本文整理汇总了Python中PyQt4.Qt.QInputDialog.getItem方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python QInputDialog.getItem方法的具体用法?Python QInputDialog.getItem怎么用?Python QInputDialog.getItem使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类PyQt4.Qt.QInputDialog
示例1: s_r_save_query
# 需要导入模块: from PyQt4.Qt import QInputDialog [as 别名]
# 或者: from PyQt4.Qt.QInputDialog import getItem [as 别名]
def s_r_save_query(self, *args):
names = ['']
dex = names.index(self.saved_search_name)
dex = 0
name = ''
while not name:
name, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, _('Save search/replace'),
_('Search/replace name:'), names, dex, True)
if not ok:
if not name:
error_dialog(self, _("Save search/replace"),
_("You must provide a name."), show=True)
new = True
name = unicode(name)
if name in self.queries.keys():
if not question_dialog(self, _("Save search/replace"),
_("That saved search/replace already exists and will be overwritten. "
"Are you sure?")):
new = False
query = {}
query['name'] = name
query['search_field'] = unicode(self.search_field.currentText())
query['search_mode'] = unicode(self.search_mode.currentText())
query['s_r_template'] = unicode(self.s_r_template.text())
query['s_r_src_ident'] = unicode(self.s_r_src_ident.currentText())
query['search_for'] = unicode(self.search_for.text())
query['case_sensitive'] = self.case_sensitive.isChecked()
query['replace_with'] = unicode(self.replace_with.text())
query['replace_func'] = unicode(self.replace_func.currentText())
query['destination_field'] = unicode(self.destination_field.currentText())
query['s_r_dst_ident'] = unicode(self.s_r_dst_ident.text())
query['replace_mode'] = unicode(self.replace_mode.currentText())
query['comma_separated'] = self.comma_separated.isChecked()
query['results_count'] = self.results_count.value()
query['starting_from'] = self.starting_from.value()
query['multiple_separator'] = unicode(self.multiple_separator.text())
self.queries[name] = query
if new:
self.query_field_values = sorted([q for q in self.queries], key=sort_key)
示例2: computeImage
# 需要导入模块: from PyQt4.Qt import QInputDialog [as 别名]
# 或者: from PyQt4.Qt.QInputDialog import getItem [as 别名]
def computeImage(self, expression=None):
"""Computes image from expression (if expression is None, pops up dialog)"""
if expression is None:
(expression, ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Compute image",
"""Enter an image expression to compute.
Any valid numpy expression is supported, and
all functions from the numpy module are available (including sub-modules such as fft).
Use 'a', 'b', 'c' to refer to images.
Examples: "(a+b)/2", "cos(a)+sin(b)", "a-a.mean()", "fft.fft2(a)", etc.""")
# (expression,ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Compute image","""<P>Enter an expression to compute.
# Use 'a', 'b', etc. to refer to loaded images. Any valid numpy expression is supported, and all the
# functions from the numpy module are available. Examples of valid expressions include "(a+b)/2",
# "cos(a)+sin(b)", "a-a.mean()", etc.
# </P>
# """)
expression = str(expression)
if not ok or not expression:
# try to parse expression
arglist = [(chr(ord('a') + ic.getNumber()), ic.image) for ic in self._imagecons]
exprfunc = eval("lambda " + (",".join([x[0] for x in arglist])) + ":" + expression,
numpy.__dict__, {})
except Exception as exc:
self.showErrorMessage("""Error parsing expression "%s": %s.""" % (expression, str(exc)))
return None
# try to evaluate expression
self.showMessage("Computing expression \"%s\"" % expression, 10000)
busy = BusyIndicator()
# trim trivial trailing dimensions. This avoids the problem of when an NxMx1 and an NxMx1x1 arrays are added,
# the result is promoted to NxMxMx1 following the numpy rules.
def trimshape(shape):
out = shape
while out and out[-1] == 1:
out = out[:-1]
return out
def trimarray(array):
return array.reshape(trimshape(array.shape))
result = exprfunc(*[trimarray(x[1].data()) for x in arglist])
except Exception as exc:
busy = None
self.showErrorMessage("""Error evaluating "%s": %s.""" % (expression, str(exc)))
return None
busy = None
if type(result) != numpy.ma.masked_array and type(result) != numpy.ndarray:
"""Result of "%s" is of invalid type "%s" (array expected).""" % (expression, type(result).__name__))
return None
# convert coomplex results to real
if numpy.iscomplexobj(result):
self.showErrorMessage("""Result of "%s" is complex. Complex images are currently
not fully supported, so we'll implicitly use the absolute value instead.""" % (expression))
expression = "abs(%s)" % expression
result = abs(result)
# determine which image this expression can be associated with
res_shape = trimshape(result.shape)
arglist = [x for x in arglist if hasattr(x[1], 'fits_header') and trimshape(x[1].data().shape) == res_shape]
if not arglist:
self.showErrorMessage("""Result of "%s" has shape %s, which does not match any loaded FITS image.""" % (
expression, "x".join(map(str, result.shape))))
return None
# look for an image in the arglist with the same projection, and with a valid dirname
# (for the where-to-save hint)
template = arglist[0][1]
# if all images in arglist have the same projection, then it doesn't matter what we use
# else ask
if len([x for x in arglist[1:] if x[1].projection == template.projection]) != len(arglist) - 1:
options = [x[0] for x in arglist]
(which, ok) = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Compute image",
"Coordinate system to use for the result of \"%s\":" % expression,
options, 0, False)
if not ok:
return None
template = arglist[options.index(which)][1]
# create a FITS image
busy = BusyIndicator()
dprint(2, "creating FITS image", expression)
self.showMessage("""Creating image for %s""" % expression, 3000)
hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(result.transpose(), template.fits_header)
skyimage = SkyImage.FITSImagePlotItem(name=expression, filename=None, hdu=hdu)
busy = None
self.showErrorMessage("""Error creating FITS image %s: %s""" % (expression, str(sys.exc_info()[1])))
return None
# get directory name for save-to hint
dirname = getattr(template, 'filename', None)
if not dirname:
dirnames = [getattr(img, 'filename') for x, img in arglist if hasattr(img, 'filename')]