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Python ZopePageTemplate.write方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate.ZopePageTemplate.write方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ZopePageTemplate.write方法的具体用法?Python ZopePageTemplate.write怎么用?Python ZopePageTemplate.write使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate.ZopePageTemplate的用法示例。


示例1: get_mail_body

# 需要导入模块: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate import ZopePageTemplate [as 别名]
# 或者: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate.ZopePageTemplate import write [as 别名]
    def get_mail_body(self, fields, request, context):
        """Returns the mail-body with footer.

        schema = get_fields(context)
        all_fields = [f for f in fields
                      # TODO
                      # if not (f.isLabel() or f.isFileField()) and not (getattr(self,
                      # 'showAll', True) and f.getServerSide())]
                      if not (INamedFile.providedBy(fields[f])) and not (getattr(self, 'showAll', True) and IFieldExtender(schema[f]).serverSide)

        # which fields should we show?
        if getattr(self, 'showAll', True):
            live_fields = all_fields
            live_fields = [
                f for f in all_fields if f in getattr(self, 'showFields', ())]

        if not getattr(self, 'includeEmpties', True):
            all_fields = live_fields
            live_fields = [f for f in all_fields if fields[f]]
            for f in all_fields:
                value = fields[f]
                if value:

        #bare_fields = [schema[f] for f in live_fields]
        bare_fields = dict([(f, fields[f]) for f in live_fields])
        bodyfield = self.body_pt

        # pass both the bare_fields (fgFields only) and full fields.
        # bare_fields for compatability with older templates,
        # full fields to enable access to htmlValue
        replacer = DollarVarReplacer(fields).sub
        extra = {
            'data': bare_fields,
            'fields': dict([(i, j.title) for i, j in getFieldsInOrder(schema)]),
            'mailer': self,
            'body_pre': self.body_pre and replacer(self.body_pre),
            'body_post': self.body_post and replacer(self.body_post),
            'body_footer': self.body_footer and replacer(self.body_footer),
        template = ZopePageTemplate(self.__name__)
        template = template.__of__(context)
        body = template.pt_render(extra_context=extra)

        # if isinstance(body, unicode):
            #body = body.encode("utf-8")

        #keyid = getattr(self, 'gpg_keyid', None)
        #encryption = gpg and keyid

        # if encryption:
            #bodygpg = gpg.encrypt(body, keyid)
            # if bodygpg.strip():
                #body = bodygpg

        return body

示例2: get_mail_body

# 需要导入模块: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate import ZopePageTemplate [as 别名]
# 或者: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate.ZopePageTemplate import write [as 别名]
    def get_mail_body(self, unsorted_data, request, context):
        """Returns the mail-body with footer.

        schema = get_schema(context)
        data = OrderedDict(
            [x for x in getFieldsInOrder(schema) if x[0] in unsorted_data]


        all_data = [
            f for f in data
            # TODO
            # if not (f.isLabel() or f.isFileField()) and not (getattr(self,
            # 'showAll', True) and f.getServerSide())]
            if not (self._is_file_data(data[f])) and not (
                getattr(self, 'showAll', True) and

        # which data should we show?
        if getattr(self, 'showAll', True):
            live_data = all_data
            showFields = getattr(self, 'showFields', [])
            if showFields is None:
                showFields = []

            live_data = [
                f for f in all_data if f in showFields]

        if not getattr(self, 'includeEmpties', True):
            all_data = live_data
            live_data = [f for f in all_data if data[f]]
            for f in all_data:
                value = data[f]
                if value:

        bare_data = OrderedDict([(f, data[f]) for f in live_data])
        bodyfield = self.body_pt

        # pass both the bare_fields (fgFields only) and full fields.
        # bare_fields for compatability with older templates,
        # full fields to enable access to htmlValue
        replacer = DollarVarReplacer(data).sub
        extra = {
            'data': bare_data,
            'fields': OrderedDict([
                (i, j.title)
                for i, j in getFieldsInOrder(schema)
            'mailer': self,
            'body_pre': self.body_pre and replacer(self.body_pre),
            'body_post': self.body_post and replacer(self.body_post),
            'body_footer': self.body_footer and replacer(self.body_footer),
        template = ZopePageTemplate(self.__name__)
        template = template.__of__(context)
        body = template.pt_render(extra_context=extra)

        # if isinstance(body, unicode):
        # body = body.encode("utf-8")

        # keyid = getattr(self, 'gpg_keyid', None)
        # encryption = gpg and keyid

        # if encryption:
        # bodygpg = gpg.encrypt(body, keyid)
        # if bodygpg.strip():
        # body = bodygpg

        return body

示例3: getDefault

# 需要导入模块: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate import ZopePageTemplate [as 别名]
# 或者: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate.ZopePageTemplate import write [as 别名]
 def getDefault(self, instance):
     value = ObjectField.getDefault(self, instance)
     zpt = ZopePageTemplate(self.getName())
     return zpt.__of__(instance)

示例4: set

# 需要导入模块: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate import ZopePageTemplate [as 别名]
# 或者: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate.ZopePageTemplate import write [as 别名]
 def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
     if not isinstance(value, ZopePageTemplate):
         zpt = ZopePageTemplate(self.getName())
         value = zpt
     ObjectField.set(self, instance, value, **kwargs)

示例5: renderFeedbacktext

# 需要导入模块: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate import ZopePageTemplate [as 别名]
# 或者: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate.ZopePageTemplate import write [as 别名]
 def renderFeedbacktext(self):
     pt = ZopePageTemplate(self.id+'_tmp')
     return pt.__of__(self)()

示例6: get_mail_body

# 需要导入模块: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate import ZopePageTemplate [as 别名]
# 或者: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate.ZopePageTemplate import write [as 别名]
    def get_mail_body(self, unsorted_data, request, context):
        """Returns the mail-body with footer.
        schema = get_schema(context)

        form = DummyFormView(context, request)
        form.schema = schema
        form.prefix = 'form'
        widgets = {name: widget.render() for name, widget in form.w.items()}
        data = OrderedDict(
            [x for x in getFieldsInOrder(schema) if x[0] in unsorted_data]

        all_data = [
            f for f in data
            # TODO
            # if not (f.isLabel() or f.isFileField()) and not (getattr(self,
            # 'showAll', True) and f.getServerSide())]
            if not (self._is_file_data(data[f])) and not (
                getattr(self, 'showAll', True) and

        # which data should we show?
        if getattr(self, 'showAll', True):
            live_data = all_data
            showFields = getattr(self, 'showFields', [])
            if showFields is None:
                showFields = []

            live_data = [
                f for f in all_data if f in showFields]

        if not getattr(self, 'includeEmpties', True):
            all_data = live_data
            live_data = [f for f in all_data if data[f]]
            for f in all_data:
                value = data[f]
                if value:

        bare_data = OrderedDict([(f, data[f]) for f in live_data])
        bodyfield = self.body_pt

        # pass both the bare_fields (fgFields only) and full fields.
        # bare_fields for compatability with older templates,
        # full fields to enable access to htmlValue
        if isinstance(self.body_pre, basestring):
            body_pre = self.body_pre
            body_pre = self.body_pre.output

        if isinstance(self.body_post, basestring):
            body_post = self.body_post
            body_post = self.body_post.output

        if isinstance(self.body_footer, basestring):
            body_footer = self.body_footer
            body_footer = self.body_footer.output

        extra = {
            'data': bare_data,
            'fields': OrderedDict([
                (i, j.title)
                for i, j in getFieldsInOrder(schema)
            'widgets': widgets,
            'mailer': self,
            'body_pre': body_pre and lnbr(dollar_replacer(body_pre, data)),
            'body_post': body_post and lnbr(dollar_replacer(body_post, data)),
            'body_footer': body_footer and lnbr(
                dollar_replacer(body_footer, data)),
        template = ZopePageTemplate(self.__name__)
        template = template.__of__(context)
        return template.pt_render(extra_context=extra)

示例7: installTemplateInZodb

# 需要导入模块: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate import ZopePageTemplate [as 别名]
# 或者: from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate.ZopePageTemplate import write [as 别名]
def installTemplateInZodb(folder, template):
    obj = ZopePageTemplate(template.getId(), template._text, template.content_type)
    obj.expand = 0
    id = obj.getId()
    folder._setObject(id, obj)
