本文整理汇总了Python中MoinMoin.i18n._函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python _函数的具体用法?Python _怎么用?Python _使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _default_password_checker
def _default_password_checker(cfg, username, password):
""" Check if a password is secure enough.
We use a built-in check to get rid of the worst passwords.
We do NOT use cracklib / python-crack here any more because it is
not thread-safe (we experienced segmentation faults when using it).
If you don't want to check passwords, use password_checker = None.
:returns: None if there is no problem with the password,
some unicode object with an error msg, if the password is problematic.
# in any case, do a very simple built-in check to avoid the worst passwords
if len(password) < 6:
return _("Password is too short.")
if len(set(password)) < 4:
return _("Password has not enough different characters.")
username_lower = username.lower()
password_lower = password.lower()
if username in password or password in username or \
username_lower in password_lower or password_lower in username_lower:
return _("Password is too easy to guess (password contains name or name contains password).")
keyboards = (ur"`1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./", # US kbd
ur"^1234567890ß´qwertzuiopü+asdfghjklöä#yxcvbnm,.-", # german kbd
) # add more keyboards!
for kbd in keyboards:
rev_kbd = kbd[::-1]
if password in kbd or password in rev_kbd or \
password_lower in kbd or password_lower in rev_kbd:
return _("Password is too easy to guess (keyboard sequence).")
return None
示例2: get_bool
def get_bool(arg, name=None, default=None):
For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
as macro parameters, return a boolean from a unicode string.
Valid input is 'true'/'false', 'yes'/'no' and '1'/'0' or None for
the default value.
:param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
:param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
:param default: default value if arg is None
:rtype: boolean or None
:returns: the boolean value of the string according to above rules
(or default value)
assert default is None or isinstance(default, bool)
if arg is None:
return default
elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
arg = arg.lower()
if arg in [u'0', u'false', u'no']:
return False
elif arg in [u'1', u'true', u'yes']:
return True
if name:
raise ValueError(
_('Argument "%(name)s" must be a boolean value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
raise ValueError(
_('Argument must be a boolean value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
示例3: get_int
def get_int(arg, name=None, default=None):
For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
as macro parameters, return an integer from a unicode string
containing the decimal representation of a number.
None is a valid input and yields the default value.
:param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
:param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
:param default: default value if arg is None
:rtype: int or None
:returns: the integer value of the string (or default value)
assert default is None or isinstance(default, (int, long))
if arg is None:
return default
elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
return int(arg)
except ValueError:
if name:
raise ValueError(
_('Argument "%(name)s" must be an integer value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
raise ValueError(
_('Argument must be an integer value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
示例4: get_float
def get_float(arg, name=None, default=None):
For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
as macro parameters, return a float from a unicode string.
None is a valid input and yields the default value.
:param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
:param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
:param default: default return value if arg is None
:rtype: float or None
:returns: the float value of the string (or default value)
assert default is None or isinstance(default, (int, long, float))
if arg is None:
return default
elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
return float(arg)
except ValueError:
if name:
raise ValueError(
_('Argument "%(name)s" must be a floating point value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
raise ValueError(
_('Argument must be a floating point value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
示例5: get_complex
def get_complex(arg, name=None, default=None):
For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
as macro parameters, return a complex from a unicode string.
None is a valid input and yields the default value.
:param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
:param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
:param default: default return value if arg is None
:rtype: complex or None
:returns: the complex value of the string (or default value)
assert default is None or isinstance(default, (int, long, float, complex))
if arg is None:
return default
elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
# allow writing 'i' instead of 'j'
arg = arg.replace('i', 'j').replace('I', 'j')
return complex(arg)
except ValueError:
if name:
raise ValueError(
_('Argument "%(name)s" must be a complex value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
raise ValueError(
_('Argument must be a complex value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
示例6: trash
def trash(namespace):
Returns the trashed items.
trash = _trashed(namespace)
return render_template('admin/trash.html',
headline=_(u'Trashed Items'),
title_name=_(u'Trashed Items'),
示例7: interwikihelp
def interwikihelp():
"""display a table with list of known interwiki names / urls"""
headings = [_('InterWiki name'),
rows = sorted(app.cfg.interwiki_map.items())
return render_template('admin/interwikihelp.html',
title_name=_(u"Interwiki Help"),
示例8: button_filter
def button_filter(tagname, attributes, contents, context, bind):
"""Show translated text in clickable buttons and submits."""
if bind is None:
return contents
if tagname == 'input':
if ('value' not in attributes and
attributes.get('type') in ['submit', 'reset', ]):
attributes['value'] = _(bind.default_value)
elif tagname == 'button' and not contents:
contents = _(bind.default_value)
return contents
示例9: itemsize
def itemsize():
"""display a table with item sizes"""
headings = [_('Size'),
_('Item name'),
rows = [(rev.meta[SIZE], rev.meta[NAME])
for rev in flaskg.storage.documents(wikiname=app.cfg.interwikiname)]
rows = sorted(rows, reverse=True)
return render_template('admin/itemsize.html',
title_name=_(u"Item Size"),
示例10: _render_data
def _render_data(self):
# TODO: this could be a converter -> dom, then transcluding this kind
# of items and also rendering them with the code in base class could work
png_url = url_for('frontend.get_item', item_name=self.name, member='drawing.png', rev=self.rev.revid)
title = _('Edit drawing %(filename)s (opens in new window)', filename=self.name)
image_map = self._read_map()
if image_map:
mapid, image_map = self._transform_map(image_map, title)
title = _('Clickable drawing: %(filename)s', filename=self.name)
return Markup(image_map + u'<img src="{0}" alt="{1}" usemap="#{2}" />'.format(png_url, title, mapid))
return Markup(u'<img src="{0}" alt="{1}" />'.format(png_url, title))
示例11: __call__
def __call__(self, rev, contenttype=None, arguments=None):
self.item_name = rev.item.name
contents = self.list_contents(rev.data)
contents = [(self.process_size(size),
) for size, dt, name in contents]
return self.build_dom_table(contents, head=[_("Size"), _("Date"), _("Name")], cls='zebra')
except ArchiveException as err:
logging.exception("An exception within archive file handling occurred:")
# XXX we also use a table for error reporting, could be
# something more adequate, though:
return self.build_dom_table([[str(err)]])
示例12: highlighterhelp
def highlighterhelp():
"""display a table with list of available Pygments lexers"""
import pygments.lexers
headings = [_('Lexer description'),
_('Lexer names'),
_('File patterns'),
lexers = pygments.lexers.get_all_lexers()
rows = sorted([[desc, ' '.join(names), ' '.join(patterns), ' '.join(mimetypes), ]
for desc, names, patterns, mimetypes in lexers])
return render_template('admin/highlighterhelp.html',
title_name=_(u"Highlighter Help"),
示例13: request
def request(self, user_obj, **kw):
u = None
# always revalidate auth
if user_obj and user_obj.auth_method == self.name:
user_obj = None
# something else authenticated before us
if user_obj:
return user_obj, True
auth = request.authorization
if auth and auth.username and auth.password is not None:
logging.debug("http basic auth, received username: {0!r} password: {1!r}".format(
auth.username, auth.password))
u = user.User(name=auth.username.decode(self.coding),
auth_method=self.name, auth_attribs=[], trusted=self.trusted)
logging.debug("user: {0!r}".format(u))
if not u or not u.valid:
from werkzeug import Response, abort
response = Response(_('Please log in first.'), 401,
{'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="{0}"'.format(self.realm)})
logging.debug("u: {0!r}".format(u))
if u and self.autocreate:
logging.debug("autocreating user")
if u and u.valid:
logging.debug("returning valid user {0!r}".format(u))
return u, True # True to get other methods called, too
logging.debug("returning {0!r}".format(user_obj))
return user_obj, True
示例14: item_acl_report
def item_acl_report():
Return a list of all items in the wiki along with the ACL Meta-data
all_items = flaskg.storage.documents(wikiname=app.cfg.interwikiname)
items_acls = []
for item in all_items:
item_namespace = item.meta.get(NAMESPACE)
item_id = item.meta.get(ITEMID)
item_name = item.meta.get(NAME)
item_acl = item.meta.get(ACL)
acl_default = item_acl is None
fqname = CompositeName(item_namespace, u'itemid', item_id)
if acl_default:
for namespace, acl_config in app.cfg.acl_mapping:
if item_namespace == namespace[:-1]:
item_acl = acl_config['default']
items_acls.append({'name': item_name,
'itemid': item_id,
'fqname': fqname,
'acl': item_acl,
'acl_default': acl_default})
return render_template('admin/item_acl_report.html',
title_name=_('Item ACL Report'),
示例15: add_heading
def add_heading(self, elem, level, id=None):
html.href: "#{0}".format(id),
html.class_: "moin-permalink",
html.title_: _("Link to this heading")
}, children=(u"¶", )))
self._headings.append((elem, level, id))