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Python PageEditor.get_real_rev方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor.get_real_rev方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python PageEditor.get_real_rev方法的具体用法?Python PageEditor.get_real_rev怎么用?Python PageEditor.get_real_rev使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor的用法示例。


示例1: xmlrpc_mergeDiff

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor import get_real_rev [as 别名]
    def xmlrpc_mergeDiff(self, pagename, diff, local_rev, delta_remote_rev, last_remote_rev, interwiki_name, normalised_name):
        Merges a diff sent by the remote machine and returns the number of the new revision.
        Additionally, this method tags the new revision.

        @param pagename: The pagename that is currently dealt with.
        @param diff: The diff that can be applied to the version specified by delta_remote_rev.
            If it is None, the page is deleted.
        @param local_rev: The revno of the page on the other wiki system, used for the tag.
        @param delta_remote_rev: The revno that the diff is taken against.
        @param last_remote_rev: The last revno of the page `pagename` that is known by the other wiki site.
        @param interwiki_name: Used to build the interwiki tag.
        @param normalised_name: The normalised pagename that is common to both wikis.

        @return: Returns the current revision number after the merge was done. Or one of the following errors:
            * "SUCCESS" - the page could be merged and tagged successfully.
            * "NOT_EXIST" - item does not exist and there was not any content supplied.
            * "LASTREV_INVALID" - the page was changed and the revision got invalid
            * "INTERNAL_ERROR" - there was an internal error
            * "NOT_ALLOWED" - you are not allowed to do the merge operation on the page
        from MoinMoin.util.bdiff import decompress, patch
        from MoinMoin.wikisync import TagStore, BOTH
        from MoinMoin.packages import unpackLine
        LASTREV_INVALID = xmlrpclib.Fault("LASTREV_INVALID", "The page was changed")

        pagename = self._instr(pagename)

        comment = u"Remote Merge - %r" % unpackLine(interwiki_name)[-1]

        # User may read page?
        if not self.request.user.may.read(pagename) or not self.request.user.may.write(pagename):
            return xmlrpclib.Fault("NOT_ALLOWED", "You are not allowed to write to this page.")

        # XXX add locking here!

        # current version of the page
        currentpage = PageEditor(self.request, pagename, do_editor_backup=0)

        if last_remote_rev is not None and currentpage.get_real_rev() != last_remote_rev:
            return LASTREV_INVALID

        if not currentpage.exists() and diff is None:
            return xmlrpclib.Fault("NOT_EXIST", "The page does not exist and no diff was supplied.")

        if diff is None: # delete the page
            except PageEditor.AccessDenied, (msg, ):
                return xmlrpclib.Fault("NOT_ALLOWED", msg)
            return currentpage.get_real_rev()

示例2: run

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor import get_real_rev [as 别名]

                    and (remote_rev is None or is_remote_conflict)):
                    self.log_status(ActionClass.WARN, _("Skipped page %s because of a locally or remotely unresolved conflict."), (local_pagename, ))

                if remote_rev is None and direction == BOTH:
                    self.log_status(ActionClass.INFO, _("This is the first synchronisation between the local and the remote wiki for the page %s."), (sp.name, ))

                # calculate remote page contents from diff
                if sp.remote_deleted:
                    remote_contents = ""
                elif diff is None:
                    remote_contents = old_contents
                    remote_contents = patch(patch_base_contents, decompress(diff))

                if diff is None: # only a local change
                    if debug:
                        self.log_status(ActionClass.INFO, raw_suffix="Only local changes for %r" % sp.name)
                    merged_text_raw = current_page.get_raw_body_str()
                    if sp.local_mime_type == MIMETYPE_MOIN:
                        merged_text = merged_text_raw.decode("utf-8")
                elif local_rev == sp.local_rev:
                    if debug:
                        self.log_status(ActionClass.INFO, raw_suffix="Only remote changes for %r" % sp.name)
                    merged_text_raw = remote_contents
                    if sp.local_mime_type == MIMETYPE_MOIN:
                        merged_text = merged_text_raw.decode("utf-8")
                    # this is guaranteed by a check above
                    assert sp.local_mime_type == MIMETYPE_MOIN
                    remote_contents_unicode = remote_contents.decode("utf-8")
                    # here, the actual 3-way merge happens
                    merged_text = diff3.text_merge(old_contents.decode("utf-8"), remote_contents_unicode, current_page.get_raw_body(), 1, *conflict_markers) # YYY direct access
                    if debug:
                        self.log_status(ActionClass.INFO, raw_suffix="Merging %r, %r and %r into %r" % (old_contents.decode("utf-8"), remote_contents_unicode, current_page.get_raw_body(), merged_text))
                    merged_text_raw = merged_text.encode("utf-8")

                # generate binary diff
                diff = textdiff(remote_contents, merged_text_raw)
                if debug:
                    self.log_status(ActionClass.INFO, raw_suffix="Diff against %r" % remote_contents)

                # XXX upgrade to write lock
                    local_change_done = True
                    current_page.saveText(merged_text, sp.local_rev or 0, comment=comment) # YYY direct access
                except PageEditor.Unchanged:
                    local_change_done = False
                except PageEditor.EditConflict:
                    local_change_done = False
                    assert False, "You stumbled on a problem with the current storage system - I cannot lock pages"

                new_local_rev = current_page.get_real_rev() # YYY direct access

                def rollback_local_change(): # YYY direct local access
                    comment = u"Wikisync rollback"
                    rev = new_local_rev - 1
                    revstr = '%08d' % rev
                    oldpg = Page(self.request, sp.local_name, rev=rev)
                    pg = PageEditor(self.request, sp.local_name)
                    if not oldpg.exists():
                            savemsg = pg.saveText(oldpg.get_raw_body(), 0, comment=comment, extra=revstr, action="SAVE/REVERT")
                        except PageEditor.Unchanged:
                    return sp.local_name

                if local_change_done:

                if direction == BOTH:
                    yield remote.merge_diff_pre(sp.remote_name, compress(diff), new_local_rev, current_remote_rev, current_remote_rev, local_full_iwid, sp.name)
                        very_current_remote_rev = remote.merge_diff_post(yielder.fetch_result())
                    except NotAllowedException:
                        self.log_status(ActionClass.ERROR, _("The page %s could not be merged because you are not allowed to modify the page in the remote wiki."), (sp.name, ))
                    very_current_remote_rev = current_remote_rev

                if local_change_done:

                # this is needed at least for direction both and cgi sync to standalone for immutable pages on both
                # servers. It is not needed for the opposite direction
                    tags.add(remote_wiki=remote_full_iwid, remote_rev=very_current_remote_rev, current_rev=new_local_rev, direction=direction, normalised_name=sp.name)
                    self.log_status(ActionClass.ERROR, _("The page %s could not be merged because you are not allowed to modify the page in the remote wiki."), (sp.name, ))

                if sp.local_mime_type != MIMETYPE_MOIN or not wikiutil.containsConflictMarker(merged_text):
                    self.log_status(ActionClass.INFO, _("Page %s successfully merged."), (sp.name, ))
                elif is_remote_conflict:
                    self.log_status(ActionClass.WARN, _("Page %s contains conflicts that were introduced on the remote side."), (sp.name, ))
                    self.log_status(ActionClass.WARN, _("Page %s merged with conflicts."), (sp.name, ))
