本文整理汇总了Python中PyQt5.QtCore.QModelIndex类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python QModelIndex类的具体用法?Python QModelIndex怎么用?Python QModelIndex使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: data
def data(self, QModelIndex, int_role=None):
result_couple = self.cmp_res.result_l[QModelIndex.row()]
if int_role == Qt.DisplayRole:
if QModelIndex.column() == ResultTableMdl.NAME_COLUMN:
return result_couple.test_var.name
if QModelIndex.column() == ResultTableMdl.ERROR_COLUMN:
return '{:.3f}%'.format(result_couple.error)
if QModelIndex.column() == ResultTableMdl.STATUS_COLUMN:
return result_couple.status
if int_role == Qt.ForegroundRole and QModelIndex.column() == ResultTableMdl.STATUS_COLUMN:
color = QBrush(Qt.black)
if result_couple.status == ResultCouple.STS_KO:
color = QBrush(Qt.red)
if result_couple.status == ResultCouple.STS_WARN:
color = QBrush(QColor(255, 157, 0, 255))
if result_couple.status == ResultCouple.STS_PASS:
# Yellowish-GREEN
color = QBrush(QColor(153, 204, 0, 255))
if result_couple.status == ResultCouple.STS_MATCH:
color = QBrush(QColor(0, 204, 0, 255))
return color
示例2: getItem
def getItem(self, index: QModelIndex) -> ProtocolTreeItem:
if index.isValid():
item = index.internalPointer()
if item:
return item
return self.rootItem
示例3: data
def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
i, j = index.row(), index.column()
if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
lbl = self.message_type[i]
except IndexError:
return False
if j == 0:
return lbl.name
elif j == 1:
return self.message.get_label_range(lbl, view=self.proto_view, decode=True)[0] + 1
elif j == 2:
return self.message.get_label_range(lbl, view=self.proto_view, decode=True)[1]
elif j == 3:
return lbl.color_index
elif j == 4:
return lbl.apply_decoding
elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
return Qt.AlignCenter
elif role == Qt.FontRole and j == 0:
font = QFont()
font.setItalic(self.message_type[i].field_type is None)
return font
return None
示例4: __newFolder
def __newFolder(self):
Private slot to add a new bookmarks folder.
from .BookmarkNode import BookmarkNode
currentIndex = self.bookmarksTree.currentIndex()
idx = QModelIndex(currentIndex)
sourceIndex = self.__proxyModel.mapToSource(idx)
sourceNode = self.__bookmarksModel.node(sourceIndex)
row = -1 # append new folder as the last item per default
if sourceNode is not None and \
sourceNode.type() != BookmarkNode.Folder:
# If the selected item is not a folder, add a new folder to the
# parent folder, but directly below the selected item.
idx = idx.parent()
row = currentIndex.row() + 1
if not idx.isValid():
# Select bookmarks menu as default.
idx = self.__proxyModel.index(1, 0)
idx = self.__proxyModel.mapToSource(idx)
parent = self.__bookmarksModel.node(idx)
node = BookmarkNode(BookmarkNode.Folder)
node.title = self.tr("New Folder")
self.__bookmarksManager.addBookmark(parent, node, row)
示例5: setData
def setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
if role != Qt.EditRole:
return True
i = index.row()
j = index.column()
a = self.get_alignment_offset_at(i)
j -= a
hex_chars = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f")
if i >= len(self.protocol.messages):
return False
if self.proto_view == 0 and value in ("0", "1") and self.__pad_until_index(i, j + 1):
self.protocol.messages[i][j] = bool(int(value))
self.display_data[i][j] = int(value)
elif self.proto_view == 1 and value in hex_chars and self.__pad_until_index(i, (j + 1) * 4):
converted_j = self.protocol.convert_index(j, 1, 0, self.decode, message_indx=i)[0]
bits = "{0:04b}".format(int(value, 16))
for k in range(4):
self.protocol.messages[i][converted_j + k] = bool(int(bits[k]))
self.display_data[i][j] = int(value, 16)
elif self.proto_view == 2 and len(value) == 1 and self.__pad_until_index(i, (j + 1) * 8):
converted_j = self.protocol.convert_index(j, 2, 0, self.decode, message_indx=i)[0]
bits = "{0:08b}".format(ord(value))
for k in range(8):
self.protocol.messages[i][converted_j + k] = bool(int(bits[k]))
self.display_data[i][j] = ord(value)
return False
self.data_edited.emit(i, j)
return True
示例6: data
def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
if not index.isValid():
return None
i = index.row()
j = index.column()
device = self.get_device_at(i)
if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
if j == 0:
return self.backend_handler.DEVICE_NAMES[i]
elif j == 1:
if device.is_enabled:
if device.supports_rx and device.supports_tx:
device_info = "supports RX and TX"
elif device.supports_rx and not device.supports_tx:
device_info = "supports RX only"
elif not device.supports_rx and device.supports_tx:
device_info = "supports TX only"
device_info = ""
device_info = "disabled"
return device_info
elif j == 2:
return "" if device.has_native_backend else "not available"
elif j == 3:
return "" if device.has_gnuradio_backend else "not available"
elif role == Qt.CheckStateRole:
if j == 0 and (device.has_native_backend or device.has_gnuradio_backend):
return Qt.Checked if device.is_enabled else Qt.Unchecked
elif j == 2 and device.has_native_backend:
return Qt.Checked if device.selected_backend == Backends.native else Qt.Unchecked
elif j == 3 and device.has_gnuradio_backend:
return Qt.Checked if device.selected_backend == Backends.grc else Qt.Unchecked
示例7: setData
def setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value, role=Qt.EditRole):
if value == "":
return True
i = index.row()
j = index.column()
if i >= len(self.message_type):
return False
lbl = self.__get_label_at(i)
if j == 0:
lbl.name = value
type_before = type(lbl)
self.message_type.change_field_type_of_label(lbl, self.field_types_by_caption.get(value, None))
lbl = self.__get_label_at(i)
if type_before != ProtocolLabel or type(lbl) != ProtocolLabel:
elif j == 1:
lbl.start = self.message.convert_index(int(value - 1), from_view=self.proto_view, to_view=0, decoded=True)[
elif j == 2:
lbl.end = self.message.convert_index(int(value), from_view=self.proto_view, to_view=0, decoded=True)[0]
elif j == 3:
lbl.color_index = value
elif j == 4:
if bool(value) != lbl.apply_decoding:
lbl.apply_decoding = bool(value)
return True
示例8: setData
def setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value, role=None):
if role == Qt.EditRole:
i, j = index.row(), index.column()
label = self.message_type[i] # type: SimulatorProtocolLabel
if j == 0:
label.name = value
ft = self.controller.field_types_by_caption.get(value, FieldType("Custom", FieldType.Function.CUSTOM))
label.field_type = ft
elif j == 1:
label.display_format_index = value
elif j == 2:
label.value_type_index = value
elif j == 3:
if label.value_type_index == 0:
message = label.parent()
bits = util.convert_string_to_bits(value, label.display_format_index,
message.plain_bits[label.start:label.end] = bits
except ValueError:
elif label.value_type_index == 2:
label.formula = value
elif label.value_type_index == 3:
label.external_program = value
elif label.value_type_index == 4:
label.random_min = value[0]
label.random_max = value[1]
self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(i, 0),
self.index(i, self.columnCount()))
return True
示例9: setData
def setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
i = index.row()
j = index.column()
if i >= len(self.participants):
return False
participant = self.participants[i]
if j == 0:
participant.name = value
elif j == 1:
participant.shortname = value
elif j == 2:
participant.color_index = int(value)
elif j == 3:
for other in self.participants:
if other.relative_rssi == int(value):
other.relative_rssi = participant.relative_rssi
participant.relative_rssi = int(value)
elif j == 4:
participant.address_hex = value
return True
示例10: setData
def setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value: QVariant, role: int = None):
if not index.isValid():
return False
item = index.internalPointer()
if role == Qt.CheckStateRole:
childrenCount = item.childrenCount()
if childrenCount:
for i in range(childrenCount):
self.setData(index.child(i, 0), value, role = role)
item.selected = bool(value)
self.dataChanged.emit(index, index, [Qt.CheckStateRole])
# recalculate parents
p = index
while True:
p = p.parent()
if p.isValid():
self.dataChanged.emit(p, p, [Qt.CheckStateRole])
# success
return True
if role == Qt.EditRole:
assert index.column() == TaskTreeColumn.FileName
self.dataChanged.emit(index, index, [Qt.DisplayRole])
return True
return False
示例11: link_index
def link_index(self, index: QModelIndex):
lbl = self.message_type[index.row()] # type: SimulatorProtocolLabel
if index.column() == 2 and lbl.is_checksum_label:
return True
return False
return False
示例12: flags
def flags(self, index: QModelIndex):
flags = super().flags(index)
if index.column() in (0, 1, 2, 3):
flags |= Qt.ItemIsEditable
if index.column() == 0:
flags |= Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable
return flags
示例13: on_commitData
def on_commitData(editor: QLineEdit):
new_text = editor.text()
idx = QModelIndex(self.opened)
row, col = idx.row(), idx.column()
_prior_text, user_role = self.tv.text_txid_from_coordinate(row, col)
# check that we didn't forget to set UserRole on an editable field
assert user_role is not None, (row, col)
self.tv.on_edited(idx, user_role, new_text)
示例14: flags
def flags(self, index: QModelIndex):
result = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable
if index.column() == TaskTreeColumn.FileName:
result |= Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsTristate
if index.row() == 0:
result |= Qt.ItemIsEditable
return result
示例15: setData
def setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
if role == Qt.CheckStateRole:
proto_label = self.labels[index.row()]
proto_label.fuzz_me = value
elif role == Qt.EditRole:
if len(value) > 0:
self.labels[index.row()].name = value
return True