本文整理汇总了Python中PyQt5.Qt.QTextCursor.block方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python QTextCursor.block方法的具体用法?Python QTextCursor.block怎么用?Python QTextCursor.block使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类PyQt5.Qt.QTextCursor
示例1: find_text
# 需要导入模块: from PyQt5.Qt import QTextCursor [as 别名]
# 或者: from PyQt5.Qt.QTextCursor import block [as 别名]
def find_text(self, pat, cursor):
from calibre.gui2.tweak_book.text_search import find_text_in_chunks
chunks = []
cstart = min(cursor.position(), cursor.anchor())
cend = max(cursor.position(), cursor.anchor())
c = QTextCursor(cursor)
block = c.block()
in_text = find_tag_definition(block, 0)[0] is None
if in_text:
# Check if we are in comment/PI/etc.
pb = block.previous()
while pb.isValid():
boundaries = pb.userData().non_tag_structures
if boundaries:
if boundaries[-1].is_start:
in_text = False
pb = pb.previous()
def append(text, start):
text = text.replace(PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR, '\n')
after = start + len(text)
if start <= cend and cstart < after:
extra = after - (cend + 1)
if extra > 0:
text = text[:-extra]
extra = cstart - start
if extra > 0:
text = text[extra:]
chunks.append((text, start + max(extra, 0)))
while block.isValid() and block.position() <= cend:
ud = block.userData()
boundaries = sorted(chain(ud.tags, ud.non_tag_structures), key=get_offset)
if not boundaries:
# Add the whole line
if in_text:
text = block.text() + '\n'
append(text, block.position())
start = block.position()
for b in boundaries:
if in_text:
c.setPosition(start + b.offset, c.KeepAnchor)
if c.hasSelection():
append(c.selectedText(), c.anchor())
in_text = not b.is_start
c.setPosition(start + b.offset + 1)
if in_text:
# Add remaining text in block
c.setPosition(block.position() + boundaries[-1].offset + 1)
c.movePosition(c.EndOfBlock, c.KeepAnchor)
if c.hasSelection():
append(c.selectedText() + '\n', c.anchor())
block = block.next()
s, e = find_text_in_chunks(pat, chunks)
return s != -1 and e != -1, s, e
示例2: find_text
# 需要导入模块: from PyQt5.Qt import QTextCursor [as 别名]
# 或者: from PyQt5.Qt.QTextCursor import block [as 别名]
def find_text(self, pat, cursor):
from calibre.gui2.tweak_book.text_search import find_text_in_chunks
chunks = []
cstart = min(cursor.position(), cursor.anchor())
cend = max(cursor.position(), cursor.anchor())
c = QTextCursor(cursor)
block = c.block()
in_text = find_tag_definition(block, 0)[0] is None
def append(text, start):
after = start + len(text)
if start <= cend and cstart < after:
extra = after - (cend + 1)
if extra > 0:
text = text[:-extra]
extra = cstart - start
if extra > 0:
text = text[extra:]
chunks.append((text, start + max(extra, 0)))
while block.isValid() and block.position() <= cend:
boundaries = sorted(block.userData().tags, key=get_offset)
if not boundaries:
# Add the whole line
if in_text:
text = block.text()
if text:
append(text, block.position())
start = block.position()
for b in boundaries:
if in_text:
c.setPosition(start + b.offset, c.KeepAnchor)
if c.hasSelection():
append(c.selectedText(), c.anchor())
in_text = not b.is_start
c.setPosition(start + b.offset + 1)
if in_text:
# Add remaining text in block
c.setPosition(block.position() + boundaries[-1].offset + 1)
c.movePosition(c.EndOfBlock, c.KeepAnchor)
if c.hasSelection():
append(c.selectedText(), c.anchor())
block = block.next()
s, e = find_text_in_chunks(pat, chunks)
return s != -1 and e != -1, s, e
示例3: show_context_menu
# 需要导入模块: from PyQt5.Qt import QTextCursor [as 别名]
# 或者: from PyQt5.Qt.QTextCursor import block [as 别名]
def show_context_menu(self, pos):
m = QMenu(self)
a = m.addAction
c = self.editor.cursorForPosition(pos)
origc = QTextCursor(c)
current_cursor = self.editor.textCursor()
r = origr = self.editor.syntax_range_for_cursor(c)
if (r is None or not r.format.property(SPELL_PROPERTY)) and c.positionInBlock() > 0 and not current_cursor.hasSelection():
c.setPosition(c.position() - 1)
r = self.editor.syntax_range_for_cursor(c)
if r is not None and r.format.property(SPELL_PROPERTY):
word = self.editor.text_for_range(c.block(), r)
locale = self.editor.spellcheck_locale_for_cursor(c)
orig_pos = c.position()
c.setPosition(orig_pos - utf16_length(word))
found = False
if self.editor.find_spell_word([word], locale.langcode, center_on_cursor=False):
found = True
fc = self.editor.textCursor()
if fc.position() < c.position():
self.editor.find_spell_word([word], locale.langcode, center_on_cursor=False)
spell_cursor = self.editor.textCursor()
if current_cursor.hasSelection():
# Restore the current cursor so that any selection is preserved
# for the change case actions
if found:
suggestions = dictionaries.suggestions(word, locale)[:7]
if suggestions:
for suggestion in suggestions:
ac = m.addAction(suggestion, partial(self.editor.simple_replace, suggestion, cursor=spell_cursor))
f = ac.font()
f.setBold(True), ac.setFont(f)
m.addAction(_('Ignore this word'), partial(self._nuke_word, None, word, locale))
dics = dictionaries.active_user_dictionaries
if len(dics) > 0:
if len(dics) == 1:
m.addAction(_('Add this word to the dictionary: {0}').format(dics[0].name), partial(
self._nuke_word, dics[0].name, word, locale))
ac = m.addAction(_('Add this word to the dictionary'))
dmenu = QMenu(m)
for dic in dics:
dmenu.addAction(dic.name, partial(self._nuke_word, dic.name, word, locale))
if origr is not None and origr.format.property(LINK_PROPERTY):
href = self.editor.text_for_range(origc.block(), origr)
m.addAction(_('Open %s') % href, partial(self.link_clicked.emit, href))
if origr is not None and (origr.format.property(TAG_NAME_PROPERTY) or origr.format.property(CSS_PROPERTY)):
word = self.editor.text_for_range(origc.block(), origr)
item_type = 'tag_name' if origr.format.property(TAG_NAME_PROPERTY) else 'css_property'
url = help_url(word, item_type, self.editor.highlighter.doc_name, extra_data=current_container().opf_version)
if url is not None:
m.addAction(_('Show help for: %s') % word, partial(open_url, url))
for x in ('undo', 'redo'):
ac = actions['editor-%s' % x]
if ac.isEnabled():
for x in ('cut', 'copy', 'paste'):
ac = actions['editor-' + x]
if ac.isEnabled():
m.addAction(_('&Select all'), self.editor.select_all)
if self.selected_text or self.has_marked_text:
if self.syntax != 'css' and actions['editor-cut'].isEnabled():
cm = QMenu(_('Change &case'), m)
for ac in 'upper lower swap title capitalize'.split():
cm.addAction(actions['transform-case-' + ac])
if self.syntax == 'html':
示例4: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from PyQt5.Qt import QTextCursor [as 别名]
# 或者: from PyQt5.Qt.QTextCursor import block [as 别名]
class DocumentFactory:
def __init__(self, contentPath, formatManager):
self.formatManager = formatManager
self.contentPath = contentPath
def createDocument(self, rootFrame):
# Create empty document
self.document = QTextDocument()
# Register a renderer for custom text objects
mo = CustomObjectRenderer()
self.document.documentLayout().registerHandler(QTextCharFormat.UserObject+1, mo);
self.cursor = QTextCursor(self.document)
self.listLevel = 0
self.paraFormat = None
# add all root paragraphs
for n in rootFrame.children:
# Clean up the first paragraph if document is not empty
b = self.cursor.block()
if b.length() == 1:
cursor = QTextCursor(self.document.findBlockByLineNumber(0))
return self.document
def addNode(self, node):
if type(node) == Paragraph:
self.paraFormat = self.formatManager.getFormat(node.style)
# NOTE: "The block char format is the format used when inserting
# text at the beginning of an empty block."
# See also below.
self.cursor.insertBlock(self.paraFormat.getBlockFormat(), self.paraFormat.getCharFormat())
# self.cursor.insertFragment(QTextDocumentFragment.fromPlainText(''))
if self.listLevel > 0:
# TODO: use list style from list node - requires a stack, though ...
listStyle = ('itemizedlist', 'level', str(self.listLevel))
newList = self.cursor.createList(self.formatManager.getFormat(listStyle).getListFormat())
for n in node.children:
elif type(node) == List:
self.listLevel += 1
for n in node.children:
self.listLevel -= 1
elif type(node) is ImageFragment:
imageObject = ImageObject()
imagePath = os.path.join(self.contentPath, node.image)
imageObjectFormat = QTextCharFormat()
imageObjectFormat.setObjectType(QTextFormat.UserObject + 1)
imageObjectFormat.setProperty(QTextFormat.UserProperty + 1, imageObject)
self.cursor.insertText('\ufffc', imageObjectFormat);
elif type(node) is MathFragment:
mathFormula = MathFormulaObject()
mathFormula.image = node.image # renderFormula()
mathObjectFormat = QTextCharFormat()
mathObjectFormat.setObjectType(QTextFormat.UserObject + 1)
mathObjectFormat.setProperty(QTextFormat.UserProperty + 1, mathFormula)
self.cursor.insertText('\ufffc', mathObjectFormat);
elif type(node) is TextFragment:
text = node.text.replace('\n', '\u2028')
if node.href is not None:
fmt = self.formatManager.getFormat(('link', None, None)) # TODO!
charFmt = fmt.getCharFormat()
self.cursor.insertText(text, charFmt)
# "The block char format is the format used when inserting text at the beginning of an empty block.
# Hence, the block char format is only useful for the first fragment -
# once a fragment is inserted with a different style, and afterwards
# another fragment is inserted with no specific style, we need to reset
# the char format to the block's char format explicitly!
if node.style is not None:
fmt = self.formatManager.getFormat(node.style)
fmt = self.paraFormat