig():
            raise Exception('Cannot read file ' + dotconfig)

        tokens = shlex.shlex(open(dotconfig))

        while True:
            a = tokens.get_token()
            b = tokens.get_token()
            c = tokens.get_token()

            OUT.debug('Reading token', 8)

            if (a in self.__tokens and
                b == '=' and c):

                if c[0] == '"':
                    c = c[1:]

                if c[-1] == '"':
                    c = c[:-1]

                self.__data[a] = c


示例5: dirtype

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def dirtype(self, directory, parent_type = ''):
        ''' Determine filetype for the given directory.'''
        if self.__types:

            OUT.debug('Returning directory type', 7)

            return self.__types.dirtype(directory, parent_type)

示例6: listunused

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def listunused(self, db):
        Outputs a list of what has not been installed so far

        packages = self.list_locations()

        if not packages:
            OUT.die('No packages found!')

        keys = sorted(packages)

        OUT.debug('Check for unused web applications', 7)

        for i in keys:

            db.set_package (packages[i][1])
            db.set_version (packages[i][2])

            if not db.has_installs():
                if packages[i][0]:
                    OUT.notice(packages[i][0] + '/' + packages[i][1] + '-' + packages[i][2])
                    OUT.notice(packages[i][1] + '-' + packages[i][2])

示例7: filetype

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def filetype(self, filename, parent_type = ''):
        ''' Determine filetype for the given file.'''
        if self.__types:

            OUT.debug('Returning file type', 7)

            return self.__types.filetype(filename, parent_type)

示例8: show_postupgrade

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def show_postupgrade(self, server = None):
        Display any post-upgrade instructions, if there are any.

        OUT.debug('Running show_postupgrade', 6)

        self.show_post(filename = 'postupgrade-en.txt', ptype = 'upgrade', server = server)

示例9: show_postinst

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def show_postinst(self, server = None):
        Display any post-installation instructions, if there are any.

        OUT.debug('Running show_postinst', 6)

        self.show_post(filename = 'postinst-en.txt', ptype = 'install', server = server)

示例10: clean

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def clean(self):

        self.file_behind_flag = False

        OUT.debug('Basic server clean', 7)

        self.file_behind_flag |= self.__del.remove_files()

        self.file_behind_flag |= self.__del.remove_dirs()

        OUT.info('Any files or directories listed above must be removed b'
                 'y hand')

        # okay, let's finish off
        # we don't need the contents file anymore

        self.file_behind_flag |= not self.__content.kill()

        # right - we need to run the hook scripts now
        # if they fail, we don't actually care

        # run the hooks

        self.__ebuild.run_hooks('clean', self)

        # do we need the dotconfig file?
        # if the .webapp file is the only one in the dir, we believe
        # that we can remove it


        # is the installation directory empty?

        if not os.listdir(self.__destd) and os.path.isdir(self.__destd):
            if not self.__p:
            OUT.notice('--- ' + self.__destd)

        # update the list of installs


        # Remove the selinux module

        if self.__selinux is not None:

        # did we leave anything behind?

        if self.file_behind_flag:
            OUT.warn('Remove whatever is listed above by hand')

示例11: remove_files

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def remove_files(self):
        It is time to remove the files that we installed originally.

        OUT.debug('Trying to remove files', 6)

        success = [self.remove(i) for i in self.__content.get_files()]

        # Tell the caller if anything was left behind

        return all(success)

示例12: packagename

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def packagename(self):
        ''' Retrieve the package name from the values specified in the dot
        config file'''

        OUT.debug('Trying to retrieve package name', 6)

        if 'WEB_PN' in list(self.__data.keys()) and 'WEB_PVR' in list(self.__data.keys()):
            if 'WEB_CATEGORY' in list(self.__data.keys()):
                return self.__data['WEB_CATEGORY'] + '/' + \
                    self.__data['WEB_PN'] + '-' + self.__data['WEB_PVR']
                return self.__data['WEB_PN'] + '-' + self.__data['WEB_PVR']
        return ''

示例13: packageavail

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def packageavail(self):
        Check to see whether the given package has been installed or not.

        These checks are carried out by using wrapper.py to facilitate
        distribution independant handling of the task.

            0       - on success
            1       - package not found
            2       - no package to find
            3       - package isn't webapp-config compatible          '

        >>> import os.path
        >>> here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

        Does not exist:

        >>> a = WebappSource(root = here + '/tests/testfiles/share-webapps',
        ...             category='www-apps',package='nothere', version='1',pm='portage')
        >>> a.packageavail()

        Incompatible cannot be tested since that would require a
        oackage (including version number) that is installed on
        all systems.

        OUT.debug('Verifying package ' + self.package_name(), 6)

        # package_installed() does not handle "/PN" correctly
        package = self.pn

        if self.category:
            package = self.category + '/' + self.pn

        # not using self.package_name() here as we don't need pvr
        if not wrapper.package_installed(package, self.pm):
            return 1

        # unfortunately, just because a package has been installed, it
        # doesn't mean that the package itself is webapp-compatible
        # we need to check that the package has an entry in the
        # application repository

        if not self.appdb():
            return 3
            return 0

示例14: has_dotconfig

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def has_dotconfig(self):
        ''' Return True if the install location already has a dotconfig
        dotconfig = self.__dot_config()

        OUT.debug('Verifying path', 7)

        if not os.path.isfile(dotconfig):
            return False

        if not os.access(dotconfig, os.R_OK):
            return False

        return True

示例15: add

# 需要导入模块: from WebappConfig.debug import OUT [as 别名]
# 或者: from WebappConfig.debug.OUT import debug [as 别名]
    def add(self, installdir, user, group):
        Add a record to the list of virtual installs.

        installdir - the installation directory

        if not installdir:
            OUT.die('The installation directory must be specified!')

        if not str(user):
            OUT.die('Please specify a valid user!')

        if not str(group):
            OUT.die('Please specify a valid group!')

        OUT.debug('Adding install record', 6)

        dbpath = self.appdb()

        if not dbpath:
            OUT.die('No package specified!')

        if not self.__p and not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dbpath)):
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dbpath), self.__dir_perm(0o755))

        fd = None

        if not self.__p:
            fd = os.open(dbpath,
                         os.O_WRONLY | os.O_APPEND | os.O_CREAT,

        entry = str(int(time.time())) + ' ' + str(user) + ' ' + str(group)\
            + ' ' + installdir + '\n'

        OUT.debug('New record', 7)

        if not self.__p:
            os.write(fd, (entry).encode('utf-8'))
            OUT.info('Pretended to append installation ' + installdir)
            OUT.info('Entry:\n' + entry)
