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Python QPainter.fontMetrics方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中PySide.QtGui.QPainter.fontMetrics方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python QPainter.fontMetrics方法的具体用法?Python QPainter.fontMetrics怎么用?Python QPainter.fontMetrics使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在PySide.QtGui.QPainter的用法示例。


示例1: paintEvent

# 需要导入模块: from PySide.QtGui import QPainter [as 别名]
# 或者: from PySide.QtGui.QPainter import fontMetrics [as 别名]
    def paintEvent(self, event):

        painter = QPainter(self)

        # Рисование цифр в ячейки таблицы
        for i in range(self.matrix_size):
            for j in range(self.matrix_size):
                # Если текущая ячейка относится к дефолтной судоку
                if self.def_num_matrix[i][j]:
                    # painter.setPen()
                    x = i * self.cell_size
                    y = j * self.cell_size
                    w, h = self.cell_size, self.cell_size
                    painter.drawRect(x, y, w, h)

        # TODO: Закомментировано
        # Если индекс ячейки под курсором валидный
        if 0 <= self.x_highlight_cell < self.matrix_size and 0 <= self.y_highlight_cell < self.matrix_size:
            # # Выделение всего столбца и строки пересекающих ячейку под курсором
            # painter.save()
            # painter.setBrush(Qt.lightGray)
            # # Выделение строки
            # for i in range(self.matrix_size):
            #     painter.drawRect(i * self.cell_size,
            #                      self.y_highlight_cell * self.cell_size,
            #                      self.cell_size,
            #                      self.cell_size)
            # # Выделение столбца
            # for j in range(self.matrix_size):
            #     painter.drawRect(self.x_highlight_cell * self.cell_size,
            #                      j * self.cell_size,
            #                      self.cell_size,
            #                      self.cell_size)
            # painter.restore()

            x, y = self.x_highlight_cell, self.y_highlight_cell

            # Не подсвечиваем дефолтную ячейку
            if not self.def_num_matrix[x][y]:
                # Выделение ячейки под курсором
                painter.drawRect(x * self.cell_size,
                                 y * self.cell_size,

        # Рисование цифр в ячейки таблицы
        for i in range(self.matrix_size):
            for j in range(self.matrix_size):
                num = self.matrix[i][j]
                if not num:

                num = str(num)

                # Алгоритм изменения размера текста взят из http://stackoverflow.com/a/2204501
                # Для текущего пришлось немного адаптировать
                factor = (self.cell_size / 2) / painter.fontMetrics().width(num)
                if factor < 1 or factor > 1.25:
                    f = painter.font()
                    point_size = f.pointSizeF() * factor
                    if point_size > 0:

                x = i * self.cell_size
                y = j * self.cell_size
                w, h = self.cell_size, self.cell_size
                painter.drawText(x, y, w, h, Qt.AlignCenter, num)

        # Рисование сетки таблицы
        y1, y2 = 0, 0

        factor = min(self.width(), self.height()) / self.default_size
        size = self.default_pen_size_1
        size2 = self.default_pen_size_2

        if factor < 1 or factor > 1.25:
            size *= factor
            if size < self.min_default_pen_size_2:
                size = self.min_default_pen_size_2


        for i in range(self.matrix_size + 1):
            painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.black, size2 if i % 3 == 0 and i and i < self.matrix_size else size))
            painter.drawLine(0, y1, self.cell_size * self.matrix_size, y2)

            y1 += self.cell_size
            y2 += self.cell_size


示例2: add_labels_internal

# 需要导入模块: from PySide.QtGui import QPainter [as 别名]
# 或者: from PySide.QtGui.QPainter import fontMetrics [as 别名]
    def add_labels_internal(self, gl, render_state, draw_to_canvas, labels):
        call to add a list of labels
        text_paint = QPainter()
        if draw_to_canvas:
        u = 0
        v = 0
        line_height = 0

        for label in labels:
            ascent = 0
            descent = 0
            measured_text_width = 0
            height = 0
            width = 0

            font_size = label.font_size
            while True:
                metrics = None
                if draw_to_canvas:
                    mask = 0x000000FF
                    b = (label.color >> 16) & mask 
                    g = (label.color >> 8) & mask
                    r = label.color & mask
                    ######################################################################## LINE CHANGED
                    text_paint.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0))
                    #text_paint.setPen(QColor(r, g, b))
                    # The value 0.75 is hard coded representing phone pixel density
                    text_paint.setFont(QFont('Veranda', font_size * 0.75))
                    # Paint.ascent is negative, so negate it.
                    metrics = text_paint.fontMetrics()
                    # The value 0.75 is hard coded representing phone pixel density
                    metrics = QFontMetrics(QFont('Veranda', font_size * 0.75))
                ascent = math.ceil(metrics.ascent())
                descent = math.ceil(metrics.descent())
                measured_text_width = math.ceil(metrics.boundingRect(label.string).width())
                height = int(ascent) + int(descent)
                width = int(measured_text_width)
                # If it's wider than the screen, try it again with a font size of 1
                # smaller.
                font_size -= 1
                if font_size < 0 or width < render_state.screen_width:
            next_u = 0
            # Is there room for this string on the current line?
            if u + width > self.strike_width:
                # No room, go to the next line:
                u = 0
                next_u = width
                v += line_height
                line_height = 0
                next_u = u + width

            line_height = max(line_height, height)
            if (v + line_height > self.strike_height) and draw_to_canvas:
                raise Exception("out of texture space.")

            v_base = v + ascent
            if draw_to_canvas:
                text_paint.drawText(int(u), int(v_base), label.string)
                label.set_texture_data(width, height, u, v + height, width, -height, 
                                       self.texel_width, self.texel_height)
            u = next_u
        if draw_to_canvas:
        return v + line_height
