本文整理汇总了Python中OSC.OSCClient.sendto方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python OSCClient.sendto方法的具体用法?Python OSCClient.sendto怎么用?Python OSCClient.sendto使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类OSC.OSCClient
示例1: send_oscbundle
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def send_oscbundle(self):
# send a bundle with current bpm and polar coordinates of
# sound-objects relative to player
# /game/bpm
client = OSCClient()
bpm = OSCMessage()
bundle = OSCBundle()
# /game/sndobj/id-bola (ang, mod)
scn = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
play = scn.objects["player"]
for ball in self.soundobjects:
ballpos = ball.worldPosition
vect = mathutils.Vector((0,1))
dist = play.getVectTo(ballpos)[0]
vect2 = play.getVectTo(ballpos)[2].to_2d()
angle = math.degrees(-vect.angle_signed(vect2))
#print("angle ", angle, "distancia ",dist)
data = (angle, dist)
# append data to bundle
msg = OSCMessage()
tag = "/game/sndobj/position/" + str(ball['id'])
#gl.client is a tuple in gl with ip and port
client.sendto(bundle, gl.send_to)
示例2: sendOSCnextlevel
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def sendOSCnextlevel():
client = OSCClient()
msg = OSCMessage()
# gl.client is a tuple in gl with ip and port
address = "/game/nextlevel"
client.sendto(msg, gl.send_to)
#print('Send message example =', msg, "to ", gl.send_to)
示例3: send_choque
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def send_choque(self):
client = OSCClient()
msg = OSCMessage()
# gl.client is a tuple in gl with ip and port
address = "/player/choque"
client.sendto(msg, gl.send_to)
#print('Send message example =', msg, "to ", gl.send_to)
示例4: send_destroy
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def send_destroy(self,id):
client = OSCClient()
msg = OSCMessage()
# gl.client is a tuple in gl with ip and port
address = "/game/sndobj/destroy"
client.sendto(msg, gl.send_to)
#print('Send message example =', msg, "to ", gl.send_to)
示例5: send_stop
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def send_stop(self):
# da stop al soundengine
client = OSCClient()
msg = OSCMessage()
# gl.client is a tuple in gl with ip and port
address = "/game/stop"
client.sendto(msg, gl.send_to)
#print('Send message example =', msg, "to ", gl.send_to)
示例6: send_osccreation
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def send_osccreation(self, lista):
# crea los objetos en el sound engine
client = OSCClient()
msg = OSCMessage()
# gl.client is a tuple in gl with ip and port
address = "/game/create"
client.sendto(msg, gl.send_to)
#print('Send message example =', msg, "to ", gl.send_to)
示例7: sendOSCend
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def sendOSCend():
client = OSCClient()
msg = OSCMessage()
# gl.client is a tuple in gl with ip and port
address = "/game/end"
client.sendto(msg, gl.send_to)
print('Send message example =', msg, "to ", gl.send_to)
示例8: main
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def main():
client = OSCClient()
address = ('', 6666)
while True:
state = hand_state()
if state['left']:
msg = OSCMessage('/volume')
msg.append(clamp(state['left'], 100, 600))
client.sendto(msg, address)
if state['right']:
msg = OSCMessage('/pitch')
msg.append(clamp(state['right'], 100, 600))
client.sendto(msg, address)
示例9: send_osclocation
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def send_osclocation(self):
#cuando hay un cambio de situacion se envia
# /player/in /player/out /player/border
client = OSCClient()
msg = OSCMessage()
# gl.client is a tuple in gl with ip and port
if self['location'] == 'IN':
address = "/player/in"
elif self['location'] == 'OUT':
address = "/player/out"
address = "/player/border"
client.sendto(msg, gl.send_to)
#print('Send message example =', msg, "to ", gl.send_to)
示例10: quick_message
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def quick_message(host, port, path, *args):
msg = OSCMessage(path)
[msg.append(d) for d in args]
client = OSCClient()
client.sendto(msg, (host, port), timeout=0)
示例11: PantallaServer
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
class PantallaServer(PrototypeInterface):
""" Pantalla prototype class
all prototypes must define setup() and loop() functions
self.messageQ will have all messages coming in from LocalNet """
## overide the osc handler
def _oscHandler(self, addr, tags, stuff, source):
addrTokens = addr.lstrip('/').split('/')
## list of all receivers
if ((addrTokens[0].lower() == "localnet")
and (addrTokens[1].lower() == "receivers")):
## as good, if not better than a ping
self.lastPingTime = time.time()
print "got receivers %s"%(stuff[0])
for rcvr in stuff[0].split(','):
self.allReceivers[rcvr] = rcvr
if(self.subscribedToAll and not self.subscribedReceivers):
## hijack /LocalNet/Add !
elif ((addrTokens[0].lower() == "localnet")
and (addrTokens[1].lower() == "add")):
ip = getUrlStr(source).split(":")[0]
port = int(stuff[0])
print "adding %s:%s to PantallaServer" % (ip, port)
self.allClients[(ip,port)] = addrTokens[2]
## hijack a /LocalNet/ListReceivers
elif ((addrTokens[0].lower() == "localnet")
and (addrTokens[1].lower().startswith("listreceiver"))):
ip = getUrlStr(source).split(":")[0]
port = int(stuff[0])
## send list of receivers to client
msg = OSCMessage()
print "got a request for receivers from %s:%s"%(ip,port)
#self.oscClient.connect((ip, port))
self.oscClient.sendto(msg, (ip, port))
#self.oscClient.connect((ip, port))
except OSCClientError:
print "no connection to %s:%s, can't send list of receivers"%(ip,port)
## actual message from AEffect Network !!
elif (addrTokens[0].lower() == "aeffectlab"):
## ping
if ((addrTokens[0].lower() == "localnet")
and (addrTokens[1].lower() == "ping")):
self.lastPingTime = time.time()
# forward to clients
for (ip,port) in self.allClients.keys():
#self.oscClient.connect((ip, int(port)))
self.oscClient.sendto(self.oscPingMessage, (ip, int(port)))
#self.oscClient.connect((ip, int(port)))
except OSCClientError:
print ("no connection to %s:%s, can't send bang"%(ip,port))
def setup(self):
self.name = "VLE"
self.allClients = {}
self.oscClient = OSCClient()
## subscribe to all receivers from localnet
self.oldMessages = []
self.lastQueueCheck = time.time()
self.oscPingMessage = OSCMessage()
## use empty byte blob
self.oscPingMessage.append("", 'b')
def _oneWordToEach(self, locale,type,txt):
clientIndex = 0
words = txt.split()
for w in words:
msg = OSCMessage()
msg.append(w.encode('utf-8'), 'b')
(ip,port) = self.allClients.keys()[clientIndex]
#self.oscClient.connect((ip, int(port)))
self.oscClient.sendto(msg, (ip, int(port)))
#self.oscClient.connect((ip, int(port)))
except OSCClientError:
print "no connection to %s:%s, can't send message "%(ip,port)
#del self.allClients[(ip,port)]
if (self.allClients):
clientIndex = (clientIndex+1)%len(self.allClients.keys())
def _oneMessageToEach(self, locale,type,txt):
clientKeys = self.allClients.keys()
## get a random client to push the new message
示例12: waffle_send
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def waffle_send(self, path, *args):
msg = OSCMessage(path)
map(msg.append, args)
client = OSCClient()
client.sendto(msg, (self.app_host, self.app_port), timeout=0)
示例13: waffle_send_any
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
def waffle_send_any(self, host, port, path, *args):
msg = OSCMessage(path)
map(msg.append, args)
client = OSCClient()
client.sendto(msg, (host, port), timeout=0)
示例14: Wiimy_mapping
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
class Wiimy_mapping(object):
Class designed to send the wiimote state via OSC.
Sends acc, nunchuk and buttons state messages from cwiid.
The update state
def __init__(self, address=('localhost', 5600)):
""" Set up a connection to the address specified. """
self.client = OSCClient()
self.address = address
self.prev_state = None
def set_acc_cal(self, remote_cal, nunchuk_cal):
Receives the initial calibration values for
the remote and the nunchuk. These are used to
calculate pitch and roll :)
self.cal_r_x = remote_cal[0][0] /(remote_cal[1][0] - remote_cal[0][0])
self.cal_r_y = remote_cal[0][1] /(remote_cal[1][1] - remote_cal[0][1])
self.cal_r_z = remote_cal[0][2] /(remote_cal[1][2] - remote_cal[0][2])
self.cal_n_x = nunchuk_cal[0][0] /(nunchuk_cal[1][0] - nunchuk_cal[0][0])
self.cal_n_y = nunchuk_cal[0][1] /(nunchuk_cal[1][1] - nunchuk_cal[0][1])
self.cal_n_z = nunchuk_cal[0][2] /(nunchuk_cal[1][2] - nunchuk_cal[0][2])
def update_state(self, state):
state = parse_state(state)
if self.prev_state:
for k in state:
if not self.prev_state[k] == state[k]:
getattr(self, k)(state[k])
self.prev_state = state
self.prev_state = state
for k in state.keys():
getattr(self, k)(state[k])
def acc(self, state):
Extract acceleration, pitch and roll from the wiimote.
# Need to calculate pitch and roll here...
a_x = state[0] - self.cal_r_x
a_y = state[1] - self.cal_r_y
a_z = state[2] - self.cal_r_z
roll = atan(a_x/a_z)
if a_z < 0.0:
if a_x > 0.0:
roll += pi
roll += (pi * -1)
roll *= -1
pitch = atan(a_y/a_z*cos(roll))
msg = OSCMessage('/wii/acc')
msg.append((a_x, a_y, a_z))
self.client.sendto(msg=msg, address=self.address)
msg = OSCMessage('/wii/orientation')
msg.append((pitch, roll))
self.client.sendto(msg=msg, address=self.address)
def buttons(self, state):
""" Extract button A, minus and plus only. """
msg_a = OSCMessage('/wii/button/a')
msg_minus = OSCMessage('/wii/button/minus')
msg_plus = OSCMessage('/wii/button/plus')
a = 0
minus = 0
plus = 0
if state in (8, 24, 4104, 4120):
a = 1
if state in (16, 24, 4104, 4120):
minus = 1
if state in (4096, 24, 4104, 4120):
plus = 1
self.client.sendto(msg=msg_a, address=self.address)
self.client.sendto(msg=msg_minus, address=self.address)
self.client.sendto(msg=msg_plus, address=self.address)
def nunchuk(self, state):
Extract acceleration, pitch, roll and both buttons
from the nunchuk.
# Need to calculate pitch and roll here...
a_x = state['acc'][0] - self.cal_n_x
a_y = state['acc'][1] - self.cal_n_y
示例15: Wiimy_mapping
# 需要导入模块: from OSC import OSCClient [as 别名]
# 或者: from OSC.OSCClient import sendto [as 别名]
class Wiimy_mapping(object):
Class designed to send the wiimote state via OSC.
Sends acc, nunchuk and buttons state messages from cwiid.
This is a base class template, it ought to be extended
to implement specific mapping strategies.
acc, buttons and nunchuk can be overriden.
def __init__(self, address=('localhost', 5600)):
""" Set up a connection to the address specified. """
self.client = OSCClient()
self.address = address
self.prev_state = None
def set_acc_cal(self, remote_cal, nunchuk_cal=None):
Receives the initial calibration values for
the remote and the nunchuk. These are used to
calculate pitch and roll :)
self.cal_r_x = \
remote_cal[0][0] /(remote_cal[1][0] - remote_cal[0][0])
self.cal_r_y = \
remote_cal[0][1] /(remote_cal[1][1] - remote_cal[0][1])
self.cal_r_z = \
remote_cal[0][2] /(remote_cal[1][2] - remote_cal[0][2])
if nunchuk_cal:
self.cal_n_x = \
nunchuk_cal[0][0] /(nunchuk_cal[1][0] - nunchuk_cal[0][0])
self.cal_n_y = \
nunchuk_cal[0][1] /(nunchuk_cal[1][1] - nunchuk_cal[0][1])
self.cal_n_z = \
nunchuk_cal[0][2] /(nunchuk_cal[1][2] - nunchuk_cal[0][2])
def update_state(self, state):
if hasattr(self, 'cal_n_x'):
state = full_mapping(state)
state = mapping_no_nunchuk(state)
if self.prev_state:
for k in state:
if not self.prev_state[k] == state[k]:
getattr(self, k)(state[k])
self.prev_state = state
self.prev_state = state
for k in state.keys():
getattr(self, k)(state[k])
def acc(self, state):
Extract acceleration, pitch and roll from the wiimote.
Stub method which can be extended in a subclass to
implement specific mappping strategies and send custom messages.
# Normalise values and calculate pitch and roll
a_x = state[0] - self.cal_r_x
a_y = state[2] - self.cal_r_y
a_z = state[1] - self.cal_r_z
roll = atan(a_x/a_z)
if a_z < 0.0:
if a_x > 0.0:
roll += pi
roll += (pi * -1)
roll *= -1
pitch = atan(a_y/a_z*cos(roll))
# Send OSC message to the server
msg = OSCMessage('/acc')
msg.append((a_x, a_z, a_y, pitch, roll))
self.client.sendto(msg=msg, address=self.address)
def buttons(self, state):
Stub method which can be extended in a subclass to
implement specific mappping strategies and send custom messages.
The state parameter is a number. When no buttons are pressed
state is 0. Each button has it's own number but when multiple
buttons are pressed these numbers are added together in the state
TODO: List all the button numbers here for convenience.
def nunchuk(self, state):
Receive all nunchuk info here: this method should be