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Python Table.copy方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Orange.data.Table.copy方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Table.copy方法的具体用法?Python Table.copy怎么用?Python Table.copy使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Orange.data.Table的用法示例。


示例1: setUpClass

# 需要导入模块: from Orange.data import Table [as 别名]
# 或者: from Orange.data.Table import copy [as 别名]
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.iris = Table("iris")
     cls.collagen = Table("collagen")
     cls.normal_data = [cls.iris, cls.collagen]
     # dataset with a single attribute
     iris1 = Table(Domain(cls.iris.domain[:1]), cls.iris)
     # dataset without any attributes
     iris0 = Table(Domain([]), cls.iris)
     # data set with no lines
     empty = cls.iris[:0]
     # dataset with large blank regions
     irisunknown = Interpolate(np.arange(20))(cls.iris)
     cls.unknown_last_instance = cls.iris.copy()
     cls.unknown_last_instance.X[73] = NAN  # needs to be unknown after sampling and permutation
     # a data set with features with the same names
     sfdomain = Domain([ContinuousVariable("1"), ContinuousVariable("1")])
     cls.same_features = Table(sfdomain, [[0, 1]])
     # a data set with only infs
     cls.only_inf = iris1.copy()
     cls.only_inf.X *= np.Inf
     cls.strange_data = [iris1, iris0, empty, irisunknown, cls.unknown_last_instance,
                         cls.same_features, cls.only_inf]

示例2: FeatureScoringTest

# 需要导入模块: from Orange.data import Table [as 别名]
# 或者: from Orange.data.Table import copy [as 别名]
class FeatureScoringTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.zoo = Table("zoo")  # disc. features, disc. class
        self.housing = Table("housing")  # cont. features, cont. class
        self.monk = Table("monks-1")
        self.adult = Table("adult_sample")

    def test_info_gain(self):
        scorer = score.InfoGain()
        correct = [0.79067, 0.71795, 0.83014, 0.97432, 0.46970]
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal([scorer(self.zoo, a) for a in range(5)],
                                       correct, decimal=5)

    def test_gain_ratio(self):
        scorer = score.GainRatio()
        correct = [0.80351, 1.00000, 0.84754, 1.00000, 0.59376]
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal([scorer(self.zoo, a) for a in range(5)],
                                       correct, decimal=5)

    def test_gini(self):
        scorer = score.Gini()
        correct = [0.11893, 0.10427, 0.13117, 0.14650, 0.05973]
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal([scorer(self.zoo, a) for a in range(5)],
                                       correct, decimal=5)

    def test_classless(self):
        classless = Table(Domain(self.zoo.domain.attributes),
                          self.zoo[:, 0:-1])
        scorers = [score.Gini(), score.InfoGain(), score.GainRatio()]
        for scorer in scorers:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                scorer(classless, 0)

    def test_wrong_class_type(self):
        scorers = [score.Gini(), score.InfoGain(), score.GainRatio()]
        for scorer in scorers:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                scorer(self.housing, 0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            score.Chi2(self.housing, 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            score.ANOVA(self.housing, 2)
        score.UnivariateLinearRegression(self.housing, 2)

    def test_chi2(self):
        nrows, ncols = 500, 5
        X = np.random.randint(4, size=(nrows, ncols))
        y = 10 + (-3*X[:, 1] + X[:, 3]) // 2
        domain = Domain.from_numpy(X, y)
        domain = Domain(domain.attributes,
                        DiscreteVariable('c', values=np.unique(y)))
        table = Table(domain, X, y)
        data = preprocess.Discretize()(table)
        scorer = score.Chi2()
        sc = [scorer(data, a) for a in range(ncols)]
        self.assertTrue(np.argmax(sc) == 1)

    def test_anova(self):
        nrows, ncols = 500, 5
        X = np.random.rand(nrows, ncols)
        y = 4 + (-3*X[:, 1] + X[:, 3]) // 2
        domain = Domain.from_numpy(X, y)
        domain = Domain(domain.attributes,
                        DiscreteVariable('c', values=np.unique(y)))
        data = Table(domain, X, y)
        scorer = score.ANOVA()
        sc = [scorer(data, a) for a in range(ncols)]
        self.assertTrue(np.argmax(sc) == 1)

    def test_regression(self):
        nrows, ncols = 500, 5
        X = np.random.rand(nrows, ncols)
        y = (-3*X[:, 1] + X[:, 3]) / 2
        data = Table(X, y)
        scorer = score.UnivariateLinearRegression()
        sc = [scorer(data, a) for a in range(ncols)]
        self.assertTrue(np.argmax(sc) == 1)

    def test_relieff(self):
        old_monk = self.monk.copy()
        weights = score.ReliefF()(self.monk, None)
        found = [self.monk.domain[attr].name for attr in reversed(weights.argsort()[-3:])]
        reference = ['a', 'b', 'e']
        self.assertEqual(sorted(found), reference)
        # Original data is unchanged
        np.testing.assert_equal(old_monk.X, self.monk.X)
        np.testing.assert_equal(old_monk.Y, self.monk.Y)
        # Ensure it doesn't crash on adult dataset
        weights = score.ReliefF()(self.adult, None)
        found = sorted([self.adult.domain[attr].name for attr in weights.argsort()[-2:]])
        reference = ['marital-status', 'relationship']
        self.assertEqual(found, reference)
        # Ensure it doesn't crash on missing target class values
        old_monk.Y[0] = np.nan
        weights = score.ReliefF()(old_monk, None)

    def test_rrelieff(self):
        X = np.random.random((100, 5))

示例3: TestOWRank

# 需要导入模块: from Orange.data import Table [as 别名]
# 或者: from Orange.data.Table import copy [as 别名]

        """Check arbitrary workflow with no class variable dataset"""
        data = Table.from_table(Domain(self.iris.domain.variables), self.iris)
        self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, data)

        with patch("Orange.widgets.data.owrank.log.error") as log:
            self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.scorer, self.lin_reg, 1)
                         (len(self.iris.domain.variables), 1))

        self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.scorer, self.pca, 1)
                         (len(self.iris.domain.variables), 7))

        with patch("Orange.widgets.data.owrank.log.error") as log:
            self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.scorer, self.lin_reg, 2)
                         (len(self.iris.domain.variables), 8))

    def test_scores_sorting(self):
        """Check clicking on header column orders scores in a different way"""
        self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, self.iris)
        order1 = self.widget.ranksModel.mapToSourceRows(...).tolist()
        self.widget.ranksView.horizontalHeader().setSortIndicator(3, Qt.DescendingOrder)
        order2 = self.widget.ranksModel.mapToSourceRows(...).tolist()
        self.assertNotEqual(order1, order2)

    def test_scores_nan_sorting(self):
        """Check NaNs are sorted last"""
        data = self.iris.copy()
        data.get_column_view('petal length')[0][:] = np.nan
        self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, data)

        # Assert last row is all nan
        for order in (Qt.AscendingOrder,
            self.widget.ranksView.horizontalHeader().setSortIndicator(1, order)
            last_row = self.widget.ranksModel[self.widget.ranksModel.mapToSourceRows(...)[-1]]
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(last_row, np.repeat(np.nan, 3))

    def test_default_sort_indicator(self):
        self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, self.iris)
            0, self.widget.ranksView.horizontalHeader().sortIndicatorSection())

    def test_data_which_make_scorer_nan(self):
        Tests if widget crashes due to too high (Infinite) calculated values.
        table = Table(
                [DiscreteVariable("d", values="01")]
                [-np.power(10, 10), 1, 1],
                [0, 1, 1]
        self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, table)

示例4: FeatureScoringTest

# 需要导入模块: from Orange.data import Table [as 别名]
# 或者: from Orange.data.Table import copy [as 别名]
class FeatureScoringTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.zoo = Table("zoo")  # disc. features, disc. class
        self.housing = Table("housing")  # cont. features, cont. class
        self.monk = Table("monks-1")
        self.adult = Table("adult_sample")

    def test_info_gain(self):
        scorer = score.InfoGain()
        correct = [0.79067, 0.71795, 0.83014, 0.97432, 0.46970]
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal([scorer(self.zoo, a) for a in range(5)],
                                       correct, decimal=5)

    def test_gain_ratio(self):
        scorer = score.GainRatio()
        correct = [0.80351, 1.00000, 0.84754, 1.00000, 0.59376]
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal([scorer(self.zoo, a) for a in range(5)],
                                       correct, decimal=5)

    def test_gini(self):
        scorer = score.Gini()
        correct = [0.11893, 0.10427, 0.13117, 0.14650, 0.05973]
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal([scorer(self.zoo, a) for a in range(5)],
                                       correct, decimal=5)

    def test_classless(self):
        classless = Table(Domain(self.zoo.domain.attributes),
                          self.zoo[:, 0:-1])
        scorers = [score.Gini(), score.InfoGain(), score.GainRatio()]
        for scorer in scorers:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                scorer(classless, 0)

    def test_wrong_class_type(self):
        scorers = [score.Gini(), score.InfoGain(), score.GainRatio()]
        for scorer in scorers:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                scorer(self.housing, 0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            score.Chi2(self.housing, 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            score.ANOVA(self.housing, 2)
        score.UnivariateLinearRegression(self.housing, 2)

    def test_chi2(self):
        nrows, ncols = 500, 5
        X = np.random.randint(4, size=(nrows, ncols))
        y = 10 + (-3*X[:, 1] + X[:, 3]) // 2
        data = preprocess.Discretize()(Table(X, y))
        scorer = score.Chi2()
        sc = [scorer(data, a) for a in range(ncols)]
        self.assertTrue(np.argmax(sc) == 1)

    def test_anova(self):
        nrows, ncols = 500, 5
        X = np.random.rand(nrows, ncols)
        y = 4 + (-3*X[:, 1] + X[:, 3]) // 2
        data = Table(X, y)
        scorer = score.ANOVA()
        sc = [scorer(data, a) for a in range(ncols)]
        self.assertTrue(np.argmax(sc) == 1)

    def test_regression(self):
        nrows, ncols = 500, 5
        X = np.random.rand(nrows, ncols)
        y = (-3*X[:, 1] + X[:, 3]) / 2
        data = Table(X, y)
        scorer = score.UnivariateLinearRegression()
        sc = [scorer(data, a) for a in range(ncols)]
        self.assertTrue(np.argmax(sc) == 1)

    def test_relieff(self):
        old_monk = self.monk.copy()
        weights = score.ReliefF()(self.monk, None)
        found = [self.monk.domain[attr].name for attr in reversed(weights.argsort()[-3:])]
        reference = ['a', 'b', 'e']
        self.assertEqual(sorted(found), reference)
        # Original data is unchanged
        np.testing.assert_equal(old_monk.X, self.monk.X)
        np.testing.assert_equal(old_monk.Y, self.monk.Y)
        # Ensure it doesn't crash on adult dataset
        weights = score.ReliefF()(self.adult, None)
        found = sorted([self.adult.domain[attr].name for attr in weights.argsort()[-2:]])
        reference = ['marital-status', 'relationship']
        self.assertEqual(found, reference)

    def test_rrelieff(self):
        scorer = score.RReliefF()
        score.RReliefF.__init__(scorer, n_iterations=100, k_nearest=70)
        weights = scorer(self.housing, None)
        best_five = [self.housing.domain[attr].name
                     for attr in reversed(weights.argsort()[-5:])]
        self.assertTrue('AGE' in best_five)
