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Python QTableWidgetItem.setToolTip方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中PyQt4.Qt.QTableWidgetItem.setToolTip方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python QTableWidgetItem.setToolTip方法的具体用法?Python QTableWidgetItem.setToolTip怎么用?Python QTableWidgetItem.setToolTip使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在PyQt4.Qt.QTableWidgetItem的用法示例。


示例1: on_type_cb_itemchanged

# 需要导入模块: from PyQt4.Qt import QTableWidgetItem [as 别名]
# 或者: from PyQt4.Qt.QTableWidgetItem import setToolTip [as 别名]
 def on_type_cb_itemchanged(self):
     ''' changed index if new Setting hit create new Setting'''
     for i in range(self.elem_tab.rowCount()):
             cb = self.type_idx_to_cb[i]
             if(cb.currentText() == "new Setting ..."):
                 idx = cb.findText(self.type_item_state[i])
             if cb.currentText() != self.type_item_state[i] and cb.currentText() != 'CUSTOMIZED':
                 ''' load values '''#                     
                 itm = self.elem_tab.item(i, 1)
                 txt = itm.text()
                 cor_dic = self.type_to_dict[txt]
                     val = cor_dic[cb.currentText()]                    
                     self.elem_tab.setItem(i, 3, QTableWidgetItem(str(val)))
                 itm1 = self.elem_tab.item(i, 0)
                 itm2 = self.elem_tab.item(i, 1)
                 ''' if DB Lookup show request -> double click opens window: edit request and edit the condition '''
                 [request, spec] = TimingDBMap().lookup_from_spec(itm1.text(), itm2.text(), cb.currentText())
                 [condition, spec] = TimingDBMap().conditions_from_spec(itm1.text(), itm2.text(), cb.currentText())                    
                 itm = QTableWidgetItem(request)                    
                 self.elem_tab.setItem(i, 4, itm)
                 itm.setToolTip("Conditions: \n%s" % self._pretty_str_cond(condition))
                 self.db_lookup_idx_to_info[i] = [condition, request, spec]
             self.type_item_state[i] = cb.currentText()

示例2: _updateModel

# 需要导入模块: from PyQt4.Qt import QTableWidgetItem [as 别名]
# 或者: from PyQt4.Qt.QTableWidgetItem import setToolTip [as 别名]
 def _updateModel(self, what=SkyModel.UpdateAll, origin=None):
     if origin is self or not what & (SkyModel.UpdateTags | SkyModel.UpdateGroupStyle):
     model = self.model
     self._setting_model = True;  # to ignore cellChanged() signals (in valueChanged())
     # _item_cb is a dict (with row,col keys) containing the widgets (CheckBoxes ComboBoxes) per each cell
     self._item_cb = {}
     # lists of "list" and "plot" checkboxes per each grouping (excepting the default grouping); each entry is an (row,col,item) tuple.
     # used as argument to self._showControls()
     self._list_controls = []
     self._plot_controls = []
     # list of selection callbacks (to which signals are connected)
     self._callbacks = []
     # set requisite number of rows,and start filling
     for irow, group in enumerate(model.groupings):
         self.table.setItem(irow, 0, QTableWidgetItem(group.name))
         if group is model.selgroup:
             self._irow_selgroup = irow
         # total # source in group: skip for "current"
         if group is not model.curgroup:
             self.table.setItem(irow, 1, QTableWidgetItem(str(group.total)))
         # selection controls: skip for current and selection
         if group not in (model.curgroup, model.selgroup):
             btns = QWidget()
             lo = QHBoxLayout(btns)
             lo.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
             # make selector buttons (depending on which group we're in)
             if group is model.defgroup:
                 Buttons = (
                     ("+", lambda src, grp=group: True, "select all sources"),
                     ("-", lambda src, grp=group: False, "unselect all sources"))
                 Buttons = (
                     ("=", lambda src, grp=group: grp.func(src), "select only this grouping"),
                     ("+", lambda src, grp=group: src.selected or grp.func(src), "add grouping to selection"),
                     ("-", lambda src, grp=group: src.selected and not grp.func(src),
                      "remove grouping from selection"),
                     ("&&", lambda src, grp=group: src.selected and grp.func(src),
                      "intersect selection with grouping"))
             for label, predicate, tooltip in Buttons:
                 btn = QToolButton(btns)
                 # add callback
                 QObject.connect(btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._currier.curry(self.selectSources, predicate))
             self.table.setCellWidget(irow, 2, btns)
         # "list" checkbox (not for current and selected groupings: these are always listed)
         if group not in (model.curgroup, model.selgroup):
             item = self._makeCheckItem("", group, "show_list")
             self.table.setItem(irow, self.ColList, item)
             item.setToolTip("""<P>If checked, sources in this grouping will be listed in the source table. If un-checked, sources will be
         excluded from the table. If partially checked, then the default list/no list setting of "all sources" will be in effect.
         # "plot" checkbox (not for the current grouping, since that's always plotted)
         if group is not model.curgroup:
             item = self._makeCheckItem("", group, "show_plot")
             self.table.setItem(irow, self.ColPlot, item)
             item.setToolTip("""<P>If checked, sources in this grouping will be included in the plot. If un-checked, sources will be
         excluded from the plot. If partially checked, then the default plot/no plot setting of "all sources" will be in effect.
         # custom style control
         # for default, current and selected, this is just a text label
         if group is model.defgroup:
             item = QTableWidgetItem("default:")
             item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter)
                 """<P>This is the default plot style used for all sources for which a custom grouping style is not selected.</P>""")
             self.table.setItem(irow, self.ColApply, item)
         elif group is model.curgroup:
             item = QTableWidgetItem("")
             item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter)
             item.setToolTip("""<P>This is the plot style used for the highlighted source, if any.</P>""")
             self.table.setItem(irow, self.ColApply, item)
         elif group is model.selgroup:
             item = QTableWidgetItem("")
             item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter)
             item.setToolTip("""<P>This is the plot style used for the currently selected sources.</P>""")
             self.table.setItem(irow, self.ColApply, item)
         # for the rest, a combobox with custom priorities
             cb = QComboBox()
             cb.addItems(["default"] + ["custom %d" % p for p in range(1, 10)])
             index = max(0, min(group.style.apply, 9))
             #        dprint(0,group.name,"apply",index)
             QObject.connect(cb, SIGNAL("activated(int)"),
                             self._currier.xcurry(self._valueChanged, (irow, self.ColApply)))
             self.table.setCellWidget(irow, self.ColApply, cb)
             cb.setToolTip("""<P>This controls whether sources within this group are plotted with a customized
         plot style. Customized styles have numeric priority; if a source belongs to multiple groups, then
         the style with the lowest priority takes precedence.<P>""")
         # attribute comboboxes
         for icol, attr in self.AttrByCol.items():
