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Python DataCollectAPI.WMAgentDBData类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中WMComponent.AnalyticsDataCollector.DataCollectAPI.WMAgentDBData的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python WMAgentDBData类的具体用法?Python WMAgentDBData怎么用?Python WMAgentDBData使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: setup

    def setup(self, parameters):
        set db connection(couchdb, wmbs) to prepare to gather information
        # set the connection to local queue
        if not hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
            self.localQueue = WorkQueueService(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localQueueURL)

        # set the connection for local couchDB call
        self.localCouchDB = LocalCouchDBData(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localCouchURL, 

        # interface to WMBS/BossAir db
        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        # set wmagent db data
        self.wmagentDB = WMAgentDBData(self.summaryLevel, myThread.dbi, myThread.logger)
        # set the connection for local couchDB call
        self.localSummaryCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localWMStatsURL, 
        if hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
            #use local db for tier0
            centralRequestCouchDBURL = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localT0RequestDBURL
            centralRequestCouchDBURL = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL
        self.centralRequestCouchDB = RequestDBWriter(centralRequestCouchDBURL, 
                                                   couchapp = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp)
        #TODO: change the config to hold couch url
        self.localCouchServer = CouchMonitor(self.config.JobStateMachine.couchurl)
        if self.pluginName != None:
            pluginFactory = WMFactory("plugins", "WMComponent.AnalyticsDataCollector.Plugins")
            self.plugin = pluginFactory.loadObject(classname = self.pluginName)

示例2: setup

    def setup(self, parameters):
        set db connection(couchdb, wmbs) to prepare to gather information

        # interface to WMBS/BossAir db
        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        # set wmagent db data
        self.wmagentDB = WMAgentDBData(self.summaryLevel, myThread.dbi, myThread.logger)

        self.centralWMStatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralWMStatsURL)

        self.localCouchMonitor = CouchMonitor(self.config.JobStateMachine.couchurl)

示例3: AgentStatusPoller

class AgentStatusPoller(BaseWorkerThread):
    Gether the summary data for request (workflow) from local queue,
    local job couchdb, wmbs/boss air and populate summary db for monitoring

    def __init__(self, config):
        initialize properties specified from config
        # set the workqueue service for REST call
        self.config = config
        # need to get campaign, user, owner info
        self.agentInfo = initAgentInfo(self.config)
        self.summaryLevel = config.AnalyticsDataCollector.summaryLevel
        self.jsonFile = config.AgentStatusWatcher.jsonFile

        proxyArgs = {'logger': logging.getLogger()}
        self.proxy = Proxy(proxyArgs)
        self.proxyFile = self.proxy.getProxyFilename()  # X509_USER_PROXY

        localWQUrl = config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localQueueURL
        self.workqueueDS = WorkQueueDS(localWQUrl)

    def setUpCouchDBReplication(self):

        self.replicatorDocs = []
        # set up common replication code
        wmstatsSource = self.config.JobStateMachine.jobSummaryDBName
        wmstatsTarget = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralWMStatsURL

        self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': wmstatsSource, 'target': wmstatsTarget,
                                    'filter': "WMStatsAgent/repfilter"})
        # TODO: tier0 specific code - need to make it generic
        if hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
            t0Source = self.config.Tier0Feeder.requestDBName
            t0Target = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL
            self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': t0Source, 'target': t0Target,
                                        'filter': "T0Request/repfilter"})
        else:  # set up workqueue replication
            wqfilter = 'WorkQueue/queueFilter'
            parentQURL = self.config.WorkQueueManager.queueParams["ParentQueueCouchUrl"]
            childURL = self.config.WorkQueueManager.queueParams["QueueURL"]
            query_params = {'childUrl': childURL, 'parentUrl': sanitizeURL(parentQURL)['url']}
            localQInboxURL = "%s_inbox" % self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localQueueURL
            self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': sanitizeURL(parentQURL)['url'], 'target': localQInboxURL,
                                        'filter': wqfilter, 'query_params': query_params})
            self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': sanitizeURL(localQInboxURL)['url'], 'target': parentQURL,
                                        'filter': wqfilter, 'query_params': query_params})

        # delete old replicator docs before setting up

        for rp in self.replicatorDocs:
                rp['source'], rp['target'], filter=rp['filter'],
                query_params=rp.get('query_params', False),
        # First cicle need to be skipped since document is not updated that fast
        self.skipReplicationCheck = True

    def setup(self, parameters):
        set db connection(couchdb, wmbs) to prepare to gather information

        # interface to WMBS/BossAir db
        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        # set wmagent db data
        self.wmagentDB = WMAgentDBData(self.summaryLevel, myThread.dbi, myThread.logger)

        self.centralWMStatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralWMStatsURL)

        self.localCouchMonitor = CouchMonitor(self.config.JobStateMachine.couchurl)

    def algorithm(self, parameters):
        get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch
            agentInfo = self.collectAgentInfo()

            timeSpent, wmbsInfo, _ = self.collectWMBSInfo()
            wmbsInfo['total_query_time'] = int(timeSpent)
            agentInfo["WMBS_INFO"] = wmbsInfo
            logging.info("WMBS data collected in: %d secs", timeSpent)

            if not hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
                # Tier0 Agent doesn't have LQ.
                timeSpent, localWQInfo, _ = self.collectWorkQueueInfo()
                localWQInfo['total_query_time'] = int(timeSpent)
                agentInfo["LocalWQ_INFO"] = localWQInfo
                logging.info("Local WorkQueue data collected in: %d secs", timeSpent)

            uploadTime = int(time.time())
            self.uploadAgentInfoToCentralWMStats(agentInfo, uploadTime)


示例4: AnalyticsPoller

class AnalyticsPoller(BaseWorkerThread):
    Gether the summary data for request (workflow) from local queue,
    local job couchdb, wmbs/boss air and populate summary db for monitoring
    def __init__(self, config):
        initialize properties specified from config
        # set the workqueue service for REST call
        self.config = config
        # need to get campaign, user, owner info
        self.agentInfo = initAgentInfo(self.config)
        self.summaryLevel = (config.AnalyticsDataCollector.summaryLevel).lower()
        self.pluginName = getattr(config.AnalyticsDataCollector, "pluginName", None)
        self.plugin = None

    def setup(self, parameters):
        set db connection(couchdb, wmbs) to prepare to gather information
        # set the connection to local queue
        if not hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
            self.localQueue = WorkQueueService(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localQueueURL)

        # set the connection for local couchDB call
        self.localCouchDB = LocalCouchDBData(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localCouchURL,

        # interface to WMBS/BossAir db
        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        # set wmagent db data
        self.wmagentDB = WMAgentDBData(self.summaryLevel, myThread.dbi, myThread.logger)
        # set the connection for local couchDB call
        self.localSummaryCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localWMStatsURL,

        # use local db for tier0
        if hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
            centralRequestCouchDBURL = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localT0RequestDBURL
            centralRequestCouchDBURL = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL

        self.centralRequestCouchDB = RequestDBWriter(centralRequestCouchDBURL,
        self.centralWMStatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.General.centralWMStatsURL)

        #TODO: change the config to hold couch url
        self.localCouchServer = CouchMonitor(self.config.JobStateMachine.couchurl)

        self.dbsBufferUtil = DBSBufferUtil()

        if self.pluginName is not None:
            pluginFactory = WMFactory("plugins", "WMComponent.AnalyticsDataCollector.Plugins")
            self.plugin = pluginFactory.loadObject(classname=self.pluginName)

    def algorithm(self, parameters):
        get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch
            # jobs per request info
            logging.info("Getting Job Couch Data ...")
            jobInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobSummaryByWorkflowAndSite()

            # fwjr per request info
            logging.info("Getting FWJRJob Couch Data ...")

            fwjrInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobPerformanceByTaskAndSiteFromSummaryDB()
            skippedInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getSkippedFilesSummaryByWorkflow()

            logging.info("Getting Batch Job Data ...")
            batchJobInfo = self.wmagentDB.getBatchJobInfo()

            logging.info("Getting Finished Task Data ...")
            finishedTasks = self.wmagentDB.getFinishedSubscriptionByTask()

            logging.info("Getting DBS PhEDEx upload status ...")
            completedWfs = self.dbsBufferUtil.getPhEDExDBSStatusForCompletedWorkflows(summary=True)

            # get the data from local workqueue:
            # request name, input dataset, inWMBS, inQueue
            logging.info("Getting Local Queue Data ...")
            localQInfo = {}
            if not hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
                localQInfo = self.localQueue.getAnalyticsData()
                logging.debug("Tier-0 instance, not checking WorkQueue")

            # combine all the data from 3 sources
            logging.info("""Combining data from
                                   Job Couch(%s),
                                   Batch Job(%s),
                                   Finished Tasks(%s),
                                   Local Queue(%s)

示例5: AnalyticsPoller

class AnalyticsPoller(BaseWorkerThread):
    Gether the summary data for request (workflow) from local queue,
    local job couchdb, wmbs/boss air and populate summary db for monitoring
    def __init__(self, config):
        initialize properties specified from config
        # set the workqueue service for REST call
        self.config = config
        # need to get campaign, user, owner info
        self.agentInfo = initAgentInfo(self.config)
        self.summaryLevel = (config.AnalyticsDataCollector.summaryLevel).lower()
        self.pluginName = getattr(config.AnalyticsDataCollector, "pluginName", None)
        self.plugin = None
    def setup(self, parameters):
        set db connection(couchdb, wmbs) to prepare to gather information
        # set the connection to local queue
        if not hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
            self.localQueue = WorkQueueService(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localQueueURL)

        # set the connection for local couchDB call
        self.localCouchDB = LocalCouchDBData(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localCouchURL, 

        # interface to WMBS/BossAir db
        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        # set wmagent db data
        self.wmagentDB = WMAgentDBData(self.summaryLevel, myThread.dbi, myThread.logger)
        # set the connection for local couchDB call
        self.localSummaryCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localWMStatsURL, 
        if hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
            #use local db for tier0
            centralRequestCouchDBURL = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localT0RequestDBURL
            centralRequestCouchDBURL = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL
        self.centralRequestCouchDB = RequestDBWriter(centralRequestCouchDBURL, 
                                                   couchapp = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp)
        #TODO: change the config to hold couch url
        self.localCouchServer = CouchMonitor(self.config.JobStateMachine.couchurl)
        if self.pluginName != None:
            pluginFactory = WMFactory("plugins", "WMComponent.AnalyticsDataCollector.Plugins")
            self.plugin = pluginFactory.loadObject(classname = self.pluginName)

    def algorithm(self, parameters):
        get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch
            #jobs per request info
            logging.info("Getting Job Couch Data ...")
            jobInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobSummaryByWorkflowAndSite()

            #fwjr per request info
            logging.info("Getting FWJRJob Couch Data ...")
            fwjrInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobPerformanceByTaskAndSiteFromSummaryDB()
            logging.info("Getting Batch Job Data ...")
            batchJobInfo = self.wmagentDB.getBatchJobInfo()
            logging.info("Getting Finished Task Data ...")
            finishedTasks = self.wmagentDB.getFinishedSubscriptionByTask()

            # get the data from local workqueue:
            # request name, input dataset, inWMBS, inQueue
            logging.info("Getting Local Queue Data ...")
            localQInfo = {}
            if not hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
                localQInfo = self.localQueue.getAnalyticsData()
                logging.debug("Tier-0 instance, not checking WorkQueue")

            # combine all the data from 3 sources
            logging.info("""Combining data from
                                   Job Couch(%s),
                                   Batch Job(%s),
                                   Finished Tasks(%s),
                                   Local Queue(%s)  ...""" 
                    % (len(jobInfoFromCouch), len(fwjrInfoFromCouch), len(batchJobInfo), len(finishedTasks), len(localQInfo)))

            tempCombinedData = combineAnalyticsData(jobInfoFromCouch, batchJobInfo)
            combinedRequests = combineAnalyticsData(tempCombinedData, localQInfo)

            #set the uploadTime - should be the same for all docs
            uploadTime = int(time.time())
            logging.info("%s requests Data combined,\n uploading request data..." % len(combinedRequests))

示例6: AgentStatusPoller

class AgentStatusPoller(BaseWorkerThread):
    Gether the summary data for request (workflow) from local queue,
    local job couchdb, wmbs/boss air and populate summary db for monitoring

    def __init__(self, config):
        initialize properties specified from config
        # set the workqueue service for REST call
        self.config = config
        # need to get campaign, user, owner info
        self.agentInfo = initAgentInfo(self.config)
        self.summaryLevel = config.AnalyticsDataCollector.summaryLevel
        self.jsonFile = config.AgentStatusWatcher.jsonFile
        # counter for deep agent monitoring. Every 15min (3 cycles of the component)
        self.monitorCounter = 0
        self.monitorInterval = getattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher,
                                       'monitorPollInterval', 3)

    def setUpCouchDBReplication(self):

        self.replicatorDocs = []
        # set up common replication code
        wmstatsSource = self.config.JobStateMachine.jobSummaryDBName
        wmstatsTarget = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralWMStatsURL

            'source': wmstatsSource,
            'target': wmstatsTarget,
            'filter': "WMStatsAgent/repfilter"
        #TODO: tier0 specific code - need to make it generic
        if hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
            t0Source = self.config.Tier0Feeder.requestDBName
            t0Target = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL
                'source': t0Source,
                'target': t0Target,
                'filter': "T0Request/repfilter"
        else:  # set up workqueue replication
            wqfilter = 'WorkQueue/queueFilter'
            parentQURL = self.config.WorkQueueManager.queueParams[
            childURL = self.config.WorkQueueManager.queueParams["QueueURL"]
            query_params = {
                'childUrl': childURL,
                'parentUrl': sanitizeURL(parentQURL)['url']
            localQInboxURL = "%s_inbox" % self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localQueueURL

        # delete old replicator docs before setting up

        for rp in self.replicatorDocs:
                query_params=rp.get('query_params', False),
        # First cicle need to be skipped since document is not updated that fast
        self.skipReplicationCheck = True

    def setup(self, parameters):
        set db connection(couchdb, wmbs) to prepare to gather information

        # interface to WMBS/BossAir db
        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        # set wmagent db data
        self.wmagentDB = WMAgentDBData(self.summaryLevel, myThread.dbi,

        self.centralWMStatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(

示例7: AgentStatusPoller

class AgentStatusPoller(BaseWorkerThread):
    Gether the summary data for request (workflow) from local queue,
    local job couchdb, wmbs/boss air and populate summary db for monitoring
    def __init__(self, config):
        initialize properties specified from config
        # set the workqueue service for REST call
        self.config = config
        # need to get campaign, user, owner info
        self.agentInfo = initAgentInfo(self.config)
        self.summaryLevel = (config.AnalyticsDataCollector.summaryLevel).lower()
    def setUpCouchDBReplication(self):
        self.replicatorDocs = []
        # set up common replication code
        wmstatsSource = self.config.JobStateMachine.jobSummaryDBName
        wmstatsTarget = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralWMStatsURL
        self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': wmstatsSource, 'target': wmstatsTarget, 
                                    'filter':  "WMStatsAgent/repfilter"})
        #TODO: tier0 specific code - need to make it generic 
        if hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
            t0Source = self.config.Tier0Feeder.requestDBName
            t0Target = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL
            self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': t0Source, 'target': t0Target, 
                                        'filter': "T0Request/repfilter"})
        else: # set up workqueue replication
            wqfilter = 'WorkQueue/queueFilter'
            parentQURL = self.config.WorkQueueManager.queueParams["ParentQueueCouchUrl"]
            childURL = self.config.WorkQueueManager.queueParams["QueueURL"]
            query_params = {'childUrl' : childURL, 'parentUrl' : sanitizeURL(parentQURL)['url']}
            localQInboxURL = "%s_inbox" % self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localQueueURL
            self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': sanitizeURL(parentQURL)['url'], 'target': localQInboxURL, 
                                        'filter': wqfilter, 'query_params': query_params})       
            self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': sanitizeURL(localQInboxURL)['url'], 'target': parentQURL, 
                                        'filter': wqfilter, 'query_params': query_params})
    # delete or replicator docs befor setting up
        for rp in self.replicatorDocs:
                                           rp['source'], rp['target'], filter = rp['filter'], 
                                           query_params = rp.get('query_params', False),
                                           continuous = True, useReplicator = True)
        # First cicle need to be skipped since document is not updated that fast
        self.skipReplicationCheck = True
    def setup(self, parameters):
        set db connection(couchdb, wmbs) to prepare to gather information

        # interface to WMBS/BossAir db
        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        # set wmagent db data
        self.wmagentDB = WMAgentDBData(self.summaryLevel, myThread.dbi, myThread.logger)
        if hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
            self.centralWMStatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localWMStatsURL, 
                                                       appName= "WMStatsAgent")
            self.centralWMStatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralWMStatsURL)
        self.localCouchMonitor = CouchMonitor(self.config.JobStateMachine.couchurl)

    def algorithm(self, parameters):
        get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch
            logging.info("Getting Agent info ...")
            agentInfo = self.collectAgentInfo()
            #set the uploadTime - should be the same for all docs
            uploadTime = int(time.time())
            self.uploadAgentInfoToCentralWMStats(agentInfo, uploadTime)
            logging.info("Agent components down:\n %s" % agentInfo['down_components'])
            logging.info("Agent in drain mode:\n %s \nsleep for next WMStats alarm updating cycle"
                          % agentInfo['drain_mode'])
        except Exception as ex:
            logging.error("Error occurred, will retry later:")
            logging.error("Trace back: \n%s" % traceback.format_exc())
    def collectCouchDBInfo(self):
        couchInfo = {'status': 'ok', 'error_message': ""}

示例8: AgentStatusPoller

class AgentStatusPoller(BaseWorkerThread):
    Gether the summary data for request (workflow) from local queue,
    local job couchdb, wmbs/boss air and populate summary db for monitoring

    def __init__(self, config):
        initialize properties specified from config
        # set the workqueue service for REST call
        self.config = config
        # need to get campaign, user, owner info
        self.agentInfo = initAgentInfo(self.config)
        self.summaryLevel = config.AnalyticsDataCollector.summaryLevel

        proxyArgs = {'logger': logging.getLogger()}
        self.proxy = Proxy(proxyArgs)
        self.proxyFile = self.proxy.getProxyFilename()  # X509_USER_PROXY
        self.userCertFile = self.proxy.getUserCertFilename()  # X509_USER_CERT
        # credential lifetime warning/error thresholds, in days
        self.credThresholds = {'proxy': {'error': 3, 'warning': 5},
                               'certificate': {'error': 10, 'warning': 20}}

        # Monitoring setup
        self.userAMQ = getattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher, "userAMQ", None)
        self.passAMQ = getattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher, "passAMQ", None)
        self.postToAMQ = getattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher, "enableAMQ", False)
        self.topicAMQ = getattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher, "topicAMQ", None)
        self.hostPortAMQ = getattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher, "hostPortAMQ", [('cms-mb.cern.ch', 61313)])

        # T0 doesn't have WorkQueue, so some monitoring/replication code has to be skipped here
        if hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
            self.isT0agent = True
            self.producer = "tier0wmagent"
            self.isT0agent = False
            self.producer = "wmagent"
            localWQUrl = config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localQueueURL
            self.workqueueDS = WorkQueueDS(localWQUrl)

    def setUpCouchDBReplication(self):

        self.replicatorDocs = []
        # set up common replication code
        wmstatsSource = self.config.JobStateMachine.jobSummaryDBName
        wmstatsTarget = self.config.General.centralWMStatsURL

        self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': wmstatsSource, 'target': wmstatsTarget,
                                    'filter': "WMStatsAgent/repfilter"})
        if self.isT0agent:
            t0Source = self.config.Tier0Feeder.requestDBName
            t0Target = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL
            self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': t0Source, 'target': t0Target,
                                        'filter': "T0Request/repfilter"})
            # set up workqueue replication
            wqfilter = 'WorkQueue/queueFilter'
            parentQURL = self.config.WorkQueueManager.queueParams["ParentQueueCouchUrl"]
            childURL = self.config.WorkQueueManager.queueParams["QueueURL"]
            query_params = {'childUrl': childURL, 'parentUrl': sanitizeURL(parentQURL)['url']}
            localQInboxURL = "%s_inbox" % self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localQueueURL
            self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': sanitizeURL(parentQURL)['url'], 'target': localQInboxURL,
                                        'filter': wqfilter, 'query_params': query_params})
            self.replicatorDocs.append({'source': sanitizeURL(localQInboxURL)['url'], 'target': parentQURL,
                                        'filter': wqfilter, 'query_params': query_params})

        # delete old replicator docs before setting up

        for rp in self.replicatorDocs:
                rp['source'], rp['target'], filter=rp['filter'],
                query_params=rp.get('query_params', False),
        # First cicle need to be skipped since document is not updated that fast
        self.skipReplicationCheck = True

    def setup(self, parameters):
        set db connection(couchdb, wmbs) to prepare to gather information

        # interface to WMBS/BossAir db
        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        # set wmagent db data
        self.wmagentDB = WMAgentDBData(self.summaryLevel, myThread.dbi, myThread.logger)

        self.centralWMStatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.General.centralWMStatsURL)

        self.localCouchMonitor = CouchMonitor(self.config.JobStateMachine.couchurl)

    def algorithm(self, parameters):
        get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch

示例9: AnalyticsPoller

class AnalyticsPoller(BaseWorkerThread):
    Gether the summary data for request (workflow) from local queue, 
    local job couchdb, wmbs/boss air and populate summary db for monitoring 
    def __init__(self, config):
        initialize properties specified from config
        # set the workqueue service for REST call
        self.config = config
        self.agentInfo = {}
        self.agentInfo['agent_team'] = config.Agent.teamName
        self.agentInfo['agent'] = config.Agent.agentName
        # temporarly add port for the split test
        self.agentInfo['agent_url'] = ("%s:%s" % (config.Agent.hostName, config.WMBSService.Webtools.port)) 
        # need to get campaign, user, owner info
        self.agentDocID = "agent+hostname"
        self.summaryLevel = (config.AnalyticsDataCollector.summaryLevel).lower()
    def setup(self, parameters):
        set db connection(couchdb, wmbs) to prepare to gether information
        self.localQueue = WorkQueueService(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localQueueURL)
        # set the connection for local couchDB call
        self.localCouchDB = LocalCouchDBData(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localCouchURL, self.summaryLevel)
        # interface to WMBS/BossAir db
        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        # set wmagent db data
        self.wmagentDB = WMAgentDBData(self.summaryLevel, myThread.dbi, myThread.logger)
        # set the connection for local couchDB call
        self.localSummaryCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localWMStatsURL)
        logging.info("Setting the replication to central monitor ...")
    def algorithm(self, parameters):
        get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch
            #jobs per request info
            logging.info("Getting Job Couch Data ...")
            jobInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobSummaryByWorkflowAndSite()
            #fwjr per request info
            logging.info("Getting FWJRJob Couch Data ...")
            fwjrInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getEventSummaryByWorkflow()
            logging.info("Getting Batch Job Data ...")
            batchJobInfo = self.wmagentDB.getBatchJobInfo()
            # get the data from local workqueue:
            # request name, input dataset, inWMBS, inQueue
            logging.info("Getting Local Queue Data ...")
            localQInfo = self.localQueue.getAnalyticsData()
            # combine all the data from 3 sources
            logging.info("""Combining data from 
                                   Job Couch(%s),
                                   Batch Job(%s), 
                                   Local Queue(%s)  ...""" 
                    % (len(jobInfoFromCouch), len(fwjrInfoFromCouch), len(batchJobInfo), len(localQInfo)))
            tempCombinedData = combineAnalyticsData(jobInfoFromCouch, batchJobInfo)
            combinedRequests = combineAnalyticsData(tempCombinedData, localQInfo)
            #set the uploadTime - should be the same for all docs
            uploadTime = int(time.time())
            logging.info("%s requests Data combined,\n uploading request data..." % len(combinedRequests))
            requestDocs = convertToRequestCouchDoc(combinedRequests, fwjrInfoFromCouch,
                                                   self.agentInfo, uploadTime, self.summaryLevel)
            logging.info("Request data upload success\n %s request \n uploading agent data" % len(requestDocs))
            #TODO: agent info (need to include job Slots for the sites)
            agentInfo = self.wmagentDB.getHeartBeatWarning()
            agentDocs = convertToAgentCouchDoc(agentInfo, self.config.ACDC, uploadTime)
            logging.info("Agent data upload success\n %s request" % len(agentDocs))
        except Exception, ex:

示例10: AnalyticsPoller

class AnalyticsPoller(BaseWorkerThread):
    Gether the summary data for request (workflow) from local queue,
    local job couchdb, wmbs/boss air and populate summary db for monitoring
    def __init__(self, config):
        initialize properties specified from config
        # set the workqueue service for REST call
        self.config = config
        self.agentInfo = {}
        self.agentInfo['agent_team'] = config.Agent.teamName
        self.agentInfo['agent'] = config.Agent.agentName
        # temporarly add port for the split test
        self.agentInfo['agent_url'] = ("%s:%s" % (config.Agent.hostName, config.WMBSService.Webtools.port))
        # need to get campaign, user, owner info
        self.agentDocID = "agent+hostname"
        self.summaryLevel = (config.AnalyticsDataCollector.summaryLevel).lower()
        self.pluginName = getattr(config.AnalyticsDataCollector, "pluginName", None)
        self.plugin = None
    def setup(self, parameters):
        set db connection(couchdb, wmbs) to prepare to gather information
        # set the connection to local queue
        self.localQueue = WorkQueueService(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localQueueURL)

        # set the connection for local couchDB call
        self.localCouchDB = LocalCouchDBData(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localCouchURL, self.summaryLevel)

        # interface to WMBS/BossAir db
        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        # set wmagent db data
        self.wmagentDB = WMAgentDBData(self.summaryLevel, myThread.dbi, myThread.logger)
        # set the connection for local couchDB call
        self.localSummaryCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localWMStatsURL)
        self.centralWMStatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralWMStatsURL)
        if self.pluginName != None:
            pluginFactory = WMFactory("plugins", "WMComponent.AnalyticsDataCollector.Plugins")
            self.plugin = pluginFactory.loadObject(classname = self.pluginName)

    def algorithm(self, parameters):
        get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch
            logging.info("Getting Agent info ...")
            agentInfo = self.collectAgentInfo()
            #jobs per request info
            logging.info("Getting Job Couch Data ...")
            jobInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobSummaryByWorkflowAndSite()

            #fwjr per request info
            logging.info("Getting FWJRJob Couch Data ...")

            #fwjrInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getEventSummaryByWorkflow()
            fwjrInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobPerformanceByTaskAndSite()
            logging.info("Getting Batch Job Data ...")
            batchJobInfo = self.wmagentDB.getBatchJobInfo()
            logging.info("Getting Finished Task Data ...")
            finishedTasks = self.wmagentDB.getFinishedSubscriptionByTask()

            # get the data from local workqueue:
            # request name, input dataset, inWMBS, inQueue
            logging.info("Getting Local Queue Data ...")
            localQInfo = self.localQueue.getAnalyticsData()

            # combine all the data from 3 sources
            logging.info("""Combining data from
                                   Job Couch(%s),
                                   Batch Job(%s),
                                   Finished Tasks(%s),
                                   Local Queue(%s)  ...""" 
                    % (len(jobInfoFromCouch), len(fwjrInfoFromCouch), len(batchJobInfo), len(finishedTasks), len(localQInfo)))

            tempCombinedData = combineAnalyticsData(jobInfoFromCouch, batchJobInfo)
            combinedRequests = combineAnalyticsData(tempCombinedData, localQInfo)

            #set the uploadTime - should be the same for all docs
            uploadTime = int(time.time())
            self.uploadAgentInfoToCentralWMStats(agentInfo, uploadTime)
            logging.info("%s requests Data combined,\n uploading request data..." % len(combinedRequests))
            requestDocs = convertToRequestCouchDoc(combinedRequests, fwjrInfoFromCouch, finishedTasks,
                                                   self.agentInfo, uploadTime, self.summaryLevel)

            if self.plugin != None:
                self.plugin(requestDocs, self.localSummaryCouchDB, self.centralWMStatsCouchDB)

