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Python QTabBar.tabToolTip方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中PyQt4.QtGui.QTabBar.tabToolTip方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python QTabBar.tabToolTip方法的具体用法?Python QTabBar.tabToolTip怎么用?Python QTabBar.tabToolTip使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在PyQt4.QtGui.QTabBar的用法示例。


示例1: E4SideBar

# 需要导入模块: from PyQt4.QtGui import QTabBar [as 别名]
# 或者: from PyQt4.QtGui.QTabBar import tabToolTip [as 别名]

        @param index index of the tab (integer)
        @return icon of the tab (QIcon)
        return self.__tabBar.tabIcon(index)
    def setTabIcon(self, index, icon):
        Public method to set the icon of a tab.
        @param index index of the tab (integer)
        @param icon icon to be set (QIcon)
        self.__tabBar.setTabIcon(index, icon)
    def tabText(self, index):
        Public method to get the text of a tab.
        @param index index of the tab (integer)
        @return text of the tab (QString)
        return self.__tabBar.tabText(index)
    def setTabText(self, index, text):
        Public method to set the text of a tab.
        @param index index of the tab (integer)
        @param text text to set (QString)
        self.__tabBar.setTabText(index, text)
    def tabToolTip(self, index):
        Public method to get the tooltip text of a tab.
        @param index index of the tab (integer)
        @return tooltip text of the tab (QString)
        return self.__tabBar.tabToolTip(index)
    def setTabToolTip(self, index, tip):
        Public method to set the tooltip text of a tab.
        @param index index of the tab (integer)
        @param tooltip text text to set (QString)
        self.__tabBar.setTabToolTip(index, tip)
    def tabWhatsThis(self, index):
        Public method to get the WhatsThis text of a tab.
        @param index index of the tab (integer)
        @return WhatsThis text of the tab (QString)
        return self.__tabBar.tabWhatsThis(index)
    def setTabWhatsThis(self, index, text):
        Public method to set the WhatsThis text of a tab.
        @param index index of the tab (integer)
        @param WhatsThis text text to set (QString)

示例2: SideBar

# 需要导入模块: from PyQt4.QtGui import QTabBar [as 别名]
# 或者: from PyQt4.QtGui.QTabBar import tabToolTip [as 别名]


    def indexOf( self, widget ):
        """ Provides the index of the given widget """

        return self.__stackedWidget.indexOf( widget )

    def isTabEnabled( self, index ):
        """ Check if the tab is enabled """

        return self.__tabBar.isTabEnabled( index )

    def setTabEnabled( self, index, enabled ):
        """ Set the enabled state of the tab """

        self.__tabBar.setTabEnabled( index, enabled )

    def orientation( self ):
        """ Provides the orientation of the sidebar """

        return self.__orientation

    def setOrientation( self, orient ):
        """ Set the orientation of the sidebar """

        if orient == SideBar.North:
            self.__tabBar.setShape( QTabBar.RoundedNorth )
            self.barLayout.setDirection( QBoxLayout.LeftToRight )
            self.layout.setDirection( QBoxLayout.TopToBottom )
            self.layout.setAlignment( self.barLayout, Qt.AlignLeft )
        elif orient == SideBar.East:
            self.__tabBar.setShape( QTabBar.RoundedEast )
            self.barLayout.setDirection( QBoxLayout.TopToBottom )
            self.layout.setDirection( QBoxLayout.RightToLeft )
            self.layout.setAlignment( self.barLayout, Qt.AlignTop )
        elif orient == SideBar.South:
            self.__tabBar.setShape( QTabBar.RoundedSouth )
            self.barLayout.setDirection( QBoxLayout.LeftToRight )
            self.layout.setDirection( QBoxLayout.BottomToTop )
            self.layout.setAlignment( self.barLayout, Qt.AlignLeft )
            # default
            orient = SideBar.West
            self.__tabBar.setShape( QTabBar.RoundedWest )
            self.barLayout.setDirection( QBoxLayout.TopToBottom )
            self.layout.setDirection( QBoxLayout.LeftToRight )
            self.layout.setAlignment( self.barLayout, Qt.AlignTop )
        self.__orientation = orient

    def tabIcon( self, index ):
        """ Provide the icon of the tab """

        return self.__tabBar.tabIcon( index )

    def setTabIcon( self, index, icon ):
        """ Set the icon of the tab """

        self.__tabBar.setTabIcon( index, icon )

    def tabText( self, index ):
        """ Provide the text of the tab """

        return self.__tabBar.tabText( index )

    def setTabText( self, index, text ):
        """ Set the text of the tab """

        self.__tabBar.setTabText( index, text )

    def tabToolTip( self, index ):
        """ Provide the tooltip text of the tab """

        return self.__tabBar.tabToolTip( index )

    def setTabToolTip( self, index, tip ):
        """ Set the tooltip text of the tab """

        self.__tabBar.setTabToolTip( index, tip )

    def tabWhatsThis( self, index ):
        """ Provide the WhatsThis text of the tab """

        return self.__tabBar.tabWhatsThis( index )

    def setTabWhatsThis( self, index, text ):
        """ Set the WhatsThis text for the tab """

        self.__tabBar.setTabWhatsThis( index, text )

    def widget( self, index ):
        """ Provides the reference to the widget (QWidget) """

        return self.__stackedWidget.widget( index )
